Historical records matching Sgt. Hugh Cole, Sr.
Immediate Family
About Sgt. Hugh Cole, Sr.
HUGH COLE was the 2nd son of James Cole. He was born in England, 1627 (baptized 29 June 1628, old style in Barnstaple, Devon, England); he came with his father to Plymouth, Mass, in 1633, and was admitted as a freeman of Plymouth in 1657. He died 22 January 1699/70 in Swansea, Bristol County, Province of Massachusetts Bay Colony (old style/new style).
He wed his first wife Jan. 8, 1654, Mary Foxwell, d/o Richard and Ann (Shelly) Foxwell of Barnstable Mass. She was b. in Scituate, Aug. 17, 1635, and died in Swansea, Mass. (Her father, Richard Foxwell came from England with Governor Winthrop in 1631, and the same year removed to Scituate and was admitted as freeman. He removed to Barnstable, and was a member of the Barnstable Milita in 1643.) He wed his second wife Elizabeth, widow of Jacob Cook, former widow of William Shurtiffe, and d/o Thomas and Ann Lettuce of Plymouth. She died in Swansea, Mass., on Oct. 31, 1693. He wed his third wife January 30, 1694, Mary, widow of Deacon Ephraim Morton, former widow of William Harlow, and d/o Robert and Judith Shelly, a cousin of his first wife.
Supporting data
- The early genealogies of the Cole families in America. (Including Coles and Cowles). With some account of the descendants of James, by Hartford, Connecticut, 1635-1652, and of Thomas Cole, of Salem, Mass., 1649-1672
- https://books.google.com/books/about/The_Early_Genealogies_of_the_C...
- https://archive.org/details/earlygenealogie00colegoog
- https://archive.org/stream/earlygenealogie00colegoog#page/n87/mode/1up
- Pg.53
- JAMES COLE. One of the families that came from England to Plymouth was that of James Cole. I have not been able to find anything concerning him previous to 1634, but he probably had a family with him when he came to the settlement. He was the first settler on the eminence known as "Burial Hill." The first mention of him in the Plymouth Colony Records is in the list of freemen of 1633, where the name is spelled Coale ("Ply. Col. Rec. 1-4.) .... etc.
- https://archive.org/stream/earlygenealogie00colegoog#page/n89/mode/1up
- .... Savage says that he was living in 1688, very aged.
- His wife was Mary —— , she was living in March, 1660. Children :
- 2. i. James, b. about 1625 d. —
- 3. ii. Hugh, b. about 1627, d. —
- 4. iii. John, b. — d. 1677.
- iv. Mary, b. — m. John Almy, he was a son of William Almy of Plymouth, 1643. After his marriage to Mary Cole he moved to Portsmouth, R. I. He was Capt. in King Phillip's war, and died in 1676.
- JAMES2 COLE (James1), The oldest son of James Cole, the Plymouth inn-keeper was probably born in England and came to the colony when a boy with his father. The date of his birth was probably about 1625, as he is on the list of those able to bear arms in 1643, together with his younger brother Hugh.
- He married December 23, 1652, Mary Tilson, at Scituate, and there his oldest child was born.
- .... etc.
- https://archive.org/stream/earlygenealogie00colegoog#page/n90/mode/1up
- Pg.56
- HUGH2 COLE (James1), the second son of James and Mary Cole, was born probably about 1626, as he is found on the list of able-bodied men in 1643, and those lists generally included the men from sixteen to sixty.
- https://archive.org/stream/earlygenealogie00colegoog#page/n91/mode/1up
- Pg.57
- He married June 8, 1655, Mary, the daughter of Richard Foxwell.*
- .... etc.
- * Richard Foxwell came with Winthrop and was admitted freeman in 1631. He moved to Situate, R. I., in 1634, and m. Ann Shelly. He was one of the church in Situate under the Rev. John Laythrope. He d. about 1668. His children (recorded in Barnstable) were: i. Mary, b. Aug. 17, 1635, m. Hugh Cole. ii. Martha, b. Mar. 24, 1638, m. Sam'l Bacon, May 9, 1699. iii. Ruth, b. Mar. 25, 1641. iv. John, b. — d. Sept, 21, 1646.
- https://archive.org/stream/earlygenealogie00colegoog#page/n93/mode/1up
- Pg.59
- .... etc.
- The children of Hugh and Mary (Foxwell) Cole were:
- 7. i. James, b. Nov. 8, 1655.
- 8. ii. Hugh, b. Mar. 8, 1658.
- 9. iii. John, b. Mar. 16, 1660.
- iv. Martha, b. Apr. 14, 1662.
- v. Anna, b. Oct. 14, 1664, m. Wm. Sailsbury, of Swansey.
- vi. Ruth, b. Jan. 8, 1666.
- 10. vii. Joseph, b. May 15, 1668.
- On Jan. 1, 1689, he married Elizabeth, the widow of Joseph Cook,* and in 1698, as his third wife, the widow Mary Morton.
- JOHN2 COLE (James1), .... etc.
- * Elizabeth Litter was the daughter of Thomas Litter, of Plymouth, who came over from London in 1635, at the age of twenty-three, and died in 1684. He left one son and three daughters, the second of whom, Elizabeth, m. Oct. 1655, Wm. Shurtleff, who was struck by lightning June 23, 1663. By him she had three sons. On Nov. 18, 1669, she m. Joseph Cook, the youngest son of Francis, who came over in the Mayflower in 1620. He was b. in Holland and came over in the Ann, in 1623, with his mother and brother. He d. 1676, and Jan. 1, 1689, she m. Hugh Cole, who survived her. _____________________
- Sgt Hugh Cole, I
- Birth: Jun. 29, 1628 Greater London, England
- Death: Jan. 22, 1698 Swansea, Bristol County, Massachusetts, USA
- Hugh Cole is buried here in an unmarked grave. Most likely his marker was broken at some point.
