public profile
Ramiro III (961-985), king of León (966-984), was the son of Sancho the Fat and his successor at the age of only five. During his minority, the regency was in the hands of two nuns: his aunt Elvira Ramírez, who took the title of queen during the minority, and his mother Teresa Ansúrez, who was put in a convent on her husband's death.
As a consequence of this, his reign is known for its support of the clergy.
Among his acts as king during his minority, he ratified a peace treaty with Caliph al-Hakam II and he confronted Vikings who had invaded Galicia. With the conclusion of the peace treaty, the vizier Almanzor invaded his realm.
Upon reaching his majority and after his wedding to Sancha (d. after 983), daughter of Gómez, Count of Saldaña, Ramiro tried to institute an absolutist monarchy which resulted in the alienation of the already separatist Galicia and Castile. This, together with the constant routs experienced at the hands of the Muslims, the worst of which took place at San Esteban de Gormaz in 976, led the Galician nobility in 982 to proclaim Bermudo II, son of Ordoño III, king of Galicia and of the land which later became Portugal. He lost his throne to Bermudo two years later, in 984.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ramiro III (961-985), king of León (966-984), was the son of Sancho the Fat and his successor at the age of only five. During his minority, the regency was in the hands of two nuns: his aunt Elvira Ramírez, who took the title of queen during the minority, and his mother Teresa Ansúrez, who was put in a convent on her husband's death. As a consequence of this, his reign is known for its support of the clergy.
Among his acts as king during his minority, he ratified a peace treaty with Caliph al-Hakam II and he confronted Vikings who had invaded Galicia. With the conclusion of the peace treaty, the vizier Almanzor invaded his realm.
Upon reaching his majority and after his wedding to Sancha (d. after 983), daughter of Gomez, Count of Saldana, with whom he had no children, Ramiro tried to institute an absolutist monarchy which resulted in the alienation of the already separatist Galicia and Castile. This, together with the constant routs experienced at the hands of the Moslems, the worst of which took place at San Esteban de Gormaz in 976, led the Galician nobility in 982 to proclaim Bermudo II, son of Ordoño III, king of Galicia and of the land which later became Portugal. He lost his throne to this Bermudo two years later, in 984.
961 |
982 |
984 |
Age 23
Leon, Castille and Leon, Spain
985 |
June 26, 985
Age 23
Leon, Castilla y Leon, Spain
990 |
León, España (Spain)
???? |