Historical records matching Sir Allan Lockhart of Cleghorn, Kt.
Immediate Family
About Sir Allan Lockhart of Cleghorn, Kt.
First Marriage
Second Marriage
Third Marriage
Evidence from the National Records of Scotland
1 September 1580: Acceptance by William, Lord Hay of Yester, of Allan Lockhart, younger of Cleghorn, as tenant of lands of Ledlowch [Ledloch]. National Records of Scotland, Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair, reference GD33/49/3
23 March 1582: Retour of the Special Service of Henry Stewart, as heir to George Stewart of Rossyth, his brothers son, - in the barony and lands of Rossyth, with the Mains thereof, lands of Craigis Garpost, third part of the lands of Fordell, Culbagie and Straburne, lands of Suchills, Pittravie, Wester Cleish, Dunduff, Colstoun, Balnamule, and Moncroy, lying in the county of Fife, lands and barony of Durrisdeer, lying in the county of Dumfries, lands of Corbs, Balquhandies & Leidgreen, lying in the county of Perth, all united and erected in the Barony of Rossyth, and lands and barony of Shanbody, lying in the county of Clackmannan - Inquest Sir Patrick Hepburn of Lusness Knight, Thomas Merburn of Redhall, James Gifford of Sheriffhall, John Towers of Inverleith, Patrick Consalton of that Ilk, James Foulis of Colinton, John Faurside of that Ilk, James Crickton of Careo (Carse) David Crawford of Blackcraig Henry Hepburn of Foirtoun, Allan Lockhart of Cleghorn. William Newton of that Ilk, Richard Abercromby of Paltoun, Robert Hamilton of Spittal, and Thomas Mowbray of Cammock - Dated at Edinburgh National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Bruce Family of Kennet, Clackmannanshire, reference GD11/71
23 March 1582-83: Charter by which James VI, King of Scots, confirms possession of the lands of Cleghorn and others to Allan Lockhart, son and heir of Quintigern Lockhart of Cleghorn, and his wife Elizabeth Ross. Quintigern Lockhart of Cleghorn resigned the lands specified in order to obtain a new grant for his son and his wife from the crown. Quintigern Lockhart of Cleghorn reserved his own liferent in the eight pound eight shilling lands of Cleghorn and the six pound land of Bothwell. Register of the Great Seal of Scotland, A. D. 1580-1593, charter number 538 on p. 164
28 June 1600: Protest for Allan Lockhart of Cleghorn against John, Master of Yester, relative to lands of Allantoun and Reidloch. National Records of Scotland, Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair, reference GD33/48/6
30 April 1604: Discharge by Alan Lokhart of Cleghorne to John Ker of Wester Lymphoy and Jean Gib, his spouse, of certain writs relating to wester half lands of Lymphoy, which lands were disponed by said John Ker to said Alan Lokhart National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Dick-Lauder family of Fountainhall, reference GD41/277
1605: Renunciation by Walter and Agnes Dickis, children of deceased Gilbert Dick, merchant burgess of Edinburgh, with consent of their curators, to Alan Lokhart of Cleghorne, of annualrent of £110 Scots furth of lands of Wester Lynphoy and 13 acres 5 roods of land lying in Newheavin, under reversion for £1000 Scots National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Dick-Lauder family of Fountainhall, reference GD41/278
November 1606: Renunciation by Archibald Miller in Douglas to Allan Lockhart of Cleghorn of an annualrent out of lands of Harperfield. [and another dated 20 November 1609]. National Records of Scotland, Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair, reference GD33/50/1
1608: Renunciation by Nicol Edzair, son and heir to deceased Captain James Edzair and deceased Margaret Hepburne, his first wife, to Alan Lokart of Cleghorne, of west half of lands of Lynphoy, which lands were wadset, by Contract dated 9 Jul 1596, by John Ker, then of Lynphoy and Joan Gib, his spouse, to Marion Bailzie, second wife to said deceased Captain James, under reversion for 3000 merks Scots, 16 February 1608 National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Dick-Lauder family of Fountainhall, reference GD41/280
12 January 1608: License by William Bannatyne of Corhouse to his son-in-law, Allan Lockhart of Cleghorn, to purchase from Gilbert Bannatyne his £4 land of Harperfield. National Records of Scotland, Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair, reference GD33/48/9
