Historical records matching Robert Brochard de Château-du-Loire, I
Immediate Family
half brother
About Robert Brochard de Château-du-Loire, I
From Medlands
ROBERT "Brochard", son of HAMON Seigneur d'Argentré & his wife Hildeburge de Bellême (-30 Jun, before [Sep 1067/23 Sep 1068]). He was granted the honour of Château-du-Loir by Geoffroy "le Barbu"[272]. The canons of Saint-Pierre-de-la-Cour relinquished vines to Abelin by charter dated [1051/62] naming "Herberto, Cinomannorum comite, cum fidelibus suis, Rotberto filio Hamelini"[273]. The absence of Robert from the list of those consenting to the donation of his son Gervais dated [Sep 1067/23 Sep 1068] (see below) implies that he had predeceased the donation. On the other hand, his son Gervais is named "Gervasium filium Roberti" in a charter dated 8 Mar 1071[274], which suggests that his father might then still have been alive. The necrology of Le Mans Cathedral records the death "II Kal Jul" of "Robertus filius Haimonis de Castrolidi"[275].
m ELISABETH, daughter of --- (-[1095]). "Gervasius homo milicie seculari" donated the church of Saint-Guingalois "in pago Cenomannensi in Castello Ledi" to Marmoutier by charter dated [Sep 1067/23 Sep 1068], naming "pater meus Rotbertus et mater meus Elisabeth et uxor mea Aremburgis necnon et avus meus Amelinus et avia mea Hildeburgis et Gervasius Remorum archiepiscopus" with the consent of "matris mee omniumque fratrum meorum" and listing the monetary contributions of "matreque meu et fratres mei…mater mea Elisabet…Adam…Rotbertus…Gervasius clericus…"[276].
Robert & his wife had four children:
1. GERVAIS [II] de Château-du-Loir ([1035/45][277]-[1095]). Son of "Rodberti cognomento Brochardi" according to Orderic Vitalis[278]. "Gervais de Chasteau-du-Loir" donated property to the abbey of Saint-Pierre-de-la-Cour du Mans for the health of his father Robert, Aymar his grandfather and archbishop Gervais his uncle by charter dated to [1055/65][279]. "Gervasius homo milicie seculari" donated the church of Saint-Guingalois "in pago Cenomannensi in Castello Ledi" to Marmoutier by charter dated [Sep 1067/23 Sep 1068], naming "pater meus Rotbertus et mater meus Elisabeth et uxor mea Aremburgis necnon et avus meus Amelinus et avia mea Hildeburgis et Gervasius Remorum archiepiscopus" with the consent of "matris mee omniumque fratrum meorum" and listing the monetary contributions of "matreque meu et fratres mei…mater mea Elisabet…Adam…Rotbertus…Gervasius clericus…"[280]. He succeeded his uncle as Seigneur de Château-du-Loir. m firstly (before [Sep 1067/23 Sep 1068]) EREMBURGE, daughter of --- & his wife Mathilde (-4 Jun [1085/95]). "Gervasius homo milicie seculari" donated the church of Saint-Guingalois "in pago Cenomannensi in Castello Ledi" to Marmoutier by charter dated [Sep 1067/23 Sep 1068], naming "pater meus Rotbertus et mater meus Elisabeth et uxor mea Aremburgis necnon et avus meus Amelinus et avia mea Hildeburgis et Gervasius Remorum archiepiscopus" with the consent of "matris mee omniumque fratrum meorum" and listing the monetary contributions of "matreque meu et fratres mei…mater mea Elisabet…Adam…Rotbertus…Gervasius clericus…"[281]. "Gervasius de Castello Lit et Eremburgis uxor ipsius" made a donation to Saint-Vincent by charter dated 2 Jun [1085/95] which declares that "Mathildis mater ipsius Eremburgis" was present and specifies that Eremburgis was on her death bed[282]. m secondly GARSENDE, daughter of ---. The primary source which confirms her marriage has not yet been identified. Gervais [II] & his first wife had one child:
a) MATHILDE de Château-du-Loir (-[10/25] Mar 1099). Orderic Vitalis names "Mathildem filiam Gervasii…qui Rodeberti Brochardi filius fuit" as wife of Helias[283]. The same source records that her dowry consisted of the castles of Château-du-Loir, Mayet, Lucé-le-Grand and Outillé[284]. "Helias comes Cenomanensis" donated his chapel at the foot of la Tour de Château-du-Loir to Saint-Guingalois for the soul of "uxoris suæ Mathildis, ante paucos dies defunctæ" by charter dated 27 Mar 1099[285]. m ([1090]) as his first wife, HELIE de la Flèche, son of JEAN de la Flèche & his wife Paula du Maine (-11 Jul 1110). He succeeded in 1093 as Comte du Maine.
