Ragnhild Hrólfsdóttir

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Ragnhild Hrólfsdóttir (834 - 892)

French: Ranghilde Hrólfsdóttir
Also Known As: "Hilda", "Hild Nefja", "Ragnhild Rolfsdotter", "Hrólfsdottir", "Hild Rolvsdatter", "Hild", "Ragnhild Hrolfdatter", "Hiltrude Hrolfsdatter de Moere et de Trondhiem", "Illegitimate son of Ragnvald", "no records of the mother. Ragnhild "Hild" Nefja was NOT his mother.", "Rolf..."
Birthplace: Vestfold, Norge (Norway)
Death: 892 (53-62)
Norge (Norway)
Place of Burial: Norge
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Jarl Hrolf 'Nose' av Trondheim
Wife of Ragnvald Eysteinsson, Earl of Møre
Mother of Ivar Ragnvaldsson Mørejarl; Gange-Hrólfr 'Rollo' Ragnvaldsson; Tore "Teiande" Ragnvaldsson and Gutum Ragnvaldson

First name is wrong: HILDR
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Ragnhild Hrólfsdóttir

Ragnhild 'Hild' Hrólfsdóttir Nefia (Nefja), married to Ragnvald Mørejarl.

(NB: These are Norwegians, and NOT from Orkney. Ragnhild was born in Vestfold, Norway, and died in Norway. OBS: There is NO SUCH PLACE as "Maer" in Nord-Trøndelag, and Møre where her husband was the Earl (Jarl) is NOT in Trøndelag. Hild was NOT a "countess", such titles did not exist at the time. Please remove such bad data.)

http://slektsforskning.com/login/person/anetre/tekst/Hild%20Rolvsda... http://www.tore-nygaard.com/middelalder/2213.htm http://lind.no/nor/index.asp?lang=&emne=asatru&vis=s_e_harald_harfa... http://lind.no/nor/index.asp?lang=gb&emne=asatru&person=Hild%20daug... http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/NORWEGIAN%20NOBILITY.htm#Ragnvalddi...

Hild Rolvsdatter levde fra 845 til 886. Hun var datter av odelsbonden Rolv Nevja. Nefja eller Nevja er ikke et slektsnavn, men et tilnavn faren Rolv hadde. Betydninger er "nese" og hadde trolig å gjøre med skatteinnkreving (pr. nese). Hild er kjent som "datter av Rolf Nefja".

Hild var gift med Ragnvald Mørejarl. Død omkring 890. De hadde barna:

1. Hertug Gange-Rolv Ragnvaldson av Normandie. Født mellom 860 og 866. Død 931. 2. Tore Teiande Ragnvaldson Mørejarl. Født omkring 862. Død mellom 938 og 940.

Hild (Ragnhild) reiste til kong Harald Hårfagre for å be om nåde for sin sønn, Gange-Rolv, da han av kongen ca. 886 var lyst fredløs over hele Norge på grunn av strandhugg i Viken, men Gange-Rolv måtte forlate landet.

Hild was married to Ragnvald Earl of Møre:

RAGNVALD "the Wise", son of [EYSTEIN "Glumra/Clatterer" Jarl in Norway & his wife ---] (-[894]). Orkneyinga Saga names “Eystein the Clatterer, father of the wise counsellor Earl Rognwald the Powerful…”, adding that “Earl Rognwald campaigned with King Harald Fine-Hair who gave him charge of North More, South More and Romsdale”[141]. Snorre names "Ragnvald Earl of More, a son of Eystein "Glumra" when recording that he had become a supporter of King Harald who had invested him with the districts of North More and Raumsdal[142]. Snorre records that he was created Jarl of North and South Möre and of Raumsdal in Norway by Harald I "Hårfagre" King of Norway after his victory at Solskiel [869] against Hunthiof King of Möre and Nokve King of Raumsdal[143]. Orkneyinga Saga and Snorre both record that King Harald granted Shetland and Orkney to Ragnvald in compensation for the death of his son Ivar[144]. The Historia Norwegie records that "principi Rogwaldi" crossed the Solund Sea, destroyed the peoples of the Orkney islands, in the days of "Haraldi Comati regis…Norwegie"[145]. Orkneyinga Saga records that “Halfdan Long-Leg and Gudrod Gleam, King Harald´s sons by Snæfrid” attacked “Earl Rognvald of More, killed him and assumed his authority”[146]. Snorre records that Ragnvald was ambushed in his hall and burned alive by Halfdan Haaleg and Gudred Liomi, two of King Harald's sons[147].

m [RAGNHILD, daughter of HROLF “Nevja/Nose” & his wife ---. Orkneyinga Saga records that “Earl Rognwald” married “Ragnhild the daughter of Hrolf Nose”[148]. Snorre names "Hild, a daughter of Rolf Nefia" as the wife of "Earl Ragnvald"[149].]

