RIVALLON (-after 17 Apr 869, maybe before 10 Feb 872). The Annals of St Salvator Redon name "Rivallone filio Salamonis, Wincone fratre eius" citing a donation of 868[50]. "Salomon…totius Britanniæ magneque parties Galliarum princeps" donated property to the abbey of Redon by charter dated 17 Apr 869, naming "antecessores nostri Nominoe videlicet Erispoe", witnessed by "Riuuallon et Guegon filii supradicti Salamonis"[51]. "…Riuuelen comes, Pascuethen comes, Bran comes…Jedecael princeps Poucher…Moruuethen comes…Riuallon et Guigon filii Salomonis…" witnessed the charter dated 9 Jul 871 relating to a dispute involving the abbey of Redon[52]. If it is correct (as suggested below) that "Vuicon filius Riuuilin", who subscribed the charter dated 10 Feb 872 was the son of Duke Salamon's son Rivallon, the absence of Rivallon's name from the list of subscribers suggests that he may have died before that date. m ---. The name of Rivallon's wife is not known. Rivallon & his wife had [one possible child]:
[GUEGON [Wincon] (-after 10 Feb 872). "Salomon rex Britannie" donated property to the abbey of Redon by charter dated 10 Feb 872, witnessed by "Salamon rex…Vuicon filius eius, Bran, Vuruuant, Vuicon filius Riuuilin…"[53]. It is not certain the the Rivallon who was the father of the second named "Vuicon" was the grandson of Duke Salamon but this is a possibility.]
840 |
870 |
Poher, Duchy of Bretagne, France
877 |
Age 37
Ploudiry, Finistere, Brittany, France
???? |