Immediate Family
About Richildis von Egisheim
RICHILDE(-Messines 15 Mar 1087, bur Hanson Abbey)
d/o NN
x HERMAN Comte de Hainaut (-[3 Jul] [1049])
- ROGER (-1093)
- daughter (-aged 40)
xx BAUDOUIN de Flandre ([1030]-1070)
- ARNOUL de Flandre ([1055]-killed in battle 1071)
- BAUDOUIN de Flandre ([1056]-on Crusade 1098)
- [AGNES] (->1071)
xxx 1070 Guillaume FitzOsbern Earl of Hereford
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richilde,_Countess_of_Hainaut mentions Renier de Hânon and Adelheid von Egisheim as her possible parents.
Parents: unknown
1. Herman, Comte de Hainaut
- Roger
- daughter (Agnes)
2. Boudewyn, Graf van Vloandern
- Arnoul
- Baudouin
- Agnes
3. Guillaume FitzOsbern, Earl of Hereford
(no children)
RICHILDE, daughter of --- (-Messines 15 Mar 1087, bur Hanson Abbey). As noted above, the sources are conflicting about whether Count Herman or his wife was the child of Count Reginar [IV]. In contrast to the relatively clear statements (see above) in favour of Herman being Reginar's son, numerous sources describe Richilde as his daughter. These include the Annales Hanoniæ which name "Richildis" as the daughter of "secundi Ragineri, vel secundum aliquos tercii" and clarify in a later passage that she was "filiam Ragineri comitis Montensis tercionis"[128]. The Gesta Episcoporum Leodiensium also names "Richildis comitissa Haynonie filia Raineri comitis filii comitis Raineri Longicolli"[129]. The Historia Comitum Ghisnensium names "Richildis Montensis comitis filia"[130]. Other primary sources give her name and specify that her first husband was Comte Herman, but do not refer to her origin: "Richilde mater Arnulphum et Balduino" is named in the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin[131]; the Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana names "Richelde vidua Herimanni comitis Montensis" as wife of "Balduinum Haanoniensem"[132]; the Chronicon S. Andreæ records "Balduinus filius comitis Flandrensis, Richildem comitissam, quæ antea Hermanno nepoti ipsius comitis nupseat, uxorem dixit", specifying that it was "eo autem tempore" with reference to other events dated 1050 which are recounted in the same paragraph[133]. Although the question is not free from doubt, it is probable that the sources which refer to Herman as the son of count Reginar are correct. It is assumed that the sources which support the alternative case were misled by the unusual inheritance of the county of Hainaut/Mons by Count Herman's widow and her transmission of the county to her second husband and her children by this second marriage. However, Nicholas highlights the "universal community" property regime, customary by the 1050s in Germanic eastern Flanders, under which a surviving spouse received the entire deceased spouse's estate if a child had been born of the marriage. He also records that Richilde's second husband, Baudouin VI Count of Flanders, enshrined this regime into his constitution for Geraardsbergen[134]. This suggests that Richilde's inheritance may not have been as unusual as at first sight appears. If it is correct that Herman was the son of Count Reginar [IV], what then was the origin of Ctss Richilde? Several clues are provided by different sources. The Chronicon Hanoniense names "Hermanno comite…" and "eius uxore Richelde comitissa", specifying that "defuncto comite Valencenensi absque proprii corporis herede" Richilde inherited his county "tam iure hereditario quam coemptione facta"[135], the comte de Valenciennes in question presumably being a descendant of Comte Arnoul [II] (see Chapter 2). The Flandria Generosa provides another line of enquiry by referring to Pope Leo IX as "eiusdem Richeldis avunculo", when recording that her second husband was excommunicated by Engelbert Bishop of Cambrai for his marriage with "cognate sui Herimanni comitis uxorem", the Pope later lifting the penalty[136]. The Annales Hanoniæ also name Richildis as neptis of Pope Leo, and specify that "de Macourt iuxta Condatum…priorissam" was also neptis of the Pope and of Richildis[137], although this prioress has not yet been identified. Pope Leo was a member of the family of the counts of Egisheim in Alsace, in which there is no mention of any other "Richilde". A further indication is provided by the Gesta Cameracensium which names "iuvenculam Adame neptem Richeldis Montensis comitiissæ" as the wife of Hugues Châtelain de Cambrai[138]. According to Europäische Stammtafeln[139], this was "Ada de Rumigny" but no parents are shown and it has not so far been possible to identify her more precisely from other sources. Another possible clue is provided by the first name "Roger", given by Richilde to her son by her first marriage, which is otherwise unknown in the family of the Comtes de Hainaut. The name Roger was used in the families of the 10th century Comtes de Laon, the 11th century Comtes de Porcéan, and the earliest known ancestor of the Comtes de Saint-Pol (see NORTHERN FRANCE), but a connection with any of the families would be speculative.
