About Sigurd Halfdansson Syr
Sigurd Syr Halvdansson
- Son of King Halvdan Sigurdson and Tora Ranesdatter
- Sigurd Syr Halfdansson (sometimes spelled "Halvdansson") (c. 970-1018) was a petty king in Northern Ostlandet of Norway. The traditional view of his pedigree has been that he was a great-grandson of Harald I of Norway, however this is questioned by recent historians and genealogists. He was subking of Ringerike, an ancient territory in the county of Buskerud, southern Norway. Sigurd was stepfather of King Olav II of Norway and father of Harald III of Norway, through his marriage with Åsta Gudbrandsdatter.1
Project MedLands Norway Kings
SIGURD "Hrise", son of HARALD I "Hårfagre/Harfagri/Fairhair" King of Norway & his fourth wife Snefried . Snorre names "Sigurd Hrise…Halfdan Haleg, Gudrod Ljome and Ragnvald Rettilbeine" as the four sons of King Harald and his wife Snæfrid[276]. The Historia Norwegie names "Siwardus…Gigas" as sixth son of "Haraldus Comatus"[277]. Morkinskinna recites the descent of “Harald Sigurdarson” from “Harald hárfagri”, to “Sigurdr hrisi”, to “Hálfdan, father of Sigurdr sýr, the father of Haraldr”, adding that these ancestors were all “kings of Hringaríki in Norway”[278]. Under his father's division of territories, Ringerike, Hadeland, Thoten and their dependencies were granted to his sons by Snæfrid[279]. m ---. The name of Sigurd's wife is not known.
Sigurd Hrise & his wife had one child
- 1. HALFDAN Sigurdsson. The Historia Norwegie names Halfdan son of "Siwardus Risi…filius Haraldi Comati"[280]. Morkinskinna recites the descent of “Harald Sigurdarson” from “Harald hárfagri”, to “Sigurdr hrisi”, to “Hálfdan, father of Sigurdr sýr, the father of Haraldr”, adding that these ancestors were all “kings of Hringaríki in Norway”[281]. m ---. The name of Halfdan's wife is not known.
Halfdan Sigurdsson & his wife had one child
- a) SIGURD Syr (-1018). The Historia Norwegie names "Siwardus Scroffa rex montanus" as son of Halfdan, son of "Siwardus Risi…filius Haraldi Comati"[282]. Morkinskinna recites the descent of “Harald Sigurdarson” from “Harald hárfagri”, to “Sigurdr hrisi”, to “Hálfdan, father of Sigurdr sýr, the father of Haraldr”, adding that these ancestors were all “kings of Hringaríki in Norway”[283]. He was christened in 998. King of Ringeringe. married (995 or after) as her second husband, ASTA, widow of HARALD "Grenske", daughter of GUDBRAND Kula & his wife ---. The Historia Norwegie records the marriage of "Haroldum Grensca" and "Asta filiam Gudbrandi Culu", and her second marriage to "Siwardus Scroffa rex montanus" who was the son of Halfdan, son of "Siwardus Risi…filius Haraldi Comati"[284]. Morkinskinna records that “Sigurdr sýr” married “Ásta daughter of Gudbrandr”, previously wife of “Haraldr grenski”[285]. She and her father are named by Snorre, who also records both her marriages[286].
Sigurd Syr & his wife Asta Gudbrandsdotter had five children
- i) GUTTORM Sigurdsson Snorre names "Guthorm, the eldest, then Gunhild, the next Halfdan, Ingerid and Harald" as the children of Sigurd & his wife[287]. Morkinskinna names (in order) “Gudrødr…Hálfdan…Ingibjorg…Gunnhildr, Haraldr” as the children of “Sigurdr sýr” and his wife “Ásta daughter of Gudbrandr”[288].
- ii) GUNHILD. Snorre names "Guthorm, the eldest, then Gunhild, the next Halfdan, Ingerid and Harald" as the children of Sigurd & his wife[289]. Morkinskinna names (in order) “Gudrødr…Hálfdan…Ingibjorg…Gunnhildr, Haraldr” as the children of “Sigurdr sýr” and his wife “Ásta daughter of Gudbrandr”[290]. Snorre records the marriage of "Ketil Kalf of Ringanes" and "Gunhild, a daughter of Sigurd Syr and King Olaf's mother Asta"[291]. m ([1025]) KETTIL Kalf of Ringanes, son of ---.
Kettil & his wife GUNHILD Sigurdsdotter had two children
- (a) GUTTHORM. Snorre names Guthorm as son of "Ketil Kalf and Gunhild of Ringanes…a sister's son to King Olaf and Harald Sigurdson", recording that he "had his winter quarters often in Dublin and was in great friendship with King Margad"[292]. Morkinskinna records that Tostig, son of Godwin, sent “Gunnhildr´s son Guthormr” to offer Northumbria to Harald III King of Norway in return for help in the conquest of England[293].