[Ragnvald & his wife had three children:]

1. [IVAR (-killed in battle either Hafrsfiord [872] or Orkney [874]). Orkneyinga Saga names “Ivar and Thorer the Silent” as the two other sons of “Earl Rognwald” and his wife “Ragnhild the daughter of Hrolf Nose”, adding that Ivar was killed in battle fighting with Harald I "Hårfagre" King of Norway in Scotland[150]. Snorre names "Ivar, a son of Ragnvald Earl of More" when recording his death in battle during a Viking campaign against the Scottish islands[151]. The Complete Peerage dates the appointment of Sigurd (Ivar´s reported paternal uncle) as Jarl of Orkney to [875][152], which means that Ivar must have been killed shortly before this date. However, as explained below this causes considerable chronological difficulties with the reported events in the career of Turf-Einar, Ivar´s youngest illegitimate half-brother, so should be considered as extremely approximate.

2. [ROLLO [Hrolf "Ganger/the Walker"] (-[928]). Orkneyinga Saga names “Hrolf who conquered Normandy” as son of “Earl Rognwald” and his wife “Ragnhild the daughter of Hrolf Nose”, adding that he was so big that no horse could carry him, giving rise to his name “Göngu-Hrolf”[153]. Snorre names "Rolf and Thorer" as the two sons of "Earl Ragnvald" and his wife Hild, recording that Rolf was banished from Norway by King Harald and travelled to the Hebrides, settling first in Orkney before moving southwards through Scotland, and eventually conquering Normandy[154]. The Historia Norwegie records that, after Orkney was conquered by "principi Rogwaldi" and his followers, "de quorum collegio…Rodulfus" captured Rouen in Normandy, commenting that he was known as "Gongurolfr" because he was obliged to walk as he was too large to travel on horseback[155]. This source makes no reference to any blood relationship between Rollo and "principi Rogwaldi". According to Dudo of Saint-Quentin, Rollo arrived in northern France in 876[156], although there is some debate about [900] being a more likely date[157]. William of Jumièges records that Rollo was chosen by lot to be leader of the Viking colonists[158]. Viking raids intensified in northern France. Although they were defeated after raiding Chartres [911], Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks granted the Normans land around Rouen in which to settle[159]. The uncertain nature of the demise was the source of future problems between the French crown, which claimed that it was an enfeofment for which the ruler owed allegiance, and the later Dukes of Normandy who claimed it was an unconditional allod for which no allegiance was owed. A charter dated 14 Mar 918 which granted land to the monastery of Saint-Germain-des-Prés "except that part…which we have granted to the Normans of the Seine, namely to Rollo and his companions"[160]. He was later known as ROBERT I Comte [de Normandie].]


3. [THORE Ragnvaldsson "Tause/the Silent". Orkneyinga Saga names “Ivar and Thorer the Silent” as the two other sons of “Earl Rognwald” and his wife “Ragnhild the daughter of Hrolf Nose”[161]. Snorre names "Rolf and Thorer" as the two sons of "Earl Ragnvald" and his wife Hild[162]. He succeeded his father in [894] as Jarl of Möre, having dispossessed Gudrod "Ljome", son of King Harald, who had seized Möre on the death of Jarl Ragnvald[163]. m ([890]%29 ALOF "Aarbod/Season-bettering", daughter of HARALD I "Hårfagre/Harfagri/Fairhair" King of Norway & his second wife Gyda of Hordaland. Snorre records that King Harald gave Jarl Thore his daughter "Alof, called Arbot" after the king confirmed him as Jarl of Möre[164].] [Thore & his wife had one child:]

a) [BERGLJOT Thoresdatter. The Historia Norwegie names "Bergliota filia Thoris Tacentis", from "nobilissima Morensium ac Halogensium comitum prosapia", as the wife of "Siwardo"[165]. Snorre names "Bergljot, a daughter of Earl Thorer the Silent" & his wife as the wife of Sigurd[166]. m SIGURD Jarl, son of HAAKON Grjotgardson Jarl of Haalogaland & his wife -- (-murdered Oglo 962).]