- Hugh Cole was baptized 29 June 1628 in England. His parents were James Cole and Mary Tibbs. Hugh m. 8 Jan 1654 Mary Foxwell, d/o Richard Foxwell & Anne Shelley. Hugh and Mary Foxwell Cole had at least 10 children; See the links below.......
- After the death of Hugh's 1st wife, Mary Foxwell, Hugh m. 2nd to Elizabeth Lettice Shurtliffe Cook. Hugh Cole was a freeman in Plymouth, MA in 1657. He was in the Barnstable MA Militia in 1643. Hugh was a surveyor of highways in Barnstable, MA. He was also a landowner there. He was a selectman in Swansea, MA.
- Source: "The Descendants of James Cole, 1908", By E.B. Cole, pp. 25-27.
- Please see his children and wifes who are linked with his memorial for details births, deaths and marriages of all children and wifes.........
- More information about him:
- "As a young man, he was paid 50 bushels of corn for tending the cows of the townspeople. On 6 Jun 1655, the grand jury presented " Hugh Cole and Mary Foxwell, his now wife, in keeping company each other in an undecent manner, at an unseasonable time and place, before marriage." Hugh was fined 20s.
- On the 1643 Plymouth list of men able to bear arms. When he moved to Swansea in 1668, he built a home on the west bank of the Mattaposett (now Cole's River). He negotiated land purchases from the Indians and worked as a surveyor. He also served as selectman 1672 to 1675 and as a deputy to the Plymouth Colony General Court. He had frequent dealings with the Indians, including King Philip. Legend has it two of his sons were kidnapped prior to King Phillip's war and were returned by order of King Phillip. Phillip also supposedly warned Hugh of pending attacks, allowing him to remove his family to Portsmouth." (www.arq.net/~1jacobs/cole.html)
- From "The Descendants of James Cole of Plymouth 1633" — He was admitted as freeman of Plymouth in 1657. He came with his father to Plymouth in 1633. page 25. He was made surveyor of highways at Barnstable and granted 100 acres of land at Acushauett. In 1667 with others he purchased from King Phillip 500 acres of land on the west bank of what was named for him Coles River. He was a shipwright and civil engineer and many of the tracts of land of Swansea were surveyed by him. He was a selectman of Swansea for many years and was representative and deputy to the general court in the years 1773, 1774, 1775, 1780, 1783, 1784, 1785, 1786, and 1789. He was for years the friend of King Phillip. Having been requested by the Plymouth Colony council to visit King Phillip and report the conditions. Hugh Cole was granted 50 acres of land lying between Manneonest Point and the Salt Marsh with all the appurtenancews thereunto belonging, unto him and his heirs forever. He was granted by the court respecting his father's grant, he being an ancient freeman. Six score acres of land between the Mattapoiset River and the bounds of Acushassett. In June 1675, at the commencement of the war with King Phillip, two of Hugh Cole's sons were made prisoners by the Indians and taken to Phillip at Mount Hope. Phillip ordered them set at liberty, because, as he said, Hugh Cole had always been his friend. He sent word to Hugh that he could no longer restrain his warriors, and for him to take his family and immediately remove to Rhode Island. This he did, and one hour afterward his home was in flames. While he had been on such friendly terms with Phillip, his was the first home burned and Gershom Cole was the first person killed. After leaving his home Hugh Cole relocated at Portsmouth, RI. The town records of Portsmouth show that Oct. 12, 1675, Hugh Cole was granted liberty to use some of the windfalls that are down to build a small frame and to make wheels for the use of the townsmen for their money. Hugh was a sergeant in the war against King Phillip. After the war in his election as representative he is always spoken of as sergeant. After the close of the war, 1677, he returned to Swansea and built a house a few rods from where Miss Abby Cole now Lives, 1908. This part of the land has descended by will, no deed having been made for it; it has never passed out of the possession of the Cole family. Part of the land owned by him is now in Warren, RI. He died in Swansea, 22 Jan. 1699 and was buried in the Southern extreme of Meadow Neck, now known as Howland Meadow in Barrington, in what is known as the Tyler Point Cemetery. He had ten children, the first seven born in Plymouth and the other three in Swansea." page 25 - 27.
