Robert Boyd of Penkill

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Robert Boyd of Penkill

Death: before November 05, 1572
Immediate Family:

Son of Adam Boyd, of Penkill and Trochrigg and Helen Kennedy
Husband of Katherine Gordon
Father of Adam Boyd of Penkill; William Boyd and Mark Alexander Boyd
Brother of Alexander Boyd, of Penkill; Reverend James Boyd of Trochrig, Archbishop of Glasgow and Alexander Boyd, of Penkill

Managed by: Alex Moes
Last Updated:

About Robert Boyd of Penkill


Robert Boyd pf Penkill, here treated, is the son and heir of Adam Boyd of Penkill. NRS: RH2/8/111/9


Robert Boyd of Penkill, here treated, died during his father's lifetime. Stirnet: Temp 05 He was alive on 1 May 1556 NRS: GD1/26/13 but he probably died before 5 November 1572. NRS: GD1/26/15


Robert Boyd of Penkill, here treated, married Katherine Gordon. NRS: GD1/26/13


  1. Adam Boyd of Penkill
  2. William Boyd
  3. Mark Alexander Boyd

Evidence from the National Records of Scotland


1 May 1556: Crown precept ordering sasine to be given to Robert Boyd, son and apparent heir of Adam Boyd in Penkill, and Katherine Gordon, spouse of said Robert, of the 4 merklands of Pemont alias Cultsowl and the 20s. lands of Pene, in earldom of Carrick and sheriffdom of Air which lands of formerly belonged to said Robert in fee, and were resigned by him with consent of said Adam, liferenter thereof, in the Queen's hands. Given under the Quarter Seal at Edinburgh, 1 May 1556. National Records of Scotland, Boyd of Penkill, reference GD1/26/13


1 May 1556: Crown precept of sasine to Robert Boyd, son and heir of Adam Boyd in Penkill, and Katherine Gordon, his spouse, and the 4 merkland of Pemont alias Cultsowl and the 20 shillingland of Pene, which lands formerly belonged to the said Robert in fee, and were resigned by him with the consent of the said Adam as liferenter into the Queen's hands. Given under the Quarter Seal at Edinburgh. National Records of Scotland, Titles relating to the Boyd of Penkill family, Ayrshire, reference RH2/8/111/9


5 November 1572: Instrument narrating sasine in favour of Adam Boyd, as heir to deceased Adam Boyd of Penkill, his grandfather, of the merkland of Drummurchie, lying in earldom of Carrick and sheriffdom of Ayr following on precept of clare constat dated at Penkill 26 Oct. 1572, by James Boyd of Tochrig ordering Robert Boyd and Andrew McCrynnell as his bailies to give sasine to said Adam Boyd. Witnesses to Precept, Quintin Boyd of Auchroquhar, Robert Boyd and Thomas Blayr. Witnesses to Sasine, Andrew McMartene in Drummurchie, Gilbert McQuharre, there, and Martin McIlwraytht in Drummurchie, Notary - James Ross, Glasgow diocese. National Records of Scotland, Boyd of Penkill, reference GD1/26/15


Stirnet: Temp 05