Fra Snorre Sturlason: Harald Hårfagres saga: «24. Ragnvald Mørejarl var den kjæreste venn kong Harald hadde, og kongen satte ham høyt, Ragnvald jarl var gift med Hild, datter til Rolv Nevja (Nese); deres sønner var Rolv og Tore. ... Rolv var en stor viking; Han var så svær av vekst at ingen hest kunne bære ham, derfor gikk han til fots overalt. Han ble kalt Gange-Rolv. Han herjet ofte i Austerveg. En sommer han kom østfra til Viken fra vikingtog, hogg han strandhogg der. Kong Harald var i Viken; han ble alvorlig sint, da han fikk høre om dette, for han hadde strengt forbudt å rane innenlands. Kongen lyste på tinget at han gjorde Rolv fredløs i Norge. Da Hild, Rolvs mor, fikk vite dette, dro hun til kongen på ba om fred for Rolv, men kongen var så sint at det nyttet henne ikke å be. Da kvat Hild dette: Du vraker Nevjas navne, driver som varg av landet bønders kjekke helbror; hvorfor så bister, herre? farlig å vise ulvhug mot slik en ulv, høvding; han blir ikke god mot fyrstens flokk om til skogs han renner». 1)

1). Snorre Sturlason: Harald Hårfagres saga, avsnitt 24. Mogens Bugge: Våre forfedre, nr. 281. Bent og Vidar Billing Hansen: Rosensverdslektens forfedre, side 76.
"Earl Ragnvald was King Harald's dearest friend, and the king had the greatest regard for him. He was married to Hild, a daughter of Rolf Nefia, and their sons were Rolf and Thorer. Earl Ragnvald had also three sons by concubines, -- the one called Hallad, the second Einar, the third Hrollaug; and all three were grown men when their brothers born in marriage were still children Rolf became a great viking, and was of so stout a growth that no horse could carry him, and wheresoever he went he must go on foot; and therefore he was called Rolf Ganger." (from Harald Hårfagre's saga)

Ragnhild Hrolfsdottir (1) F, #104778 Last Edited=28 Oct 2002

    Ragnhild Hrolfsdottir was also known as Hilda (?). Children of Ragnhild Hrolfsdottir and Ragnvald I 'the Wise' Eysteinsson, Earl of More -1. Ivar Ragnvaldsson (1) -2. Thori 'the Silent' Ragnvaldsson, Jarl of More+ (1) -3. Rollo Ragnvaldsson, 1st Duc de Normandie+ b. c 846, d. c 931 (1)

Forrás: http://www.thepeerage.com/p10478.htm#i104778


Ragnvald I, "the Wise", Jarl of North and South More and of Ramsdal, b abt 832, Norway, d 890. He md Hiltrude abt 850, daughter of Hrolf Nefia. She was b abt 834. Child of Ragnvald the Wise and Hiltrude was: Rollo/Robert I of Normandy [a], 1st Duke of Normandy, aka Ganger Rolf, b abt 855, Norway, d abt 927-931, prob Normandy, France. He md Poppa of Bayeux abt 886, daughter of Berenger,Count of Bayeux. She was b abt 876.

Ragnhild är sannolikt moder till såväl den berömde 'Gånge-Rolf' som faderns efterträdare som jarl i Möre, Norge, Tore 'den tyste'. (Källa: Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, Hull, England) Hild Nevja Rolvsdatter levde mellan år 845 och 886. Hild (Ragnhild) reste till kung Harald 'Hårfager' för att be om nåd för sin son, Gånge-Rolf, då han av kungen cirka år 886 blev fredlös över hela Norge på grund av ett otillåtet strandhugg i Viken, Norge. (Källa: Kjell Høyer, Norge)

The mother of Rollo is Rognald Eysteinson's fifth wife, Ragnhild Hrolfsson, b. about 848 in Norway {I assume the second name should be Hrolfsdotr}.

References: [RFC]

Rognhild* HROLFSDATTER (Countess) 0848 - 0892

   * TITLE: Countess
   * BIRTH: 0848, Norway
   * DEATH: 0892, Orkney,Orkney Islands,Scotland. 

Father: Hrolf* NEFJA

Family 1 : Ragnvald I* of More EYSTEINSSON

   * MARRIAGE: 0867, Maer,Nord Trondelag,Norway 


  2.  Thori, Jarl of More Ragnvaldsson The SIL
  4. +Einar "Turf" ROGNVALDSSON 

Her son Rolf Ganger plundered much in the East sea. One summer, as he was coming from the eastward on a viking's expedition to the coast of Viken, he landed there and made a cattle foray. As King Harald, Rolf's father, happened to be in Viken, he heard of it, and was in a great rage; for he had now forbid the plundering within the bounds of the country. The king assembled a Thing, and had Rolf declared an outlaw over all Norway. When Ragnhild heard of it, she hastened to the king, and entreated peace for Rolf; but the king was so enraged that here entreaty was of no avail. Then she spoke up: "Do you think, King Harald, in your anger, To drive away my brave Rolf Ganger Like a mad wolf, from out the land? Why is your cruelty so fell? Think twice, king, it's ill With such a wolf at wolf to play, Who, driven to the wild woods away May make the king's best deer his prey."

[Heimskringla, or The Chronicle of the Kings of Norway, Harald Harfager's Saga].

Her son Rolf Ganger plundered much in the East sea. One summer, as he was coming from the eastward on a viking's expedition to the coast of Viken, he landed there and made a cattle foray. As King Harald, Rolf's father, happened to be in Viken, he heard of it, and was in a great rage; for he had now forbid the plundering within the bounds of the country. The king assembled a Thing, and had Rolf declared an outlaw over all Norway.

When Ragnhild heard of it, she hastened to the king, and entreated peace for Rolf; but the king was so enraged that here entreaty was of no avail. Then she spoke up:

"Do you think, King Harald, in your anger,

To drive away my brave Rolf Ganger

Like a mad wolf, from out the land?

Why is your cruelty so fell?

Think twice, king, it's ill

With such a wolf at wolf to play,

Who, driven to the wild woods away

May make the king's best deer his prey."


Rollo "gångerolf" av Normandie (860 - 932)

Thore "den tyste" av Möre

Tustan Bastenburg av Möre

Also found as Ragnhilda (Hildr) HROLFSDOTTIR,

Children by Ragnvald I "The Wise" (married c. 867):

1. Ivar RAGNVALDSSON, d. Yes

 2. Thorer 'The Silent' RAGNVALDSSON, Jarl Of More,   d. date unknown 

3. Robert Rollo ROGNAVALDSSON, 1st, b. 870, County Of Möre Og Romsdal, Norway , d. 932, Notre Dame, Rouen, Normandie, Neustria
4. Hrollager Of MORE, d. date unknown

I henhold til Orkneyinga saga ble hun også kalt Ragnhild. Hennes far var Rolf Nefja. Hun er kjent for et kvad hun laget som en protest mot kong Harald Hårfagre. Årsaken til denne protesten var, at kongen hadde lyst hennes sønn Rolf fredløs på grunn av strandhugg han hadde gjort på norske kysten da han kom hjem fra vikingeferd i Baltikum. Slike strandhugg hadde kongen lagt ned et strengt forbud mot. Rolf dro til utlandet som viking, og ble stamfar til de senere engelske konger. Han sverget troskapsed til kongen av Frankrike og ble den første hertug av Normandie og ane til Vilhelm erobreren.

Levde fra 845 til 886. Hild (Ragnhild) reiste til kong Harald Hårfagre for å be om nåde for sin sønn, Gange-Rolv, da han av kongen ca. 886 var lyst fredløs over hele Norge på grunn av strandhugg i Viken, men Gange-Rolv måtte forlate landet.

Fra Snorre Sturlasson: Harald Hårfagres saga: «24. Ragnvald Mørejarl var den kjæreste venn kong Harald hadde, og kongen satte ham høyt, Ragnvald jarl var gift med Hild, datter til Rolv Nevja (Nese); deres sønner var Rolv og Tore.

Rolv var en stor viking; Han var så svær av vekst at ingen hest kunne bære ham, derfor gikk han til fots overalt. Han ble kalt Gange-Rolv. Han herjet ofte i Austerveg. En sommer han kom østfra til Viken fra vikingtog, hogg han strandhogg der. Kong Harald var i Viken; han ble alvorlig sint, da han fikk høre om dette, for han hadde strengt forbudt å rane innenlands. Kongen lyste på tinget at han gjorde Rolv fredløs i Norge. Da Hild, Rolvs mor, fikk vite dette, dro hun til kongen på ba om fred for Rolv, men kongen var så sint at det nyttet henne ikke å be. Da kvat Hild dette:
    Du vraker Nevjas navne, driver som varg av landet
    bønders kjekke helbror; hvorfor så bister, herre?
    farlig å vise ulvhug mot slik en ulv, høvding;
    han blir ikke god mot fyrstens flokk om til skogs han renner». 1 

Ragnhild 'Hild' Hrólfsdóttir Nefia (Nefja), married to Ragnvald Mørejarl.

(NB: These are Norwegians, and NOT from Orkney. Ragnhild was born in Vestfold, Norway, and died in Norway. OBS: There is NO SUCH PLACE as "Maer" in Nord-Trøndelag, and Møre where her husband was the Earl (Jarl) is NOT in Trøndelag. Hild was NOT a "countess", such titles did not exist at the time. Please remove such bad data.)

http://slektsforskning.com/login/person/anetre/tekst/Hild%20Rolvsda... http://www.tore-nygaard.com/middelalder/2213.htm http://lind.no/nor/index.asp?lang=&emne=asatru&vis=s_e_harald_harfa... http://lind.no/nor/index.asp?lang=gb&emne=asatru&person=Hild%20daug... http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/NORWEGIAN%20NOBILITY.htm#Ragnvalddi... ------------------ Hild Rolvsdatter levde fra 845 til 886. Hun var datter av odelsbonden Rolv Nevja. Nefja eller Nevja er ikke et slektsnavn, men et tilnavn faren Rolv hadde. Betydninger er "nese" og hadde trolig å gjøre med skatteinnkreving (pr. nese). Hild er kjent som "datter av Rolf Nefja".

Hild var gift med Ragnvald Mørejarl. Død omkring 890. De hadde barna:

1. Hertug Gange-Rolv Ragnvaldson av Normandie. Født mellom 860 og 866. Død 931. 2. Tore Teiande Ragnvaldson Mørejarl. Født omkring 862. Død mellom 938 og 940.

Hild (Ragnhild) reiste til kong Harald Hårfagre for å be om nåde for sin sønn, Gange-Rolv, da han av kongen ca. 886 var lyst fredløs over hele Norge på grunn av strandhugg i Viken, men Gange-Rolv måtte forlate landet. ---------------------- Hild was married to Ragnvald Earl of Møre:

RAGNVALD "the Wise", son of [EYSTEIN "Glumra/Clatterer" Jarl in Norway & his wife ---] (-[894]). Orkneyinga Saga names “Eystein the Clatterer, father of the wise counsellor Earl Rognwald the Powerful…”, adding that “Earl Rognwald campaigned with King Harald Fine-Hair who gave him charge of North More, South More and Romsdale”[141]. Snorre names "Ragnvald Earl of More, a son of Eystein "Glumra" when recording that he had become a supporter of King Harald who had invested him with the districts of North More and Raumsdal[142]. Snorre records that he was created Jarl of North and South Möre and of Raumsdal in Norway by Harald I "Hårfagre" King of Norway after his victory at Solskiel [869] against Hunthiof King of Möre and Nokve King of Raumsdal[143]. Orkneyinga Saga and Snorre both record that King Harald granted Shetland and Orkney to Ragnvald in compensation for the death of his son Ivar[144]. The Historia Norwegie records that "principi Rogwaldi" crossed the Solund Sea, destroyed the peoples of the Orkney islands, in the days of "Haraldi Comati regis…Norwegie"[145]. Orkneyinga Saga records that “Halfdan Long-Leg and Gudrod Gleam, King Harald´s sons by Snæfrid” attacked “Earl Rognvald of More, killed him and assumed his authority”[146]. Snorre records that Ragnvald was ambushed in his hall and burned alive by Halfdan Haaleg and Gudred Liomi, two of King Harald's sons[147].

m [RAGNHILD, daughter of HROLF “Nevja/Nose” & his wife ---. Orkneyinga Saga records that “Earl Rognwald” married “Ragnhild the daughter of Hrolf Nose”[148]. Snorre names "Hild, a daughter of Rolf Nefia" as the wife of "Earl Ragnvald"[149].]

[Ragnvald & his wife had three children:]

1. [IVAR (-killed in battle either Hafrsfiord [872] or Orkney [874]). Orkneyinga Saga names “Ivar and Thorer the Silent” as the two other sons of “Earl Rognwald” and his wife “Ragnhild the daughter of Hrolf Nose”, adding that Ivar was killed in battle fighting with Harald I "Hårfagre" King of Norway in Scotland[150]. Snorre names "Ivar, a son of Ragnvald Earl of More" when recording his death in battle during a Viking campaign against the Scottish islands[151]. The Complete Peerage dates the appointment of Sigurd (Ivar´s reported paternal uncle) as Jarl of Orkney to [875][152], which means that Ivar must have been killed shortly before this date. However, as explained below this causes considerable chronological difficulties with the reported events in the career of Turf-Einar, Ivar´s youngest illegitimate half-brother, so should be considered as extremely approximate.

2. [ROLLO [Hrolf "Ganger/the Walker"] (-[928]). Orkneyinga Saga names “Hrolf who conquered Normandy” as son of “Earl Rognwald” and his wife “Ragnhild the daughter of Hrolf Nose”, adding that he was so big that no horse could carry him, giving rise to his name “Göngu-Hrolf”[153]. Snorre names "Rolf and Thorer" as the two sons of "Earl Ragnvald" and his wife Hild, recording that Rolf was banished from Norway by King Harald and travelled to the Hebrides, settling first in Orkney before moving southwards through Scotland, and eventually conquering Normandy[154]. The Historia Norwegie records that, after Orkney was conquered by "principi Rogwaldi" and his followers, "de quorum collegio…Rodulfus" captured Rouen in Normandy, commenting that he was known as "Gongurolfr" because he was obliged to walk as he was too large to travel on horseback[155]. This source makes no reference to any blood relationship between Rollo and "principi Rogwaldi". According to Dudo of Saint-Quentin, Rollo arrived in northern France in 876[156], although there is some debate about [900] being a more likely date[157]. William of Jumièges records that Rollo was chosen by lot to be leader of the Viking colonists[158]. Viking raids intensified in northern France. Although they were defeated after raiding Chartres [911], Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks granted the Normans land around Rouen in which to settle[159]. The uncertain nature of the demise was the source of future problems between the French crown, which claimed that it was an enfeofment for which the ruler owed allegiance, and the later Dukes of Normandy who claimed it was an unconditional allod for which no allegiance was owed. A charter dated 14 Mar 918 which granted land to the monastery of Saint-Germain-des-Prés "except that part…which we have granted to the Normans of the Seine, namely to Rollo and his companions"[160]. He was later known as ROBERT I Comte [de Normandie].]


3. [THORE Ragnvaldsson "Tause/the Silent". Orkneyinga Saga names “Ivar and Thorer the Silent” as the two other sons of “Earl Rognwald” and his wife “Ragnhild the daughter of Hrolf Nose”[161]. Snorre names "Rolf and Thorer" as the two sons of "Earl Ragnvald" and his wife Hild[162]. He succeeded his father in [894] as Jarl of Möre, having dispossessed Gudrod "Ljome", son of King Harald, who had seized Möre on the death of Jarl Ragnvald[163]. m ([890]%29 ALOF "Aarbod/Season-bettering", daughter of HARALD I "Hårfagre/Harfagri/Fairhair" King of Norway & his second wife Gyda of Hordaland. Snorre records that King Harald gave Jarl Thore his daughter "Alof, called Arbot" after the king confirmed him as Jarl of Möre[164].] [Thore & his wife had one child:]

a) [BERGLJOT Thoresdatter. The Historia Norwegie names "Bergliota filia Thoris Tacentis", from "nobilissima Morensium ac Halogensium comitum prosapia", as the wife of "Siwardo"[165]. Snorre names "Bergljot, a daughter of Earl Thorer the Silent" & his wife as the wife of Sigurd[166]. m SIGURD Jarl, son of HAAKON Grjotgardson Jarl of Haalogaland & his wife -- (-murdered Oglo 962).] ---------------------- Fra Snorre Sturlason: Harald Hårfagres saga: «24. Ragnvald Mørejarl var den kjæreste venn kong Harald hadde, og kongen satte ham høyt, Ragnvald jarl var gift med Hild, datter til Rolv Nevja (Nese); deres sønner var Rolv og Tore. ... Rolv var en stor viking; Han var så svær av vekst at ingen hest kunne bære ham, derfor gikk han til fots overalt. Han ble kalt Gange-Rolv. Han herjet ofte i Austerveg. En sommer han kom østfra til Viken fra vikingtog, hogg han strandhogg der. Kong Harald var i Viken; han ble alvorlig sint, da han fikk høre om dette, for han hadde strengt forbudt å rane innenlands. Kongen lyste på tinget at han gjorde Rolv fredløs i Norge. Da Hild, Rolvs mor, fikk vite dette, dro hun til kongen på ba om fred for Rolv, men kongen var så sint at det nyttet henne ikke å be. Da kvat Hild dette: Du vraker Nevjas navne, driver som varg av landet bønders kjekke helbror; hvorfor så bister, herre? farlig å vise ulvhug mot slik en ulv, høvding; han blir ikke god mot fyrstens flokk om til skogs han renner». 1)

1). Snorre Sturlason: Harald Hårfagres saga, avsnitt 24. Mogens Bugge: Våre forfedre, nr. 281. Bent og Vidar Billing Hansen: Rosensverdslektens forfedre, side 76. ---------------------------------- "Earl Ragnvald was King Harald's dearest friend, and the king had the greatest regard for him. He was married to Hild, a daughter of Rolf Nefia, and their sons were Rolf and Thorer. Earl Ragnvald had also three sons by concubines, -- the one called Hallad, the second Einar, the third Hrollaug; and all three were grown men when their brothers born in marriage were still children Rolf became a great viking, and was of so stout a growth that no horse could carry him, and wheresoever he went he must go on foot; and therefore he was called Rolf Ganger." (from Harald Hårfagre's saga)