- (b) SIGRID Kettilsdatter' Snorre names "Sigrid, a daughter of Ketil Kalf and Gunhild, King Harald's sister" as the wife of Eindride, son of "Einar Tambaskelfer"[294]. m EINAR Einarsson, son of EINAR Thambarskelfir & his wife Bergljot Haakonsdatter (-killed in battle [1050]).
- iii) HALFDAN Sigurdsson Snorre names "Guthorm, the eldest, then Gunhild, the next Halfdan, Ingerid and Harald" as the children of Sigurd & his wife[295]. Morkinskinna names (in order) “Gudrødr…Hálfdan…Ingibjorg…Gunnhildr, Haraldr” as the children of “Sigurdr sýr” and his wife “Ásta daughter of Gudbrandr”[296]. m ---. The name of Halfdan's wife is not known.
Halfdan Sigurdsson & his wife had one child
- (a) THORBERG [Bergliot] Halfdansdatter ([1018/20-). Snorre names "Bergliot, a daughter of Halfdan…son of Sigurd Syr" as the wife of "Fin Arnason"[297]. Her birth date is estimated from the marriage date of her paternal grandparents, but bearing in mind the tight chronology for the birth of her daughter Ingebjörg. married FIN Arnesson, son of ARNE & his wife --- (-1062). Of Yriar in Austratt Lendermann Norway. Jarl of Halland in Denmark [1051]. Snorre names "Thorberg, Fin and Arne" as the sons of Arne[298].
- iv) INGERID Sigurdsdatter Snorre names "Guthorm, the eldest, then Gunhild, the next Halfdan, Ingerid and Harald" as the children of Sigurd & his wife[299]. Morkinskinna names (in order) “Gudrødr…Hálfdan…Ingibjorg…Gunnhildr, Haraldr” as the children of “Sigurdr sýr” and his wife “Ásta daughter of Gudbrandr”[300]. Snorre names "Ingerid, a daughter of Sigurd Syr and Asta" as the mother of Gudrun, daughter of Nefstein[301]. married , son of ---.
- v) HARALD Sigurdson (1015-killed in battle Stamfordbridge 25 Sep 1066). Snorre names "Guthorm, the eldest, then Gunhild, the next Halfdan, Ingerid and Harald" as the children of Sigurd & his wife[302]. Morkinskinna names (in order) “Gudrødr…Hálfdan…Ingibjorg…Gunnhildr, Haraldr” as the children of “Sigurdr sýr” and his wife “Ásta daughter of Gudbrandr”[303]. The Historia Norwegie names Harald as son of "Siwardus Scroffa rex montanus" & his wife[304]. He succeeded in 1047 as HARALD III "Hardråde" King of Norway.
Petty King Sigurd Halvdansson Syr
Petty king. Parents: Småkongen Halvdan Sigurdsson; the mother's name is not known. Married to Åsta Gudbrandsdatter (c. 970 - c. 1020). According to the sagas, the grandson of the son of King Harald 1 Hårfagre (c. 860 – c. 932); father of King Harald 3 Sigurdsson Hardråde (1015–66); stepfather to King Olav 2 Haraldsson the Holy (995-1030).
In the Inner Eastland area, there were still several “kings” at the beginning of the 1000s, and except in a few cases, the later saga tradition does not even know their names. The fact that Sigurd Syr has become a figure in Norwegian history is therefore solely due to the fact that he was the stepfather of one Norwegian king, Olav Haraldsson, and father of another, Harald Hardråde.
This double relationship was the result of Sigurd's marriage to Åsta, who had his son Olav in advance, and who with Sigurd got Harald. Everything that is handed down about Sigurd is related to these relationships. His name cannot be associated with a single event in Norwegian history.
As the later Norwegian medieval kings descended from Harald Hardråde, Sigurd's bond to his son was historically more important than the ties to his stepson. This characterizes the early surrender to him. The oldest sources that mention him are from the 12th century. The poem Nóreg's royal number from ca. 1190, which was based on the now lost royal history of Sæmund Frode, written 60-70 years earlier. In this quorum, Sigurd plays a key role as the father of Harald Hardråde and the grandson's son of Harald Hårfagre (in the line Sigurd Syr – Halvdan – Sigurd Rise – Harald Hårfagre). This lineage is not very likely to represent historical realities. But it was an important point of view for those who founded Norwegian-Icelandic historical research and saga writing in the 12th century.
In relation to Olav the Holy, Sigurd appears in the sagas more like a "literary" figure. On the one hand, he plays the role of a typical stepfather, and on the other, his peasant behavior contrasts with the stepson's Viking and chief nature. In the saga literature around 1200 there were several small stories to show this. Snorre brings only a little of this substance. In return, he has shaped it with psychological mastery, which in the episode where Sigurd asks Olav to sell the best riding horse for himself and Olav saddles a goat (Olav the Saga of the Saints, Chapter 2). Later in the saga, Snorre portrays Sigurd as Olav's interlocutor and political adviser, while the young king establishes his dominion. This is certainly not historical, but Snorre uses the conversation between Olav and Sigurd to enliven and explain the development.
We do not know why Sigurd was nicknamed acid, which means "suck" or pig pig. Historian PA Munch thought it was because - as Snorre tells us - he was so keen on the peasantry, and he should therefore have rooted in the earth like a pig. But the reason for the nickname may as well have been different. Likewise, it is thought that Sigurd lived on the farm Bønsnes near Tyrifjord (in the present Hole municipality). But there is no real point here either, and there are also many other large farms on Ringerike that may have been the seat of a "little king" like Sigurd.
- http://www.friesian.com/germania.htm#norse
- http://runeberg.org/faderhist/0033.html
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigurd_Syr
- http://lind.no/nor/index.asp?lang=&emne=nor&person=Sigurd%20Syr%20%...
- http://www.snl.no/.nbl_biografi/Sigurd_Halvdansson_Syr/utdypning
- http://susning.nu/Sigurd_Syr
- http://historiska-personer.nu/min-s/p7e540271.html
- http://www.espell.se/saga/p82c8c3f2.html
- http://www.tore-nygaard.com/middelalder/547.htm
- Vikingen, Nordbok 1975
- Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, Hull, England
- Olav, Vikings and the weekend, Morten Myklebust, 1997
- Fornordisk Lexikon s. 291
- Snorre Sturlasson: Olav Trygvessons saga, avsnitt 60. Snorre Sturlasson: Harald Hardrådes saga, avsnitt 98. Cappelen's Norges Historie, Bind 2 (side 230 f) og Bind 3. Norsk Biografisk Leksikon, Bind XIII (1938), side 326-327. C.M. Munthe: Norske slegtsmerker, NST Bind I (1928), side 344. Mogens Bugge: Våre forfedre, nr. 793. Bent og Vidar Billing Hansen: Rosensverdslektens forfedre, side 53, 77, 84.
- HKR.
- H. Koht: biography in NBL1, vol. 13, 1958
- "Sigurd Syra". Lokalhistoriewiki. Retrieved October 27, 2015.
- a b Snorri Sturluson, Heimskringla: History of the Kings of Norway, tr. Lee M. Hollander, The American-Scandinavian Foundation, Austin: University of Texas Press, 1964, repr. 1992, ISBN 0-292-73061-6, Saga of Óláf Tryggvason ch. 60, p. 200.
- M. Sjöström, "Scandinavian medieval descendants of Charlemagne: A detailed genealogy of the issue of Agnes Haakonsdottir, of the so-called Fairhair dynasty", Foundations - Journal of the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy vol 2 (2007:4, July), pp. 253-76: "It is very likely that the lord Halvdan, father of kinglet Sigurd Syr, was not identical with a possible Halvdan in Hadafylke, grandson of king Harald".
- Knut Helle, Cambridge History of Scandinavia, Volume I, Prehistory to 1520, Cambridge University Press, 2003, ISBN 0-521-47299-7, p. 191.
- See Joan Turville-Petre, "The Genealogist and History: Ari to Snorri", Saga-Book 20 (1978-81), pp. 7-23 (pdf), especially p. 15: "[Harald Fairhair's] successors Óláfr Tryggvason, Óláfr helgi and the Norwegian kings descended from Haraldr harðráði [e]ach . . . represented a separate line, which had to be connected to Haraldr: as he was their political forerunner, so also he must be their common ancestor".
- Heimskringla ed. Hollander, St. Óláf's Saga ch. 33, p. 268.
- "Etymology of the Norse word svin". Online Etymology. Retrieved October 28, 2015.
- Claus Krag, "Sigurd Halvdansson Syr – utdypning", Store norske leksikon (in Norwegian)
- Wikisource text King Olaf Trygvason's Saga, Part II, "Section 24, Olaf Haraldson Baptized"
- Sigwart Sörensen, Norway, New York: Collier, 1899, OCLC 474863147, pp. 79-80.
Om Sigurd Syr (Norsk)
Sigurd Syr (Svin) Halvdansson.
Han var Opplandshøvding - som bar kongenavn - og var konge på Ringerike på begynnelsen av 1000-tallet.
Død 1018. Sigurd Syr var gift med Aasta Gudbrandsdatter, av høvdingeætt på Opplandene. Hun var enke etter Harald Grenske Gudrødsson, og de hadde sønnen Olav "den hellige" Haraldsson.
Aasta Gudbrandsdatter var født i 970, og døde i 1020. Sigurd Syr og Aasta hadde barna Guttorm, som var eldst, Gunnhild, Halvdan, Ingerid og Harald. Datteren Gunnhild ble gift med Kjetil Kalv på Ringnes, og de fikk datteren Sigrid Kjetilsdatter, som ble gift med Eindride Einarsson, sønn til Einar Tambarskjelve. Gunnhild Sigurdsdatter og Kjetil Kalv hadde også sønnene Guttorm Gunnhildsson og Finn Gunnhildsson. Halvdan Sigurdsson fikk datteren Bergljot, som ble gift med Finn Arnesson på Austråt. Ingerid Sigurdsdatter var gift med Nevstein Bårdsson, nevø til Brynjulv Ulvalde på Vättlanda i Skee i Bohuslän, og de ble foreldrene til Gudrun Nevsteinsdatter (en frenke til kong Olav den hellige), som ble gift med Skule Tostensson "Kongsfostre", som er stamfar til ætten Rein i Trøndelag. Sigurd Syr bodde på gården Bønsnes i Hole på Ringerike. Han var en fredsommelig mann og likte best å stelle gården, derav kommer navnet Syr. Som person var han visstnok en forstandig, sindig og måteholden mann. Død ca. 1018, småkonge på Ringerike, stefar til Olav Haraldsson, og far til Harald Hardråde. Ble sagt å være denklokeste mann i Norge i sin samtid.("pig").
Sigurd var den siste småkongen i Norge. Han var konge på Opplandene, hadde gårdsbruk på Ringerike og bodde etter et gammelt sagn på gården Bønsnes. Han skildres som en fredsommelig mann som best likte å stelle på gården. Derfor fikk ha navnet «Syr», dvs. so eller purke. Forøvrig var han forstandig, sindig og måteholden. Han hjalp sin stesønn Olav den Hellige til å vinne overherredømmet etter slaget ved Nesjar.
Noen mener at storgården Stein på Steinsletta i Hole kommune kan ha vært Sigurds sete, andre at det var Bønsnes eller en annen storgård i distriktet. Sannheten er imidlertid uviss. Han kan godt ha eid flere storgårder samtidig, for han var «busysselmann» (les småkonge/storbonde) ifølge kildene. Kanskje var både Stein, Bønsnes, Berg (les Tornberg, nå Tanberg, og Hesleberg på Ringerike), Sætrang og Gjermundbu i hans eie. På sistnevnte gård ble Gjermundbufunnet gjort i 1943. Dette er et rikt gravfunn, der bl.a. den berømte vikinghjelmen Gjermundbu-hjelmen, og et praktsverd inngår. Gården Gjermundbu kan imidlertid ha ligget under Bølgen på den tid. Hole kommune har tatt Sigurd Syr til inntekt for sitt kommunevåpen, gjennom å nevne ham som en av de fire kongene kronene symboliserer. Om han var Holeværing eller hadde sete på en av de andre storgårdene i ringeriksdistriktet er imidlertid høyst uavklart.
1. Snorre Sturlasson: Olav Trygvessons saga, avsnitt 60. Snorre Sturlasson: Harald Hardrådes saga, avsnitt 98. Cappelen's Norges Historie, Bind 2 (side 230 f) og Bind 3. Norsk Biografisk Leksikon, Bind XIII (1938), side 326-327. C.M. Munthe: Norske slegtsmerker, NST Bind I (1928), side 344. Mogens Bugge: Våre forfedre, nr. 793. Bent og Vidar Billing Hansen: Rosensverdslektens forfedre, side 53, 77, 84. Småkongen Sigurd Syr (død ca 1018) og knyttes av sagaen til en storgård på Ringerike, men er kanskje best kjent som stefar til Olav den hellige (995-1030) og far til Harald Hardråde (1015-1066), som begge ble konger over Norge på 1000-tallet.
Sigurd Halfdansson Syr:s tidslinje
970 |
Rise, Ringerike, Buskerud, Norway (Norge)
995 |
Søndre Bergenhus, Bergen, Hordaland, Norway (Norge)
997 |
27 års ålder
Ringerike, Norway - stepfather of St. Olaf.
1006 |
Stein, Ringerike, Buskerud, Norway (Norge)
1010 |
Bønsnes, Hole, Buskerud, Norway (Norge)
1015 |
Bønsnes, Hole, Buskerud, Norway (Norge)
1018 |
februari 1018
48 års ålder
Stein i Hole, Ringerike, Buskerud, Norway (Norge)
48 års ålder
???? |
Bergen, Søndre Bergenhus, Norge