Historical records matching Simon II de Senlis, Earl of Huntingdon
Immediate Family
half brother
About Simon II de Senlis, Earl of Huntingdon
The addition of "St." before Senlis is a mystery. Wikipedia shows a commune called Senlis, which was not called Saint-Senlis. Perhaps the addition of "St." relates to the abbey St Vincent, which Queen Anne of Kiev founded in at Senlis in 1065.
Medilands Simon I de Senlis Family
SIMON de Senlis, son of SIMON de Senlis Earl of Huntingdon & his wife Matilda of Huntingdon (-Aug 1153, bur St Andrew's Priory).
Ingulph's Chronicle of the Abbey of Croyland names "Simon, Waldev and Matilda" as the children of Simon Earl of Huntingdon and his wife Matilda, commenting that they "are still young and in their infancy"[728].
After his father died, he was passed over as earl in favour of his stepfather. However, he was restored as Earl of Huntingdon and Northampton [before 1141] by Stephen King of England for whom he fought at Lincoln in Feb 1141[729].
A manuscript narrating the foundation of St Andrew’s Priory, Northampton records that “Simon de Seynlyz junior” founded “abbatiam beatæ Mariæ de Pratis juxta Northampton”[730].
A charter of King Edward III confirmed the donations to the Abbey of De la Pre, founded by “Simon comes de Norhamtona”, for the soul of “Gervasii Paynel fratris mei”, by undated charter[731].
Robert of Torigny records the death in 1153 of "Symone comite Huntedoniæ"[732].
The Annals of Tewkesbury record that “comes de Norhamptone” died in 1153[733].
m as her first husband, ISABELLE de Beaumont, daughter of ROBERT de Beaumont Earl of Leicester & his wife Amicie de Gaël .
Robert of Torigny refers to the wife of "Symone comite Huntedoniæ" as "filia Roberti comitis Legecestriæ" but does not name her[734].
"R. comes Legrecestrie" granted tithes to "Isabele comitisse de Norhamtone sororis mee" by charter dated to the middle of the reign of King Henry II[735].
"I. comitissa Northamptonie" donated land at Groby to Nuneaton priory, for the souls of "patris mei et fratris mei R. comitis Legrecestrie" by charter dated to the middle of the reign of King Henry II[736].
She married secondly Gervase Paynell Baron of Dudley. Her second marriage is confirmed by charter dated 1187 under which “Gervasius Paganellus” donated property to Tykford Priory, with the consent of “uxoris meæ Isabellæ comitissæ de Norhamton”, which names “Fulcodius Paganellus avus meus et Radulfus Paganellus pater meus”, witnessed by “Simone comite Northamptoniæ, Isabella comitissa matre eius”[737].
Earl Simon & his wife had four children:1. SIMON de Senlis ([1138] - Jun 1184, bur St Andrew's Priory). The Vita et Passio Waldevi Comitis names “Simonem de Senliz tercium et duas filias…Amicia et Hawisia” as the children of “comes…Simon…[et] Ysabellam comitissam, filiam Roberti comitis Leicestrie”[738]. Robert of Torigny records that "Symon filius eius" succeeded on the death in 1153 of "Symone comite Huntedoniæ"[739]. He was recognised as Earl of Huntingdon and Northampton in 1174. “Simon comes de Norhamtonia” donated property to Ramsey Abbey, Huntingdonshire by charter dated 28 Mar 1175, witnessed by “Simon fratre comitis…”[740]. m ALICE de Gand, daughter of GILBERT de Gand Earl of Lincoln & his wife Rohese de Clare (-1238, bur Bridlington). Robert of Torigny records that "filiam eius unicam [Gisleberti de Gant]" married "Symon iuvenis filius comitis Symonis"[741]. The Stemma fundatoris of Bardney Abbey names “Aliciam” as the daughter of ”Gilbertus”, adding that she married “Simon de Monteforti comes Noramtoniæ”[742]. A manuscript genealogy of the Gant family names “Aliciam” as the daughter of “Gilbertus”, adding that she married “Simoni de sancto Licio, comiti Huntingtoniæ et Northamptoniæ”, died childless, and was buried “apud Bredlinton”[743]. "A. comitissa Norhamtunie filia Gilleberti comes Lincolnie" confirmed the donation of land in Scampton to Kirkstead abbey by "Radulfus filius Gilleberti", for the health of "sponsi mei Simonis comitis", by charter dated to early in the reign of King Henry II[744]. Simon & his wife had two children:
a) GUNNOR. The Stemma fundatoris of Bardney Abbey names “Gonorram” as the daughter of “Simon de Monteforti comes Noramtoniæ” and his wife Alice, adding that she died without heirs[745].
