Historical records matching R' Zvi Hirsch Chajes, A.B.D. Zolkiew and Kalisz
Immediate Family
About R' Zvi Hirsch Chajes, A.B.D. Zolkiew and Kalisz
According to the latest edition of "The Unbroken Chain" by Neil Rosenstein, R' Zvi Hirsch Chajes, ABD Zokiew and Kalisz was married to 1) Rivka (Riva), died in Zolkiew in 1856, daughter of Solomon Przeworski and 2) Golda Cohn, daughter of R. Samuel Berenstein, ABD Amsterdam and Rebecca Reizel (daughter of R' Jacob Moses Lowenstam)
There were 6 children from his first marriage: 1) Leon (Leib) Chajes, 1828-1891, 2) Haim Joachim Chajes, 1830-1886, 3) Salomon Chajes, b. 1835, 4) Wolf Chajes, 1845-1901, 5) Isaac Chajes, 1842-1901, and 6) Yita (Jitte or Jutte) Shifra, 1837-1898
A footnote in Chapter 11, page 252 indicates that Zolkiew civil records for the birth of the children list their mother's name as Rivke, but that published Jewish sources list Golda only. (The Jewish sources that are referenced by the footnote were not specifically delineated in the book).
It has been suggested by Bella Marianchik that if Golda was married to Zvi Hirsch Chajes, that she would have had to be his 1st wife rather than his 2nd because Rywka lived with him his last years and died later than him.
The Unbroken Chain - Neil Rosenstein (3rd Edition) Volume 4, Chapter 11, pages 251-256, and Chapter 12, pages 470-471 ________________________________________________________________________________
- Connections to the Chayes Family, by Edward Gelles - Page 16 -
- Wikipedia: Zvi Hirsch Chajes and צבי הירש חיות.
November 20, 1805 - October 12, 1855; also Chayes or Hayot) was one of the foremost Galician talmudic scholars. He is best known for his work Mevo Hatalmud (Introduction to the Talmud), which serves both as commentary and introduction.
Chajes is also known as "The Maharatz Chajes" (מהר"ץ חיות), the Hebrew acronym for "Our Teacher, the Rabbi, Zvi Chajes".
Chajes was born in Brody. He studied under a number of great scholars of that time, particularly R. Ephraim Zalman Margulies. In addition to his traditional talmudic education, he was educated in modern and classical languages and literature, as well as geography, history and philosophy. In 1846, a law was promulgated in Austria compelling rabbinical candidates to pass a university examination in the liberal arts and philosophy; Chajes received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
At twenty two, he was called to occupy an important rabbinic position in the district of Zhovkva (Zolkiev), Galicia. In this position, he fought against the innovations being introduced into Judaism at that time, while also opposing the increasing conservatism among his Orthodox colleagues. Chajes died prematurely in 1855 at the age of 50, only three years after being appointed to the prestigious post of rabbi of Kalisz (Kalish), Poland.
Chajes produced many works of scientific study of Judaism that were faithful to tradition but modern in their orientation and organization. In this role he is closely associated with Nachman Krochmal and S. L. Rapoport.
"There are few modern works dealing in detail with the Halakha or the Haggadah which have not profited by the labors of Chajes, although his name is often passed over in silence. His Introduction to the Talmud is especially noteworthy...". Dr. Bruria Hutner David describes Chajes as "Traditionalist and Maskil" - as the subject of her PhD thesis.
Mevo Hatalmud deals with both the Halakha, the legal aspects of the Talmud, and the Aggadah, the non-legal portions. In this work, Chajes imparts a detailed history and classification of the Talmud and its underlying oral tradition. This work is the first modern attempt on the part of Orthodoxy to formulate the nature, extent, and authority of tradition.
Chajes also authored:
* Torat Neviim: treatises on the authority of Talmudic tradition, and on the organic structure and methodology of the Talmud.
* Darkhei Horaah: an examination of the rules that obtained in Talmudic times in deciding practical religious questions.
* Imre Binah: treatises on the relation of Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmuds, on lost aggadah collections, on the Targumim, on Rashi's commentary to tractate Taanit, and on Bat Kol.
* Minhat Kenaot: against Reform Judaism.
* Glosses to the Talmud, now published as standard in the Romm-Vilna edition of the Talmud.
- Geni Wiki: Jewish Dynasties.
- Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy: Dec 15 2020, 16:00:35 UTC
R' Zvi Hirsch Chajes, A.B.D. Zolkiew and Kalisz's Timeline
1805 |
November 20, 1805
Brody, Ukraine
1825 |
June 2, 1825
Brody, Ukraine
1827 |
November 30, 1827
Brody, Brodivs'kyi district, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine
1829 |
January 15, 1829
Brody, Brodivs'kyi district, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine
1835 |
Zhovkva, Zhovkivs'kyi district, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine
1837 |
Zhovkva, Zhovkivs'kyi district, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine
1842 |
Zhovkva, Zhovkivs'kyi district, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine