From the updated 3rd edition, Volume 3, of the Unbroken Chain, page 552:
G12.1 R' Haim Solomon Zeimler Rabinowitz/Rabinovitch, ABD Zeimel (Zeimelis, Zeimys)
He is the son of G11.2 Aryey Leib Katzenellenbogen, ABD Brest-Litovsk, died 1837.
listed as R. Haim Solomon Zimler, A.B.D. Zeimel in The Unbroken Chain (page 647, Chapter VIII, Branch C) However, Reb Shlomo had a son named Chaim of Krekenava
Reb Shlomo was the rabbi in Zeimelis (Zheimel) from 1824 to his death in 1864.
Reb Shlomo was apparently considered a 'Wonder rabbi' who could cure the sick with his prayers. He had a herb garden and was knowledgable on heir medicinal properties, administering herbs with prayers.
Sources that mention Reb Shlomo specifically by that name include:
"Zheimel History", available at [http://kehilalinks.jewishgen.org/zeimelis/yosefros.htm] (listing R. Shlomo as rabbi from 1824-1864, with Benjamin-Dober Diamand succeeding him, apparently until 1883 when Rabbi Shalom Elchanan Jaffe replaced Benjamin.
"Jewish Cities, Towns and Villages in Lithuania until 1918 (Lithuania) Yidishe shtet, shtetlekh un dorfishe yishuvim in Lite: biz 1918: historish-biografishe skitses", page 173 available at http://www.hebrewbooks.org/pagefeed/hebrewbooks_org_46565_182.pdf
רבנים. — הגאון המקובל ר׳
שלמה, פץ 1824 ביז 1864 ,ווען ניפטר
געווארן. געלעבט אין גרוים דחקות. זיין
אייניקל ר׳ משה־יהודה ראבינאוויטש,
מחבר פון מספד גדול וכבד אויפן זיידן.
ר׳ בנימין בר׳ דוב דימאנד, פון
1864 ,שפעטער אב״ד פאסוואל און
סימפעראפאל. זי_ץ פאטער אב״ד טאווריק,
(stating Reb Shlomo was in Zeimelis from 1824 to 1864 and that he had a son Benjamin Dober Diamond and a grandson Moshe Yehuda Rabinowitz)
מספד גדול וכבד מאוד, available at [http://www.hebrewbooks.org/19477[ ]]Message board post #2 at [https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=iw&u=http://forum.o...] notes Moshe Yehuda Rabinowitz was son of Isaac and grandson of R. Shlomo from Zeimel)
1792 |
Zagare, Lithuania
1835 |
1864 |
January 16, 1864
Age 72
Žeimelis, Pakruojis District Municipality, Šiauliai County, Lithuania
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Shatt (Seta), District of Kovno