Immediate Family
About Robert de Brus 1st Lord of Skelton and 1st Lord of Annandale
Robert de Brus was not the son of Ragnvald Brusasson Jarl of Orkney, since he likely came to England and Scotland from Normandy and not from the north.
There is no evidence that a Robert de Brus accompanied William the Conqueror; this is the first reliably documented Robert Brus.
Charles Cawley (Medieval Lands Database, Dec 2017, http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SCOTLAND.htm) positions Robert de Brus (d 1141) as a possible brother to William de Brus (Prior of Gysburne/Gisborough) and Peter de Brus (d. 1155-65). Peter might also have been his son.
ROBERT [I] de Brus (-11 May 1141, bur Gysburne/Gisborough Priory)
s/o unknown
x AGNES Paynell d/o FULK Paynell
- ADAM [I] (-[20 Mar] [1143]
xx AGNES d/o NN (->1155)
http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SCOTLAND.htm (5 Nov 2017)
ROBERT [I] de Brus (-11 May 1141, bur Gysburne/Gisborough Priory).
- The manuscript history of the founders of Gysburne/Gisborough Priory records that “Robertus de Bruse…miles de Normannia” became “domini Castri de Skelton, Merkes, Uplythum, S. Westyby et Brudone, dominus de Danby, Levyngton et Parum, dominus de Kendall, et dominus Vallis Anandiæ”[899].
- The manuscript history of the Bruce family of Carleton records that “primus Brus de Carleton…Robertus de Brus” came to England with William “the Conqueror”[900], although this is not possible chronologically assuming that the text refers to Robert who died in 1141.
- A charter of King Henry II records donations to York St Mary, including the donation of land “in Apilton…et Hornby…Midelton” by “Robertus de Brus”[901].
- Lord of Skelton.
- "…Roberto de Brus…" witnessed the charter dated to [1120] under which "David comes filius Malcolmi Regis Scottorum" founded the abbey of Selkirk, listed first witness after the members of the royal family[902].
- “Robertus de Brus” confirmed donations to the canons of Bridlington by charter dated to [1120/35], witnessed by “…Ernaldus de Perceio…Petrus de Brus…”[903].
- "Militum meorum Roberti de Brus…" witnessed the charter dated to [1123] under which "David comes" made grants to the church of Glasgow with the consent of "Matildis uxoris mea"[904].
- "David…Rex Scottorum" granted Annandale to "Roberto de Brus" by charter dated to [1124][905].
- “Robertus de Brus” donated property to St Mary’s, York by charter dated to [1125/35], witnessed by “Ada filio meo, Petro de Brus…”[906].
- The 1130 Pipe Roll records "Rob de Bruis" in Yorkshire, Northumberland (three times)[907].
- “Robertus de Brus…Agnes uxor mea, filiusque noster Adam de Brus” donated property to Middlesburgh priory by undated charter[908].
- “Robertus de Brus…et Agnes uxor mea et Adam filius noster” founded Gysburne/Gisborough Priory, Yorkshire by undated charter[909].
- The manuscript history of the founders of Gysburne/Gisborough Priory records that “Robertus de Brus pater” died “1141 V Id Mai” and was buried “apud Gysburghe in Cleveland”[910].
- The obituary of Gysburne/Gisborough priory records the death “V Id Mai” of "Roberti de Brus fundator hujus domus"[911].
m [firstly] AGNES Paynell, daughter of FULK Paynell & his wife [Beatrix] (-18 Nov ???).
- The manuscript history of the Bruce family of Carleton records that “primus Brus de Carleton…Robertus de Brus” married “Agnetam filiam Fulconis Paynell” and received “manerium de Carleton” from his father-in-law[912].
- “Robertus de Brus…Agnes uxor mea, filiusque noster Adam de Brus” donated property to Middlesburgh priory by undated charter[913].
- “Robertus de Brus…et Agnes uxor mea et Adam filius noster” founded Gysburne/Gisborough Priory, Yorkshire by undated charter[914].
- A charter of King Henry II, dated to [1176/86], confirmed donations to the canons of Gysburne/Gisborough, among which a donation by “Agnetis uxoris Roberti de Brus”[915].
- The obituary of Gysburne/Gisborough priory records the death “XIV Kal Dec” of "Agnetis Brus uxoris fundatoris nostri"[916].
[m secondly AGNES, daughter of --- (-after 1155).
- The 1155 Pipe Roll records "Agnes de Bruis…p filio suo"[917]. This entry suggests that Agnes represented her son, who must have been a minor at the time, in relation to the property for which the return was made. If that is correct, her son was presumably Robert [II] de Brus, who must have been considerably younger than his [half-]brother Adam [I], and so was probably born from a different wife.]
Robert de Brus & his [first] wife had one child:
a) ADAM [I] de Brus (-[20 Mar] [1143], bur Gysburne/Gisborough Priory). “Robertus de Brus” donated property to St Mary’s, York by charter dated to [1125/35], witnessed by “Ada filio meo, Petro de Brus…”[918]. - see below.
Robert de Brus & his [first/second] wife had one child:
b) AGATHA de Brus . A charter dated to [1145/54] records the dowry granted by “Robertus de Brus” to “Agathe filie sue” on her marriage to “Radulfo Ribaldi filio”, witnessed by “…Petro de Brus, Ernaldo de Perci…Herveo Ribaldi filio…”[919]. Although this charter is dated to after the death of Robert de Brus (died 1141), the chronology of the family of Agatha’s husband suggests that Agatha must have been his daughter and not the daughter of Robert [II] de Brus his son, the marriage having taken place many years before the charter. m RALPH, son of RIBALD & his [first/second] wife [[Beatrix] Taillebois/Beatrix ---].
Robert de Brus & his [second] wife had one child:
c) ROBERT [II] de Brus ([1135/40]-[17 Feb, 26 Aug, or 4 Dec] after [1170/90]). The manuscript history of the founders of Gysburne/Gisborough Priory names “Robertus de Bruse…miles de Normannia” and “Roberto de Bruse filio suo juniori”, adding that the latter was captured during the Anglo-Scottish wars[920].
- [900] Dugdale Monasticon VI, Gysburn Priory, Yorkshire, IV, Nomina Antecessorum de Carleton de Familia de Brus, p. 268.
- [901] Dugdale Monasticon III, York St Mary, V, p. 548.
- [902] Early Scottish Charters XXXV, p. 26.
- [903] Early Yorkshire Charters II, 647, p. 1.
- [904] Early Scottish Charters XLVI, p. 41.
- [905] Early Scottish Charters LIV, p. 48.
- [906] Early Yorkshire Charters II, 648, p. 1.
- [907] Pipe Roll 31 Hen I (1129/30), Yorkshire, Northumberland, pp. 28-9.
- [908] Dugdale Monasticon III, Middlesburgh Priory, Yorkshire, III, p. 632.
- [909] Dugdale Monasticon VI, Gysburn Priory, Yorkshire, I, p. 267.
- [910] Dugdale Monasticon VI, Gysburn Priory, Yorkshire, III, Fundatorum Historia, p. 267.
- [911] Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica, Vol. IV (1837), Ex Calendario…Prioratui de Gisburna, p. 261.
- [912] Dugdale Monasticon VI, Gysburn Priory, Yorkshire, IV, Nomina Antecessorum de Carleton de Familia de Brus, p. 268.
- [913] Dugdale Monasticon III, Middlesburgh Priory, Yorkshire, III, p. 632.
- [914] Dugdale Monasticon VI, Gysburn Priory, Yorkshire, I, p. 267.
- [915] Early Yorkshire Charters II, 673, p. 30.
- [916] Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica, Vol. IV (1837), Ex Calendario…Prioratui de Gisburna, p. 262.
- [917] Hunter, J. (ed.) (1844) The Great Rolls of the Pipe for the second, third and fourth years of the reign of King Henry II 1155-1158 (London) ("Pipe Roll") 2 Hen II (1155), "Everwichscira", p. 27.
- [918] Early Yorkshire Charters II, 648, p. 1.
- [919] Early Yorkshire Charters II, 650, p. 3.
- [920] Dugdale Monasticon VI, Gysburn Priory, Yorkshire, III, Fundatorum Historia, p. 267.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_de_Brus,_1st_Lord_of_Annandale (5 Nov 2017)
Robert de Brus, 1st Lord of Annandale
Robert I de Brus, 1st Lord of Annandale (c. 1070–1142) was an early 12th century Anglo-Norman baron and knight, the first of the Bruce dynasty to hold lands in Scotland. A monastic patron, he is remembered as the founder of Gisborough Priory in Yorkshire, in present-day Redcar and Cleveland, in 1119.[1]
Robert is given by some Victorian historians as a son of Adam de Brus, by his spouse Emma de Ramsay.[2][3]
Cokayne states that the family name is derived from Bruis, now Brix, in the arrondissement of Valognes.[4] Some modern historians contend that the name may have come from Brix, Manche, near Cherbourg in the Cotentin Peninsula, and that they came to England after King Henry I of England's conquest of Normandy (i.e.: at the same time as Alan fitz Flaad, the FitzAlan ancestor of the Stuart Royal Family, notwithstanding that they were Bretons).
What is known clearly is that this Robert de Brus is first mentioned during the period 1094 and 1100, as a witness to a charter of Hugh, Earl of Chester, granting the church of Flamborough, Yorkshire, to Whitby Abbey. Possibly the Earl of Chester about 1100–1104 enfeoffed Robert of certain portions of his Cleveland fee in Lofthouse, Upleatham, Barwick, Ingleby, and other places.
Between 1103–1106 Robert de Brus attested with Ralph de Paynel and 16 others a charter of William, Count of Mortain, to the abbey of Marmoutier. In 1109 at a Council of all England held at Nottingham, he attested the charter of King Henry I confirming to the church of Durham certain possessions which the men of Northumberland had claimed. During the period 1109–1114 he appears in early charters in possession of numerous other manors and lands in Yorkshire, and in the same period he attested a charter of Henry I issued at Woodstock, Oxfordshire.
He appears in the Lindsey Survey made 1115–1118 in possession of even further lands. There is a strong presumption that the King had given Robert his Yorkshire fee soon after the battle of Tinchebrai (28 September 1106).
Robert was present at the great gathering of northern magnates at Durham in 1121, and sometime during the period 1124–1130 he was with the King at Brampton. About 1131 he was in the retinue of Henry I at Lions, in Eure. At about the same time he attested with three of his personal knights a confirmation with Alan de Percy to the monks of Whitby.[5]
It is said that Robert had been given some 80 manors in Yorkshire by King Henry. It is evident that Robert kept up his connexions with other Normans too. A member of the Feugeres family, of Feugeres, Calvados, arr.Bayeux, canton of Isigny, witnessed charters of this Robert de Brus circa 1135 in Yorkshire.[6]
The friendship between Robert de Brus and David FitzMalcolm (after 1124 King David I of Scotland), who was present in France with King Henry and was granted much of the Cotentin Peninsula, may have commenced at least as early as 1120, at Henry's Court.[7] When David became king, he settled upon his military companion and friend the Lordship of Annandale, in 1124,[8] There is, however, scant evidence that this Robert ever took up residence on his Scottish estates.
After the death of King Henry, David refused to recognise Henry's successor, King Stephen. Instead, David supported the claim of his niece and Stephen's cousin, Empress Matilda, to the English throne and taking advantage of the chaos in England due to the disputed succession there, he took the chance to realise his son's claim to Northumberland. These actions Robert de Brus of Annandale could not countenance and as a result he and King David parted company, with Robert bitterly renouncing his homage to David before taking the English side at the Battle of the Standard in 1138.[9] Before the battle, Robert had made an impassioned plea to David, calling to his remembrance how he and other Normans had by their influence in Scotland, as far back as 1107, obliged King Alexander to give a part of the Scottish Kingdom to his brother David. The appeal was in vain. Robert, and his eldest son Adam, joined the English army, while his younger son, Robert, with an eye on his Scottish inheritance, fought for David.[10]
Robert is said to have married twice:
(1) Agnes, daughter of Geoffrey Bainard, Sheriff of York and
(2) Agnes, daughter and heiress of Fulk de Paynel of Carleton, North Yorkshire.[11][12] Farrer mentions both marriages and in particular points out that the superior of Carleton Manor was de Brus, and that Paynel held it of him.
It is unclear by which spouse his sons were, but authorities usually give her as Agnes de Paynel.
- Adam de Brus I, eldest son and heir upon whom devolved, under feudal law, all the English estates.[13] He only survived his father by 12 months, his wife's name not known in the records.[14]
- Robert de Brus, the younger son, upon whom his father had settled the Scottish Lordship of Annandale, plus several wheat-producing ploughates at Skelton, Yorkshire, in his lifetime.[15][16]
- ^ Sherlock, Stephen. "Gisborough Priory: Information for Teachers" English Heritage. 2001. 1 Oct 2008.
- ^ Norcliffe, C.B., editor, The Visitation of Yorkshire, 1563/4 taken by William Flower, Norroy King of Arms, London, 1881, p.40.
- ^ Burke, Messrs. John & John Bernard, The Royal Families of England, Scotland, and Wales, with their Descendants, etc., London, 1848: vol.1, pedigree XXXIV.
- ^ Cokayne, G.E., edited. by the Hon. Vicary Gibbs, The Complete Peerage, vol.ii, London, 1912, p.358n.
- ^ Farrer, William, editor, Early Yorkshire Charters, vol. ii, Edinburgh, 1915, p.11.
- ^ Loyd, Lewis C., Barrister-at-law, edited by Charles Travis Clay & David C. Douglas, The Origins of some Anglo-Norman Families, Harleian Society, Leeds, UK, 1951; reprinted Baltimore, Md., 1999 edition, p.43.
- ^ Farrer, 1915, p.11.
- ^ Donaldson, Gordon, Scottish Historical Documents, Edinburgh, 1970: 19, "David by the grace of God King of Scots, to all his barons, men, and friends, French and English, greeting. Know ye that I have given and granted to Robert de Brus Estrahanent (i.e: Annandale) and all the land from the boundary of Randolph Meschin; and I will and grant that he should hold and have that land and its castle well and honourably with all its customs," &c. This is a new charter and not a reconfirmation." ISBN 0-7011-1604-8
- ^ Burton, John Hill, The History of Scotland, New revised edition, Edinburgh, 1876, vol.1, p.437
- ^ Farrer, 1915, p.11-12.
