Matching family tree profiles for Rev. Charles Cummings
Immediate Family
About Rev. Charles Cummings
A Patriot of the American Revolution for VIRGINIA with the rank of STAFF OFFICER. DAR Ancestor # A028520
Patriot of the American Revolution. Pastor of Sinking Spring Presbyterian Church, Abingdon, Virginia from 1778-1812.
Parents were John and Sarah (Polk) Cummings. His wife was Mildred Millicent (Carter) Cummings.
Abstract of Graves of Revolutionary Patriots; Volume: 1
Source Information
Hatcher, Patricia Law. Abstract of Graves of Revolutionary Patriots [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 1999.
Original data: Hatcher, Patricia Law. Abstract of Graves of Revolutionary Patriots. Vol. 1-4. Dallas, TX, USA: Pioneer Heritage Press, 1987.
The fuse of the 1776 American Revolution was lit by Scotch-Irish Presbyterians. Four years earlier in a remote mountain place called Lead Mines (now Austinville) in southwest Virginia, a Rev Charles Cummings (1732-1812) was a leading Presbyterian minister. He had been born in Ireland (possibly Donegal) and emigrated when he was 18 on board a vessel captained by his brother James. Charles went to college in Pennsylvania and graduated in theology, during which he was tutored by Newry-born Rev James Waddell (1739–1805).
Lead Mines was the frontier seat of the vast Fincastle County, then a huge jurisdiction covering what is now southwestern Virginia and all of Kentucky. Aged around 40, Cummings accepted a call to the southwest frontier and found himself among Ulster folk, or folk of Ulster descent. His old cabin home still stands today in Sinking Springs Cemetery, Abingdon (just off Cummings Street).
He is said to have drafted the Fincastle Resolutions of 20 January 1775 which are regarded as a precursor to the eventual Declaration of Independence of 1776. There had been earlier statements from other counties, but this was the first to promise resistance to the death. When you read the words of the Resolutions below, you’ll hear echoes of the Siege of Derry ringing in your ears! (One writer thinks that the meeting which adopted the Resolutions was held at James McGavock’s tavern in Fort Chiswell. McGavock was born near Glenarm in County Antrim).
The 13 signers of the Resolutions were:
William Campbell
Arthur Campbell
William Christian
Walter Crockett
Charles Cummings
William Edmondson
William Ingles
Thomas Madison
James McGavock
John Montgomery
William Preston
Evan Shelby
Stephen Trigg
Rev Charles Cummings and an early Declaration of Independence (Abingdon, Virginia, 20 January 1775 ) – "we declare, that we are deliberately and resolutely determined never to surrender"
The Rev. Charles Cummings
(pre 1746 - 1812)
The Rev. Charles Cummings, son of John and Sara, was born in Ireland. Through the influence of his brother, James, who was the captain of a merchant vessel, Charles came to America at the age of eighteen. He entered Carlisle College, Pa., at which he was graduated, and then went to Lancaster County, Va., where he was employed as a tutor and studied theology with the noted preacher, the Rev. James Waddell. He was licensed to preach the gospel by the Presbytery of Hanover at Tinkling Spring, April 17, 1766. On October 15, 1766, the Rev. Mr. Cummings received three calls and accepted the one to Maj. Brown's Meeting House in Augusta and filled it until June 2, 1772, when he accepted a call from the congregations of Ebbing Spring and Sinking Spring on Holston in Washington County, where he remained until his death in March 1812.
When he came to Holston he was about forty years of age.
He performed a great deal of missionary labor through an extensive district of the country, beyond his own large field. In the expedition against the Cherokees in 1776, Mr. Cummings accompanied the forces from Holston, and preached at the different stations now included in the State of Tennessee; and in this way was the first minister of the gospel in that State.
Summers' Southwest Virginia says that Mr. Cummings is accredited with the honor of having drafted the Fincastle resolutions which were adopted Jan. 20, 1775; and that he assisted in drafting the petition from the Presbytery of Hanover to the General Assembly of Virginia asking for the separation of Church and State, in October 1776.
