[RYKSA] ([1018]-after 1059). The Gesta Hungarorum records the marriage of Béla and "filia Miskæ [Polonorum duce]" while he was in exile in Poland but does not name her[167]. The Kronika Węgiersko-Polska records that "Bela" married "rex Polonie filiam"[168]. Ryksa is shown as her possible name in Europäische Stammtafeln[169], but the primary source on which this is based has not been identified. m ([1039/42]%29 BÉLA of Hungary, son of VÁSZOLY [Vaz%C3%BAl] Prince of Hungary, Duke between March and Gran, & --- of the Bulgarians (1016-Kanisza creek Dec 1063, bur Szögszárd Abbey). He succeeded in 1060 as BÉLA I King of Hungary.
Richeza lengyel hercegnő 2009. december 27. A Wikipédiából, a szabad enciklopédiából.
Richeza vagy Rixa (1013. szeptember 22. – 1075. május 21.) lengyel hercegnő, magyar királyné.
1013.szeptember 22-én született II. Mieszko Lambert lengyel fejedelem és Rixa grófnő elsőszülött leányaként. Két testvére volt: Kázmér és Gertruda. 1032-ben édesapja a pomerániakkal szemben tanúsított merészsége után az akkor még csak herceg Bélához adta feleségül. Mikor I. András visszahívta öccsét Magyarországra, Richeza is vele tartott. Mikor András meghalt, királyné lett belőle, mert férje megszerezte a magyar trónt.
Richeza 1075. május 21-én halt meg. Lengyelországban temették el.
Gyermekei [szerkeszt%C3%A9s]
Forrás / Source: http://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richeza_lengyel_hercegn%C5%91
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Adelaide/Richeza of Poland, (c. 1018 – after 1059) was Queen Consort of Hungary.
She was a daughter of King Mieszko II Lambert of Poland, and his wife, Richeza of Lotharingia. She is traditionally called Richeza, but contemporary sources do not confirm this name. Nowadays it is supposed that she was called Adelaide[1].
Between 1039 and 1043, she was married to Duke Béla of Hungary, who had served her father and taken part in her father's campaigns against the pagan Pomeran tribes.
In 1048, her husband received one third of Hungary ("Tercia pars Regni") as appanage from his brother, King Andrew I of Hungary, and the couple moved to Hungary. On 6 December 1060, her husband was crowned King of Hungary after defeating his brother. She possibly was not alive at the time of her husband's coronation.
Marriage and children
Forrás / Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richeza_of_Poland,_Queen_of_Hungary
Béla I of Hungary From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Marriage and children
Richza (Ryksa Miciszlava), Poland Death: After 1052
Hon dog efter den 1 januari 1051
De fick följande barn:
Ziemomysl, Ct of Poland (922-962), +ca 962/963 (possibly a son of Leszek); He had issue:* ...
Same as Richeza of Poland
Added by: Juan Carlos Zambrano Zambrano on December 22, 2010 Managed by: Juan Carlos Zambrano Zambrano, Ing
1013 |
September 22, 1013
Krakow, Kraków County, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Poland
1040 |
June 27, 1040
Krakow, Krakow, Poland
Krakow, Krakow, Poland
1044 |
Esztergom, Komárom Esztergom, Magyarország - Hungary
1045 |
Esztergom, Komarom-Esztergom, Kingdom of Hungary
1050 |