She married secondly (1051) Baudouin de Flandre, who in [1055] succeeded as BAUDOUIN I Comte de Hainaut, Comte de Mons, de iure uxoris. The Annales Elnonenses date the marriage of "Balduinus iunior Adele filius" to 1051 (although it incorrectly names his wife "Iudita"), specifying that thereby "castellum Monz obtinuit" and recording that the marriage was "consensu patris"[140] which presumably refers to Baudouin's own father, maybe indicating that Baudouin was a minor at the time. He succeeded his father in 1067 as BAUDOUIN VI Count of Flanders. The Annales Blandinienses record that her husband's uncle Robert, having killed her son Arnoul Count of Flanders, captured his mother "Rikilde"[141].
She married thirdly (1070) as his second wife, Guillaume FitzOsbern Earl of Hereford. The Annals of Winchester record the marriage in 1070 of “comitissam Flandriæ” and “rex…nepoti suo Willelmo filio Osberni”[142]. William of Malmesbury records that Baudouin I comte de Hainaut entrusted the guardianship of his two sons to "Philip king of France…and to William Fitz-Osberne", adding that the latter "readily undertook the office that he might increase his dignity by a union with Richilda"[143]. The Complete Peerage, citing Annales Flandriæ, states that Richilde was taken in battle where her new husband FitzOsbern was killed[144], but the precise reference has not yet been found to this primary source. The necrology of Liège Saint-Lambert records the death "XVII Kal Apr" of "Richildis comitisse"[145].
Count Herman & his wife had two children:
i) ROGER (-1093). The Chronicon Hanoniense records that "Hermannus comes" and his wife Richilde "filiumque habuerunt et filiam, qui quidem filius claudus fuisse dicitur", that "Richeldis…primorum puerum suorum in corpore debilitatem" and that he was "clericus" and received "episcopatum Catalanensem"[146]. The Annales Hanoniæ name "Rogerum" as son of "Hermannus filius ducis Thuringie ex Richilde", specifying that he was "claudum ab utero" and in a later passage that he was elected "episcopus Cathalenensis"[147]. His rights to the county of Hainaut, as oldest son of his mother, were ignored when the county passed to his half-brother, son of his mother's second marriage, presumably due to his physical disability. Bishop of Chalon-sur-Marne 1066.
ii) daughter (-aged 40). The Annales Hanoniæ refer to a daughter of "Hermannus filius ducis Thuringie ex Richilde", specifying in a later passage that she became a nun[148]. Benedictine nun. same person as…? AGNES (-after [1071]). Arnoul III Count of Flanders (uterine brother of Roger Bishop of Chalons and his unnamed sister) names his sister Agnes in a charter dated to [1071][149].
RICHILDE, widow of HERMAN Comte de Hainaut, daughter of --- (-Messines 15 Mar 1087, bur Hanson Abbey).