- ^ Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford, 1904 (online version available) Duncan, ODNB
- ^ Burke (1883) p.80
- ^ Ritchie, R. L. Graeme, The Normans in Scotland, Edinburgh University Press, 1954, p.278.
- ^ "SCOTLAND KINGS". fmg.ac.
- ^ Ritchie, 1954, p.278.
- ^ "SCOTLAND KINGS". fmg.ac.
- Duncan, A.A.M., 'de Brus, Robert (I), Lord of Annandale (d. 1142)', Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004, doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/3748. Retrieved 28 October 2008.
- Oram, Richard, David: The King Who Made Scotland, (Gloucestershire, 2004)
http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/3748 (5 Nov 2017)
See the extensive discussion of Robert de Brus and his role in the history of England and Scotland in Ruth Margaret Blakeley's book, "The Brus Family in England and Scotland, 1100-1295." Much of this book is available on line through Googlebooks at http://books.google.com/books?id=_c95jpY_joAC&printsec=frontcover.
William Fraser, Introductions and Illustrations of the Annandale Family Book ...Edinburgh, 1894. pp. 4ff. The book is available online at https://books.googleusercontent.com/books/content?req=AKW5QadcgpQYI...
During the frequent residence in England of King David the First before his succession as King of Scotland, he had formed an intimate personal friendship with Robert the Bruce, the acquirer of Annandale. David probably supposed that the experience of Bruce in governing his own English lordships would conduce to the good rule and civilisation of the extensive Border lordship of Annandale, which formed the middle or third division of the county of Dumfries. The other two divisions of that county are Nithsdale on the west, and Eskdale on the east. But whatever were the real motives, whether of private friendship or public policy, of King David in making such a munificent grant, Bruce soon entered into possession of the district of Annandale, and governed it successfully from 1124 till the year 1138, when the Battle of the Standard, which was fought on 22d August that year on Cutton Moor, near Northallerton, changed the relations between King David and his favourite grantee of Annandale. The latter almost passionately endeavoured to dissuade the king against his ill-advised war with England. Bruce's address to his sovereign on that occasion was more in the style and language of an independent sovereign than a subject of Scotland as lord of Annandale. But his advice and his entreaties were disregarded, and the war proved disastrous to the Scots. Bruce did not long survive that battle, having died in May 1141, after governing Annandale for seventeen years.
His second son, also named Robert, succeeded to Annandale, and was the second Robert Brace of Annandale from 1141 to 1190. He made charter grants of the lauds and fishings in Annandale to his friends and followers, as appears from the charters still preserved.
King William the Lion confirmed to this second Robert Bruce of Annandale all the land which his father and himself held in the dale of Annan by the same marches by which his father held it, and he after his father, to himself and his heirs in fee and heritage, as freely as ever his father or he himself held that land of King David, the grandfather of King William, or of King Malcolm his brother. That confirmation charter excepted the rights of the king's royalty, which are enumerated as causes of treasure trove, murder, assault aforethought, rape, arson, robbery, which are reserved to the king. King William also granted to Bruce that these causes should be brought into court by one of the men of his fief to be chosen by the king, and pleaded before his justices. The grantee is to take the like customs as are exacted at Roxburgh, except the assize of his barony. That charter bears no date, but it must have been granted between 1165, when King William succeeded his brother King Malcolm, and 1191, when Robert Bruce the son of the grantee is proved to have been dead. The confirmation of King William now recited bears to have been granted at "Locmaban." l
William De Bruce, The Fourth Of Annandale.
The Christian name of Robert prevailed so much in the Bruce family as to be almost hereditary in the eight generations which existed between the father of the Robert Bruce, first of Annandale, and his descendant Robert Bruce of Annandale and King of Scotland. The fourth Lord of Annandale appears to have been on the same terms of intimacy with King William as had subsisted between King David and the first Bruce of Annandale. William Bruce granted several charters of lands in Annandale, which are printed in this work.
The fifth Bruce of Annandale was Robert, who succeeded his father William Bruce. Robert married the Princess Isabel, second daughter of David, Earl of Huntingdon, younger brother of King William the Lion.
This royal marriage ultimately led to the descendant of the Bruces becoming King of Scotland.
The sixth Bruce of Annandale was Robert, who was the eldest son and successor of his father Bobert and the Princess Isabel his wife. In the year 1249-50 he was one of the Lords Justices of the common pleas of England. At first sight such a position indicates incompatibility with the ownership of Annandale. But the connections of the Bruces with England were from the first fully more prominent than with Scotland. The Lord Justice was afterwards made Sheriff of Cumberland and Governor of Carlisle, and in the following year, 1255, he was made one of the Regents of Scotland. He sat in the parliament at Brigham on 18th July 1290 as Lord Of Annandale. On the death of Margaret of Norway in the same year, Brace entered his claim to the crown of Scotland as nearest heir to King Alexander the Third. But his claim was repelled by King Edward the First on 17th November 1292. This Eobert Bruce is best known in history as the Competitor. He resigned his right in favour of his son Robert Bruce, who had become Earl of Carrick, and died at his castle of Loch1nabeu in 1295, aged 85.
