Matching family tree profiles for Robert Murfin
Immediate Family
About Robert Murfin
Biography =="The following notice of the early settlement of Burlington by the English, written by Mary Smith, a Friend, who arrived with the primitive colonists, when she was only four years of age, may not be out of place here, viz:"<ref>Proceedings, Constitution, By-Laws, List of Members,&c., of the Surveyor's Association of West New Jersey; Camden, N. J. (1880), pages 57-58.</ref>:“Robert Murfin and Ann his wife, living in Nottinghamshire, England, had one daughter born there 2d mo. 4th, 1674, named Mary, (the writer of this account, who married the first Daniel Smith of Burlington) after that they had a son called Robert. Some time after it came into their minds to move themselves and family into West Jersey, in America,and in order thereto they went to Hull, and provided provisions suitable for their necessary occasions, such as flour, (fine,) butter, cheese, with other suitable commodities in good store. Then took their passage in the good ship the Shields, of Stockton, with Mahlon Stacy, Thomas Lambert, and many more families of good repute and worth. And in the voyage there were two died and two born; so that they lauded as many as they took on board.
:And after about sixteen weeks‘ sailing or on board, they arrived atBurlington in the year 1678, this being the first ship that was ever known to come so high up the Delaware river. The ship Griffith. which arrived in 1675, having stopped at Salem, and the English that came inthe ship Kent in 1677, landed lower down the river at Chester, and were gotten up in mail vessels to Burlington before us, and were so consented to by the Indians.
:Then they landed and made some such dwellings as they could for the present time; some in caves. and others in palisade houses secured. TheIndians were very numerous, but very civil, for the most part; boughtcorn and venison, and sold the English for such things as they needed, so that the said English had some new supply to help their old stock, which may well be attributed to the good hand of Providence. so to-preserve and provide in such a wilderness. ... :Now to return to Robert Murfin and his wife: After they came into this land. they had one son called John, and in the year 1681 they had another called William, and in the year 1684 they had a daughter called Johanna. Robert and John died young. Johanna Murfln married when twenty-one years old, John Sykes, who was twenty-three years of age, and they lived together as man and wife sixty-seven years, and she died wheneighty-nine years old and he at. ninety years of age. They were the great grand parents of Hon. George Sykes, a member of the Legislature from Burlington county, New Jersey, and formerly a member of Congress."
Deed for land in West Jersey: <ref>William Nelson (ed), New Jersey Archives: Volume 21, page 393.</ref> ::1677 Jan. 28-29. Do. Do. George Hutchinson to Robert Murfin, for 1-32 of a share.
Septbr 17th 1694.::Anne murfin, widow, late wife of Robert Murfin, of ye County of Nottingham, in west new Jersey, yeoman, deced., Att her request, had Lre of Admistracon. . . .of her sd late Husband, shee haveing then .... proved & given in ... . Inventory .... & also given bond to ye Governor .... ye bond & Inventory are fyled in ye office. And done before James Marshall & Francis Davenport. Justices & before mee Tho : Revell, Reg'r.<ref>"Court Records - Burlington County, New Jersey" in John E. Stillwell, "HIstorical and Genealogical Miscellany ...", Volume II, page 21.</ref>
- Roger Wehr, firsthand knowledge. Click the Changes tab for the details of edits by Roger and others.
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Robert Murfin's Timeline
1625 |
Eaton, Nottinghamshire, England
1657 |
October 13, 1657
Great Drayton, Nottinghamshire, England
1669 |
June 2, 1669
Age 44
Chesterfield, Burlington County, Province of West Jersey
1674 |
April 24, 1674
Nottinghamshire, England, United Kingdom
1676 |
March 24, 1676
Eaton, Nottinghamshire, England
1679 |
Burlington, Burlington County, New Jersey, United States
1681 |
January 16, 1681
Burlington, Mercer, New Jersey, United States
1684 |
May 1684
Hains Greene, Nottinghamshire, England, United Kingdom
???? |