Curator (dvb) note: For this profile in Geni for the sake of clarity the death date of February 23, 1074 must govern over the numbering of the name and number. A renumbering of the Count of Valois took place in the 17th century, leading to the confusion as to whom Raoul III was correctly related. Note that Wikipedia, the source of the following clarification refers to him as Raoul IV! Cawley in fmgMedlands refers to him as Raoul III.
“ Given the multiplicity of titles he held, the popularity of his name within his family and the fact that all contemporary references to him are in Latin, how to refer to Ralph in modern English (or French) can pose a problem. In the seventeenth century, the Sieur du Cange, followed a century later by Claude Carlier and most recently by Louis Carolus-Barré, argued that Raoul de Gouy (died 926) was never Count of Valois and re-numbered the succeeding counts named Ralph. This made Ralph IV and his father Ralph III and Ralph II, respectively.[4] In older literature, he is sometimes called "Ralph the Great".[5]
Contemporary chroniclers generally referred to him as Ralph of Crépy, while modern scholars have tended to prefer Ralph of Valois. The English historian Orderic Vitalis, writing in Normandy, called him Ralph of Montdidier (Rodulfo de Monte Desiderii) and Ralph, count of Mantes (Radulfum comitem Medantensium), spelling his first name differently each time. He signed a royal document of 27 May 1067 as "Rodulf, count of Crépy" (Rodulfi comitis Crispiniacensis). The spellings "Radulf" and "Rodulf", although derived from Germanic names with originally different meanings, both have a basis in contemporary sources.[6][7][8]” Source Wikipedia: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ralph_IV_of_Valois
Raoul III "le Grand" de Mantes, Comte de Valois et d'Amiens et du Vexin (?-1074) count of Valois (Crépy) from 1037/8, Bar-sur-Aube jure uxoris and Vitry from the 1040s, Montdidier from 1054, Vexin (Mantes) and Amiens from 1063 and Tardenois, lord of Corbie, Dammartin, Meulan, Montfort, Péronne, Soissons and Vermandois, advocatus (defender) of Saint-Denis, Jumièges, Saint-Wandrille, Saint-Père-en-Vallée, and Saint-Arnoul
According to the FMG Medieval Lands database:
RAOUL [III] “le Grand” (-Péronne 23 Feb or 8 Sep 1074, bur Montdidier, later transferred to Crépy-en-Valois, église collégiale Saint-Arnoul).
Comte Raoul III & his first wife had five children:
a) GAUTHIER (-in battle 6 Sep [1065/1067]). "Comes Rodulfus et filius meus Walterus et Simon…" donated property to Montiérender by undated charter[902]. "Symon comes Barrensium" donated property to the abbey of Molesme for the souls of "parentum suorum Radulfi…comitis et Walterii fratris suis et matris sue Adele" by undated charter, the entry stating that "Walterius comes" died "VIII Id Sep"[903]. Comte de Bar-sur-Aube.
b) SIMON (-Rome [30 Sep/1 Oct] 1080, bur 1082 Rome St Peter). "Comes Rodulfus et filius meus Walterus et Simon…" donated property to Montiérender by undated charter[904]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Symonem et filiam…Adala" children of "comitis Veromandie [error for Valois] Rodolfi" and his wife Adela[905]. "Rodulphus…Ambianensis comes" donated property to Sainte-Marie d'Amiens, with the consent of "Simon filius meus et Gualterus, Gualteri Tyrelli natus", by charter dated 1069, subscribed by "Anna uxor eius"[906]. Comte de Valois, d'Amiens, de Montdidier et de Bar-sur-Aube. The Liber Modernorum Regum Francorum names "Symon filius eius" as successor of "Vadensium comes Rodulfus", recording that he resigned the county and went on a pilgrimage to Rome where he died and was buried "in portico sancti Petri"[907]. He was educated by Mathilde de Flandre, wife of William I King of England, but rejected the betrothal to his daughter[908]. "Symon comes Barrensium" donated property to the abbey of Molesme for the souls of "parentum suorum Radulfi…comitis et Walterii fratris suis et matris sue Adele" by undated charter[909]. He resigned his county in 1077 and became a monk. "Symon comes…effectus monacus" is named in a charter dated [1076?] under which Philippe I King of France confirmed his donations to Cluny[910]. He went on pilgrimage to Rome where he died[911]. The necrology of the Priory of Saint-Martin-des-Champs records the death "Kal Oct" of "Simon comes"[912]. [Betrothed ([after 1069]) to AGATHE de Normandie, daughter of WILLIAM I King of England & his wife Mathilde de Flandre ([1064]-before 1074, bur Bayeux Cathedral). The Vita Simonis records a ficitional speech of William I King of England in which he offers his (unnamed) daughter's hand to Simon, specifying that she had previously been betrothed to "regis Hispaniarum Anfursi et Roberti principis Apuliæ"[913]. The supposed betrothal to Robert of Apulia (which would have to be Robert "Guiscard" Duke of Apulia) is unrecorded in the numerous other sources dealing with his life and is probably pure fiction. This does not inspire confidence with respect to the historical accuracy of the whole passage, but if it is correct the daughter in question would presumably have been Agatha whose betrothal to "Amfursio regi Galliciæ" (presumably Alfonso VI King of Galicia and León, later King of Castile) is recorded by Orderic Vitalis[914].] Betrothed (before 1077) to --- de la Marche, daughter of AUDEBERT [II] Comte de la Marche et du Périgueux & his wife Ponce ---. The Vita Simonis, interpolated in the Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines, records the betrothal of "comes Symon" and "filiam comitis Hildeberti de Alvernis", specifying that Simon fled "ad monasterio de Casa Dei" without his father's knowledge before the marriage[915].