There are several charters of special interest granted by the Bruces. The charter by Robert de Bruce in favour of Ivo and his heirs appears as the foundation charter of the family of Kirkpatrick. The charter bears no date, but, from the names of the witnesses, it must have been granted about the year 1190 by the second Robert Bruce of Annandale. It is very brief, as will be seen from an exact facsimile here introduced.1 The third charter is by William Bruce, either the son or the brother of Eobert Bruce, the granter of the charter to Ivo. Like the first charter, this one bears no date; but, from the names of the witnesses mentioned in it, it was probably granted between the years 1194 and 1214. But while in the first charter Ivo is designated simply by his Christian name, he is in the second charter designated "Ivo of Kirkpatrick."2 This is an instance of a person in the twelfth century, having only a Christian and no surname, taking a surname in addition to his Christian name from lauds acquired by him and transmitting the surname to his successors.1
1 Charter printed p. 1 of this volume. 2 Ibid. i<\,. 2, 3 of this volume.
Another of the Bruce charters is granted by Robert Bruce to Roger Crispin of the land of Cnoculeran. This charter is not dated, but was probably granted between the years 1215, when the granter succeeded to his father, William Bruce, and when Robert himself died in 1245. The two seals of the granter are still appended to the charter, both bearing the well-known saltire of the Bruce, and the lion passant in chief. Drawings of both these seals are given on the back of the lithograph of the charter. The ink in which that charter is written is even yet, after the lapse of six centuries, as clear and glossy as when it was originally engrossed. This will be seen from the facsimile here introduced. The charter is printed in this volume.
Egbert Bruce, Earl Of Carrick, Father Of King Eobert.
Robert Bruce, the seventh Lord of Annandale, augmented his territorial possessions by a romantic marriage with Marjory,2 Countess of Carriuk in her own right. The marriage took place in 1271. Obscurity hangs over that marriage as well as the inheritance of the dignity of Earl of Carrick. The countess appears to have been recognised as owner of the earldom. But no patent of the peerage is known to exist, and the terms of the limitations are not in any known record. After his marriage Bruce appears as Earl of Carrick. But whether he was so styled in virtue of the courtesy in his wife's title, or under a new creation in his own right, does not appear. Of that marriage were bom twelve children, five sons and seven daughters. The daughters and their marriages are stated by Mrs. Gumming Bruce in her recent work, "The Bruces and the Cumyns." A question has often been raised as to the birthplace of King Robert the Bruce. Some writers contend for Lochmaben Castle. But as his father and mother lived at the castle of Turnbery in Carrick, where the Countess's numerous family of sons and daughters appear to have been born, the probability is that the king was also born there.1
A charter was granted by the seventh Lord of Annandale, also under the title of Robert Bruce, Earl of Carrick and Lord of Annandale, to Sir William of Carlyle, knight, of a piece of land for the increase of the land of Kynemund, which is minutely described.2
Another charter was granted by " Robertus de Bruys, comes de Carrik, et dominus Vallis Anandie," to Alexander de Kethe, of the granter's tenement in Langforgrund. The charter bears no date. The granter's seal is still appended and entire. The shield bears the Bruce saltire and a chief. These were the armorial bearings of the Bruces before the marriage with the Countess of Carrick. Bruce took the name and style of Earl of Carrick ; but he continued to carry his own arms without any addition or impaling those of his wife. The legend reads " S. Roberti de Brvs." s This charter has been lithographed for this work and is here introduced. It is printed at length in the Appendix along with a translation. The handwriting is a very favourable specimen of a charter of the thirteenth century.
The eighth Bruce of Annandale was the most renowned and illustrious of them all, the hero of Bannockburn, Robert the First, King of Scotland; and among the numerous charters granted by him to his successful comrade in arms, James, Lord of Douglas, knight, was one of the whole land of Polbuthy [Polmoodie], within the vale of Moffat. The land was to be held by the grantee and his heirs of the king and his heirs for rendering twelve broad arrows yearly. The charter bears date at Abirbrothoc, 15th December 1318.The original charter is still preserved in the Douglas charter-chest, and by the kind permission of the Earl of Home, Baron Douglas of Douglas, a lithograph of it is here introduced. The charter itself is also printed.1 Polbuthy forms part of the extensive Annandale estates, and contains the highest mountain range in the south of Scotland.
GEN-MEDIEVAL-L From: "John P. Ravilious" <therav3@aol.com>
Subject: Re: Brus of Skelton ancestry of Fairfax
Wednesday, 19 November, 2008
1 Robert de Brus
Death:1142 1,2
Burial:priory church of Guisborough, co. Yorks.