Ragnhild Hrolfsdottir (1) F, #104778 Last Edited=28 Oct 2002

Ragnhild Hrolfsdottir was also known as Hilda (?). Children of Ragnhild Hrolfsdottir and Ragnvald I 'the Wise' Eysteinsson, Earl of More -1. Ivar Ragnvaldsson (1) -2. Thori 'the Silent' Ragnvaldsson, Jarl of More+ (1) -3. Rollo Ragnvaldsson, 1st Duc de Normandie+ b. c 846, d. c 931 (1)

Forrás: http://www.thepeerage.com/p10478.htm#i104778 -------------------- http://www.geneajourney.com/nrmndy.html

Ragnvald I, "the Wise", Jarl of North and South More and of Ramsdal, b abt 832, Norway, d 890. He md Hiltrude abt 850, daughter of Hrolf Nefia. She was b abt 834. Child of Ragnvald the Wise and Hiltrude was: Rollo/Robert I of Normandy [a], 1st Duke of Normandy, aka Ganger Rolf, b abt 855, Norway, d abt 927-931, prob Normandy, France. He md Poppa of Bayeux abt 886, daughter of Berenger,Count of Bayeux. She was b abt 876.

Ragnhild är sannolikt moder till såväl den berömde 'Gånge-Rolf' som faderns efterträdare som jarl i Möre, Norge, Tore 'den tyste'. (Källa: Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, Hull, England) Hild Nevja Rolvsdatter levde mellan år 845 och 886. Hild (Ragnhild) reste till kung Harald 'Hårfager' för att be om nåd för sin son, Gånge-Rolf, då han av kungen cirka år 886 blev fredlös över hela Norge på grund av ett otillåtet strandhugg i Viken, Norge. (Källa: Kjell Høyer, Norge)

The mother of Rollo is Rognald Eysteinson's fifth wife, Ragnhild Hrolfsson, b. about 848 in Norway {I assume the second name should be Hrolfsdotr}.

References: [RFC] -------------------- Rognhild* HROLFSDATTER (Countess) 0848 - 0892

  • TITLE: Countess * BIRTH: 0848, Norway * DEATH: 0892, Orkney,Orkney Islands,Scotland. Father: Hrolf* NEFJA

Family 1 : Ragnvald I* of More EYSTEINSSON

  • MARRIAGE: 0867, Maer,Nord Trondelag,Norway 1. Ivar RAGNVALDSSON 2. Thori, Jarl of More Ragnvaldsson The SIL 3. +Rolf* RAGNVALDSSON 4. +Einar "Turf" ROGNVALDSSON
    Her son Rolf Ganger plundered much in the East sea. One summer, as he was coming from the eastward on a viking's expedition to the coast of Viken, he landed there and made a cattle foray. As King Harald, Rolf's father, happened to be in Viken, he heard of it, and was in a great rage; for he had now forbid the plundering within the bounds of the country. The king assembled a Thing, and had Rolf declared an outlaw over all Norway. When Ragnhild heard of it, she hastened to the king, and entreated peace for Rolf; but the king was so enraged that here entreaty was of no avail. Then she spoke up: "Do you think, King Harald, in your anger, To drive away my brave Rolf Ganger Like a mad wolf, from out the land? Why is your cruelty so fell? Think twice, king, it's ill With such a wolf at wolf to play, Who, driven to the wild woods away May make the king's best deer his prey."

[Heimskringla, or The Chronicle of the Kings of Norway, Harald Harfager's Saga]. -------------------- Her son Rolf Ganger plundered much in the East sea. One summer, as he was coming from the eastward on a viking's expedition to the coast of Viken, he landed there and made a cattle foray. As King Harald, Rolf's father, happened to be in Viken, he heard of it, and was in a great rage; for he had now forbid the plundering within the bounds of the country. The king assembled a Thing, and had Rolf declared an outlaw over all Norway.

When Ragnhild heard of it, she hastened to the king, and entreated peace for Rolf; but the king was so enraged that here entreaty was of no avail. Then she spoke up:

"Do you think, King Harald, in your anger,

To drive away my brave Rolf Ganger

Like a mad wolf, from out the land?

Why is your cruelty so fell?