The Annales Elnonenses date the marriage of "Balduinus iunior Adele filius" to 1051 (although it incorrectly names his wife "Iudita"), specifying that thereby "castellum Monz obtinuit" and recording that the marriage was "consensu patris"[238] which presumably refers to Baudouin's own father, maybe indicating that Baudouin was a minor at the time. The difficult question of the parentage of Richilde is discussed fully in the document HAINAUT which sets out her first husband's family. The Annales Blandinienses record that her husband's uncle Robert, having killed her son Arnoul Count of Flanders, captured his mother "Rikilde"[239].
Richilde married thirdly (1070) as his second wife, Guillaume FitzOsbern Earl of Hereford. The Annals of Winchester record the marriage in 1070 of “comitissam Flandriæ” and “rex…nepoti suo Willelmo filio Osberni”[240]. William of Malmesbury records that Baudouin I comte de Hainaut entrusted the guardianship of his two sons to "Philip king of France…and to William Fitz-Osberne", adding that the latter "readily undertook the office that he might increase his dignity by a union with Richilda"[241]. The Complete Peerage, citing Annales Flandriæ, states that Richilde was taken in battle where her new husband FitzOsbern was killed[242], but the precise reference has not yet been found to this primary source. The necrology of Liège Saint-Lambert records the death "XVII Kal Apr" of "Richildis comitisse"[243].
Count Baudouin VI & his wife had [three] children:
a) ARNOUL de Flandre ([1055]-killed in battle Cassel 22 Feb 1071, bur Saint-Bertin). The Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana names (in order) "Arnulfum et Balduinem" as sons of "Balduinum Haanoniensem [et] Richelde"[244]. "Arnulfum nepotem suum [Robertus filius Balduini comitis Insulani] occiso" is named in the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin[245]. He succeeded his father in 1070 as ARNOUL III Count of Flanders, Comte de Hainaut. "Arnulphus comes Flandrensium…cum matre mea Richilde et…fratre meo Balduino et sorore mea Agnete" donated "allodium…Thaviers in pago Hasbanie" to Ardenne Saint-Hubert, for the souls of "patris mei Balduini et comitis Herimanni", by charter dated 1071[246]. His uncle Robert rebelled against Count Arnoul, defeated him at the battle of Cassel where Arnoul was killed, and seized control of Flanders[247]. Arnoul's younger brother Baudouin was left only with the county of Hainaut.
b) BAUDOUIN de Flandre ([1056]-on Crusade 1098, after 8 Jun). The Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana names (in order) "Arnulfum et Balduinem" as sons of "Balduinum Haanoniensem [et] Richelde"[248]. Guibert describes him as "Balduinus comes de Montibus, Roberti Flandrensis comitis iunioris patrui, filius"[249]. "Balduino frater eius [Arnulphum occiso]" is named in the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin[250]. He succeeded his brother in 1071 as BAUDOUIN II Comte de Hainaut.
c) [AGNES (-after 1071). "Arnulphus comes Flandrensium…cum matre mea Richilde et…fratre meo Balduino et sorore mea Agnete" donated "allodium…Thaviers in pago Hasbanie" to Ardenne Saint-Hubert, for the souls of "patris mei Balduini et comitis Herimanni", by charter dated 1071[251]. The mention of Comte Herman in this document suggests that Agnes was the same person as the unnamed daughter of "Hermannus filius ducis Thuringie ex Richilde" referred to in the Annales Hanoniæ, which specify in a later passage that she became a nun[252]. If this is correct, she was Arnoul's uterine half-sister.]
Richilde, Countess of Mons and Hainaut (c. 1031 - 15 March 1086).
Since the county of Hainaut would pass to the Counts of Flanders through marriage to her, she has often been mistakenly recorded a daughter of Regnier V of Mons, who was actually her father-in-law.
She was married firstly to Herman of Mons, count of Hainaut, son of Reginar V, count of Mons and Mathilde of Verdun, circa 1043. They served as co-rulers in Mons and Hainaut from 1039 to 1051.
