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Selma Lehmann (Peiser)

Birthplace: Posen (Poznań), Posen (Wielkopolskie), Germany (Poland)
Death: November 25, 1941 (64)
Ghetto Kowno | Kaunas, Lithuania (Holocaust )
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Samuel Peiser and Marie Peiser
Wife of Dr. med. Max Leopold Lehmann
Mother of Ernst Leopold Lehmann and Herbert Lehmann
Sister of Julia Schelizer | Chrzelitzer; Heinrich Peiser; Dr. Alfred Peiser and Amanda Peltesohn

Managed by: Chaim Zins
Last Updated:

About Selma Lehmann

Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:

  • Lehmann, Selma geborene Peiser geboren am 21. September 1877 in Posen (poln. Poznan) / - / Posen wohnhaft in Berlin (Wilmersdorf)
  • Deportation: ab Berlin 17. November 1941, Kowno (Kauen), Fort IX
  • Todesdatum: 25. November 1941 Todesort: Kowno (Kauen), Fort IX


Selma Lehman could not leave Germany in time because of her old father. When he died in 1939 it was too late to get her out, and she was deported to aushwitzs extermination camp.

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Selma Lehmann's Timeline

September 21, 1877
Posen (Poznań), Posen (Wielkopolskie), Germany (Poland)
August 27, 1900
Goerliz, Germany
October 7, 1912
Posen, Pozen, Provinz Posen, Deutschland (Germany)
November 25, 1941
Age 64
Ghetto Kowno | Kaunas, Lithuania