Think twice, king, it's ill

With such a wolf at wolf to play,

Who, driven to the wild woods away

May make the king's best deer his prey." -------------------- Barn:

Rollo "gångerolf" av Normandie (860 - 932)

Thore "den tyste" av Möre

Tustan Bastenburg av Möre

Also found as Ragnhilda (Hildr) HROLFSDOTTIR,

Children by Ragnvald I "The Wise" (married c. 867):

1. Ivar RAGNVALDSSON, d. Yes

2. Thorer 'The Silent' RAGNVALDSSON, Jarl Of More, d. date unknown 3. Robert Rollo ROGNAVALDSSON, 1st, b. 870, County Of Möre Og Romsdal, Norway , d. 932, Notre Dame, Rouen, Normandie, Neustria 4. Hrollager Of MORE, d. date unknown

I henhold til Orkneyinga saga ble hun også kalt Ragnhild. Hennes far var Rolf Nefja. Hun er kjent for et kvad hun laget som en protest mot kong Harald Hårfagre. Årsaken til denne protesten var, at kongen hadde lyst hennes sønn Rolf fredløs på grunn av strandhugg han hadde gjort på norske kysten da han kom hjem fra vikingeferd i Baltikum. Slike strandhugg hadde kongen lagt ned et strengt forbud mot. Rolf dro til utlandet som viking, og ble stamfar til de senere engelske konger. Han sverget troskapsed til kongen av Frankrike og ble den første hertug av Normandie og ane til Vilhelm erobreren. --------------------

Levde fra 845 til 886. Hild (Ragnhild) reiste til kong Harald Hårfagre for å be om nåde for sin sønn, Gange-Rolv, da han av kongen ca. 886 var lyst fredløs over hele Norge på grunn av strandhugg i Viken, men Gange-Rolv måtte forlate landet.

Fra Snorre Sturlasson: Harald Hårfagres saga: «24. Ragnvald Mørejarl var den kjæreste venn kong Harald hadde, og kongen satte ham høyt, Ragnvald jarl var gift med Hild, datter til Rolv Nevja (Nese); deres sønner var Rolv og Tore.

... Rolv var en stor viking; Han var så svær av vekst at ingen hest kunne bære ham, derfor gikk han til fots overalt. Han ble kalt Gange-Rolv. Han herjet ofte i Austerveg. En sommer han kom østfra til Viken fra vikingtog, hogg han strandhogg der. Kong Harald var i Viken; han ble alvorlig sint, da han fikk høre om dette, for han hadde strengt forbudt å rane innenlands. Kongen lyste på tinget at han gjorde Rolv fredløs i Norge. Da Hild, Rolvs mor, fikk vite dette, dro hun til kongen på ba om fred for Rolv, men kongen var så sint at det nyttet henne ikke å be. Da kvat Hild dette: Du vraker Nevjas navne, driver som varg av landet bønders kjekke helbror; hvorfor så bister, herre? farlig å vise ulvhug mot slik en ulv, høvding; han blir ikke god mot fyrstens flokk om til skogs han renner». 1 read more

Hild Rolfsdtr. kan ha blitt født omkring 865. I henhold til Orkneyinga saga ble hun også kalt Ragnhild. Hennes far var Rolf Nefja. Hun er kjent for et kvad hun laget som en protest mot kong Harald Hårfagre. Årsaken til denne protesten var, at kongen hadde lyst hennes sønn Rolf fredløs på grunn av strandhugg han hadde gjort på norske kysten da han kom hjem fra vikingeferd i Baltikum. Slike strandhugg hadde kongen lagt ned et strengt forbud mot. Rolf dro til utlandet som viking, og ble stamfar til de senere engelske konger. Han sverget troskapsed til kongen av Frankrike og ble den første hertug av Normandie og ane til Vilhelm erobreren.

[S000035] Markhus-2000, Markhus, Bjørn, (Norway: 2000).

[S000048] Ferguson-1998, Ferguson, June, (14 Jun 1998).

[S000040] Ashley-1999, Ashley, Mike, (Carroll & Graf Publishers, Inc. New York: 1999), p 439.

[S000054] Sturluson-1968, Sturluson, Snorri, (Dent & Sons, London: 1968), p 67.

[S000062] Fettes-2001, Fettes, Ian, (Feb 2001: Australia). PSU. Chart of lineal ancestor of King Edward III and Phillipa of Hainault. (http://ftp.cac.psu.edu/~saw/royal/royalgen). 30 Jun 1996.

[S000116] Stuart-2002, Stuart, Roderick W, (Genealogical Publishing Co: 2002 4th Edition), p 90.

[S000048] Ferguson-1998, Ferguson, June, (14 Jun 1998). Shows 857.

[S000035] Markhus-2000, Markhus, Bjørn, (Norway: 2000). Shows 865.

[S000062] Fettes-2001, Fettes, Ian, (Feb 2001: Australia). Shows 822.

[S000062] Fettes-2001, Fettes, Ian, (Feb 2001: Australia). Simonds, Shari. Web site. (www.hypertree.com). Mar 1997.



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Ragnhild Hrólfsdóttir's Timeline

Vestfold, Norge (Norway)
Giske, Sunnmøre, Norway
Mære, Nord-Trondelag, Norway
Age 58
Norge (Norway)
Age 58
Norge (Norway)