Immediate Family
About Rotrude
FMG Franks, Carolingian Nobility (28 Nov 2020) Family of Enguerrand Comte de Paris
m LANDRADA, daughter of ---.
The Gesta Episcoporum Mettensis names "Chrodegangus antistes…ex pago Hasbaniensi oriundus, patre Sigramno, matre Landrada, Francorum ex genere primæ nobilitatis progenitus" as Bishop of Metz[187].
The charter dated 25 May 765 under which her son "Grodegangus…archiepiscopus" [son of Sigramnus and Landrada] donated property "in pago Wormacensi…[et] in villa Dagosbesher…in Hostoven, Burdus, in villa Flamersheim ecclesiam" to Gorze, with the consent of "Pipini…Francorum regis, avunculi mei"[188], suggests that she was Landrada, supposed daughter of Charles "Martel" maiordomus" of Austrasia and Neustria [Carolingian].
The supposed affiliation of Landrada is suggested by Settipani who quotes an Aquitaine necrology which lists >"Willelmus…pater eius Theodericus, mater Aldana soror Hiltrudis et Landradæ"[189].
He suggests that "Hiltrudis" was the wife of Odilo Duke of Bavaria, and therefore that all three sisters were daughters of Charles "Martel".
The theory is attractive but not conclusive, as its validity depends on there being no other contemporary Hiltrudis, which is not provable.
If it is correct, there is no indication about the mother of Landrada and Aldana. Hlawitschka highlights the case against the affiliation[190].
However, the evidence of the 25 May 765 charter suggests that Settipani’s hypothesis may be correct.
Sigramnus & his wife had two children:
A) CHRODGANG [Hruotgang] (? – 7 Mar [766], bur Monastery of Gorze). Bishop.
The Gesta Episcoporum Mettensis names "Chrodegangus antistes…ex pago Hasbaniensi oriundus, patre Sigramno, matre Landrada, Francorum ex genere primæ nobilitatis progenitus" as Bishop of Metz, specifying that he was referendarius in the palace of maior domus Charles "Martel"[191].
A list of bishops of Metz records "Chrodegangus archiepiscopus" as 37th bishop, holding the position for 23 years, 5 months and 5 days, his death "pridie Non Mar" and his burial in the monastery of Gorze[192].
"Grodegangus…archiepiscopus" donated property "in pago Wormacensi…[et] in villa Dagosbesher…in Hostoven, Burdus, in villa Flamersheim ecclesiam" to Gorze, with the consent of "Pipini…Francorum regis, avunculi mei", by charter dated 25 May 765, witnessed by "Grifonis majoris domus fratris domini Pipini regis, Carli filii regis, Hildradi ducis, Rodingi comitis, Hamedei advocati…"[193].
Other sources name Archbishop Chrodgang as brother of Heimrich Graf im Wormsgau (see the document FRANCONIA NOBILITY): "Heimericus" names "germano suo domino Ruodgango archiepiscopo" in an undated charter relating to a donation to Kloster Lorsch[194]; "Karolus…rex Francorum", in an undated charter (placed in the compilation with charters dated 772) related to Kloster Lorsch, names "avia…Heimerici…Williswinda vel genitor suus Cancor, germano suo domino Ruodgango archiepiscopo"[195].
It appears beyond coincidence that two archbishops named Chrodgang existed at the same time. It is possible therefore that all the sources refer to the same person and that "germanus" in the Lorsch sources should be interpreted more broadly than "brother".]
B) son. Thegan names "nobilissimi ducis Ingorammi…filius fratris Hruotgangi, sancti pontificis"[196], but does not name his brother. m ---. The name of the mother of Enguerrand is not known. One child:i) ENGUERRAND ([740/50]-). Thegan names "nobilissimi ducis Ingorammi…filius fratris Hruotgangi, sancti pontificis"[197].
According to Settipani[198], he was related to the family of Robert [Capet]. This is presumably based on the connection through the county of Hesbaie, in relation to which Robert (son of Lambert, died before 764, and supposed ancestor of the Robertiner family, see the document MEROVINGIAN NOBILITY) is recorded in 742. However, no primary source has yet been identified which directly links Enguerrand to the county of Hesbaie (apart from the reference to the origin of his paternal uncle, see above). Comte de Paris, although the primary source which proves that he held this county has not so far been identified. The birth date of Robert son of Lambert can be estimated to [700/10]. He would therefore presumably have belonged to the generation of Enguerrand's father or grandfather. Any relationship between Enguerrand and Robert on the paternal side could not have been closer than second cousin, which seems remote for the county of Hesbaie to have been transmitted between the two. It is possible that the relationship was through Enguerrand's mother, who could have been a sister of Robert, but this is a mere guess not based on any documentary evidence.
m ROTRUD, daughter of ---. The primary source which names the wife of Enguerrand has not so far been identified.Enguerrand & his wife had one child:
1. ERMENGARD ([775/80] – Angers 3 Oct 818, bur Angers).
Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names the wife of Emperor Louis "filiam nobilissimi ducis Ingorammi…Irmingarda"[199].
The Gesta Francorum records the death "818 V Non Oct" of "Irmingardis regina"[200].
The Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records the death "V Non Oct" of "Hirmingardis regina" three days after falling ill[201].
m ([794]%29 as his first wife, LOUIS King of the Aquitainians, son of CHARLES I "Charlemagne" King of the Franks & his second wife Hildegard (Chasseneuil-du-Poitou {Vienne} [16 Apr/Sep] 778 – island in the Rhine near Ingelheim 20 Jun 840, bur Metz, église abbatiale de Saint-Arnoul). He was crowned Emperor LOUIS I “der Fromme/le Pieux” in 816.
Rotrude's Timeline
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Hesbaye, Région Wallonne, Belgique (within present Belgium), Austrasia, Frankish Empire
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