21 January 1612: Charter by James Stewart, portioner of Strabrok, whereby, in implement of a contract (of the date of these presents) entered into between him and Alan Lokhart of Cleghorne and Grissel Bannatyne, his spouse, he granted to them and the longer liver in conjunct infeftment, and to the heirs lawfully procreated or to be procreated between them, whom failing, to the lawful and nearest heirs of the said Alan whomsover, (1) his eighteen oxgates of land of the town and lands of Over Quothecon with houses etc., extending to a £5:12:6 land, computing each oxgate at 6/4 (occupied by James Robiesone, Alexander Justice, Laurence Dicksone, Mariot Broun, widow, James Mosmain, James Chancellar, Thomas Gray and John Thomesone) lying in the barony of Carnewathe and sheriffdom of Lanerk; and (2) in special warrandice thereof, the town and lands of Nather Quothecon, extending to a £10 land of old extent, lying as aforesaid: To be held de me in blench ferm for payment of a silver penny Scots: With clause of warrandice and precept of Sasine. At Edinburgh 21 January 1612 Witnesses, Stephan Lokhart, brother of the said Alan, Mr. William Stewart, son of the granter, George Bell, baker, burgess of Lynlithqw, John Eistoun, W.S. and Robert Pringill, notary. Signed by the granter and witnesses. National Records of Scotland, Sir William Fraser Charters, reference GD86/394
July-August 1612: Extract Registered Contract between his said Robert Chancelar, and John Chancelar his son, and heir apparent, with consent of Agnes Symontoun, spouse to the said Robert, and of Gavin Hamiltoun of Roploch, and William Hamiltoun of Dalserf, at whose instance the said Robert Chancelar was interdicted, and also by James Stewart, portioner of Straebrock, for his interest, in the one part; and Allan Lockhart of Cleghorne, and Grizel Bannatyne, his spouse, on the other part; whereby the said Robert and John Chancelar, with consent forewaid, dispone to the said Allan Lockhart and his said spouse, and the longest liver of them two in liferent, for all the days of their lives, and to George Lockhart, their son and heir apparent, lawfully procreated between them, and the heirs male to be lawfully procreated of his body: which failing, the heirs and assignees of the said Allan, whomsoever, the said lands. Dated 27 Jul and [ ] Aug 1611. Registered in the Books of Council and Session 28 Nov 1612. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Chancellor family of Shieldhill, Lanarkshire, reference GD118/77
7 October 1612: Contract of Marriage between Allan Lockhart of Cleghorn and Grizel Bannatyne, daughter of William Bannatyne of Corhouse, containing obligation to infeft her in lands of Eirdhouses in barony of Carnwath. (Registered 7 October 1612) National Records of Scotland, Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair, reference GD33/50/2
6 May 1613: Bond by William Bannatyne of Corhouse to Allan Lockhart of Cleghorn, and other transactions between them. National Records of Scotland, Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair, reference GD33/50/4
30 July 1613: Contract between Alan Lokhart of Cleghorne on the one part and William Smyth in Lymphoy and Giles Mowbray, his spouse, on the other part whereby said Alan set in tack to said William and his spouse lands of Wester Lymphoy with teinds thereof, for space of 7 years, in return for which said William promises to pay a certain amount of victual and keep buildings on said lands in repair National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Dick-Lauder family of Fountainhall, reference GD41/292
20 August 1614: Renunciation by Mr. James Lockhart to Allan Lockhart of Cleghorn, his father, of an annualrent from the Kirklands of Lanark. National Records of Scotland, Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair, reference GD33/50/5
1 July 1617: Backbond by John Inglis and Richard Manuel to Allan Lockhart of Cleghorn relative to lands of Bothwellshiels and Langbyres. National Records of Scotland, Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair, reference GD33/50/6
1617-20: (Extract) Letters of Inhibition, with Executions following thereon, at instance of Sir James Maxvell of Caldervod, Kt., for himself and Nicolas Maxvell, his daughter, against Alan Lockhart of Cleghorne and Alexander, his son, spouse of said Nicolas, following on Marriage Contract National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Dick-Lauder family of Fountainhall, reference GD41/373
