Immediate Family
About Sir John "With The Black Lip" Forbes
Sir Alexander de Forbes was Justiciary of Aberdeen, and Coroner of that county married a daughter of Kennedy of Dunure.
Notes for Sir Knight John “Black Lip” de FORBES Lord Of Forbes
Sir John de Forbes, knight .
- - He is mentioned as Lord of Forbes, 20 August 1387,
- - as knight in a letter from King Robert III, 6 April 1391, in which a perambulation of the boundaries of certain lands belonging to the Bishop of Aberdeen on the one part, and the lands of Forbes on the other is ordered.
- - In 1394 he was appointed justiciary and Coroner of Aberdeenshire.
- - On 2 January 1404-5 he made a certain payment to Alexander Stewart, Earl of Mar, as directed by a court held by the duke of Albany.
His name frequently appears as a witness to charters up to May 1406, but before 20 November of that year he was succeeded by his eldest son.
He is said to have married Elizabeth or Margaret Kennedy of Dunure,
by whom he had four sons:
- 1. Sir Alexander
- 2. Sir William Forbes, ancestor of Lord Pitsligo
- 3. Sir John Forbes, who obtained the thanedom of Formartin and land of Tolquhoun by marriage with Mariota, daughter and heir of Sir Henry Preston of Formartin, knight, widow of Alexander Chisholm, and was ancestor of the Forbes of Tolquhoun, Foveran, Watertoun, Colloden, and others.
- 4. Alaster, styled ‘Alaster Cam,’ who married, about 1409, Katharine, the daughter and heiress of Sir Henry Cameron of Brux, by whom he obtained that estate and was ancestor of the Forbes of Brux, now represented by the families of Skellater and Inverernan. On 24 December 1409 he had a charter of the lands of Glencarve and others. He died about 1466,
Sir John Forbes is also said to have had three natural sons:
- 1. Duncan, ancestor of the family of Auchintoul.
- 2. Malcolm, ancestory of Culquhary and others.
- 3. John, a man of violence, who, it is said, was killed by his brother Sir Alexander by command of the King .
Source: THE SCOTS PEERAGE, ed. by Sir James Balfour Paul, Vol IV, Edinburgh, 1906, pp. 46-47.
Nævnes 1372. Fik fra jarlen Thomas af Mar en del landområder i Aberdeenshire, som den skotske konge Robert (II) godkendte med en traktat i hans 3.regeringsår (1373/1374). Fik ligeledes 19/7 1378 en traktat på området Findrossie til ”John de Forbes, dominus ejusdem” og hans hustru Margaret.
Usikre kilder nævner ham som rektor/forstander og “Laird of Driminor”, sheriff i Aberdeen og skriver ham til området ”That Ilk”. Vistnok død før august 1387. Nogen stamtavler gør far og søn identiske.
Sir John "With The Black Lip" Forbes's Timeline
1350 |
Forbes, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, (Present UK)
1376 |
Scotland, United Kingdom
1377 |
June 20, 1377
Aberdeen, Scotland
1378 |
Forbes, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
1382 |
Culquharie, Auchan, Argight
1384 |
1385 |
Forbes, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
1406 |
November 20, 1406
Age 56
Forbes, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, (Present UK)
November 20, 1406
Age 56