- "The descendants of James Cole of Plymouth 1633" Written by Ernest Byron Cole., New York: Grafton Press, 1908" HUGH COLE was the 2nd son of James Cole. He was born in London, England, 1627; he came with his father to Plymouth, Mass, in 1633, and was admitted as a freeman of Plymouth in 1657. He m. 1. Jan. 8, 1654, Mary Foxwell, d/o Richard and Ann (Shelly) Foxwell of Barnstable Mass. She was b. in Scituate, Aug. 17, 1635, and died in Swansea, Mass. (Her father, Richard Foxwell came from England with Governor Winthrop in 1631, and the same year removed to Scituate and was admitted as freeman. He removed to Barnstable, and was a member of the Barnstable Militia in 1643.) He m. 2.Elizabeth, widow of Jacob Cook, former widow of William Shurtiffe, and d/o Thomas and Ann Lettuce of Plymouth. She died in Swansea, Mass., on Oct. 31,1693. He m. 3. January 30, 1694, Mary, widow of Deacon Ephraim Morton, former widow of William Harlow, and d/o Robert and Judith Shelly, a cousin of his first wife. The following appears upon the Plymouth records: "April 8, 1634. It was agreed with James Cole that his son Hugh shall keep the Cows from April. 15 to November, and shall have for his pay fifty bushels of corn. He shall bring them up every morning to be milked and then carry back to feed and bring them home at night. "He was made surveyor of highways at Barnstable, and granted 100 acres of land at Acushauett. In 1669 with others he purchased of King Phillip 500acres of land on the west bank of what was named for him Coles River. He was a shipwright and civil engineer, and many of the tracts of land of Swansea were surveyed by him. He was a selectman of Swansea for many years, and was representative and deputy to the general court in the years, 1773,'74, '75, '80, 83, '84, '85, '86, 'and '89. He was for years the friend of King Phillip, the Indian Chief. Having been requested by the Plymouth Colony Council to visit King Phillip and report the conditions made the following report: "Swansea, April. 1, 1671. Most Honorable Sirs:--Yours I received this day whereby I perceive you desire to know that posture the Indians are in. I do not find them to continue in a posture of war as they have been. I went to Mount Home last second day on purpose to see their reproceedings and was inmany of their houses, but saw no the ing as intending to war. But asking themof their reason of continuing together at Mt. Hope, they answered, it was to see Phillip's child buried, and I have seen some return, but the greater part of them are together. And they gave as the reason, because the wind does so blow against them that they cannot go home with their canoes--not else. Rest assured I am yours to command what I am able. "HUGH COLE "
- Oct. 27, 1669 "Hugh Cole was granted 50 acres of land lying between Manneonest Pointand the Salt March with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto himand his heirs forever. (pg. 149, vol. 3, Plymouth Records.) He was grantedby the court respecting his father's grant, he being an ancient freemen.Six score acres of land between the Mattapoiset River and the bounds ofAcushassett.In June, 1675, at the commencement of the war with King Phillip, two ofHugh Cole's sons were made prisoners by the Indians and taken to Phillip at Mount Hope. Phillip ordered them set at liberty, because, as he said, Hugh Cole had always been his friend. He sent word to Hugh that he would no longer restrain his warriors, and for him to take his family and immediately remove to Rhode Island. This he did, and one hour afterward his home was inflames. While he had been on such friendly terms with Phillip, his was the first house burned, and Gershom Cole was the first person killed. After leaving his home, Hugh Cole located at Portsmouth, R.I. The town records of Portsmouth show that, Oct. 12, 1675, Hugh Cole was granted liberty to use some of the windfalls that are down to build a small frame, and to make wheels for the use of the townsmen for their money. Savage says: "Hugh was a sergeant in the war against King Phillip." After the war in his election as representative he is always spoken of as sergeant. After the close of the war, 1677, he returned to Swansea and builta house a few rods from where Miss Abby Cole now lives. The well walled by him on the bank of the Kickemuit River is still there. This part of the land has descended by will, no deed having been made for it; it has never passed out of possession of the Cole family and is now owned by Miss Abby Cole. Part of the land owned by him in Swansea is now a part of Warren, R.I. He died in Swansea, Jan. 22, 1699, and was buried in the southern extream of Meadow Neck, now known as Howland Meadow in Barrington, in what is known at the Tyler Point Cemetery. He had ten children, the first seven were born in Plymouth, the other three in Swansea.
- Hugh Cole was a surveyor of highways at Barnstable, and was granted 100 acres of land at Acushhauett. In 1667 with others, he purchased from Indian Chief King Phillips 500 acres of land on the west bank of what was named for him Coles River. He was a shipwright (ship builder) and civil engineer. He was a representive of Swansea for many years and a deputy to the general court. In June 1675, at the beginning of the war with his friend, Chief King Phillip, tow of Hugh Cole's sons were made prisoners by the Indians and taken to Phillip at Mt. Pope. Phillip ordered them set free because he said, "Hugh Cole had always been a friend." He sent word to Hugh through his sons, that he could no longer restrain his warriors, and for him to take his family and leave immediately. he did so and less than 1 hour after leaving, his home was in flames. Hugh had 10 children, the first 7 were born in Plymouth, and the other three in Swansea. 1657-he was an admitted freeman (citizen) in Plymouth, MA 1667-purchased 500 acres of land from Indian Chief Phillip 1675-was a sergeant during the war with Chief King Phillip 6/29/1628 christened Barnstaple Parish Register He was for years friends with Indian Chief King Phillip.
- .... etc.
- Bio quotes Descendents of James Cole of Plymouth 1633. This book has a few things wrong. The Great Migration Begins entry for James Cole cite Barnstaple, Devonshire, England records saying Hugh was baptized 29 Jun 1628, 2d child of James Cole & Mary Tibbes. If so, Hugh would probably be under 6 years of age when, on 6 Apr 1634, he was given charge of the town cows. Hugh may have been a sergeant in the Swansea militia, but he did not, according to all of the records I have found, take part in King Philip's War. A man named Gershom was buried in Swansea, 24 Jun 1675, but the record says his surname was Cobb.
- The bio says he "was representative and deputy to the general court in the years, 1773, . . ." at the ripe old age of 145 years. :-0. I am a descendant of Hugh's daughter, Anna, & William Salisbury, son of the William Sal[i]sbury killed by Indians in Swansea, 24 Jun 1675.
- Family links:
- Parents:
- James Cole (1600 - 1692)
- Mary Tibbes Cole (1598 - 1660)
- Spouses:
- Mary Foxwell Cole (1635 - 1688)
- Elizabeth Lettice Cole (1636 - 1693)*
- Mary Shelley Cole (1639 - ____)*
- Children:
- James Cole (1655 - 1712)*
- Hugh Cole (1658 - 1738)*
- John Cole (1660 - 1748)*
- Martha Cole Sweeting (1662 - 1708)*
- Anna Cole Salisbury (1664 - 1704)*
- Ruth Cole Luther (1666 - 1718)*
- Joseph Cole (1668 - ____)*
- Ebenezer Cole (1671 - 1719)*
- Mary Cole Kingsley (1676 - 1756)*
- Benjamin Cole (1678 - 1748)*
- Siblings:
- James Cole (1626 - 1709)*
- Hugh Cole (1628 - 1698)
- John Cole (1637 - 1677)*
- Burial: Tyler Point Cemetery, Barrington, Bristol County, Rhode Island, USA
- Find A Grave Memorial# 68057988
- From: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=68057988 _________________
- COLE, Hugh
- b. 1627
- d. 1699 Swansea, Bristol, Mass.
