Historical records matching Sir Allen Apsley, Kt.
Immediate Family
About Sir Allen Apsley, Kt.
Lord Lieutenant of the Tower of London.
" Here lieth interred the body of Sir Allan Aspley, Kt, late lieutenant of the tower, wich place he executed for the space of 14 years. He was victualler of his Majesties Navy Royal for England and Ireland for 21 years. He married two wives; the first was Ann, daughter and heir of Sir Peter Carew, Kt, by whom he had issue Peter Apsley, Esq, sonne and heir; Joice married to Lister Blount, 2nd sonne of Sir Richard Blount, of Maple Durham, Kt, and Carew who died at nurse. His second wife was Lucy, daughter of Sir John St John, of Lidyard, Kt, by whom he had issue; Allan and John that died younge; William, James, Lucy and Barbara now living, and Elizabeth, Mary, Ann and Edward whoe lye buried in the Tower; and having lived 61 years he departed this mortal life in the lieftenant's Lodgings in thetower on Monday the 24th of May, 1630.
Sir Allen Apsley, Kt.'s Timeline
1569 |
London, Middlesex, England
1616 |
September 1616
London, Middlesex, England (United Kingdom)
1618 |
January 29, 1618
London, Middlesex, England
1630 |
May 24, 1630
Age 61
Tower of London, Middlesex County, England (United Kingdom)
???? |
St Peter ad Vincula, Tower of London, London, Middlesex, England (United Kingdom)