b) SIMON de Senlis (-young). “Simon de sancto Licio frater comitis Symonis” donated property to the Abbey of De la Pre, Northamptonshire, for the soul of “Symonis nepotis mei”, by undated charter witnessed by “comitissa Adelyz de Gaund…”[746].2. AMICE de Senlis. The Vita et Passio Waldevi Comitis names “Simonem de Senliz tercium et duas filias…Amicia et Hawisia” as the children of “comes…Simon…[et] Ysabellam comitissam, filiam Roberti comitis Leicestrie”[747].
3. HAWISE de Senlis. The Vita et Passio Waldevi Comitis names “Simonem de Senliz tercium et duas filias…Amicia et Hawisia” as the children of “comes…Simon…[et] Ysabellam comitissam, filiam Roberti comitis Leicestrie”[748].
4. ISABELLE de Senlis. Her parentage and marriage are confirmed by the charter dated to [1158/74] under which [her brother] "Comes Simon" confirmed to "Willelmo Malduit camerario domini regis et Isabelle uxori sue" the land "in Grendon…" which "comes Simon pater meus dedit Willelmo Malduit et Isabelle uxori sue in libero maritagio"[749]. m WILLIAM [III] Mauduit of Hanslope, son of WILLIAM [II] Mauduit & his wife Matilda de Hanslope ([1131/33]-2 Oct 1194, bur Waverley Abbey).Earl Simon had one [probably illegitimate] son [by an unknown mistress]:
5. SIMON de Senlis (-after 28 Mar 1175). “Simon comes de Norhamtonia” donated property to Ramsey Abbey, Huntingdonshire by charter dated 28 Mar 1175, witnessed by “Simon fratre comitis…”[750]. “Simon de sancto Licio frater comitis Symonis” donated property to the Abbey of de la Pre, Northamptonshire, for the soul of “Symonis nepotis mei”, by undated charter witnessed by “comitissa Adelyz de Gaund…”[751]. It is assumed that Simon was illegitimate, which appears to be the most likely explanation for his having the same name as his brother the Earl of Huntingdon.
Gent/Gand/Gaunt Family
FMG (updated 9 Mar 2022) England, Earls Created 1138–1143: Earls of Lincoln 1147/1148 (Gand) Descendants of Gilbert van Gent and Alice de Montfort
WALTER van Gent, son of GILBERT van Gent Lord of Folkingham & his wife Alice de Montfort-sur-Risle (? –1139, bur Bardney Abbey). The Stemma fundatoris of Bardney Abbey names “Giselbrictum et Walterum” as children of ” Gislebrictus de Gaunt” & his wife[935]. A manuscript genealogy of the Gant family names “Walterum et Robertum” as sons of “Giselbertus de Gaunt…[et] uxorem Aliciam de Montfort”[936]. ”Walterus de Gant, filius et hæres Gisilberti de Gant” restored Bardney Abbey in 1115, witnessed by “Roberto de ---, Willielmo nepote meo constabulario Cestriæ, Willielmo de Mandevill…”[937]. The 1130 Pipe Roll records "Walts de Gant" in Yorkshire, Northumberland[938]. "Walter de Gaunt" donated the phylactery which "Baldwin sororius suus sent him from Jerusalem" to Bridlington Priory by undated charter, witnessed by "Matilda his wife"[939]. "Walter de Gaunt" founded Bridlington priory, with the assent of Henry I King of England, by undated charter, witnessed by "Alan de Percy, Eustace FitzJohn, Jordan Paganel…Walter de Percy…"[940]. A charter of Edward II King of England confirmed donations to Bridlington priory, including by "Walter de Ganto" of "land in Brenlintona"[941]. He became a monk at Bardney Abbey.
m MATHILDE de Penthièvre, daughter of ETIENNE de Bretagne Comte de Penthièvre & his wife Havise de Guingamp. A manuscript genealogy of the Gant family records that “Walterus”, son of “Giselbertus de Gaunt”, married “Matildam filiam comitis Stephani Britanniæ”, bringing “Swaldale” as dowry[942]. “Matildis filia consulis Stephani Britanniæ, uxor Walteri de Gaunt” donated property to Bridlington Priory by undated charter[943].
