Rabbi Bezalel Charif Loew, [Maharal son #3]

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Rabbi Bezalel Charif Loew, [Maharal son #3] (1547 - 1599)

Hebrew: רבי בצלאל ״חריף״ לאו, בן המהר״ל, ר"מ קלין
Birthplace: Prague, Czechoslovakia
Death: October 27, 1599 (47-56)
Kolin, Kolín District, Central Bohemian Region, Czechia (Czech Republic)
Place of Burial: Kolin, Kolín District, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic
Immediate Family:

Son of MaHaRaL of Prague - המהר״ל מפראג and Perel Loew, [Maharal's wife]
Husband of Michla Loew, [Maharal dau. in-law]
Father of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Markus Bezalel Loew, Maharal Grandson; Rabbi Shmuel ben Bezalel Loew, [of Hessen]; Lipet Horowitz and Rabbi Kaufman Yekutiel Bezalel Loew, Maharal Grandson
Brother of Mordecai, [Maharal son #1]; Sarah Nemec Ashkenazi, [Maharal dau #2); Gitele Brandeis, [Maharal dau. #4]; Rachel Heller-Wallerstein, [Maharal dau. #6]; Leah Katz (1st wife), [Maharal dau. #7] and 3 others

Occupation: Rabbi & ABD
Managed by: Prof. Yigal Burstein
Last Updated:

About Rabbi Bezalel Charif Loew, [Maharal son #3]

Rabbi Betzalel "Charif" LOEW (1547 - 1599 d. Kolin) was the firstborn (perhaps not) son of the Maharal of Prague, Rabbi Judah LOEW. His descendants include 7 generations of Rabbis.

   * Rabbi Shmuel LOEW (b. 14 Jan. 1576, d. 1655) married Rosa

o daughter LOEW m. her relative R. Haim CATZ from Posnan (descendant of MAHARAL)
o daughter LOEW m. Jacob the son of Rabbi Haim from Hessen
o Rabbi Yehuda Leib LOEW (b. 1611, d. 1704)
+ Rabbi Moshe LOEW of Posen (b. 1663, d. around 1736 Minsk)
# Rabbi Schneur ZALMAN LOEW (b. 1692, d. ~1735)
* Rabbi Boruch Hatzadik LOEW (b. ~1721, d. ~1790) m. Rivkah
o [2] Yehuda Leib LOEW
+ [4] Yishai. Son: Neched Hashearit Yehuda Zeev WOLF (d. 21 Aug. 1882 Jerusalem).
o Mordechai POISNER (d. 23 Feb. 1823 Kapost)
o Moshe (b. Leozna)
o Sarah m. Israel KOZAK
o Akiva FRIDKIN m. the sister of the wife of Rabbi SEGAL the elder, daughter of Yehuda Leib SEGAL and Bila.
o [3] Rabbi Schneur ZALMAN BORUCHOVITCH of Liadi (Laydie) (The Alter Rebbe founder of Chabad) (b. 15 Sep. 1745, d. 1812 or 1813). Chabad has a publication enumerating his descendants.
* Rabbi Mendel Mark LOEW (died young) m. Gitel Kitel Sara
* R. Kaufman Yekutiel LOEW m. Gitl Elisabeth (d. 1618 Prague)
* Lift LOEW (d. 1613 Prague) m. Rabbi Pinhas HOROWITZ (d. 3.11.1653 Prague). They had no children. Rabbi Pinhas remarried.

The Maharal's marriage to his wife Pearl was a very happy one, and they were blessed with seven children, six daughters and a son. All six daughters married into prominent Prague families. His son, Bezalel, became rabbi in Cologne, Germany, where he headed a rabbinical academy. The Maharal was deeply grieved when this son met an untimely death in 1600.

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Rabbi Bezalel Charif Loew, [Maharal son #3]'s Timeline

Prague, Czechoslovakia
Prague, Hlavní město Praha, Prague, Czechia (Czech Republic)
January 14, 1576
Prague, Czech Republic
Prague, Hlavní město Praha, Prague, Czechia (Czech Republic)
Prague, Hlavní město Praha, Prague, Czechia (Czech Republic)
October 27, 1599
Age 52
Kolin, Kolín District, Central Bohemian Region, Czechia (Czech Republic)
Age 52
Kolin, Kolín District, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic
- 1600
Jewish Community of Cologne, Cologne, Germany
- 1660
Rabbinical Academy of Cologne, Cologne, Germany