He married on February 13, 1766, Millicent Carter, daughter of Thomas Carter, Gentlemen, of Lancaster County, who was born in Lancaster, Aug 9, 1743. The Rev. Charles and Millicent Carter Cummings had the following children: John Cummings, born August 24, 1767, never married; Thomas Cummings, born Oct. 1, 1768. He was educated for the ministry, but died young, unmarried; Sarah Cummings, born March 15, 1770; Mary Cummings, born Dec. 15, 1771; James Cummings, born November 9, 1773, died August 1, 1840; Charles Cummings, born May 10, 1776, never married;, Millicent Cummings, born Jan. 27, 1778; Nancy Cummings, born November 30, 1779, died in childhood; Robert Cummings, born May 16, 1781; Elizabeth Cummings, born April 16, 1783, died in infancy; George Cummings, born May 14, 1784, died in infancy; William Cummings, born October 7, 1788, never married. [From The Descendants of Captain Thomas Carter, by Joseph L. Miller (1912)]
Parson Charles Cummings aka "The Fighting Parson"
In 1754 only six families were living in the early settlement west of New River. Two of these were in Pulaski, two on Cripple Creek in Wythe County, one in Smyth County and the Burke family in what is now Tazewell County. The Indians gave the settlers so much trouble that any further attempts to settle was given up until after the French and Indian War.
A small fort, called Black's Fort, was built when the settlers moved into the Valley around where Abingdon stands. Like most of its kind, it was built of logs, and a few log cabins were built within the stockade. Here to these cabins within the fort came the settlers whenever the warning reached them that the Indians were coming.
Near the fort lived Parson Cummings, called the Fighting Parson. He was an Irishman who had come to the Valley from Lancaster, Pennsylvania. He fought against the Cherokee Indians in 1776 with Colonel Christian. He first settled in Fincastle, but soon drifted farther south. It was he who drafted the Fincastle Resolutions on January 20, 1775 and served on the Committee of Safety for Washington County.
On one occasion, when the settlers were residing within the fort, food became very scarce. Someone had to go back into the clearing and bring in supplies. Parson Cummings and a few other men started off with a wagon to get them. They had not gone far when they reached Piper's Hill. A party of Indians surprised the little band and one of them was killed. Everyone made a dash for the bushes. The Parson was very stout and he was wearing a large powdered wig which was considered in those days necessary to the cloth. This made him more conspicuous and of course a target for the Indians.
One Indian ran after him, brandishing his tomahawk. The Parson dodged under a bush and as he left it, his wig was caught by a low hanging limb. The Indian took for granted that it was the Parson's head and made a bound to get it. When he took it in his hands, he was surprised to find no head there! He was disgusted and angry and threw it upon the ground exclaiming, "D--d lie," and doggedly gave up the chase. And thus the Parson escaped. The man who was killed was later buried in Abingdon and one may read his name, "William Creswell, July 4, 1776" on the crude stone which marks his grave.
Dragon Canone was the name of the Cherokee Indian who led his warriors against the white militia. Both white and red men fought with tomahawks and both hid behind trees. Sometimes this brave militia went forth to battle without any higher commanding officer than captain. Three such officers were John Campbell, James Shelby and James Thompson.
Let us look for a moment at what those settlers were denied. They did not have flour or salt until an order was made:
"Jan. 29, 1777. Ordered that William Campbell, William Edmundson, John Anderson and George Blackburn be appointed commissioners to hire wagons to bring up the county salt, allotted by the Governor and council, and to receive and distribute the same agreeably to said order of the council."
Later on Colonel Arthur Campbell rode with seven hundred mounted soldiers against the Cherokees. History gives him the credit of being the first to experiment in attacking Indians on horseback. He destroyed fourteen of their towns and burnt fifty thousand bushels of their corn after giving his men enough for their own horses.
Rev. Charles Cummings's Timeline
1732 |
1757 |
1761 |
Monroe, West Virginia, USA
1767 |
1768 |
1769 |
1770 |
March 15, 1770
Lancaster, Virginia
1771 |
1773 |
November 9, 1773
Washington County, Virginia, United States