Walter & his wife had [seven] children:1. GILBERT de Gand (Bridlington [1120]–1156, bur [Bridlington Priory]). The Stemma fundatoris of Bardney Abbey names “Gilebertum…et Robertum fratrem eius” as sons of ” Walterus”, adding that Gilbert was Earl of Lincoln[944]. He was created Earl of Lincoln by King Stephen in 1147/48. "Gilbert Earl of Lincoln" donated "land in Spetona" to Bridlington Priory by undated charter, witnessed by "Geoffrey de Gaunt, Robert de Gaunt, Philip de Kyma dapifero…"[945]. “Gilbertus comes Lincolnie” chose his burial in the church of St Mary, Bridlington by charter dated to [1150/56], witnessed by “Gaufrido fratre meo…”[946]. Robert of Torigny records the death in 1156 of "Gislebertus de Gant"[947]. m as her first husband, ROHESE de Clare, daughter of RICHARD FitzGilbert de Clare & his wife Agnes [Alicia] of Chester. A manuscript genealogy of the Gant family records that “Gilbertus”, son of “Walterus”, married “Roesiam comitissam Lincolniæ”, adding that she married secondly "Roberto dapifero" by whom she was mother of "Roesia de Bulington nupta Simoni de Kyma"[948]. She married secondly ([1157/63]) Robert FitzRobert. Gilbert & his wife had one child:
a) ALICE de Gand (? –1185, bur Bridlington). Robert of Torigny records that "filiam eius unicam [Gisleberti de Gant]" married "Symon iuvenis filius comitis Symonis"[949]. The Stemma fundatoris of Bardney Abbey names “Aliciam” as the daughter of ” Gilbertus”, adding that she married “Simon de Monteforti comes Noramtoniæ”[950]. A manuscript genealogy of the Gant family names “Aliciam” as the daughter of “Gilbertus”, adding that she married “Simoni de sancto Licio, comiti Huntingtoniæ et Northamptoniæ”, died childless, and was buried “apud Bredlinton”[951]. "A. comitissa Norhamtunie filia Gilleberti comes Lincolnie" confirmed the donation of land in Scampton to Kirkstead abbey by "Radulfus filius Gilleberti", for the health of "sponsi mei Simonis comitis", by charter dated to early in the reign of King Henry II[952]. m SIMON de Senlis Earl of Huntingdon and Northampton, son of SIMON de Senlis Earl of Huntingdon and Northampton & his wife Isabelle de Beaumont ([1138]–Jun 1184, bur St Andrew's Priory).
2. GEOFFREY de Gand (? – [1150/56]). “Gilbertus de Gant” donated property to the canons of Thornton by charter dated to [1139/47], witnessed by “Gaufrido et Roberto et Baldewino fratribus Gilberti de Gant…”[953]. "Gilbert Earl of Lincoln" donated "land in Spetona" to Bridlington Priory by undated charter, witnessed by "Geoffrey de Gaunt, Robert de Gaunt, Philip de Kyma dapifero…"[954]. “Gilbertus comes Lincolnie” chose his burial in the church of St Mary, Bridlington by charter dated to [1150/56], witnessed by “Gaufrido fratre meo…”[955].