c) [ELISABETH] de Valois (-[12 May 1093/1101]). The primary source which confirms her name, her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. Dame de Châteauvillain et d'Arc-en-Barrois. m BARTHELEMY Sire de Broyes et de Beaufort, son of HUGUES [I] "Bardoul" Seigneur de Broyes, de Beaufort et de Pithiviers & his wife --- (-after 1072).
d) ADELAIS . The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Symonem et filiam…Adala" as children of "comitis Veromandie [error for Valois] Rodolfi" and his wife Adela[916]. The primary source which confirms her marriage has not yet been identified. Ctss de Valois. m (before 1068) HERIBERT [VI] Comte de Vermandois, son of EUDES Comte de Vermandois & his wife Pavia --- ([1032]-[1080]).
e) ADELA [Alix] de Valois (-12 May [1093/1100], bur Saint-Faron). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Alaydis soror sancti Symonis" as wife of "comiti Campanie Theobaldo" but confuses her with her niece Adelais, daughter of Héribert [IV] Comte de Vermandois, saying that she married "Hugoni fratri regis Philippi" after the death of her husband[917]. "Teobaudus comes palatinus…cum mulierum Adelaide" donated property to Montiérender by charter dated [1077/81] which names "bone memorie predecessorum…patris sui Odonis comitis et Heriberto cognomento senioris…comes Rodulfus predecessor suus et propinquus"[918], the latter presumably referring to the father-in-law of Comte Thibaut III. "Adeladis comitisse" subscribed the donation to Cluny by "Rotrocus castri Mauritanie comes atque Dunensis castri vicecomes" dated 11 Jan 1078, immediately after "Tetbaldi comitis, Stephani comitis"[919], it being assumed that she was the wife of the former not the latter. The necrology of Saint-Loup, Troyes records the death "XII Mai" of "Aalais uxor Theobaudi comitis Campaniæ" and her burial "in monasterio Sancti Faronis"[920]. m (before 1061) as his third wife, THIBAUT III Count of Blois, Chartres and Champagne, son of EUDES II, Count of Blois, Chartres, Troyes and Champagne & his second wife Ermengarde d'Auvergne ([1010]-29/30 Sep 1089).
According to The Peerage:
Raoul Crepi
M, #140974
Last Edited=7 Feb 2005
Raoul Crepi married Anne of Kiev, daughter of Jarislaus I, Grand Duke of Kiev and Ingegarde of Sweden.1 Citations [S16] Jirí Louda and Michael MacLagan, Lines of Succession: Heraldry of the Royal Families of Europe, 2nd edition (London, U.K.: Little, Brown and Company, 1999), table 64. Hereinafter cited as Lines of Succession.
==Other sources of information==
Raoul III "the Great" C of Valois
Birth: 1025
Death: 8 SEP 1074 Burial: Crepy Reference: 1299 Father: Raoul II C of Vexin Mother: Adelaide of Breteuil
Family 1: Adele of Bar-sur-Aube Adele de Vexin
comte de Valois Raoul III de Valois1 b. circa 1000?, d. 8 September 1074
Father Raoul II de Vexin b. after 974, d. 1040 Mother Adelaide de Breteuil2 b. 980
Also called Raoul III "the Great" de Vexin.2 Comte de Valois Raoul III de Valois was born circa 1000?. He was the son of Raoul II de Vexin and Adelaide de Breteuil.2 Comte de Valois Raoul III de Valois married comtesse de Bar-sur-Aube Aelis de Bar-sur-Aube, daughter of Nocher III de Bar-sur-Aube; His 1st. Her 4th.2,1 Comte de Valois Raoul III de Valois married Haquenez (?) between 1054 and 1059; His 2nd (widower).1 Comte de Valois Raoul III de Valois and Haquenez (?) were divorced in 1060.1 Comte de Valois Raoul III de Valois married Anna Yaroslavna, daughter of Yaroslav I Mudriy Vladimirovich, Grand Prince of Kiev and Ingigerth, circa 1061; His 3rd. Her 2nd.1 Comte de Valois Raoul III de Valois died on 23 February 1074 at Peronne, France.1 He died on 8 September 1074.2 Comte de Valois Raoul III de Valois was buried in Crepy, France.1 Comte de Valois Raoul III de Valois was buried in Crepy, Pas-de-Calais, France.2 Family comtesse de Bar-sur-Aube Aelis de Bar-sur-Aube b. circa 1015, d. 1053 Children Adelaide de Valois+ b. c 1030, d. bt 12 Apr 1093 - 11001 Adele, comtesse de Valois+ b. b 1043, d. 1118 Citations [S1146] Pas on Raoul III de Valois, online http://worldroots.clicktron.com/brigitte/famous/r/…+1074.htm. [S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 268-33.
1010 |
le Vexin, Seine Inferieure, Normandie, France
1034 |
of Valois, Bretagne, France
1035 |
Vexin, Seine Inferieure, Normandy, France
1042 |
Vexin, Seine Inferieure, Haute-Normandy, France
1047 |
Crépy En Valois, Oise, Hauts-de-France, France
1074 |
February 23, 1074
Age 64
Péronne, Somme, Picardy, France