- Parents:
- Father: COLE, James
- Mother: LOBEL, Mary
- Family:
- Marriage: 8 JAN 1653/4 Swansea, Bristol, Mass.
- Spouse: FOXWELL, Mary
- b. 17 AUG 1635 Barnstable, Barnstable, Mass.
- d. 1689 Swansea, Bristol, Mass.
- Parents:
- Father: FOXWELL, Richard
- Mother: SHELLEY, Ann
- Children:
- COLE, James b. AUG 1655 Plymouth, Plymouth, Mass.
- COLE, Hugh
- COLE, John
- COLE, Ann
- COLE, Martha
- COLE, Ruth
- COLE, Joseph b. 15 MAY 1668 Plymouth, Plymouth, Mass.
- COLE, Mary
- From: http://www.genealogyofnewengland.com/f_577.htm#24 __________________
- Hugh Cole1
- M, #551249, b. 1628, d. 1698
- Last Edited=22 Jul 2012
- Hugh Cole was born in 1628.1 He married Elizabeth Lettice, daughter of Thomas Lettice and Anne Savoy, on 1 January 1689 at Plymouth, Massachusetts, U.S.A..1 He died in 1698.1
- Citations
- [S6283] Anne Shurtleff Stevems, "re: Shurtleff Family," e-mail message to Darryl Roger LUNDY (101053), 21 July 2012. Hereinafter cited as "re: Shurtleff Family."
- From: http://www.thepeerage.com/p55125.htm#i551249 __________________
He served during King Phillip's War. Was propounded for membership in the Swansea Baptist Church June 22, 1671. Cole's River in Swansea is named for Hugh, who was admitted as a freeman in 1670. He was a deputy from Swansea to the General Court of Plymouth Colony, 1673-75, 1680, 1683-87.
Hugh Cole, son of James and Mary Cole, was born in London, England, about 1627, and as early as 1633 was brought to New England by his parents and was admitted a freeman in 1657. Hugh Cole, in 1669 (then a selectman of Barnstable), with others, bought from Philip the Indian sachem 500 acres in Swansea on the west side of Cole's river, which took its name from Hugh Cole, who resided previously and until 1657 in Swansea, at Cole's Station, now Touisset, Mass. At the outbreak of King Philip's War, two of the Cole children were made prisoners by the Indians and taken to Mount Hope.
Philip, remembering his friendship for their father, sent the children horne with a message advising Hugh Cole to seek safety in Rhode Island, as he might not be able to restrain his young men. The advice was quickly heeded and the family escaped injury, although their house was burned. The Swansea farm seems to have been turned over to his sons, Hugh and James, as after the war, in 1677, the father located on the east side of Touisset neck, on the Kickemuit river, in Warren, and there built a house. The farm with the well he sank in 1677 are yet in the possession of lineal descendants.
Hugh Cole was deputy from Swansea in 1673-74-75-1680-83-84-85-86-S7. He married (first) Mary Foxwell, of Barnstable, Mass., daughter of Richard and Ann (Shelly) Foxwell, of Barnstable.
He married (second) Elizabeth Cooke, widow of Jacob Cooke. He married (third) a widow, Mrs. Mary Morton, who was the Widow Harlow before her marriage to Mr. Morton. By his first marriage Hugh Cole had children:
- 1. James, born Nov. 8, 1655;
- 2. Hugh, March 15, 165S;
- 3. John, May 15, 1660;
- 4. Martha, April 16, 1662;
- 5. Anna, Oct. 14. 1664;
- 6. Ruth, April 17. 1666;
- 7. Joseph, May 15, 1668;
- 8. Ebenezer, 1671;
- 9. Mary, 1676;
- 10. Benjamin, 1678.
Hugh was a surveyor of highways at Barnstable and was granted 100 acres at Acushauett. In 1667, with others, he purchased 500 acres of land from King Philip on the west bank of a river which is now named Cole's River. On Oct. 27, 1669, Hugh was granted 50 acres of land lying between Manneonest Point and the salt marsh "with all appurtenances belonging unto him and his heirs forever." He was granted by the court 6 score acres of land between the Mattapoiset River and the bounds of Acushhassett. Hugh was also a shipwright and civil engineer, a selectman of Swansea for many years and a representative to the General Court.
He was friend of King Philip, Indian Chief. King Philip's warriors organized against colonists and terrorized the area for about one year. In June of 1675, two of Hugh's sons were taken prisoner by the Indians and taken to Philip at Mount Hope. Philip ordered them freed, but told Hugh he could no longer restrain his warriors. He advised Hugh to take his family to Rhode Island, immediately. Hugh did this and within the hour, his house was in flames.
In 1677, he returned to Swansea and built his house. The land has descended by Will, no deed having been made for it. By early 1900's, it had yet passed out of the hands of a Cole. Part of the land he owned is now in Warren RI. When E.B. Cole researched and published the book Dawn and Dusk, in 1908, the land was owned by a Miss Abbey Cole.
Hugh is buried in the southern extreme of Meadow Neck, now known as Howland Meadow in Barrington RI, in the Tyler Point Cemetery.
Swansea was to be the birthplace of three generations of Coles and the home of five generations for all or part of their lives. ________________
Hugh Cole was baptized 29 June 1628 in England. His parents were James Cole and Mary Tibbs. Hugh m. 8 Jan 1654 Mary Foxwell, d/o Richard Foxwell & Anne Shelley. Hugh and Mary Foxwell Cole had at least 10 children; See the links below.