8 November 1617: Letters of Inhibition made between said parties whereby said Alan Lockhart bound himself to infeft said Nicolas and Alexander in £2 land of Bothwell, Langbyres, Herunshill and other lands. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Dick-Lauder family of Fountainhall, reference GD41/373
27 March 1621: Instrument of Sasine following on Charter containing precept of sasine, dated 25 March 1621, by Allan Lokhart of Cleghorne to Master Alexander Lokhart of Braidschaw, his brother, of western half of lands of Waster Lymphoy with the meadow pertaining thereto National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Dick-Lauder family of Fountainhall, reference GD41/282
8 September 1621: Discharge by Mungo Lockhart of Litlle Harwood in favour of Allan Lockhart of Cleghorn relative to lands of Little Harwood & Commonbrae. National Records of Scotland, Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair, reference GD33/50/7
7 September 1622: Letters of reversion by Mungo Lockhart of Harwod [Harwood] to Allan Lockhart of Cleghorne [Cleghorn] and Alexander Lockhart, apparent of Cleghorn, of the lands of Grugfute disponed in warrandice of the lands of Little Harwod [Harwood] and Commounbrae. Recorded PRS Edinburgh, 25 October 1622. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Family of Cockburn of That Ilk, reference GD216/63
6 September 1621: Discharge by Mungo Lockhart of Litlle Harwood in favour of Allan Lockhart of Cleghorn relative to lands of Little Harwood & Commonbrae. National Records of Scotland, Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair, reference GD33/50/7
22 September 1624: Bond by Alexander Lokhart of Cleghorne to Mr. William Lokhart, his brother, and Isobel Wauchop, spouse to said William, whereby he binds himself to be entered heir to deceased Alan Lokhart of Cleghorne, his father, in order to fulfil Marriage Contract, dated 21 Mar 1622, made between said William and Isobel whereby said deceased Alan Lokhart bound himself to infeft them, in conjunct fee, in wester half of lands of Lymphoy National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Dick-Lauder family of Fountainhall, reference GD41/283
12 June 1629: Discharge by William, Earl of Angus, to Robert Lockhart, son of Allan Lockhart of Cleghorn, & others, for duties of lands of Windyedge in Lordship of Bothwell. National Records of Scotland, Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair, reference GD33/50/8
26 December 1650: Papers relating to debts owing to George Lockhart of Tarbrax, Commissary of Glasgow, and William Lockhart of Tarbrax, as sureties for Lockhart of Cleghorn, etc, including certificate of baptism of William, son of George Lockhart of Tarbrax, 26 December 1650; and letter from Mr. George Bennett, minister at Quothquan, acknowledging a payment, April 1654. Records of Scotland, Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair, reference GD33/50/8
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Other References
- The Baronage of Scotland; Sir Robert Douglas; 1798; page 585
Notes for Allan Lockhart:
Allan Lockhart was 6th of Cleghorn 1583. [Douglas's Peerage, Baronage of Scotland]
Allan Lockhart of Cleghorn. Previous to the death of his father Mungo, he married Elizabeth Ross, sister to Robert, Lord Ross of Halket. A charter was obtained, under the great seal, in favor of the above spouses, upon the resignation of Mungo Lockhart, of the lands of Grugfoot in the parish of Cariden, the lands of Cleugh, the ten pound land of Cleghorn, the ten pound land of Bothwell, the four pound land of Langbugo, Bothwell-shiels, and pertinents, with the manor-place of Bothwell park, the lands of Florandshill, Eardhouses, Hill of Cleghorn, the teinds of the Kirklands of Lanark, West Nemphlar, and the lands of Kilcaidzie. This charter bears date the 23rd March 1583. By this marriage he had issue six sons, 1. Alexander, who succeeded him. 2. William, of whom are descended the Lockharts of Limphoy. 3. James, laird of Harwood. 4. George, laird of Tarbrax, who married Ann, daughter of Sir James Lockhart of Lee. 5. Allan, who obtained from his uncle the lands of Stobwood. 6. Robert, a merchant, and one of the Baillies of Edinburgh. His son, Sir William Lockhart, was created Solicitor General for Scotland by king William (reign: 1689 - 1702).
