From New England families, genealogical and memorial: a record of the achievements of her people in the making of commonwealths and the founding of a nation By William Richard Cutter Published by Lewis historical publishing company, 1914, page 1579 link
Rev. Edward Holyoke was born in Tanworth, Warwick, England. He married, on 18 Jun 1612, Prudence, daughter of Rev. John Stockton, rector of Kinpolt, Leicestershire. Holyoke came to Lynn, MA before 1638 and was admitted a freeman, March 14, 1638-39. He managed the lands of Lord Brooke. He was granted 5,000 acres by the town of Lynn and owned land in Reading and Nahant. He was judge of the quarterly court, 1639-43 and 1647-48, representative to the general court for ten sessions, and in 1641 was a patentee of Piscataqua, NH. He sold his share to Robert Saltonstall, October 25, 1644. He was a deputy for Springfield in 1650, though not a resident (son Elizur a leading citizen). He died at Rumney Marsh, May 4, 1660. His will was dated December 25, 1658, and proved June 25, 1660. He bequeathed to his only son, Elizur, sons- in-law, George Keyser, Thomas Putnam, Andrews. Tuthill, daughter, Hannah Keyser, daughter, Susanna Martyn; kinswoman, Mary Mansfield ; kinsman, Thomas Morris, of Newham ; cousin, Davis. Children : Elizabeth, married George Keyser : Anna, married Thomas Putnam ; John, died in England, March 5, 1635-36; Elizur, mentioned below ; Sarah, married Andrews; Mary, married Tuthill; Susanna, married Martyn ; Edward, died in 1631, in England.
This remarkable couple started a family line that led to two US Presidents, Herbert Hoover and William Taft. Not to mention the Hunts of Albuquerque and many many others!
The Hoover line is through daughter Ann and then her daughter Prudence.
• Wrote a pamphlet titled "The Doctrine of Life or of Mans Redemption" which was printed in 1658 in London for sale at/by "Nath. Ekins at his shop at the Gun in St. Paule Church yard." The basic messages were that a number of chapters of the Bible should be read every day; that the teaching of Christ and his apostles were identical to those of the Old Testament; that (based on the book of Revelations) the Church of Rome was merely one of seven original churches and had no right to rule the world; and that the Jews, by refusing to follow Christ, had forfeited the right to a homeland and should join the Christian church.
• In his will, dated Dec. 25, 1658 (proved June 25, 1660), he bequeathed his estate to his only son Elizur; son-in-law George Keyser, Thomas Putman, Andrew, Tuthill, daughter Susanna Martin; kinswomen Mary Mansfield, kinsman Thomas Morris of Newham, cousin Davis.
• Surname has also been spelled as "Holliock, Holiocke or Holiock." • Based on baptisms, Edward and Prudence probably lived in London from about 1607 to 1620 • Lived in Tamworth, England from about 1620 to 1637 • Unable to find any records of how Edward & family were transported to America, however there are records which state that Edward was an agent of Lord Brooke. It is possible he came to America in one of the ships owned by Lord Brooke and Lord Sey. • Lived in Rumney Marsh (now Chelsea), Massachusetts from about 1637 to 1660 • Freeman, 14 March 1639, Massachusett Colony. • Massachusette General Court 13 March 1639, empowered to manage the lands of Lord Brooke. • Edward was granted 500 acres by the town of Lynn, Middlesex, MA, also owned land in Reading and Nahant, whereas Lord Brooke received 800 acres. • Edward apparently had legal training prior to coming to America. Records show he managed the estate of Lord Brooke, an auditor of an account between Mr. William Woodcock of London and Mr. William Browne of Salem, Essex, MA. and was an attorney for Francis Webb of London, June 1643. • Edward was a member of the Quarterly Court from 1639 to 1643 and was a representative in ten sessions of the General Court. • In 1641 - 42, he sat on the Court with col. Endecot (who would become governor), Mr. Emanuel Downing, Mr. William Hawthrone and Mr. Thomas Willis. • On 8 Sep 1648, Edward and Anne sold to richard Woodward of Watertown "the windmill that is standing in Boston ... as also the land whereon it doth stand ..."8 • When he died, Elizur HOLYOKE was his only living son.2 • Mr. HOLYOKE founded one of the most prominent families in the early history of Massachusetts. He served many years in the General Court of that colony.9 • Edward and Prudence Holyoke are the ancestors of two US presidents, Herbert Hoover and William Taft. See NEGHR 147:21 (January, 1993) through their daugters, Ann, who married Lt. Thomas Putnam, and Sarah, who married Corporal John Andrews. Occupation Notes • 13 March 1638; the General Court at Boston approved Edward HOLYOKE as General Agent for the colonial holdings of Lord Brooke. The following day he became a Freeman. • 1639 through 1642; Associate Judge of the Court of Salem • 1639 through 1643, and 1647-48; Representative from Lynn, Middlesex, MA to the General Court. • In 1641 was patentee of Piscataqua, selling his share to Robert Saltonstall, October, 1644. • 1650; Represented, a deputy for Springfield, Hampden, MA, even though he was never a resident there, however his son Elizur was a leading citizen.2 Research Notes • In his will, dated Dec. 25, 1658 (proved June 25, 1660), he bequeathed his estate to his only son Elizur; son-in-law George Keyser, Thomas Putman, Andrew, Tuthill, daughter Susanna Martin; kinswomen Mary Mansfield, kinsman Thomas Morris of Newham, cousin Davis.
Great page on Edward is here: http://www.ynotamac.org/holyoke/PS01/PS01_013.HTM
"Find A Grave Index," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:W6VB-35MM : 9 December 2019), Holyoke, ; Burial, Revere, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States of America, Rumney Marsh Burial Ground; citing record ID 200198264, Find a Grave, http://www.findagrave.com.
Edward Holliocke or Holyoke, Lynn, 1636 or 37, was from Tamworth, Stafford, on the edge of Warwickshire, and with prefix of respect adm. freeman 14 March 1639, lived most of his days in that part of Boston called Rumney Marsh, since Chelsea, but chose perhaps representatives for several towns between the time when he was serv. for Lynn 1639 - 48 and his death as for Springfield 1650 and after, being so honored at his death. This, I suppose , with the fact of his owning estate, there led to the opinion, that he had removed thither, which is probably an error. He died 4 may 1660, leaving only a son Elizur and daughters Elizabeth who married George Keysar; Ann who married 17 October 1643 liet. Thomas Putnam; Mary who married 10 Feb 1647 of Boston, Susanna who married 12 Sept 1656, Michael Martin; and Sarah who married an Andrews. His wife was Prudence, daughter of Rev. John Stockton of Kinholt, m. 18 June 1612, by who before he came hither, he had, also, Edward, who died 30 Dec 1631, in his 13th year and John who also died in England5 march 1685. His will may be read in Genealogy Reg. IX 345. It is curious in detail.
1585 |
February 15, 1585
Tamworth, Staffordshire, England
February 15, 1585
Alcester, Warwickshire, England (United Kingdom)
1586 |
February 15, 1586
Age 1
Alcester, Warwickshire, England (United Kingdom)
February 15, 1586
Age 1
Alcestor, Warwick
February 15, 1586
Age 1
Alcestor, Warwick
1612 |
Tamworth, Stfrd, Eng
1617 |
May 4, 1617
Tamworth, Staffordshire, England (United Kingdom)
1619 |
Tamworth, Stratford, England
1621 |
January 18, 1621
Tanworth, Warwickshire, England