1. IVES de Nesle, son of --- (-after 1076). M --- de Soissons, daughter of GUILLAUME Comte de Soissons & his wife Adela Ctss de Soissons. Ives & his wife had [two] children:
- a) RAOUL [I de Nesle] (-1125 or after). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "comitem Radulfam" as son of "Yvoni de Nigella" & his wife[740]. Seigneur de Nesle. m RAINURDE, daughter of ---. The primary source which confirms her marriage has not been identified. 1115. Raoul [I] & his wife had five children:
- i) IVES [II de Nesle] (-Aug 1178). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Yvonem et Radulfum castellanum de Bruges et Theodericum archidiaconum Cameracensem" as sons of "comitam Radulfam[de Nigella]"[741]. Seigneur de Nesle. Comte de Soissons. "Ivonem comitem Suessionis" issued a charter relating to Epagny, with the consent of "domini Cononis nepotis et coheredis Ivonis comitis", dated to [1161][742]. "Ivo comes Suessionensis et dominus Nigellensis" donated property to Notre-Dame d'Ourscamp, with the consent of “uxor mea Hyolens...nepos meus Cono heres meus et dominus Petrifontis”, by charter dated to [1175][743]. The Chronicon Hanoniense records the death "1178…in introitu mensis Augusti" of "Ivo…Suessonensis comes et Nigelle dominus"[744]. m ([1151/52]%29 as her first husband, YOLANDE de Hainaut, daughter of BAUDOUIN IV “le Bâtisseur” Comte de Hainaut & his wife Alice de Namur (1131-after Apr 1202). The Chronicon Hanoniense names (in order) "Yolandem, Agnetem, Lauretam" as the daughters of "Alidis comitissa Hanonensis …cum viro Balduino comite", specifying that Yolande married firstly "Ivo senior…comes Suessonis dominusque Nigelle", but was childless by her first husband, and married secondly "Hugonis Sancti Pauli"[745]. "Ivo comes Suessionensis et dominus Nigellensis" donated property to Notre-Dame d'Ourscamp, with the consent of “uxor mea Hyolens...nepos meus Cono heres meus et dominus Petrifontis”, by charter dated to [1175][746]. She married secondly (before 28 Apr 1180) Hugues [IV Comte de Saint Pol.]
- ii) DREUX de Nesle (-after 1146). Père Anselme states that Dreux and Raoul [II] consented to the donation of the chapel of Beaulieu made by their brother Ives [II] Comte de Soissons to the abbey of Soissons Saint-Crespin by charter dated 1146[747].
- iii) RAOUL [II de Nesle] (-[1153/60]). His parentage is confirmed by the charter dated to [1161] issued by [his brother] "Ivonem comitem Suessionis" relating to Epagny, with the consent of "domini Cononis nepotis et coheredis Ivonis comitis"[748], read together with the Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines which names "comes Cono, Iohannes…et iste qui adhuc vivit comes Radulfus Suessionensis" as sons of "Radulfo castellano [de Bruges]"[749]. Châtelain de Bruges.
- iv) RENAUD de Nesle . The primary source which confirms his parentage has not been identified. 1115/25.
- v) THIERRY de Nesle (-before 1183). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not been identified. Thesaurius at Noyon. Archdeacon at Cambrai.
- b) DREUX de Nesle (-after 1098). Albert of Aix names "…Drogo de Nahella…" among those who took part in the siege of Nikaia, dated to mid-1097 from the context[750]. It is not known how Dreux was related to the Nesle family but it is reasonable to suppose that he was a younger son of Ives de Nesle.]
1060 |
1075 |
Nesle, Département Somme, Nord-Pas-de-Calais-Picardie, France
1095 |
Nesle, Soissons, France
1121 |
Age 61
Soissons, Aisne, Hauts-de-France, France
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