Inventories of the Orphan Chamber Cape Town Archives Repository, South Africa Reference no.: MOOC8/4.50 Testator(s): Jakob de la Pordt 14 Februarij 1724 Aan de E:E: Heere Weesmeesteren vertoondt met schuldige eerbiedt en diep respeckt Jakob de la Pordt staat en inventaris van alle roerende en onroerende goederen met den doodt ontruijmt, door Sara Wietou huijsvrouw van voorn: La Pordt, getackseerdt door den out heemraad Schalk Willemse van der Merwe, en Philip Minnardt Erfgenamen tot desen boedel gehorende Jacob de la Porte d' oude ter eener en Maria de la Porte getrouwt met Andries Huibaux ter andere zijde Jacob oud 22 jaar Pieter oud 20 jaar Susanna oud 18 jaar Sara de la Porte oud 14 jare 1) Een plaas ofte hofstede genaamt de Decker Valeij 1200
Birth date also given as 1666
Birth Location also given as Norde, Walincourt, France
Jacques de la PORTE (vandag bekend as DELPORT) van Ryssel (Lille), was 'n Franse Hugenoot wat in 13 April 1699 aangekom het op die Cattendyk met sy vrou Sara VITOUT met wie hy in Oktober 1698 getrou het. Hulle het Nederland op 10 Des 1698 verlaat. Hy was 'n landbouer in Drakenstein, hy besit ook van 1721 tot 1733 die plaas Ontdekkers- vlei naby St. Omar, Daljosafat. Hy is op 9 Desember 1739 oorlede. Hulle het 3 seuns en 3 dogters gehad.
1. Maria ~ Paarl 4 Okt 1699 x Andries Thibaut
2. Izaak ~ 30 Nov 1702
3. Pieter ~ 4 Okt 1704 burger Drakenstein x 21 Des 1727 Anna Elisabeth Maree xx 21 Maart 1756 Margaretha Schreuder weduwee van Willem Beyers
4. Susanna ~ 20 Maart 1707 x 25 Feb 1725 Pieter Jordaan
5. Sara ~ 8 Nov 1711 x Johannes Maree
6. Jacobus x 13 Jun 1734 Susanna Maree
De Villiers/Pama
Verwysingsmateriaal, Boksburg biblioteek
Verwysingsmateriaal, Springs LDS FHC biblioteek
Saamgestel deur:
Martina Louw (nee van Breda)
Name: Sara Vitout
Birth: ABT 1681 in Guines, Picardie, Frankryk
Death: in South Africa
Marriage 1 Jacques Delporte b: ABT 1680 in naby Rijswijck (Lille) in Flandre, Frankryk
Married: JAN 1698 in Veere, Europa 1
1. Marie Delport c: 4 OCT 1699 in Paarl
2. Izak Delport c: 30 NOV 1702
3. Pieter Delport
4. Susanna Delport c: 20 MAR 1707
5. Sara Delport b: 8 NOV 1711 in Drakenstein
6. Jacobus Delport b: ABT 1712 in Drakenstein, Kaap
1.Author: Heese, J A en Lombard, R T J
Title: Suid-Afrikaanse Geslagregisters
Publication: Pretoria. Raad vir Geesteswetenskaplike Navorsing. Later GISA.
Page: Vol 2 p49
We have already met a Marie Vitu as the mother of Anne Goudalle. There were a number of Vitus worshipping at Guines, including the brothers Eustache, Jean and Pierre. Members of the family emigrated to England, among them a Marie Vitu, daughter of Jean, who crossed from Calais to Dover in July 1686. This could be Daniel Nourtier’s wife. Sara Vitu, who was received at Middelburg on September 12, 1696, was perhaps of the same family. She reached the Cape in 1699 with her husband Jacques Delporte, who will be discussed later in this chapter. p252
Jacques Delporte reached the Cape in 1699 with his wife, Sara Vitu, whom he married, presumably at Veere, in October 1698 shortly before embarking on the Cattendijk. Their eldest child Marie must be the child baptized at Drakenstein on October 4, 1699… Jacques Delporte was not, as in Botha, from Lille itself, but from a nearby locality. The name, in the form La Porte, was not uncommon in the Lille region. * Boucher.M (1981). French speakers at the Cape: The European Background. Pretoria, UNISA. CHAPTER NINE Cape settlers V: from Flanders to Alsace on the turbulent frontier p262
1681 |
Guînes, Picardie, France
1699 |
October 4, 1699
1702 |
November 30, 1702
Drakenstein, Caap de Goede Hoop, Suid Afrika
1704 |
October 4, 1704
Paarl, Drakenstein, Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa
1707 |
1711 |
August 11, 1711
Drakenstein, Caap de Goede Hoop, Suid Afrika
1724 |
Age 43
Kaap de Goede Hoop, South Africa