Soon after the death of Herman, Richilde married Baldwin, eldest son of Baldwin V of Flanders. At that point she started preparing for the unification of Hainaut and Flanders under the rule of the children of her second marriage. The two children of her first marriage were placed into the Church. Her daughter Gertrude became a nun and her son Robert (who was apparently physically disabled) became a clergyman and eventually Bishop of Châlons-sur-Marne.
Her husband Baldwin became count of Flanders (as Baldwin VI) in 1067, and they ruled both Flanders and Hainaut until his death in 1070. After his death their son Arnulf became count of Flanders, but he was challenged by Baldwin's younger brother Robert the Frisian. Despite help from Philip I of France her forces were defeated at the Battle of Cassel, Arnulf was captured and soon died, and King Philip invested Robert with the county of Flanders.
Richilde and her younger son Baldwin still had Hainaut, and made subsequent unsuccessful attempts to recover Flanders.
Richilde and Baldwin were parents of:
* Arnulf III, Count of Flanders (c. 1055 - February 22, 1071).
* Baldwin II, Count of Hainaut (c. 1056 - 1098).
Baldwin VI died on July 17, 1070. Richilde served as Regent for their son Arnulf III.
In 1071 Richilde thirdly married to William Fitzosbern, 1st Earl of Hereford (c. 1025-1071).
* Nicholas, Karen S. (1999). "Countesses as Rulers in Flanders". in Theodore Evergates. Aristocratic Women in Medieval France. pp. 111–137.
* Salmonson, Jessica Amanda.(1991) The Encyclopedia of Amazons. Paragon House. Page 222. ISBN 1-55778-420-5
* The Family History of Robert Brian Stewart
* Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America Before 1700 by Frederick Lewis Weis, Line 163-23.
Richilde, Countess of Mons and Hainaut (c. 1031 - 15 March 1086).
Since the county of Hainaut would pass to the Counts of Flanders through marriage to her, she has often been mistakenly recorded a daughter of Regnier V of Mons, who was actually her father-in-law.
She was married firstly to Herman of Mons, count of Hainaut, son of Reginar V, count of Mons and Mathilde of Verdun, circa 1043. They served as co-rulers in Mons and Hainaut from 1039 to 1051.
Soon after the death of Herman, Richilde married Baldwin, eldest son of Baldwin V of Flanders. At that point she started preparing for the unification of Hainaut and Flanders under the rule of the children of her second marriage. The two children of her first marriage were placed into the Church. Her daughter Gertrude became a nun and her son Robert (who was apparently physically disabled) became a clergyman and eventually Bishop of Châlons-sur-Marne.
Her husband Baldwin became count of Flanders (as Baldwin VI) in 1067, and they ruled both Flanders and Hainaut until his death in 1070. After his death their son Arnulf became count of Flanders, but he was challenged by Baldwin's younger brother Robert the Frisian. Despite help from Philip I of France her forces were defeated at the Battle of Cassel, Arnulf was captured and soon died, and King Philip invested Robert with the county of Flanders.
Richilde and her younger son Baldwin still had Hainaut, and made subsequent unsucccessful attempts to recover Flanders.
Richilde and Baldwin were parents of:
Arnulf III, Count of Flanders (c. 1055 - February 22, 1071).
Baldwin II, Count of Hainaut (c. 1056 - 1098).
Baldwin VI died on July 17, 1070. Richilde served as Regent for their son Arnulf III.
In 1071 Richilde thirdly married to William Fitzosbern, 1st Earl of Hereford (c. 1025-1071).