Occ:Lord of Cleveland and Annandale
Father:Robert de Brus
- of Skelton and Danby in Cleveland, co. York
- had grant of Skelton from King Henry I, 11063
- exchanged other lands for Danby in Cleveland, co. Yorks.
- attested a charter of William of Mortain before 1107, and charter of Henry I at a council in Nottingham, confirming gifts to the church of Durham, 11092
- 'Robertus de Brus', made gift of 20 carucates and 2 bovates of land, and the town of Guisborough, to the canons of Guisborough (confirmed by grandson Adam de Brus, before 11902), 1124 or before [VCH Yorkshire III:208-2134]
- 'Roberti de Brus ', witness [together with Robert de Brus, Robert fitz Nigel, Hugh de Morville, Hugh 'bret' and Robert Corbet, Walter de Lindsay and Walter fitz Winemer] to charter of Earl David granting 100s. from Hardingestrona for the use of the church of Glasgow, with the concession of his wife Matilda; dated ca. 1123 [Lawrie, early Scottish Charters, pp. 41-2, no. XLVI5]
- 'Robert de Brus', had charter from King David I of Scots for ' Estrahanent [i.e., Annandale] and all the land from the boundary of Dunegal of Stranit [Nithsdale] to the boundary of Randolph Meschin....
- Witnesses: Eustace Fitzjohn, Hugh de Morville, Alan de Perci, William de Somerville, Berengar Engaine, Randolph de Sules, William de Morville, Hervi son of Warin and Edmund the chamberlain', dated Scone, ca. 1124 [Donaldson, p. 196]
- ' Robert de Brus ', witness to charter of King David dated 1126: ' Charter of David I addressed to all throughout his kingdom in Scotia and Lothian granting to St Cuthbert and his monks, in alms, the
- following lands in Lothian:- Coldingham, Old Cambus, Lumsdaine, Reston, "Remintun", Swinewood, Prenderguest, Ayton, the other Ayton, "Crammesmuthe", Lamberton, the other Lamberton, Paxton, Fishwick and Swinton with all rights, customs, appurtenances, etc for the good of his soul and the souls of his son Henry, his parents, his brothers and sisters.
- Witnesses: John, Bishop [of Glasgow] , Robert de Brus , Herbert the Chancellor , Ascelin the Archdeacon , Pagan de Braose , Hugh Brett , Berengar Engain , Gospatric the sheriff , Aimar . ' [Confirmed in the third year of his reign, at Peebles . 1126
- Language: Latin Parchment.
- Seal: David I. Broken. Natural wax varnished. Attached to strip cut from foot of document. To strengthen the seal tag someone has stitched it for 1" to the foot of the charter. Misc.Ch. 568 ; Cart. Vet. f. 101v [x] ; Misc.Ch. 6805 ; Raine ND App. XV ; Lawrie LXV ; Carr, App no. 2 p 323 ] [Durham University Library Archives & Special Collections, Misc.Ch. 5687]
- 'Robertus de Brus', made grant of the manor of Appleton Wieske ['vocatur Appletona'] and the land between it and Kirk Levington to St. Mary's, York, ca. 1125-35; witnessed by son Adam de Brus [EYC II: 1-2, no. 648, citing Chartulary of St. Mary's]2
- renounced allegiance to Scotland and resigned lands to younger son Robert before Battle of the Standard, 1138
1. I. J. Sanders, "English Baronies: A Study of Their Origin and Descent, 1086-1327," Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1960.
2. William Farrer, Hon.D.Litt., Editor, "Early Yorkshire Charters," Edinburgh: Ballantyne, Hanson & Co., 1915-1916, Vol. I (1914), Vol. II (1915) Vol. III (1916), Vol. XII [the family of Constable of Flamborough], courtesy Rosie Bevan, Vol. V [Manfield fee, pp. 53-58 ], courtesy Rosie Bevan, Vol. IX [Stuteville fee], <Re: Avice de Tanfield, wife of Robert Marmion>, SGM, 26 Feb 2002.
3. Richard Borthwick, "Re: Researching DE BRUS and descendants," August 21, 1999, cites sources for the ancestry of Laderine de Brus, wife of Sir John de Bellew (or 'de Bella Acqua'), souces include Sanders, English Baronies; EYC - C T Clay *Early Yorkshire Charters*; HKF - W Farrer *Honors and Knights' Fees*;, and ES - D Schwennicke (ed) *Europaeische Stammtafeln*.
4. "A History of the County of York," 1974, Volume 3: 'Houses of Austin canons: Priory of Guisborough', URL: http://www.british-history.ac.uk/report.asp?compid=36263.
5. Sir Archibald C. Lawrie, "Early Scottish Charters Prior to A.D. 1153," Glasgow: James MacLehose and Sons, 1905.
6. Gordon Donaldson, "Scottish Historical Documents," Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1970.
7. "Durham Cathedral Muniments: Miscellaneous Charters," Durham University Library Archives & Special Collections, http://flambard.dur.ac.uk:6336/dynaweb/handlist/ddc/dcdmisch/@Gener.... cf. Richard Borthwick, 'Researching de Brus and Descendants' (cites Sanders, I J *English Baronies: a study of their origin and descent 1086-1327* (Oxford, 1963 [1960]) 77; DNB III:114; K S B Keats-Rohan *Domesday People: A Prosopography of Persons occurring in English Documents, 1066-1166* (The Boydell Press: Woodbridge, 1999) I:414-415)
The Lord of Annandale was a sub-comital lordship in southern Scotland (Annandale) established by David I of Scotland by 1124 for his follower Robert de Brus. The following were holders of the officers:
* Robert de Brus, 1st Lord of Annandale, 1113 x 1124-1138
* Robert de Brus, 2nd Lord of Annandale, 1138x-1194
* William de Brus, 3rd Lord of Annandale, 1194-1211 x 1212
* Robert de Brus, 4th Lord of Annandale, 1211 x 1212-1226 x 1233
* Robert de Brus, 5th Lord of Annandale, 1226 x 1233-1295
* Robert de Brus, 6th Lord of Annandale, 1295-1304
* Robert de Brus, 7th Lord of Annandale (King Robert), 1304-1312
* Thomas Randolph, 8th Lord of Annandale, 1312-32
* Thomas Randolph, 9th Lord of Annandale, 1332
* John Randolph, 10th Lord of Annandale, 1332-46
* Agnes Randolph, 11th Lady of Annandale, 1346-1369
o m. Patrick Dunbar, 9th Earl of Dunbar
* George de Dunbar, 12th Lord of Annandale, 1369-1401/9 (although under part English control until 1384; conquered by Douglas in 1401 after Dunbar went over to the English; Douglas possession confirmed in 1409)
* Archibald Douglas, 13th Lord of Annandale, 1401/9-24
* Archibald Douglas, 14th Lord of Annandale, 1424-1439
* William Douglas, 15th Lord of Annandale, 1439-40
* Annexed to Crown
* Alexander Stewart, 16th Lord of Annandale, 1455-1485
* John Stewart, 17th Lord of Annandale ?, 1485-1536
* Crown
1. References
* Barrow, G.W.S., ‘Robert I (1274-1329)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 accessed 16 Nov 2006
* Duncan, A.A.M., ‘Brus , Robert (I) de, lord of Annandale (d. 1142)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 accessed 16 Nov 2006
* Duncan, A.A.M., ‘Brus , Robert (II) de, lord of Annandale (d. 1194?)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 accessed 16 Nov 2006
* Duncan, A.A.M., ‘Brus , Robert (V) de , lord of Annandale (c.1220-1295)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, Sept 2004; online edn, Oct 2005 accessed 16 Nov 2006
* Duncan, A.A.M., ‘Brus , Robert (VI) de, earl of Carrick and lord of Annandale (1243-1304)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004 accessed 16 Nov 2006
Source: http://wapedia.mobi/en/Lord_of_Annandale
SOURCES: 1) GENEALOGY: Royal Ancestors of Magna Charta Barons; Page 226; G929.72; C6943ra; Denver Public Library; Genealogy
2) GENEALOGY: The Scots Peerage; Vol II; Page 428; G929.72; P291sc; Denver Public Library; Genealogy
Robert DE_BRUSSE_3RD. Born 1078. Married Agnes (Agnes
Paynell) BRUCE, born of Annandale, daughter of Foulk DE_PAGANELL.
Died MAY 1141. !GENEALOGY: Royal Ancestors of Magna Charta
Barons; Page 226; G929.72; C6943ra; Denver Public Library;
Genealogy !GENEALOGY: The Scots Peerage; Vol II; Page 428;
G929.72; P291sc; Denver Public Library; Genealogy
Children of Robert DE_BRUSSE_3RD and Agnes (Agnes Paynell)
Robert de Brusse was probably not of Norse origin or related to the Earls of Orkney. The most likely father/ancestor is the Count of Louvain, not Bruse Orkneyjarl.
See extensive article + ancestor chart:
Robert de Bruges, could be a younger son of the powerful Count of Louvain, and could have accepted the post of Castellan from the Count of Flanders.
https://www.baronage.co.uk/bphtm-03/bruce-03.html The Ancestry of Robert the Bruce
Nancy Prosser Rising Star · September 12 at 2:29 PM Thank you for adding me to the group! I have done much research on the Bruce name---may I share?
The very first of the name, was Brusse Sigurdsson, Earl of Caithness and Sunderland, born about 990 on Orkney. They were Vikings from Norway, and had been living in the Orkneys since the mid-800's.
His son was Ragenwald de Brusse, Earl of Ladoga, which is located in Northwestern Russia. He was born in Orkney, uncertain of where he died, but his son, Sir Robert de Brusse 'Robert Bruce I', Baron of Skelton, was born about 1030 in Normandy, France. As reward for assisting William the Conqueror, he was granted Skelton Castle on lands in Cleveland, Yorkshire, England. So, the Bruce name originated in Scotland (Orkney), then went to France, then came back again, via England!
His son was Adelme (Adam) de Brusse, Baron of Skelton, Lord of Cleveland, born 1051 at Adam Castle, the oldest monument in Brix, Normandy, France, built by his father, Robert Bruce I. Very little is left of the castle today. His son was Sir Robert de Brusse 'Robert Bruce II', Baron of Skelton, 1st Baron of Annandale, and marks the return of Bruce to Scotland, sometime shortly after 1070.
His son was Lord Robert de Brusse 'Robert Bruce III' (Le Meschin-The Cadet), 2nd Baron of Annandale. His son was William de Brusse 'William Bruce', 3rd Baron of Annandale. He married Christine mac Uchtred, Countess of Dunbar, daughter of Uchtred mac Fergus, Lord of Galloway, whose father was Fergus, Lord of Galloway. Fergus was married to Elizabeth Joan fitz Roy, the illegitimate daughter of King Henry I of England, whose father was William the Conqueror.
William and Christine had a son named Robert de Brusse 'Robert Bruce IV', 4th Baron of Annandale, Lord of Garioch. He married Isobel, Countess of Huntingdon, daughter of David mac Henry, Prince of Scotland & 8th Earl of Huntingdon, whose father was Hendrick (Henry) mac David, (Eanric mac Daibhidh), Crown Prince of Scotland, 3rd Earl of Northumberland, Earl of Northampton, 3rd Earl of Huntingdon, who was the son of David I (Daibhidh mac Máel Choluim - David mac Malcolm) 'The Saint', King of Scots, who was the son of Máel Choluim III mac Donnachaidh 'Ceann Mòr' (Canmore - Great Head or Chief) 'Malcolm III Canmore', King of Alba, King of Scots, Originator of Ghillie Callum (Sword Dance). This branch leads back to King Duncan I, King Malcolm I and II, back to Kenneth mac Alpin, 1st King of a unified Alba of both Picts & Scots, who is descended from Fergus (Fhearghais, Fhearghuis) Mór (The Great) mac Eircc, King of Scottish Dál Riata (Kintyre, Cowal and Bute), 1st Scottish Monarch in Alba territory. Fergus is eventually descended from Conn of the Hundred Battles, for which Connemara was named.
Back to Bruce--Robert Bruce IV and Isobel had a son named Robert Bruce V, 'Bruce the Competitor', 'Robert the Noble', 5th Lord of Annandale, Earl of Huntingdon, Justice of the Court of Common Pleas, Sheriff of Cumberland, Governor of Carlisle, the first Bruce to make a bid for the throne, though, not successfully. He married Isabella de Clare, Countess of Pembroke (Wales) and daughter of Gilbert de Clare, 4th Earl of Hertford, 5th Earl of Gloucester, 1st Lord of Glamorgan, 7th Lord of Clare.
Robert V and Isabella had a son named Robert Bruce VI, 6th Lord of Annandale, 3rd Earl of Carrick, Governor of Carlisle, who gained the Earldom of Carrick when he married Margaret 'Marjory', 3rd Countess of Carrick (Carraig). Carraig, in Gaelic, means rock. Robert VI & Marjory were the parents of Sir Robert Bruce VII (Roibert a Briuis) 'Robert the Bruce', Liberator & King of Scotland, 7th Lord of Annandale, 4th Earl of Carrick.
His Viking ancestry is even more fun, as it includes names such as: Sigurd the Stout and Thorfinn Skull-Splitter. Thorfinn Skull-Splitter's father was Einarr 'Torf-Einarr' Ragnvaldsson, Jarl (Earl) of Orkney, and his brother was Rollo, the first Duke of Normandy, and great-great-great-grandfather of William the Conqueror. That branch (Rollo & Einarr) goes back to Halvdan 'The Old' Sigurdsson, Jarl (Earl) of Uplanders of Norway, who was the brother of Ragnarr 'Loðbrók' (Shaggy Britches) Sigurdsson, King of Denmark, Norway and Sweden. It just doesn't get any better than this, in terms of historic figures! We follow those branches back through many kings in Norway/Sweden/Denmark/Finland, and even one Russian king.
Robert de Brus 1st Lord of Skelton and 1st Lord of Annandale's Timeline
1071 |
1095 |
Skelton Castle, Yorkshire, England
1100 |
Age 29
companion at arms to Prince David of Scotland while at court of King Henry I Bea
1103 |
Annandale, Dumfries, Scotland
1105 |
Skelton Castle, Yorkshire, England
1141 |
May 11, 1141
Age 70
Skelton, Yorkshire, England (United Kingdom)
Age 70
Priory, Gysburne/Gisborough, Yorkshire, England
1932 |
September 20, 1932
Age 70
September 20, 1932
Age 70