Historical records matching Sir Allen Apsley
Immediate Family
About Sir Allen Apsley
" Here lieth interred the body of Sir Allan Aspley, Kt, late lieutenant of the tower, wich place he executed for the space of 14 years. He was victualler of his Majesties Navy Royal for England and Ireland for 21 years. He married two wives; the first was Ann, daughter and heir of Sir Peter Carew, Kt, by whom he had issue Peter Apsley, Esq, sonne and heir; Joice married to Lister Blount, 2nd sonne of Sir Richard Blount, of Maple Durham, Kt, and Carew who died at nurse. His second wife was Lucy, daughter of Sir John St John, of Lidyard, Kt, by whom he had issue; Allan and John that died younge; William, James, Lucy and Barbara now living, and Elizabeth, Mary, Ann and Edward whoe lye buried in the Tower; and having lived 61 years he departed this mortal life in the lieftenant's Lodgings in thetower on Monday the 24th of May, 1630.
Reference pages 97-98 of "Calendar of State Papers--Domestic, Charles I, 1634-5." An entry dated 29 Jun 1634 states the following: "49. Petition of Sir John St. John and Sir Edward Hungerford, brothers of Dame Lucy, wife of Sir Allen Apsley, deceased, on behalf of Allen, William, James, Lucy, and Barbara, children of the said Sir Allen by the said Dame Lucy, to the King...in trust for Sir Allen Apsley, who dying the 20th of the same month, before the grant passed, his Majesty directed that the reversion should be granted to William Alston .... and without a surrender and new grant no present benefit for the children can be raised thereby. Pray a declaration how his Majesty intended the benefit of the grant, and to refer the care of seeing the same performed to some of the Council. (The King ruled for the children)
Calendar of State Papers, Domestic series, of the reign of Charles I
DOMESTIC- CHARLES I. 121 - Vol. CCCLVI. May 17. 119. Petition of Sir John St. John to the Council. Petitioner's name being used in trust for purchase of an annuity of 1001. from Peter Apsley, for the maintenance of the 5 younger children of Sir Allen Apsley, deceased, the care of which children was committed to Dame Lucy, sister of petitioner, who is since married to Sir Leventhorpe Frank, your Lordships, by order dated 10th February last, directed that thenceforward petitioner should receive said annuity and pay it over to the use of the said children. Dame Lucy, who has the custody of the younger children, desires petitioner to pay the money to Allen Apsley, one of her sons, ....
Sir Leventhorpe Franke and Dame Lucy his wife, late wife of Sir Allen Apsley, to the Council. According to the Lords' order of the 17th May (see calendar of 17th May, No. 119. 1.), we certify that desire is that the annuity paid to Sir John St. John for the use ot the children may be hereafter paid over by Sir John St. John to Allen Apsley, eldest son of Sir Allen, by the respondent, Dame Lucy, he being assisting in the oversight and education of the younger children...
Sir Allen Apsley's Timeline
1616 |
September 28, 1616
London, Middlesex, England (United Kingdom)
1647 |
Probably Wakefield, Yorkshire, England
1668 |
Apsley, Sussex, England
1683 |
October 15, 1683
Age 67
London, Middlesex, England (United Kingdom)
???? | |||
???? |
London, England (United Kingdom)