O Richildis von Egisheim (čeština)
RICHILDE(-Messines 15 Mar 1087, bur Hanson Abbey)
d/o NN
x HERMAN Comte de Hainaut (-[3 Jul] [1049])
- ROGER (-1093)
- daughter (-aged 40)
xx BAUDOUIN de Flandre ([1030]-1070)
- ARNOUL de Flandre ([1055]-killed in battle 1071)
- BAUDOUIN de Flandre ([1056]-on Crusade 1098)
- [AGNES] (->1071)
xxx 1070 Guillaume FitzOsbern Earl of Hereford
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richilde,_Countess_of_Hainaut mentions Renier de Hânon and Adelheid von Egisheim as her possible parents.
Parents: unknown
1. Herman, Comte de Hainaut
- Roger
- daughter (Agnes)
2. Boudewyn, Graf van Vloandern
- Arnoul
- Baudouin
- Agnes
3. Guillaume FitzOsbern, Earl of Hereford
(no children)
RICHILDE, daughter of --- (-Messines 15 Mar 1087, bur Hanson Abbey). As noted above, the sources are conflicting about whether Count Herman or his wife was the child of Count Reginar [IV]. In contrast to the relatively clear statements (see above) in favour of Herman being Reginar's son, numerous sources describe Richilde as his daughter. These include the Annales Hanoniæ which name "Richildis" as the daughter of "secundi Ragineri, vel secundum aliquos tercii" and clarify in a later passage that she was "filiam Ragineri comitis Montensis tercionis"[128]. The Gesta Episcoporum Leodiensium also names "Richildis comitissa Haynonie filia Raineri comitis filii comitis Raineri Longicolli"[129]. The Historia Comitum Ghisnensium names "Richildis Montensis comitis filia"[130]. Other primary sources give her name and specify that her first husband was Comte Herman, but do not refer to her origin: "Richilde mater Arnulphum et Balduino" is named in the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin[131]; the Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana names "Richelde vidua Herimanni comitis Montensis" as wife of "Balduinum Haanoniensem"[132]; the Chronicon S. Andreæ records "Balduinus filius comitis Flandrensis, Richildem comitissam, quæ antea Hermanno nepoti ipsius comitis nupseat, uxorem dixit", specifying that it was "eo autem tempore" with reference to other events dated 1050 which are recounted in the same paragraph[133]. Although the question is not free from doubt, it is probable that the sources which refer to Herman as the son of count Reginar are correct. It is assumed that the sources which support the alternative case were misled by the unusual inheritance of the county of Hainaut/Mons by Count Herman's widow and her transmission of the county to her second husband and her children by this second marriage. However, Nicholas highlights the "universal community" property regime, customary by the 1050s in Germanic eastern Flanders, under which a surviving spouse received the entire deceased spouse's estate if a child had been born of the marriage. He also records that Richilde's second husband, Baudouin VI Count of Flanders, enshrined this regime into his constitution for Geraardsbergen[134]. This suggests that Richilde's inheritance may not have been as unusual as at first sight appears. If it is correct that Herman was the son of Count Reginar [IV], what then was the origin of Ctss Richilde? Several clues are provided by different sources. The Chronicon Hanoniense names "Hermanno comite…" and "eius uxore Richelde comitissa", specifying that "defuncto comite Valencenensi absque proprii corporis herede" Richilde inherited his county "tam iure hereditario quam coemptione facta"[135], the comte de Valenciennes in question presumably being a descendant of Comte Arnoul [II] (see Chapter 2). The Flandria Generosa provides another line of enquiry by referring to Pope Leo IX as "eiusdem Richeldis avunculo", when recording that her second husband was excommunicated by Engelbert Bishop of Cambrai for his marriage with "cognate sui Herimanni comitis uxorem", the Pope later lifting the penalty[136]. The Annales Hanoniæ also name Richildis as neptis of Pope Leo, and specify that "de Macourt iuxta Condatum…priorissam" was also neptis of the Pope and of Richildis[137], although this prioress has not yet been identified. Pope Leo was a member of the family of the counts of Egisheim in Alsace, in which there is no mention of any other "Richilde". A further indication is provided by the Gesta Cameracensium which names "iuvenculam Adame neptem Richeldis Montensis comitiissæ" as the wife of Hugues Châtelain de Cambrai[138]. According to Europäische Stammtafeln[139], this was "Ada de Rumigny" but no parents are shown and it has not so far been possible to identify her more precisely from other sources. Another possible clue is provided by the first name "Roger", given by Richilde to her son by her first marriage, which is otherwise unknown in the family of the Comtes de Hainaut. The name Roger was used in the families of the 10th century Comtes de Laon, the 11th century Comtes de Porcéan, and the earliest known ancestor of the Comtes de Saint-Pol (see NORTHERN FRANCE), but a connection with any of the families would be speculative.