After the death of Hugh's 1st wife, Mary Foxwell, Hugh m. 2nd to Elizabeth Lettice Shurtliffe Cook. Hugh Cole was a freeman in Plymouth, MA in 1657. He was in the Barnstable MA Militia in 1643. Hugh was a surveyor of highways in Barnstable, MA. He was also a landowner there. He was a selectman in Swansea, MA.
Source: "The Descendants of James Cole, 1908", By E.B. Cole, pp. 25-27.
"As a young man, he was paid 50 bushels of corn for tending the cows of the townspeople. On 6 Jun 1655, the grand jury presented " Hugh Cole and Mary Foxwell, his now wife, in keeping company each other in an undecent manner, at an unseasonable time and place, before marriage." Hugh was fined 20s. On the 1643 Plymouth list of men able to bear arms. When he moved to Swansea in 1668, he built a home on the west bank of the Mattaposett (now Cole's River). He negotiated land purchases from the Indians and worked as a surveyor. He also served as selectman 1672 to 1675 and as a deputy to the Plymouth Colony General Court. He had frequent dealings with the Indians, including King Philip. Legend has it two of his sons were kidnapped prior to King Phillip's war and were returned by order of King Phillip. Phillip also supposedly warned Hugh of pending attacks, allowing him to remove his family to Portsmouth." (www.arq.net/~1jacobs/cole.html)
From "The Descendants of James Cole of Plymouth 1633" -- He was admitted as freeman of Plymouth in 1657. He came with his father to Plymouth in 1633. page 25. He was made surveyor of highways at Barnstable and granted 100 acres of land at Acushauett. In 1667 with others he purchased from King Phillip 500 acres of land on the west bank of what was named for him Coles River. He was a shipwright and civil engineer and many of the tracts of land of Swansea were surveyed by him. He was a selectman of Swansea for many years and was representative and deputy to the general court in the years 1773, 1774, 1775, 1780, 1783, 1784, 1785, 1786, and 1789. He was for years the friend of King Phillip. Having been requested by the Plymouth Colony council to visit King Phillip and report the conditions. Hugh Cole was granted 50 acres of land lying between Manneonest Point and the Salt Marsh with all the appurtenancews thereunto belonging, unto him and his heirs forever. He was granted by the court respecting his father's grant, he being an ancient freeman. Six score acres of land between the Mattapoiset River and the bounds of Acushassett. In June 1675, at the commencement of the war with King Phillip, two of Hugh Cole's sons were made prisoners by the Indians and taken to Phillip at Mount Hope. Phillip ordered them set at liberty, because, as he said, Hugh Cole had always been his friend. He sent word to Hugh that he could no longer restrain his warriors, and for him to take his family and immediately remove to Rhode Island. This he did, and one hour afterward his home was in flames. While he had been on such friendly terms with Phillip, his was the first home burned and Gershom Cole was the first person killed. After leaving his home Hugh Cole relocated at Portsmouth, RI. The town records of Portsmouth show that Oct. 12, 1675, Hugh Cole was granted liberty to use some of the windfalls that are down to build a small frame and to make wheels for the use of the townsmen for their money. Hugh was a sergeant in the war against King Phillip. After the war in his election as representative he is always spoken of as sergeant. After the close of the war, 1677, he returned to Swansea and built a house a few rods from where Miss Abby Cole now Lives, 1908. This part of the land has descended by will, no deed having been made for it; it has never passed out of the possession of the Cole family. Part of the land owned by him is now in Warren, RI. He died in Swansea, 22 Jan. 1699 and was buried in the Southern extreme of Meadow Neck, now known as Howland Meadow in Barrington, in what is known as the Tyler Point Cemetery. He had ten children, the first seven born in Plymouth and the other three in Swansea." page 25 - 27. "The descendants of James Cole of Plymouth 1633" Written by Ernest Byron Cole., New York: Grafton Press, 1908"HUGH COLE was the 2nd son of James Cole. He was born in London, England, 1627; he came with his father to Plymouth, Mass, in 1633, and was admitted as a freeman of Plymouth in 1657. He m. 1. Jan. 8, 1654, Mary Foxwell, d/o Richard and Ann (Shelly) Foxwell of Barnstable Mass. She was b. in Scituate, Aug. 17, 1635, and died in Swansea, Mass. (Her father, Richard Foxwell came from England with Governor Winthrop in 1631, and the same year removed to Scituate and was admitted as freeman. He removed to Barnstable, and was a member of the Barnstable Militia in 1643.) He m. 2.Elizabeth, widow of Jacob Cook, former widow of William Shurtiffe, and d/o Thomas and Ann Lettuce of Plymouth. She died in Swansea, Mass., on Oct. 31,1693. He m. 3. January 30, 1694, Mary, widow of Deacon Ephraim Morton, former widow of William Harlow, and d/o Robert and Judith Shelly, a cousin of his first wife. The following appears upon the Plymouth records: "April 8, 1634. It was agreed with James Cole that his son Hugh shall keep the Cows from April. 15 to November, and shall have for his pay fifty bushels of corn. He shall bring them up every morning to be milked and then carry back to feed and bring them home at night. "He was made surveyor of highways at Barnstable, and granted 100 acres of land at Acushauett. In 1669 with others he purchased of King Phillip 500acres of land on the west bank of what was named for him Coles River. He was a shipwright and civil engineer, and many of the tracts of land of Swansea were surveyed by him. He was a selectman of Swansea for many years, and was representative and deputy to the general court in the years, 1773,'74, '75, '80, 83, '84, '85, '86, 'and '89. He was for years the friend of King Phillip, the Indian Chief. Having been requested by the Plymouth Colony Council to visit King Phillip and report the conditions made the following report: "Swansea, April. 