3. ROBERT de Gand (? – [1191/92], bur Vaudey Abbey). “Gilbertus de Gant” donated property to the canons of Thornton by charter dated to [1139/47], witnessed by “Gaufrido et Roberto et Baldewino fratribus Gilberti de Gant…”[956]. The Stemma fundatoris of Bardney Abbey names “Gilebertum…et Robertum fratrem eius” as sons of ” Walterus”, adding that Gilbert was Earl of Lincoln[957]. "Gilbert Earl of Lincoln" donated "land in Spetona" to Bridlington Priory by undated charter, witnessed by "Geoffrey de Gaunt, Robert de Gaunt, Philip de Kyma dapifero…"[958]. The Red Book of the Exchequer refers to "Robertus de Gant v m" in Yorkshire in [1161/62][959]. “Robertus de Gaunt et Aeliz Paganella uxor sua et Avicia filia eorum” donated property to the hospital of St John of Jerusalem by charter dated to [1166/77], witnessed by “…Henrico de Gaunt…”[960]. The Red Book of the Exchequer, listing scutage payments in [1190/91], records "Robertus de Gaunt" paying "xxxiv l v s iv d" in Lincolnshire[961]. A manuscript genealogy of the Gant family records that “Roberto filio Walteri” succeeded his niece in the Gand inheritance, died in 1192 and was buried “apud Vawdye”[962]. “Robertus de Gaunt, filius Walteri de Gaunt” confirmed donations of property to Bridlington Priory by “Walterus de Gaunt pater meus et Gilbertus de Gaunt comes Lincolniæ frater meus”, by undated charter[963]. m firstly as her second husband, ALICE Paynell, widow of RICHARD de Courcy, daughter of WILLIAM Paynell de Drax & his second wife Avice de Rumilly. An undated manuscript relating to Croxton Abbey, Leicestershire records that “Aviciam de Romely…unicam filiam Aliciam” married ” Roberto de Ganth”[964]. The primary source which confirms her first marriage has not been identified. “Avicia de Romelli” notified her donation to the canons of Drax, for the soul of “Willelmi Paganelli mariti mei”, with the consent of “domini Roberti de Gant et Adelicie filie mee uxoris eiusdem Roberti”, by charter dated to [1147/52], witnessed by “Robertus de Gant et Adelicia Paganella uxor eius et Adelicia soror Roberti de Gant…”[965]. “R de Gaunt” donated property to Bridlington convent, for the souls of “comitis Gilberti…et…Adeliz uxoris mee et Aviz filie mee” by charter dated to [1156/75][966]. “Robertus de Gaunt et Aeliz Paganella uxor sua et Avicia filia eorum” donated property to the hospital of St John of Jerusalem by charter dated to [1166/77], witnessed by “…Henrico de Gaunt…”[967]. A charter of King Richard I dated 7 Sep 1189 confirmed donations to Vaudey abbey among which by “Robertus de Gant et Alizia Painell uxor eius”[968]. m secondly as her first husband, GUNNORA de Albini Brito, daughter of RALPH de Albini Brito & his wife Sibylla de Valoignes. A charter of King Richard I dated 7 Sep 1189 confirmed donations to Vaudey abbey among which by “Roberti de Gant et Gundredæ uxoris eius”[969]. She married secondly Nicholas de Stuteville. Robert & his first wife had one child:a) [AVICE de Gand. An undated manuscript relating to Croxton Abbey, Leicestershire names “Aviciam” as daughter of “Roberto de Ganth” and his wife Alice, adding that she married ”Roberto filio Roberti Arding de Bristow”, by whom she had “filium…Mauricium” who died childless, leaving “Andreæ Luterel per matrem suam, quæ fuit de parentelli Paynellorum” as his heir[970]. “R de Gaunt” donated property to Bridlington convent, for the souls of “comitis Gilberti…et…Adeliz uxoris mee et Aviz filie mee” by charter dated to [1156/75][971]. “Robertus de Gaunt et Aeliz Paganella uxor sua et Avicia filia eorum” donated property to the hospital of St John of Jerusalem by charter dated to [1166/77], witnessed by “…Henrico de Gaunt…”[972]. m as his second wife, ROBERT (de Berkeley), son of ROBERT FitzHarding & his wife Eva --- (-[1195]). Robert & his second wife had one child:
b) GILBERT de Gand (? –1242). ”Gilbertus de Gaunt, filius Roberti de Gaunt” confirmed donations to Bardney Abbey by “Gilebrictus de Gaunt actavus meus et uxor eius Aliz…de Muntfort, et Walterus de Gaunt avus meus, et comes Gilbertus avunculus meus, et Rob. de Gaunt pater meus” by undated charter[973]. Titular [Earl of Lincoln]. "Gillebertus de Gant" confirmed the donation of land at Barton on Humber to Rufford monastery, Nottinghamshire, for the souls of "patris mei Roberti de Gant et matris mee Gunwar de Gant", by charter dated to the late 12th century, witnessed by "Nicolao de Stuteville…"[974]. m ---. The name of Gilbert’s wife is not known. Gilbert & his wife had three children:i) ROBERT de Gaunt (? –before 1242). The Stemma fundatoris of Bardney Abbey names “Robertum et Gilbertum” as the children of 'Gilbertus”, adding that Robert predeceased his father[975].
ii) GILBERT de Gaunt of Folkingham, Lincolnshire (? –Folkingham 5 Jan 1274). The Stemma fundatoris of Bardney Abbey names “Robertum et Gilbertum” as the children of ” Gilbertus”[976]. A manuscript genealogy of the Gant family records that “Gilbertum”, son of “Gilbertus”, died “1274 Non Jan apud Falkingham” and was buried “apud Bridlington”[977]. Inquisitions after a writ dated 26 Jan "2 Edw I" following the death of "Gilbert de Gaunt" name “Gilbert de Gaunt [his son and heir] is his next and of full age...aged 24 and more...25”, and notes that he had given Hundemanby to “Gilbert his son...in marriage with Lora de Balyolo”[978]. m ---. The name of Gilbert’s wife is not known. Gilbert & his wife had four children:(a) MARGARET. The Stemma fundatoris of Bardney Abbey records that ” Gilbertus”, son of Gilbert, had “duas sorores…Margaretam et Nicholaam”, adding that Margaret married “Will. de Kardestone” and that they were parents of “Rogerum”, whose son was “Willelmum”[979]. Her son Roger de Kerdeston was summoned to Parliament in 1332 whereby he is held to have become Lord Kerdeston[980]. m WILLIAM de Kerdeston of Kerdiston, co. Norfolk, son of ---.
(b) GILBERT de Gaunt ([1249]–1298). The Stemma fundatoris of Bardney Abbey records that “Gilbertus filius eius” succeeded on the death of ” Gilbertus”, son of Gilbert[981]. Inquisitions after a writ dated 26 Jan "2 Edw I" following the death of "Gilbert de Gaunt" name “Gilbert de Gaunt [his son and heir] is his next and of full age...aged 24 and more...25”, and notes that he had given Hundemanby to “Gilbert his son...in marriage with Lora de Balyolo”[982]. A charter dated 17 Jun 1278 records the quitclaim of "Gilbert de Gaunt son and heir of domini Gilbert de Gaunt" in favour of Bridlington priory[983]. Lord Gaunt. m (before 26 Jan 1274) LORA de Balliol, daughter of HENRY de Balliol of Cavers, co. Roxburgh & his wife Lorette de Valoignes (? –1309). The Stemma fundatoris of Bardney Abbey names “Loram, sororem Alexandri de Baliolf” as wife of ” Gilbertus”, son of Gilbert, adding that they died childless[984]. Inquisitions after a writ dated 26 Jan "2 Edw I" following the death of "Gilbert de Gaunt" name “Gilbert de Gaunt [his son and heir] is his next and of full age...aged 24 and more...25”, and notes that he had given Hundemanby to “Gilbert his son...in marriage with Lora de Balyolo”[985].
(c) NICHOLE (? –1284, bur Hazlewood Chapel near Tadcaster). The Stemma fundatoris of Bardney Abbey records that ” Gilbertus”, son of Gilbert, had “duas sorores…Margaretam et Nicholaam”, adding that Nichole married “Petrus de Malolaeu” and that they were parents of “Petrum”[986]. m (1273 or before) PIERS de Maulay of Mulgrave and Doncaster, Yorkshire, son of PIERS de Maulay & his second wife --- (22 Jul 1249-6 Sep 1308). He was summoned to Parliament in 1295 whereby he is held to have become Lord Mauley[987].
