ROBERT de Grantmesnil (-St Euphemia 15 Nov 1089). Guillaume de Jumièges names (in order) "Hugues et Robert…et Ernaud" as sons of "Robert de Grandménil. He is named and his parentage given by Orderic Vitalis. In another passage, Orderic Vitalis records that "Guillaume fils de Giroie et…ses neveux Hugues de Grentemenil et Robert son frère" restored the monastery of Ouche de Saint-Evroul. Robert of Torigny's De Immutatione Ordinis Monachorum records that "Willermus filius Geroii monachus Becci et nepotes eius Robertus et Hugo de Grentemaisnil" restored "monasterium Sancti Ebrulfi apud Uticum". He restored the monastery of Ouches in 1050 with his brother Hugues. Abbot of St Evroul, later of St Euphemia in Calabria. Malaterra records the marriage "apud Sanctum Martinum" of "abbatum Sanctæ Euphemiæ Robertum…Judicta sorore sua" and Count Roger. Bishop of Troina. Archbishop of Messina.
1024 |
Grentemesnil, Calvados, Normandy, France
1082 |
December 12, 1082
Age 58
St. Euphamia, Sardina, Italy
Age 58
St. Euphamia, Sardina, Italy