She married secondly (1051) Baudouin de Flandre, who in [1055] succeeded as BAUDOUIN I Comte de Hainaut, Comte de Mons, de iure uxoris. The Annales Elnonenses date the marriage of "Balduinus iunior Adele filius" to 1051 (although it incorrectly names his wife "Iudita"), specifying that thereby "castellum Monz obtinuit" and recording that the marriage was "consensu patris"[140] which presumably refers to Baudouin's own father, maybe indicating that Baudouin was a minor at the time. He succeeded his father in 1067 as BAUDOUIN VI Count of Flanders. The Annales Blandinienses record that her husband's uncle Robert, having killed her son Arnoul Count of Flanders, captured his mother "Rikilde"[141].
She married thirdly (1070) as his second wife, Guillaume FitzOsbern Earl of Hereford. The Annals of Winchester record the marriage in 1070 of “comitissam Flandriæ” and “rex…nepoti suo Willelmo filio Osberni”[142]. William of Malmesbury records that Baudouin I comte de Hainaut entrusted the guardianship of his two sons to "Philip king of France…and to William Fitz-Osberne", adding that the latter "readily undertook the office that he might increase his dignity by a union with Richilda"[143]. The Complete Peerage, citing Annales Flandriæ, states that Richilde was taken in battle where her new husband FitzOsbern was killed[144], but the precise reference has not yet been found to this primary source. The necrology of Liège Saint-Lambert records the death "XVII Kal Apr" of "Richildis comitisse"[145].
Count Herman & his wife had two children:
i) ROGER (-1093). The Chronicon Hanoniense records that "Hermannus comes" and his wife Richilde "filiumque habuerunt et filiam, qui quidem filius claudus fuisse dicitur", that "Richeldis…primorum puerum suorum in corpore debilitatem" and that he was "clericus" and received "episcopatum Catalanensem"[146]. The Annales Hanoniæ name "Rogerum" as son of "Hermannus filius ducis Thuringie ex Richilde", specifying that he was "claudum ab utero" and in a later passage that he was elected "episcopus Cathalenensis"[147]. His rights to the county of Hainaut, as oldest son of his mother, were ignored when the county passed to his half-brother, son of his mother's second marriage, presumably due to his physical disability. Bishop of Chalon-sur-Marne 1066.
ii) daughter (-aged 40). The Annales Hanoniæ refer to a daughter of "Hermannus filius ducis Thuringie ex Richilde", specifying in a later passage that she became a nun[148]. Benedictine nun. same person as…? AGNES (-after [1071]). Arnoul III Count of Flanders (uterine brother of Roger Bishop of Chalons and his unnamed sister) names his sister Agnes in a charter dated to [1071][149].
RICHILDE, widow of HERMAN Comte de Hainaut, daughter of --- (-Messines 15 Mar 1087, bur Hanson Abbey).
The Annales Elnonenses date the marriage of "Balduinus iunior Adele filius" to 1051 (although it incorrectly names his wife "Iudita"), specifying that thereby "castellum Monz obtinuit" and recording that the marriage was "consensu patris"[238] which presumably refers to Baudouin's own father, maybe indicating that Baudouin was a minor at the time. The difficult question of the parentage of Richilde is discussed fully in the document HAINAUT which sets out her first husband's family. The Annales Blandinienses record that her husband's uncle Robert, having killed her son Arnoul Count of Flanders, captured his mother "Rikilde"[239].
