Historical records matching Robert Warren of Wissington
Immediate Family
About Robert Warren of Wissington
He was probably born at Stockport. Bequeathed land at Wyston Prestney to his children. This may have meant present day Wiston and Prestbury. Prestbury were the lands that his half brother Lawrence inherited as well.
- The New England historical and genealogical register 1910 Volume LXIV. by Waters, Henry
- https://archive.org/details/newenglandhistor1910wate
- https://archive.org/stream/newenglandhistor1910wate#page/348/mode/1up
- The Will of ROBARTE WARREN, aged and sick in body, 29 Oct. 1544. To be buried in the churchyard of our lady at Wyston [ Wissington]. To the high altar there 12d. To wife Margarett the house that I dwell in now which I did purchase of the widow Payne, with all the lands, groves, woods, meadows, and pastures unto the same belonging, as I myself hold it by copy of court roll of the manor of Alpheley Hall, during the term of her life, and after her death to James my son and his heires, and if he die before his mother then to his next brother and to his heirs lawfully begotten, and so from one brother to another. My milch beasts and oxen to be sold and the money used to pay debts, and the residue to my wife. To my son James a white bullock. To son Lawrence and to daughter Anne 20s. each after the decease of their mother. To son Thomas three horses, harness, a cart, plough, etc. All the wheat being in Hawkyns barn to be divided equally between my wife and son Thomas, he to pay my son William 20s. out of my land called Wyston Prestney at twenty years of age. Residue of all goods to wife Margarett, with an hundred of wood out of Wyston Prestney, and I make her my whole executrix. Mr. James Abbs of Nayland, supervisor. Witnesses : Henrye Lorkyn, Willm. Plampyn of Wyston, and Thomas Gostlynge of Grotton, and others. Proved 22 Feb. 1544-5 by the executrix. (Archdeaconry of Sudbury (Bury St. Edmunds), Longe, 489.)
- https://archive.org/stream/newenglandhistor1910wate#page/354/mode/1up
- 1. ____1 WARREN was perhaps father of both
- 2. i. ROBERT2 WARREN of Wiston, the testator of 1544.
- ii. THOMAS WARREN of Wiston. the testator of 1558, who was father of Thomas3 Warren of Wiston, the testator of 1602, who left a widow Elizabeth, the testator of 1604.
- 2. ROBERT2 WARREN, born perhaps about 1485, the testator of 1544. had wife MARGARET.
- Children :
- i. JAMES,3 b. possibly abt. 1515 ; perhaps the father of James4 Warren, the testator of 1594.
- iii. THOMAS, b. perhaps abt. 1520, the testator of 1559 ; by wife MARION ____ (who m. later William Harrison) had Edward,4 the testator of 1576. d. without issue; Agnes; Simon, the testator of 1599, who m. at Wormingford, 15 May 1587. Ellen Hoy, and had with other issue Symond,5 the testator of 1606, and Samuel, the testator of 1637; Jane; Anne.
- iv. ANNE, m. ____ LORKIN.
- 3. v. JOHN (not mentioned in his father's will, possibly the registered copy of which at Bury is imperfect ; but he is mentioned in the will of his brother Thomas in 1559). b. abt. 1525, the testator of 1576.
- vi. WILLIAM, under age in 1544; perhaps the testator of 1600-1.
- 3. JOHN3 WARREN, born about 1525. was of "Corlie" in Nayland. In his will, dated 21 Apr. 1576, proved 5 June 1576, he made his brothers James and William executors. He was buried 23 Apr. 1576. The name of his first wife is unknown, but he married secondly, 5 Sept. 1563, AGNES (or ANNE) HOWLET who was buried
- https://archive.org/stream/newenglandhistor1910wate#page/355/mode/1up
- 25 Nov. 1567; and probably married thirdly at Great Horkesley, 30 Jan. 1568-9, MARGARET FIRMETY, previously wife of one Cole. She was buried 19 Apr. 1576.
- Children by first wife:
- .... etc. __________________
Robert Warren and his relations have been comprehensively studied by both Threlfall and Smith. According to Smith,55 "This Robert Warren was probably the able-bodied man of Nayland taxed for a moveable estate valued at �4 in 1522 (Military Survey of 1522 for Babergh Hundred, 32). In 1524 a Robert Warren of Wiston was taxed for wages of �1 and in Nayland for �6 in property (1524 Subsidy Return, 21, 8).
