R' Yaakov Kuly Slonim

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About R' Yaakov Kuly Slonim

In 1845, Yaakov Slonim was sent to Hebron together with his wife by the Lubavicher Rebbe, to become the community chief Chabad Rabbi of Hebron.

ספר תולדות משפחת הרב מלאדי

R' Yaakov Kuly Slonim

Melamed Kabbala (al pe nistar) in Yeshiva in Chevron,head of Chevra Kaddisha & Chevra GemaCH. travelled when sick to Yerushalyim, Niftar there 2 teves, 5617. Buried Har haZeisim בספר שי למזכורת

7/13/16 MH responds: I must of added something - either way the main profile is locked: R' Yaakov Kuly Slonim This is the Master Profile for Yaakov Kuly Slonim. Curator Note from Yigal Burstein (11/29/2012): This shared profile is locked to protect the Chabad Admors family lines of the World Family Tree < http://wiki.geni.com/index.php/Big_Tree > from wrong merges. If you need to update this profile please contact the curator.

About יעקב כולי סלונים (עברית)

נפטר בירושלים ביום ב׳ לחודש טבת תרי״ז ושם מנוה״כ. הוא התיחס אל הקדוש והטהור ר׳ ישראל רזינאי, שנהרג על קדושת ד׳ ביום בדר״ה שנת ת״ך בעיר רזינאי, אל הגאון בעל ״מגלה־עמוקות״, אל המהרש״א ואל הרמ״א

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R' Yaakov Kuly Slonim's Timeline

Mogilev, Belarus
Mogilev, Belarus
August 26, 1832
Tiberias, Israel
August 15, 1833
Lyubavichi, Rudnyansky District, Smolenskaya oblast, Russia (Russian Federation)
August 29, 1840
Lyubavichi, Rudnyansky District, Smolenskaya oblast, Russia (Russian Federation)
Age 89
Hebron, Israel
Age 89
Mt. of Olives cemetery, Jerusalem, Israel
Lubavitch, Russia