Richilde married thirdly (1070) as his second wife, Guillaume FitzOsbern Earl of Hereford. The Annals of Winchester record the marriage in 1070 of “comitissam Flandriæ” and “rex…nepoti suo Willelmo filio Osberni”[240]. William of Malmesbury records that Baudouin I comte de Hainaut entrusted the guardianship of his two sons to "Philip king of France…and to William Fitz-Osberne", adding that the latter "readily undertook the office that he might increase his dignity by a union with Richilda"[241]. The Complete Peerage, citing Annales Flandriæ, states that Richilde was taken in battle where her new husband FitzOsbern was killed[242], but the precise reference has not yet been found to this primary source. The necrology of Liège Saint-Lambert records the death "XVII Kal Apr" of "Richildis comitisse"[243].
Count Baudouin VI & his wife had [three] children:
a) ARNOUL de Flandre ([1055]-killed in battle Cassel 22 Feb 1071, bur Saint-Bertin). The Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana names (in order) "Arnulfum et Balduinem" as sons of "Balduinum Haanoniensem [et] Richelde"[244]. "Arnulfum nepotem suum [Robertus filius Balduini comitis Insulani] occiso" is named in the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin[245]. He succeeded his father in 1070 as ARNOUL III Count of Flanders, Comte de Hainaut. "Arnulphus comes Flandrensium…cum matre mea Richilde et…fratre meo Balduino et sorore mea Agnete" donated "allodium…Thaviers in pago Hasbanie" to Ardenne Saint-Hubert, for the souls of "patris mei Balduini et comitis Herimanni", by charter dated 1071[246]. His uncle Robert rebelled against Count Arnoul, defeated him at the battle of Cassel where Arnoul was killed, and seized control of Flanders[247]. Arnoul's younger brother Baudouin was left only with the county of Hainaut.
b) BAUDOUIN de Flandre ([1056]-on Crusade 1098, after 8 Jun). The Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana names (in order) "Arnulfum et Balduinem" as sons of "Balduinum Haanoniensem [et] Richelde"[248]. Guibert describes him as "Balduinus comes de Montibus, Roberti Flandrensis comitis iunioris patrui, filius"[249]. "Balduino frater eius [Arnulphum occiso]" is named in the Cartulaire de Saint-Bertin[250]. He succeeded his brother in 1071 as BAUDOUIN II Comte de Hainaut.
c) [AGNES (-after 1071). "Arnulphus comes Flandrensium…cum matre mea Richilde et…fratre meo Balduino et sorore mea Agnete" donated "allodium…Thaviers in pago Hasbanie" to Ardenne Saint-Hubert, for the souls of "patris mei Balduini et comitis Herimanni", by charter dated 1071[251]. The mention of Comte Herman in this document suggests that Agnes was the same person as the unnamed daughter of "Hermannus filius ducis Thuringie ex Richilde" referred to in the Annales Hanoniæ, which specify in a later passage that she became a nun[252]. If this is correct, she was Arnoul's uterine half-sister.]
Richilde, Countess of Mons and Hainaut (c. 1031 - 15 March 1086).
Since the county of Hainaut would pass to the Counts of Flanders through marriage to her, she has often been mistakenly recorded a daughter of Regnier V of Mons, who was actually her father-in-law.
She was married firstly to Herman of Mons, count of Hainaut, son of Reginar V, count of Mons and Mathilde of Verdun, circa 1043. They served as co-rulers in Mons and Hainaut from 1039 to 1051.