"The will of Robert Warren of Wiston was abstracted by Elizabeth French in the Register 64[1910]:348" and is reproduced by both Smith and Threlfall. Threlfall provides additional details about some of Robert's children not traced by Smith. Smith is undertain whether Margaret _____ is the mother of Robert Warren's children.
Robert was born perhaps about 1485 and married Margaret Legh. He lived in Wissington, Suffolk, England when he wrote his will, abstracted as follows:
The Will of Robarte Warren, aged and sick in body, 29 October 1544. To be buried in the churchyard of our lady at Wyston [Wissington]. To the high altar there 12d. To wife Margarett the house that I dwell in now which I did purchase of the widow Payne, with all the lands, groves, woods, meadows, and pastures unto the same belonging, as I myself hold it by copy of court roll of the manor of Alpheley Hall, during the term of her life, and after her death to James my son and his heirs, and if he die before his mother then to his next brother and to his heirs lawfully begotten, and so from one brother to another. My milch beasts and oxen to be sold and the money used to pay debts, and the residue to my wife. To my son James a white bullock. To son Lawrence and to daughter Anne 20s. each after the decease of their mother. To son Thomas three horses, harness, a cart, plough, etc. All the wheat being in Hawkyns barn to be divided equally between my wife and son Thomas, he to pay my son William 20s. out of my land called Wynston Prestney at twenty years of age. Residue of all goods to wife Margarett, with an hundred of wood out of Wyston Prestney, and I make her my whole executrix. Mr. James Abbs of Nayland, supervisor. Witnesses : Henrye Lorkyn, Willm. Plampyn of Wyston, and Thomas Gostlynge of Grotton, and others. Proved 22 February 1544/5 by the executrix.
Robert Warren married Margaret Legh, a Baguley descendant. This family would unite again with the marriage of John Bigelow (Baguley) and Mary Warren in Watertown, Mass. and found the Bigelow family in the New World. This marriage proves the close relationship between these two families, long before their arrival in the New World as part of the Winthrop Fleet.
- 1. Robert WARREN was born about 1485 in Wissington, Sufolk, England.1 He died about 1545 in Wissington, Suffolk, England.2 Source: Fifty Great Migration Colonists, John Brooks Threlfall, pub.Heritage Books, Bowie, MD, 1992, p. 491-492 Robert Warren was born perhaps about 1485 and had a wife, Margaret. His will was dated 29 October 1544. Strangely, in his will he did not metion his son, John, unless the copy at Bury Saint Edmunds is imperfect. This son John, however, is mentioned in the will of his brother Thomas in 1559.
- In the Subsidy return for Suffolk in 1327, there is listed Walter Waryn of Nayland, taxed for 3 shillings, which represented one twentieth of the value of his moveables. There were several others named Warren in other towns of Suffolk. Walter, however, being the only one in Nayland, was presumably the ancestor of Robert.
- In the Subsidyof 1524, Robert Waryn of Wyston was down for a tax of four pence on 1 pound of wages. Also on the Wyston list was a John Waryn taxed 3s on goods valued at 6 pounds. John was the second wealthiest man on the Wyston list, was probably the father of Robert.
- Probably Thomas Warren, also of Wiston, who left a will dated 1558, was Robert's brother.
- Robert WARREN and Margaret _____ had the following children:
- 2 i. Lawrence WARREN.
- 3 ii. James WARREN was born about 1515. He died in 1594 in Wissington, Suffolk, England.3
- +4 iii. Thomas WARREN.
- +5 iv. John WARREN.
- +6 v. Ann WARREN.
- 7 vi. William WARREN.
- .... etc.
- From: http://bigelowsociety.com/rod/warrenx.htm ________________
Robert Warren of Wissington's Timeline
1485 |
Wissington, Nayland, Suffolk, England (United Kingdom)
1505 |
Bures, St. Mary, Suffolk, England
1515 |
Nayland, Suffolk, England
1520 |
Wissington, Nayland, Suffolk, England
1523 |
Nayland, Suffolk, England (United Kingdom)
1525 |
August 1, 1525
Wissington, Nayland, Suffolk, England (United Kingdom)
1527 |
Nayland, Babergh District, Suffolk, England
1544 |
February 22, 1544
Age 59
Wissington, Nayland, Suffolk, England (United Kingdom)
October 29, 1544
Age 59
Wyston (Wissington)
1545 |
February 1545
Age 59
St. Mary the Virgin Catholic Church, Wissington, Nayland, Suffolk, England (United Kingdom)