More About Allan Lockhart and Elizabeth Ross: Marriage: November 27, 1582
Children of Allan Lockhart and Elizabeth Ross are: +Robert Lockhart, b. Abt. 1591, Scotland, d. date unknown. Alexander Lockhart, b. Abt. 1583, d. date unknown. William Lockhart, b. 1584, d. date unknown. James Lockhart, b. 1585, d. date unknown. George Lockhart, b. 1587, d. date unknown. Allan Lockhart, b. 1588, d. date unknown.
(6G-Cleghorn) 1. Allan Lockhart/ Lochert/ Lockart/ Lockhartt/ Lokhart/ Lokharte, of Cleghorn 1583 (b. abt. 1552-d. 15 Aug 1623),
• 6th of Cleghorn 1583. [DB] • Son of Mungo Quintigern Lockhart (of Cleghorn 1569) and Miss Hamilton. + Allan 1m. (marriage contract 27 Nov 1582), Elizabeth ROSS (b. abt. 1556-d. 10 Jul 1594), daughter of James, Lord Ross and sister of Robert, Lord Ross of Halket. [DB] [UWL] • Previous to the death of his father Mungo, Allan married Elizabeth Ross. [DB] • Elizabeth Ross died 10 July 1594, daughter to James, Lord Ross and spouse to Alan Lockhart of Cleghorn. [Elizabeth Ross gravestone, which is housed in the Lanark Library, Lanark, Scotland, 1998, and was once in the old St. Kentigern's Churchyard in Lanark.]
• 1580–Allan served, in conjunction with his father Mungo, on the assize which acquitted Arthur Hamilton of Bothwell-hauche of the murder of the Regent Murray. [UWL] • 1582–Mungo obtained a charter under the Great Seal, investing Allan and Elizabeth with the fee of the lands of Cleghorn, Grugfoot, and Bothwell. [Nisbet Her., II., App., 141], [UWL] • 1583–A charter was obtained, under the great seal, in favor of Allan and Elizabeth Ross Lockhart, upon the resignation of Mungo Lockhart, of the lands of Grugfoot in the parish of Cariden, the lands of Cleugh, the ten pound land of Cleghorn, the ten pound land of Bothwell, the four pound land of Langbugo, Longride, Bothwell-shiels, and pertinents, with the manor-place of Bothwell park, the lands of Florandshill, Eardhouses, Hill of Cleghorn, the teinds of the Kirklands of Lanark, West Nemphlar, and the lands of Kilcaidzie/ Kilcadzow. This charter bears date the 23rd March 1583. [DB] + Allan 2m. 1597, Christian LIVINGSTON of Belstane. [Lanark, Register of Sasines, 1618-1720] + Allan 3m. Grizel BANNATYNE of Corehouse. [UWL], [Lanark, Register of Sasines, 1618-1720] • 1604 Apr 30–Discharge by Alan Lokhart of Cleghorne to John Ker of Wester Lymphoy and Jean Gib, his spouse, of certain writs relating to wester half lands of Lymphoy, which lands were disponed by said John Ker to said Alan Lokhart. [National Archives of Scotland, GD41/277] • Alan Lokhart of Cleghorne, GD41/277, 278, 280, 282, 283 refer to the purchase and ownership of the Wester lands of Lymphoy during the period 1604 to 1625. GD41/285 mentions Laurence Scott of Harperrig in connection with the same lands. [National Archives of Scotland. (Research, courtesy of John Scott, 2004)]. • 1610 and 1614–Allan