Soon after the death of Herman, Richilde married Baldwin, eldest son of Baldwin V of Flanders. At that point she started preparing for the unification of Hainaut and Flanders under the rule of the children of her second marriage. The two children of her first marriage were placed into the Church. Her daughter Gertrude became a nun and her son Robert (who was apparently physically disabled) became a clergyman and eventually Bishop of Châlons-sur-Marne.
Her husband Baldwin became count of Flanders (as Baldwin VI) in 1067, and they ruled both Flanders and Hainaut until his death in 1070. After his death their son Arnulf became count of Flanders, but he was challenged by Baldwin's younger brother Robert the Frisian. Despite help from Philip I of France her forces were defeated at the Battle of Cassel, Arnulf was captured and soon died, and King Philip invested Robert with the county of Flanders.
Richilde and her younger son Baldwin still had Hainaut, and made subsequent unsuccessful attempts to recover Flanders.
Richilde and Baldwin were parents of:
* Arnulf III, Count of Flanders (c. 1055 - February 22, 1071).
* Baldwin II, Count of Hainaut (c. 1056 - 1098).
Baldwin VI died on July 17, 1070. Richilde served as Regent for their son Arnulf III.
In 1071 Richilde thirdly married to William Fitzosbern, 1st Earl of Hereford (c. 1025-1071).
* Nicholas, Karen S. (1999). "Countesses as Rulers in Flanders". in Theodore Evergates. Aristocratic Women in Medieval France. pp. 111–137.
* Salmonson, Jessica Amanda.(1991) The Encyclopedia of Amazons. Paragon House. Page 222. ISBN 1-55778-420-5
* The Family History of Robert Brian Stewart
* Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America Before 1700 by Frederick Lewis Weis, Line 163-23.
Richilde, Countess of Mons and Hainaut (c. 1031 - 15 March 1086).
Since the county of Hainaut would pass to the Counts of Flanders through marriage to her, she has often been mistakenly recorded a daughter of Regnier V of Mons, who was actually her father-in-law.
She was married firstly to Herman of Mons, count of Hainaut, son of Reginar V, count of Mons and Mathilde of Verdun, circa 1043. They served as co-rulers in Mons and Hainaut from 1039 to 1051.
Soon after the death of Herman, Richilde married Baldwin, eldest son of Baldwin V of Flanders. At that point she started preparing for the unification of Hainaut and Flanders under the rule of the children of her second marriage. The two children of her first marriage were placed into the Church. Her daughter Gertrude became a nun and her son Robert (who was apparently physically disabled) became a clergyman and eventually Bishop of Châlons-sur-Marne.
Her husband Baldwin became count of Flanders (as Baldwin VI) in 1067, and they ruled both Flanders and Hainaut until his death in 1070. After his death their son Arnulf became count of Flanders, but he was challenged by Baldwin's younger brother Robert the Frisian. Despite help from Philip I of France her forces were defeated at the Battle of Cassel, Arnulf was captured and soon died, and King Philip invested Robert with the county of Flanders.
Richilde and her younger son Baldwin still had Hainaut, and made subsequent unsucccessful attempts to recover Flanders.
Richilde and Baldwin were parents of:
Arnulf III, Count of Flanders (c. 1055 - February 22, 1071).
Baldwin II, Count of Hainaut (c. 1056 - 1098).
Baldwin VI died on July 17, 1070. Richilde served as Regent for their son Arnulf III.
In 1071 Richilde thirdly married to William Fitzosbern, 1st Earl of Hereford (c. 1025-1071).
About Richilde N..., Comtesse de Hainaut (Français)
Veuve d'Hermann, comte de Hainaut. Mariée vers 1055.
Richildis von Egisheim's Timeline
1020 |
Mons, Hainaut, Walloon Region, Belgium
1040 |
1055 |
Ghent, Flemish Region, Belgium
1056 |
Mons, Hainaut, Wallonia, Belgium
1085 |
March 1085
Age 65
Abbey Of Hasnon
1086 |
March 15, 1086
Age 66
Abbaye De Hasnon
???? |