From: http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/AQUITAINE%20NOBILITY.htm#RaymondITu...
Vicomte Boson & his [second] wife had seven children:
1. RAYMOND de Turenne (-after [1120]). The Chronicon Gaufredi Vosiensis names "Raymundum et Archambaldum de Ribeyrac et Ebolum Abbatem Tutelensem" as sons of "Boso"[2071]. The cartulary of Tulle St Martin records a donation by "Boso vicecomes Torenensis castri et uxor mea Guirberga…filium nostrum Ebalum" dated 1091 which also names "filiis nostris Raymondo et Archambaldo"[2072]. The cartulary of Tulle St Martin records a donation by "Raymundus vicecomes filius Bosonis et mater eius" dated 1092[2073]. Orderic Vitalis records that "R. Piletus et Raimondus uicecomes", from the army of Raymond de Saint-Gilles, were among those captured Tortosa in 1097[2074] and, in a later passage, that "Raimundus Piletus et Raimundus de Taurina" were present at the siege of Jerusalem[2075]. Tuebœuf names "Raimundus vicecomes de Torena" among those present with Raymond "de Saint-Gilles" Comte de Toulouse in 1098[2076]. "Arcambaudus vicecomes" donated property to Saint-Etienne de Baigne by charter dated to [1109/21] which names "Raimundus frater Arcambaudi"[2077]. "Raimundus vicecomes de Torenna" donated property "in parochia Sancti Pantaleonis de Rot" to Uzerche, for the soul "patris mei Bosonis et avi mei Guillelmi", by charter dated to [1120][2078]. "Raimundus de Torenna vicecomes" confirmed the donation to Uzerche by "Bosonis patris sui, Archambaldi et Bernardi vicecomitum" by charter dated 24 Sep [1113/22][2079].
m as her first husband, MATHILDE du Perche, daughter of GEOFFROY Comte du Perche & his wife Beatrix de Roucy (before 1100-27 May 1143, bur Arnaco). The Chronicon Gaufredi Vosiensis records the marriage of "Guidonem", son of "Gerardus", and "Matilde, matre Bosonis de Torena quæ Arnaco condita est"[2080]. In another passage, the Chronicon Gaufredi Vosiensis records that "Raymundus" married "Mathilde…soror Comitis de Pertico"[2081]. She married secondly Guy "le Gros" de Lastours. The Chronicon Gaufredi Vosiensis records the death "V Kal Jun" of "Mathildis uxor quondam Raymundi de Torenna" and her burial by "Guidone…Crassus viro suo filio Geraldi de Turribus" at "Arnaco", recording that her son Boson was killed within one month of his mother's death[2082]. Vicomte Raymond & his wife had three children:
a) BOSON [II] de Turenne (-killed in battle Saint-Paul la Roche 19 Jun 1143). The Chronicon Gaufredi Vosiensis names "Bosonem" as son of "Raymundus" and his wife "Mathilde…soror Comitis de Pertico", adding that Boso was killed "a la Rocha S. Pauli"[2083]. He succeeded as Vicomte de Turenne.
- see below.
b) MANGNE de Turenne (-after 1172). The cartulary of Tulle St Martin records a donation by "Ademarus vicecomes Lemovicensis et Aimericus de Gordo mariti duarum sororum Bosonis, Mangnæ et Margaritæ" dated 21 Dec 1143 made "pro anima Bosonis vicecomitis de Torenna qui gladio corruit" on the day of his burial, authorised by "Ebolus vicecomes de Ventedorn et Archambaldus vicecomes de Comborn", and made "in manu domni Ebali abbatis Tutellensis patrui ipsius Bosonis"[2084]. m AIMERY de Gourdon, son of --- (-[1152/59]).
c) MARGUERITE de Turenne . The Chronicon Gaufredi Vosiensis names "Margarita sorore Bosonis de Torenna" as wife of "Brunicendis filius Ademarus"[2085]. Her parentage and first marriage are confirmed by the cartulary of Tulle St Martin which records a donation by "Ademarus vicecomes Lemovicensis et Aimericus de Gordo mariti duarum sororum Bosonis, Mangnæ et Margaritæ" dated 21 Dec 1143 made "pro anima Bosonis vicecomitis de Torenna qui gladio corruit" on the day of his burial, authorised by "Ebolus vicecomes de Ventedorn et Archambaldus vicecomes de Comborn", and made "in manu domni Ebali abbatis Tutellensis patrui ipsius Bosonis"[2086]. The Chronicon Gaufredi Vosiensis records that "Ademaro vicecomite Lemovicensi, sponsam illius Margaretam, sororem Bosonis de Torenna" married "Ebolus Ventadorensis, filius Eboli Cantatoria" after her first husband died, but that the marriage ended after two years because of their consanguinity[2087]. The Chronicon Gaufredi Vosiensis records that "Ademaro vicecomite Lemovicensi, sponsam illius Margaretam, sororem Bosonis de Torenna" married thirdly "Guillermus Sector-ferri Comes Engolismensis, multorum pater liberorum"[2088]. "Vuillelmus Talafers comes Engolismensis Vulgrini filius et Margarita uxor mea et filii nostri Vulgrinus scilicet primogenitus noster, Vuillelmus Talafers, Ademarus, Grisetus, Fulco et Almodis filia nostra uxor Amanei de Lebret" transferred rights to Saint-Amant-de-Boixe by charter dated 1171[2089]. m firstly ADEMAR [IV] Vicomte de Limoges, son of ARCHAMBAUD [IV] "le Barbu" Vicomte de Comborn & his wife Humberge [Brunissent] de Limoges (-1148). m secondly (1148 or after, divorced [1150/51]%29 as his first wife, EBLES [III] Vicomte de Ventadour, son of EBLES [II] Vicomte de Ventadour & his wife Agnes de Montluçon (-1170, bur Montecassino). m thirdly ([1150/51]) as his second wife, GUILLAUME VI "Taillefer" Comte d'Angoulême, son of VULGRIN II Comte d'Angoulême & his first wife Pontia de La Marche (-Messina 7 Aug 1179, bur Messina).
Raymond de Turenne I, born 1080 in France; died Abt. 1137. He was the son of 4. Boso de Turenne I and 5. Gerberge de Terrasson. He married 3. Mahaut du Perche 1122.
Vicomte de Turenne
1070 |
Turenne, Correze, Limousin, France
1106 |
1110 |
1120 |
Turenne, Correze, Limousin, France
1122 |
Age 52
Turenne, Correze, Limousin, France
???? |
Viscount of Turenne
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