1, 1671. Most Honorable Sirs:--Yours I received this day whereby I perceive you desire to know that posture the Indians are in. I do not find them to continue in a posture of war as they have been. I went to Mount Home last second day on purpose to see their reproceedings and was inmany of their houses, but saw no the ing as intending to war. But asking themof their reason of continuing together at Mt. Hope, they answered, it was to see Phillip's child buried, and I have seen some return, but the greater part of them are together. And they gave as the reason, because the wind does so blow against them that they cannot go home with their canoes--not else. Rest assured I am yours to command what I am able. "HUGH COLE " Oct. 27, 1669"Hugh Cole was granted 50 acres of land lying between Manneonest Pointand the Salt March with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto himand his heirs forever. (pg. 149, vol. 3, Plymouth Records.) He was grantedby the court respecting his father's grant, he being an ancient freemen.Six score acres of land between the Mattapoiset River and the bounds ofAcushassett.In June, 1675, at the commencement of the war with King Phillip, two ofHugh Cole's sons were made prisoners by the Indians and taken to Phillip at Mount Hope. Phillip ordered them set at liberty, because, as he said, Hugh Cole had always been his friend. He sent word to Hugh that he would no longer restrain his warriors, and for him to take his family and immediately remove to Rhode Island. This he did, and one hour afterward his home was inflames. While he had been on such friendly terms with Phillip, his was the first house burned, and Gershom Cole was the first person killed. After leaving his home, Hugh Cole located at Portsmouth, R.I. The town records of Portsmouth show that, Oct. 12, 1675, Hugh Cole was granted liberty to use some of the windfalls that are down to build a small frame, and to make wheels for the use of the townsmen for their money. Savage says: "Hugh was a sergeant in the war against King Phillip." After the war in his election as representative he is always spoken of as sergeant. After the close of the war, 1677, he returned to Swansea and builta house a few rods from where Miss Abby Cole now lives. The well walled by him on the bank of the Kickemuit River is still there. This part of the land has descended by will, no deed having been made for it; it has never passed out of possession of the Cole family and is now owned by Miss Abby Cole. Part of the land owned by him in Swansea is now a part of Warren, R.I. He died in Swansea, Jan. 22, 1699, and was buried in the southern extream of Meadow Neck, now known as Howland Meadow in Barrington, in what is known at the Tyler Point Cemetery. He had ten children, the first seven were born in Plymouth, the other three in Swansea.
Hugh Cole was a surveyor of highways at Barnstable, and was granted 100 acres of land at Acushhauett. In 1667 with others, he purchased from Indian Chief King Phillips 500 acres of land on the west bank of what was named for him Coles River. He was a shipwright (ship builder) and civil engineer. He was a representive of Swansea for many years and a deputy to the general court. In June 1675, at the beginning of the war with his friend, Chief King Phillip, tow of Hugh Cole's sons were made prisoners by the Indians and taken to Phillip at Mt. Pope. Phillip ordered them set free because he said, "Hugh Cole had always been a friend." He sent word to Hugh through his sons, that he could no longer restrain his warriors, and for him to take his family and leave immediately. he did so and less than 1 hour after leaving, his home was in flames. Hugh had 10 children, the first 7 were born in Plymouth, and the other three in Swansea. 1657-he was an admitted freeman (citizen) in Plymouth, MA 1667-purchased 500 acres of land from Indian Chief Phillip 1675-was a sergeant during the war with Chief King Phillip 6/29/1628 christened Barnstaple Parish Register He was for years friends with Indian Chief King Phillip.
Email address of contributor: willow703@aol.com
Their suggestion:
Bio quotes Descendents of James Cole of Plymouth 1633. This book has a few things wrong. The Great Migration Begins entry for James Cole cite Barnstaple, Devonshire, England records saying Hugh was baptized 29 Jun 1628, 2d child of James Cole & Mary Tibbes. If so, Hugh would probably be under 6 years of age when, on 6 Apr 1634, he was given charge of the town cows. Hugh may have been a sergeant in the Swansea militia, but he did not, according to all of the records I have found, take part in King Philip's War. A man named Gershom was buried in Swansea, 24 Jun 1675, but the record says his surname was Cobb. The bio says he "was representative and deputy to the general court in the years, 1773, . . ." at the ripe old age of 145 years.
Birth: Jun. 29, 1628
Devon, England
Death: Jan. 22, 1698
Bristol County
Massachusetts, USA
Hugh Cole is buried here in an unmarked grave. Most likely his marker was broken at some point.
Hugh Cole was b. 29 June 1628 in Barnstaple, Devonshire, England. His parents were James Cole and Mary Tibbs. Hugh m. 8 Jan 1654 Mary Foxwell, d/o Richard Foxwell & Anne Shelley. Hugh and Mary Foxwell Cole had at least 10 children; See the links below.......
After the death of Hugh's 1st wife, Mary Foxwell, Hugh m. 2nd to Elizabeth Lettice Shurtliffe Cook. Hugh Cole was a freeman in Plymouth, MA in 1657. He was in the Barnstable MA Militia in 1643. Hugh was a surveyor of highways in Barnstable, MA. He was also a landowner there. He was a selectman in Swansea, MA.
Source: "The Descendants of James Cole, 1908", By E.B. Cole, pp. 25-27.
Please see his children and wifes who are linked with his memorial for details births, deaths and marriages of all children and wifes.........