2. ADAM de Château-du-Loir (-after [1090/96]). The monks of Saint-Aubin relate the claim by "Adam filius Rotberti de Castro Ledi, nepos Gervasii archiepiscopi" against the church of Bousse by charter dated [1060/67] also naming "Rotbertus frater Adam"[286]. "Gervasii de Castello Lid et Adam fratris eius" witnessed a charter dated [1090/96] between Guillaume de Braitel and the monks of Saint-Vincent[287]. "De baronibus Andegavensibus: Rainaldus de Castro Gunterii, Gosfridus Rorgonis, Paganus de Mirebello, Adam de Castello Ledi, Robertus Vestrollus, Fulco de Matefelon" are named as present in the charter dated 1095 which records a judgment by Foulques IV "Rechin" Comte d´Anjou which confirms the abbey of Saint-Aubin d´Angers in its possession "du domaine de Pitrate, près Angers"[288]. m ---. The name of Adam's wife is not known. Adam & his wife had one child:
a) HAMELIN de Château-du-Loir (-27 Nov ----). "Adam de Castro Leli" donated part of the church of Parné to the church of Saint-Nicholas d'Angers with the consent of "filius eius Hamelinus" by charter dated [1080/94][289]. The necrology of Le Mans Cathedral records the death "V Kal Dec" of "Hamelinus nepos Gervasii de Castrolidi"[290]. same person as…? HAMELIN . Although there is no proof that this is the correct affiliation, his naming his son Adam suggests co-identity with Hamelin de Château-du-Loir, especially as other members of this family are commemorated in the same source. m [as her second husband,] GERSENDE, [widow of --- Comte,] daughter of [--- Comte de ---] & his wife ---. The necrology of Le Mans Cathedral records the death "Kal Mai" of "Adam filius Hamelini et Gersendis comitissa"[291]. This suggests that Gersende may have been born in a comital family, or was the widow of a count, although the family in question has not yet been identified. Comtesse. Hamelin & his wife had one child:
i) ADAM de Château-du-Loir (-1 May ----). The necrology of Le Mans Cathedral records the death "Kal Mai" of "Adam filius Hamelini et Gersendis comitissa"[292].
3. GERVAIS de Château-du-Loir (-after 1090). "Gervasius homo milicie seculari" donated the church of Saint-Guingalois "in pago Cenomannensi in Castello Ledi" to Marmoutier by charter dated [Sep 1067/23 Sep 1068], naming "pater meus Rotbertus et mater meus Elisabeth et uxor mea Aremburgis necnon et avus meus Amelinus et avia mea Hildeburgis et Gervasius Remorum archiepiscopus" with the consent of "matris mee omniumque fratrum meorum" and listing the monetary contributions of "matreque meu et fratres mei…mater mea Elisabet…Adam…Rotbertus…Gervasius clericus…"[293]. Canon at Saint-Martin d'Angers [1085]. "Quemdam nobilem juvenem, Gervasium nomine, nepotem illius…Gervasii ejusdem ecclesie quondam episcopi" was installed as deacon of the church of Le Mans dated [1083/90][294]. The reference to "juvenem" suggests a birth date much later than the [1035/45] estimated birth date of the elder Gervais son of Robert. "Guiscelin" abandoned his claim to Chémon by charter dated [1085] which names "Gervasius de Castro Ledi et Gervasius frater eius, canonicus Sancti Martini, Adam frater eorum, Helisabeth mater eorum"[295].
4. ROBERT de Château-du-Loir (-after [Sep 1067/23 Sep 1068]). The monks of Saint-Aubin relate the claim by "Adam filius Rotberti de Castro Ledi, nepos Gervasii archiepiscopi" against the church of Bousse by charter dated [1060/67] also naming "Rotbertus frater Adam"[296]. "Gervasius homo milicie seculari" donated the church of Saint-Guingalois "in pago Cenomannensi in Castello Ledi" to Marmoutier by charter dated [Sep 1067/23 Sep 1068], naming "pater meus Rotbertus et mater meus Elisabeth et uxor mea Aremburgis necnon et avus meus Amelinus et avia mea Hildeburgis et Gervasius Remorum archiepiscopus" with the consent of "matris mee omniumque fratrum meorum" and listing the monetary contributions of "matreque meu et fratres mei…mater mea Elisabet…Adam…Rotbertus…Gervasius clericus…"[297].
From Medlands
ROBERT "Brochard", son of HAMON Seigneur d'Argentré & his wife Hildeburge de Bellême (-30 Jun, before [Sep 1067/23 Sep 1068]). He was granted the honour of Château-du-Loir by Geoffroy "le Barbu"[272]. The canons of Saint-Pierre-de-la-Cour relinquished vines to Abelin by charter dated [1051/62] naming "Herberto, Cinomannorum comite, cum fidelibus suis, Rotberto filio Hamelini"[273]. The absence of Robert from the list of those consenting to the donation of his son Gervais dated [Sep 1067/23 Sep 1068] (see below) implies that he had predeceased the donation. On the other hand, his son Gervais is named "Gervasium filium Roberti" in a charter dated 8 Mar 1071[274], which suggests that his father might then still have been alive. The necrology of Le Mans Cathedral records the death "II Kal Jul" of "Robertus filius Haimonis de Castrolidi"[275].
m ELISABETH, daughter of --- (-[1095]). "Gervasius homo milicie seculari" donated the church of Saint-Guingalois "in pago Cenomannensi in Castello Ledi" to Marmoutier by charter dated [Sep 1067/23 Sep 1068], naming "pater meus Rotbertus et mater meus Elisabeth et uxor mea Aremburgis necnon et avus meus Amelinus et avia mea Hildeburgis et Gervasius Remorum archiepiscopus" with the consent of "matris mee omniumque fratrum meorum" and listing the monetary contributions of "matreque meu et fratres mei…mater mea Elisabet…Adam…Rotbertus…Gervasius clericus…"[276].
Robert & his wife had four children:
1. GERVAIS [II] de Château-du-Loir ([1035/45][277]-[1095]). Son of "Rodberti cognomento Brochardi" according to Orderic Vitalis[278]. "Gervais de Chasteau-du-Loir" donated property to the abbey of Saint-Pierre-de-la-Cour du Mans for the health of his father Robert, Aymar his grandfather and archbishop Gervais his uncle by charter dated to [1055/65][279]. "Gervasius homo milicie seculari" donated the church of Saint-Guingalois "in pago Cenomannensi in Castello Ledi" to Marmoutier by charter dated [Sep 1067/23 Sep 1068], naming "pater meus Rotbertus et mater meus Elisabeth et uxor mea Aremburgis necnon et avus meus Amelinus et avia mea Hildeburgis et Gervasius Remorum archiepiscopus" with the consent of "matris mee omniumque fratrum meorum" and listing the monetary contributions of "matreque meu et fratres mei…mater mea Elisabet…Adam…Rotbertus…Gervasius clericus…"[280]. He succeeded his uncle as Seigneur de Château-du-Loir. m firstly (before [Sep 1067/23 Sep 1068]) EREMBURGE, daughter of --- & his wife Mathilde (-4 Jun [1085/95]). "Gervasius homo milicie seculari" donated the church of Saint-Guingalois "in pago Cenomannensi in Castello Ledi" to Marmoutier by charter dated [Sep 1067/23 Sep 1068], naming "pater meus Rotbertus et mater meus Elisabeth et uxor mea Aremburgis necnon et avus meus Amelinus et avia mea Hildeburgis et Gervasius Remorum archiepiscopus" with the consent of "matris mee omniumque fratrum meorum" and listing the monetary contributions of "matreque meu et fratres mei…mater mea Elisabet…Adam…Rotbertus…Gervasius clericus…"[281]. "Gervasius de Castello Lit et Eremburgis uxor ipsius" made a donation to Saint-Vincent by charter dated 2 Jun [1085/95] which declares that "Mathildis mater ipsius Eremburgis" was present and specifies that Eremburgis was on her death bed[282]. m secondly GARSENDE, daughter of ---. The primary source which confirms her marriage has not yet been identified. Gervais [II] & his first wife had one child:
a) MATHILDE de Château-du-Loir (-[10/25] Mar 1099). Orderic Vitalis names "Mathildem filiam Gervasii…qui Rodeberti Brochardi filius fuit" as wife of Helias[283]. The same source records that her dowry consisted of the castles of Château-du-Loir, Mayet, Lucé-le-Grand and Outillé[284]. "Helias comes Cenomanensis" donated his chapel at the foot of la Tour de Château-du-Loir to Saint-Guingalois for the soul of "uxoris suæ Mathildis, ante paucos dies defunctæ" by charter dated 27 Mar 1099[285]. m ([1090]) as his first wife, HELIE de la Flèche, son of JEAN de la Flèche & his wife Paula du Maine (-11 Jul 1110). He succeeded in 1093 as Comte du Maine.
2. ADAM de Château-du-Loir (-after [1090/96]). The monks of Saint-Aubin relate the claim by "Adam filius Rotberti de Castro Ledi, nepos Gervasii archiepiscopi" against the church of Bousse by charter dated [1060/67] also naming "Rotbertus frater Adam"[286]. "Gervasii de Castello Lid et Adam fratris eius" witnessed a charter dated [1090/96] between Guillaume de Braitel and the monks of Saint-Vincent[287]. "De baronibus Andegavensibus: Rainaldus de Castro Gunterii, Gosfridus Rorgonis, Paganus de Mirebello, Adam de Castello Ledi, Robertus Vestrollus, Fulco de Matefelon" are named as present in the charter dated 1095 which records a judgment by Foulques IV "Rechin" Comte d´Anjou which confirms the abbey of Saint-Aubin d´Angers in its possession "du domaine de Pitrate, près Angers"[288]. m ---. The name of Adam's wife is not known. Adam & his wife had one child:
a) HAMELIN de Château-du-Loir (-27 Nov ----). "Adam de Castro Leli" donated part of the church of Parné to the church of Saint-Nicholas d'Angers with the consent of "filius eius Hamelinus" by charter dated [1080/94][289]. The necrology of Le Mans Cathedral records the death "V Kal Dec" of "Hamelinus nepos Gervasii de Castrolidi"[290]. same person as…? HAMELIN . Although there is no proof that this is the correct affiliation, his naming his son Adam suggests co-identity with Hamelin de Château-du-Loir, especially as other members of this family are commemorated in the same source. m [as her second husband,] GERSENDE, [widow of --- Comte,] daughter of [--- Comte de ---] & his wife ---. The necrology of Le Mans Cathedral records the death "Kal Mai" of "Adam filius Hamelini et Gersendis comitissa"[291]. This suggests that Gersende may have been born in a comital family, or was the widow of a count, although the family in question has not yet been identified. Comtesse. Hamelin & his wife had one child:
i) ADAM de Château-du-Loir (-1 May ----). The necrology of Le Mans Cathedral records the death "Kal Mai" of "Adam filius Hamelini et Gersendis comitissa"[292].
3. GERVAIS de Château-du-Loir (-after 1090). "Gervasius homo milicie seculari" donated the church of Saint-Guingalois "in pago Cenomannensi in Castello Ledi" to Marmoutier by charter dated [Sep 1067/23 Sep 1068], naming "pater meus Rotbertus et mater meus Elisabeth et uxor mea Aremburgis necnon et avus meus Amelinus et avia mea Hildeburgis et Gervasius Remorum archiepiscopus" with the consent of "matris mee omniumque fratrum meorum" and listing the monetary contributions of "matreque meu et fratres mei…mater mea Elisabet…Adam…Rotbertus…Gervasius clericus…"[293]. Canon at Saint-Martin d'Angers [1085]. "Quemdam nobilem juvenem, Gervasium nomine, nepotem illius…Gervasii ejusdem ecclesie quondam episcopi" was installed as deacon of the church of Le Mans dated [1083/90][294]. The reference to "juvenem" suggests a birth date much later than the [1035/45] estimated birth date of the elder Gervais son of Robert. "Guiscelin" abandoned his claim to Chémon by charter dated [1085] which names "Gervasius de Castro Ledi et Gervasius frater eius, canonicus Sancti Martini, Adam frater eorum, Helisabeth mater eorum"[295].
4. ROBERT de Château-du-Loir (-after [Sep 1067/23 Sep 1068]). The monks of Saint-Aubin relate the claim by "Adam filius Rotberti de Castro Ledi, nepos Gervasii archiepiscopi" against the church of Bousse by charter dated [1060/67] also naming "Rotbertus frater Adam"[296]. "Gervasius homo milicie seculari" donated the church of Saint-Guingalois "in pago Cenomannensi in Castello Ledi" to Marmoutier by charter dated [Sep 1067/23 Sep 1068], naming "pater meus Rotbertus et mater meus Elisabeth et uxor mea Aremburgis necnon et avus meus Amelinus et avia mea Hildeburgis et Gervasius Remorum archiepiscopus" with the consent of "matris mee omniumque fratrum meorum" and listing the monetary contributions of "matreque meu et fratres mei…mater mea Elisabet…Adam…Rotbertus…Gervasius clericus…"[297].
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Robert Brochard de Château-du-Loire, I's Timeline
1000 |
Chateau, Eure Et Loire, France
1030 |
Château-du-Loir, Pays de la Loire, France
1064 |
1065 |
June 30, 1065
Age 65
Nicea, Bithymia, Turkey
???? |