(d) JULIENNE (before 1258–after 1311). The Stemma fundatoris of Bardney Abbey records that ” Gilbertus”, son of Gilbert, had “tertio soror Juliana”, who died unmarried[988].iii) GUNNOR. The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not been identified. m RALPH de Sucheville, son of ---.
4. BALDWIN de Gand. “Gilbertus de Gant” donated property to the canons of Thornton by charter dated to [1139/47], witnessed by “Gaufrido et Roberto et Baldewino fratribus Gilberti de Gant…”[989].
5. ALICE de Gand. “Avicia de Romelli” notified her donation to the canons of Drax, for the soul of “Willelmi Paganelli mariti mei”, with the consent of “domini Roberti de Gant et Adelicie filie mee uxoris eiusdem Roberti”, by charter dated to [1147/52], witnessed by “Robertus de Gant et Adelicia Paganella uxor eius et Adelicia soror Roberti de Gant…”[990]. “Aliz de Gant” donated property to Pontefract Priory, for the souls of “prioris domini mei Ilberti de Lascy” and with the consent of “Henricus de Lascy”, by undated charter[991]. Her second marriage is confirmed by the undated charter under which “Rogerus de Molbrai” confirmed the donation of property to Pontefract Priory by “uxor mea…pro anima prioris domini sui Ilberti de Lasci”, witnessed by “Willielmus Peverel… Turgis de Molbray…”[992]. It is dated by an undated charter under which Roger de Mowbray and his wife Alice (Ilbert’s widow) donated property to the abbey of St. Mary, Hood, witnessed by William “decanus” who was consecrated bishop of Durham 20 Jun 1143, thus providing the latest date for the document[993]. “Alicia de Gaunt uxor Rogeri de Mubray” donated property to Fountains Abbey by charter dated 13 Apr 1176 which names “filiorum meorum Nigelli et Roberti”[994]. m firstly ILBERT de Lacy, son of ROBERT de Lacy & his wife Matilda --- (? – [Feb 1141/May 1143], bur [Pontefract Priory]). m secondly ([Feb 1141/20 Jun 1143]) ROGER de Mowbray, son of NELE d'Aubigny & his second wife Gundred de Gournay (? – [late 1187/1188]).
6. [AGNES. A charter of King Henry I confirmed the foundation and possessions of Bridlington priory, including the donation of "ecclesiam de Wicheforda" made by "Willielmus de Moion et uxor eius Agnes"[995]. The parentage of Agnes is not known. Maxwell-Lyte suggests "with some confidence" that she was the daughter of Walter de Gant & his wife[996]. He bases this on the possession by Gilbert de Gand of Whichford, Warwickshire (then in Northamptonshire) in 1086, Gilbert’s son Walter’s foundation of the priory at Bridlington, and the donation by William de Mohun and Agnes his wife of the church of Whichford to Bridlington. m WILLIAM de Mohun, son of WILLIAM de Mohun & his wife --- (? – [1155]).]
7. MATILDA de Gand. Her parentage and marriage are noted in Domesday Descendants[997]. m WILLIAM de Welle of Wells and Claxby, Norfolk, son of WALTER FitzRademer & his wife ---.
Simon II de Senlis
BIRTH 1103
Northamptonshire, England
DEATH Aug 1153 (aged 49–50)
Saint Andrew's Priory
Northampton, Northampton Borough, Northamptonshire, England
MEMORIAL ID 82183275
Family Members
Simon de Senlis I
Matilda of Huntingdon
Isabel of Leicester
Waltheof Of Melrose
Half Siblings
Henry de Huntingdon
Simon III de Senlis
Simon II de Senlis, Earl of Huntingdon's Timeline
1098 |
Northampton, Northamptonshire, England (United Kingdom)
1135 |
Huntingdon, Huntingdonshire, England
1145 |
Warkworth, Northamptonshire, England (United Kingdom)
1146 |
of Huntingdonshire, England
1150 |
1153 |
August 1153
Age 55
Saint Andrew Priory, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England
August 1153
Age 55
Saint Andrew Priory, Northampton, Northamptonshire, England
1935 |
January 5, 1935
Age 55
January 5, 1935
Age 55