Family links:
James Cole (1600 - 1692)
Mary Foxwell Cole (1635 - 1688)
Elizabeth Lettice Shurtleff Cooke Cole (1636 - 1693)
James Cole (1655 - ____)*
Hugh Cole (1658 - 1738)*
John Cole (1660 - 1748)*
Martha Cole Sweeting (1662 - 1711)*
Anna Cole Salisbury (1664 - 1704)*
Ruth Cole Luther (1666 - 1718)*
Joseph Cole (1668 - ____)*
Ebenezer Cole (1671 - 1719)*
Mary Kingsley (1676 - 1756)*
Benjamin Cole (1678 - 1748)*
James Cole (1626 - 1709)*
Hugh Cole (1628 - 1698)
John Cole (1637 - 1677)*
- Calculated relationship
Tyler Point Cemetery
Bristol County
Rhode Island, USA
Hugh Cole was baptized 29 June 1628 in England. His parents were James Cole and Mary Tibbs. Hugh m. 8 Jan 1654 Mary Foxwell, d/o Richard Foxwell & Anne Shelley. Hugh and Mary Foxwell Cole had at least 10 children; See the links below.
After the death of Hugh's 1st wife, Mary Foxwell, Hugh m. 2nd to Elizabeth Lettice Shurtliffe Cook. Hugh Cole was a freeman in Plymouth, MA in 1657. He was in the Barnstable MA Militia in 1643. Hugh was a surveyor of highways in Barnstable, MA. He was also a landowner there. He was a selectman in Swansea, MA.
Source: "The Descendants of James Cole, 1908", By E.B. Cole, pp. 25-27.
"As a young man, he was paid 50 bushels of corn for tending the cows of the townspeople. On 6 Jun 1655, the grand jury presented " Hugh Cole and Mary Foxwell, his now wife, in keeping company each other in an undecent manner, at an unseasonable time and place, before marriage." Hugh was fined 20s.
On the 1643 Plymouth list of men able to bear arms. When he moved to Swansea in 1668, he built a home on the west bank of the Mattaposett (now Cole's River). He negotiated land purchases from the Indians and worked as a surveyor. He also served as selectman 1672 to 1675 and as a deputy to the Plymouth Colony General Court. He had frequent dealings with the Indians, including King Philip. Legend has it two of his sons were kidnapped prior to King Phillip's war and were returned by order of King Phillip. Phillip also supposedly warned Hugh of pending attacks, allowing him to remove his family to Portsmouth." (www.arq.net/~1jacobs/cole.html)
From "The Descendants of James Cole of Plymouth 1633" -- He was admitted as freeman of Plymouth in 1657. He came with his father to Plymouth in 1633. page 25. He was made surveyor of highways at Barnstable and granted 100 acres of land at Acushauett. In 1667 with others he purchased from King Phillip 500 acres of land on the west bank of what was named for him Coles River. He was a shipwright and civil engineer and many of the tracts of land of Swansea were surveyed by him. He was a selectman of Swansea for many years and was representative and deputy to the general court in the years 1773, 1774, 1775, 1780, 1783, 1784, 1785, 1786, and 1789. He was for years the friend of King Phillip. Having been requested by the Plymouth Colony council to visit King Phillip and report the conditions. Hugh Cole was granted 50 acres of land lying between Manneonest Point and the Salt Marsh with all the appurtenancews thereunto belonging, unto him and his heirs forever. He was granted by the court respecting his father's grant, he being an ancient freeman. Six score acres of land between the Mattapoiset River and the bounds of Acushassett. In June 1675, at the commencement of the war with King Phillip, two of Hugh Cole's sons were made prisoners by the Indians and taken to Phillip at Mount Hope. Phillip ordered them set at liberty, because, as he said, Hugh Cole had always been his friend. He sent word to Hugh that he could no longer restrain his warriors, and for him to take his family and immediately remove to Rhode Island. This he did, and one hour afterward his home was in flames. While he had been on such friendly terms with Phillip, his was the first home burned and Gershom Cole was the first person killed. After leaving his home Hugh Cole relocated at Portsmouth, RI. The town records of Portsmouth show that Oct. 12, 1675, Hugh Cole was granted liberty to use some of the windfalls that are down to build a small frame and to make wheels for the use of the townsmen for their money. Hugh was a sergeant in the war against King Phillip. After the war in his election as representative he is always spoken of as sergeant. After the close of the war, 1677, he returned to Swansea and built a house a few rods from where Miss Abby Cole now Lives, 1908. This part of the land has descended by will, no deed having been made for it; it has never passed out of the possession of the Cole family. Part of the land owned by him is now in Warren, RI. He died in Swansea, 22 Jan. 1699 and was buried in the Southern extreme of Meadow Neck, now known as Howland Meadow in Barrington, in what is known as the Tyler Point Cemetery. He had ten children, the first seven born in Plymouth and the other three in Swansea." page 25 - 27.