Lockhart’s name appears in the nomination of Justices of Peace, by his Majesty, in the years 1610 and 1614. [DB] • 1618–Alan Lockhart of Cleghorn registered sasines in Lanark, between 1618-1638; his spouses, Grisel Bannatyne; Christian Livingstone. [Lanark, Register of Sasines] • Children of Allan Lockhart (of Cleghorn 1583) (d. 1623) and (1m. 1582) Elizabeth Ross (d. 1594): + 1.1. Alexander Lockhart, who succeeded. [DB] (b. abt. 1583-d. abt 1630) [UWL] (Continues below) + 1.2. William Lockhart, of whom are descended the Lockharts of Limphoy. [DB] (b. abt. 1584-d. 1632) (Continues below) + 1.3. James Lockhart, laird of Harwood. [DB] (b. abt. 1585-d) (Continues below) • Children of Allan Lockhart (of Cleghorn 1583) (d. 1623) and (3m.) Grizel Bannatyne: + 1.4. George Lockhart, laird of Tarbrax [DB]. (-d. bef. 1671) (Continues below) • George Lockhart, the only son of the marriage between Allan Lockhart and Grizel Bannatyne, had bestowed upon him the lands of Tarbrax, in the parish of Dunsyre, which his father had purchased. George died after 1612. [UWL] George being the only son of Grizel Bannatyne, is disputed by a [NAS] record which states that Robert is also a son of Grizel Bannatyne. It appears there were other sons, as well, born to Allan Lockhart after the death of his first wife Elizabeth Ross. [ISL] • In the Supplement to Douglas’ Baronage, George, Laird of Tarbrax, is stated to be the fourth son of Allan Lockhart of Cleghorn, by his marriage with Elizabeth, sister to Lord Ross. [Scott, Walter, ed., The Memorie of the Somervilles by James, 11th Lord Somerville, vol. 1, Ballantyne, Edinburgh (1815)] + 1.5. Allan Lockhart, who obtained from his uncle the lands of Stobwood. [DB] (b. 1593-d. Apr 1635) (Continues below) + 1.6. Mungo Lockhart of Harwood (b. abt. 1598-d. aft. 1674); m. Margaret Hamilton. [Scotsfind.org] (Continues below) + 1.7. Robert Lockhart, a merchant, and one of the bailies of Edinburgh. [DB] (b. abt. 1614-d. 2 Mar 1663) (Continues below) • 1626 Jun 16–Receipt by John, Lord Hay of Yester, to Grizel Bannatyne and her spouse, in name of Robert Lockhart, her son, for feu duty of lands of Leidlock/ Ledloch. [NAS, GD33/49/4] • Robert died 2 Mar 1663. [Scottish Record Society, Register of Interments.]
• Children of Mungo (of Cleghorn 1569) and Miss Hamilton of Stonehouse: 1. Allan Lockhart (of Cleghorn 1583) (b. abt. 1552-d. 15 Aug 1623) (Continues below) 2. Mungo Lockhart, [NAS] (b. abt. 1556-d. bef. 1638) (Continues below) 3. Alexander Lockhart of Stobwood. [DB] (Continues below) 4. William Lockhart. [DB] (Continues below)
Sir Allan Lockhart of Cleghorn, Kt.'s Timeline
1552 |
Lanark, Lanarkshire, Scotland
1583 |
Cleghorn, Lanarkshire, Scotland
1584 |
Cleghorn, Lanarkshire, Scotland
1585 |
Cleghorn, South Lanarkshire, Scotland, United Kingdom
1587 |
1588 |
Lanarkshire, Scotland
1591 |
Cleghorn, Lanarkshire, Scotland
1598 |