"The descendants of James Cole of Plymouth 1633" Written by Ernest Byron Cole., New York: Grafton Press, 1908"HUGH COLE was the 2nd son of James Cole. He was born in London, England, 1627; he came with his father to Plymouth, Mass, in 1633, and was admitted as a freeman of Plymouth in 1657. He m. 1. Jan. 8, 1654, Mary Foxwell, d/o Richard and Ann (Shelly) Foxwell of Barnstable Mass. She was b. in Scituate, Aug. 17, 1635, and died in Swansea, Mass. (Her father, Richard Foxwell came from England with Governor Winthrop in 1631, and the same year removed to Scituate and was admitted as freeman. He removed to Barnstable, and was a member of the Barnstable Militia in 1643.) He m. 2.Elizabeth, widow of Jacob Cook, former widow of William Shurtiffe, and d/o Thomas and Ann Lettuce of Plymouth. She died in Swansea, Mass., on Oct. 31,1693. He m. 3. January 30, 1694, Mary, widow of Deacon Ephraim Morton, former widow of William Harlow, and d/o Robert and Judith Shelly, a cousin of his first wife. The following appears upon the Plymouth records: "April 8, 1634. It was agreed with James Cole that his son Hugh shall keep the Cows from April. 15 to November, and shall have for his pay fifty bushels of corn. He shall bring them up every morning to be milked and then carry back to feed and bring them home at night. "He was made surveyor of highways at Barnstable, and granted 100 acres of land at Acushauett. In 1669 with others he purchased of King Phillip 500acres of land on the west bank of what was named for him Coles River. He was a shipwright and civil engineer, and many of the tracts of land of Swansea were surveyed by him. He was a selectman of Swansea for many years, and was representative and deputy to the general court in the years, 1773,'74, '75, '80, 83, '84, '85, '86, 'and '89. He was for years the friend of King Phillip, the Indian Chief. Having been requested by the Plymouth Colony Council to visit King Phillip and report the conditions made the following report: "Swansea, April. 1, 1671. Most Honorable Sirs:--Yours I received this day whereby I perceive you desire to know that posture the Indians are in. I do not find them to continue in a posture of war as they have been. I went to Mount Home last second day on purpose to see their reproceedings and was inmany of their houses, but saw no the ing as intending to war. But asking themof their reason of continuing together at Mt. Hope, they answered, it was to see Phillip's child buried, and I have seen some return, but the greater part of them are together. And they gave as the reason, because the wind does so blow against them that they cannot go home with their canoes--not else. Rest assured I am yours to command what I am able. "HUGH COLE "
Oct. 27, 1669"Hugh Cole was granted 50 acres of land lying between Manneonest Pointand the Salt March with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto himand his heirs forever. (pg. 149, vol. 3, Plymouth Records.) He was grantedby the court respecting his father's grant, he being an ancient freemen.Six score acres of land between the Mattapoiset River and the bounds ofAcushassett.In June, 1675, at the commencement of the war with King Phillip, two ofHugh Cole's sons were made prisoners by the Indians and taken to Phillip at Mount Hope. Phillip ordered them set at liberty, because, as he said, Hugh Cole had always been his friend. He sent word to Hugh that he would no longer restrain his warriors, and for him to take his family and immediately remove to Rhode Island. This he did, and one hour afterward his home was inflames. While he had been on such friendly terms with Phillip, his was the first house burned, and Gershom Cole was the first person killed. After leaving his home, Hugh Cole located at Portsmouth, R.I. The town records of Portsmouth show that, Oct. 12, 1675, Hugh Cole was granted liberty to use some of the windfalls that are down to build a small frame, and to make wheels for the use of the townsmen for their money. Savage says: "Hugh was a sergeant in the war against King Phillip." After the war in his election as representative he is always spoken of as sergeant. After the close of the war, 1677, he returned to Swansea and builta house a few rods from where Miss Abby Cole now lives. The well walled by him on the bank of the Kickemuit River is still there. This part of the land has descended by will, no deed having been made for it; it has never passed out of possession of the Cole family and is now owned by Miss Abby Cole. Part of the land owned by him in Swansea is now a part of Warren, R.I. He died in Swansea, Jan. 22, 1699, and was buried in the southern extream of Meadow Neck, now known as Howland Meadow in Barrington, in what is known at the Tyler Point Cemetery. He had ten children, the first seven were born in Plymouth, the other three in Swansea.
Hugh Cole was a surveyor of highways at Barnstable, and was granted 100 acres of land at Acushhauett. In 1667 with others, he purchased from Indian Chief King Phillips 500 acres of land on the west bank of what was named for him Coles River. He was a shipwright (ship builder) and civil engineer. He was a representive of Swansea for many years and a deputy to the general court. In June 1675, at the beginning of the war with his friend, Chief King Phillip, tow of Hugh Cole's sons were made prisoners by the Indians and taken to Phillip at Mt. Pope. Phillip ordered them set free because he said, "Hugh Cole had always been a friend." He sent word to Hugh through his sons, that he could no longer restrain his warriors, and for him to take his family and leave immediately. he did so and less than 1 hour after leaving, his home was in flames. Hugh had 10 children, the first 7 were born in Plymouth, and the other three in Swansea. 1657-he was an admitted freeman (citizen) in Plymouth, MA 1667-purchased 500 acres of land from Indian Chief Phillip 1675-was a sergeant during the war with Chief King Phillip 6/29/1628 christened Barnstaple Parish Register He was for years friends with Indian Chief King Phillip.
Email address of contributor: willow703 @aol.com
Their suggestion:
Bio quotes Descendents of James Cole of Plymouth 1633. This book has a few things wrong. The Great Migration Begins entry for James Cole cite Barnstaple, Devonshire, England records saying Hugh was baptized 29 Jun 1628, 2d child of James Cole & Mary Tibbes. If so, Hugh would probably be under 6 years of age when, on 6 Apr 1634, he was given charge of the town cows. Hugh may have been a sergeant in the Swansea militia, but he did not, according to all of the records I have found, take part in King Philip's War. A man named Gershom was buried in Swansea, 24 Jun 1675, but the record says his surname was Cobb.
The bio says he "was representative and deputy to the general court in the years, 1773, . . ." at the ripe old age of 145 years.
- WikiTree contributors, "Hugh Cole Jr. (1658-abt.1738)," WikiTree: The Free Family Tree, (https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Cole-1312 : accessed 05 September 2024).
- https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/68057988/hugh-cole
Sgt. Hugh Cole, Sr.'s Timeline
1628 |
June 29, 1628
Barnstaple, Devon, England
June 29, 1628
Barnstaple, Devonshire, England, United Kingdom
1655 |
November 8, 1655
Plymouth, (Present Plymouth County), Plymouth Colony (Present Massachusetts), Colonial America
1657 |
February 16, 1657
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Colonial America
1658 |
March 16, 1658
Plymouth, Plymouth Colony
1660 |
May 15, 1660
Plymouth, Plymouth Colony, Colonial America
1662 |
April 16, 1662
Plymouth, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, Colonial America
1664 |
April 16, 1664
Plymouth, Plymouth Colony
Plymouth, Plymouth Colony