Sir Richard de Phytun1
Event-Misc* He was given Fallybrome by Hugh, 2nd Earl of Chester, Witness=Hugh of Kevelioc1
Family Child
Copied from John Buschman, World Connect DB=jackwb3, rootsweb.com:
The parish of Wilmslow--anciently Le Bolyn, was originally held by the Fittons under the Earl of Chester, but the grant by which it passed to them has escaped the Cheshire collectors, unless we suppose it to have passed under the general designation of "Falingbrome," which was afterwards a part of the lordship of Bolyn, in the grant of that place from Hugh de Kevelioc to Sir Richard Fytum. This lordship subsequently occurs in the charter subjoined under the general name of Fulshaw, taken from the principal members of the fee, but soon after wards, as appears by an abstract of a charter in Fulshaw, was called the lordship of Bolyn, from the contiguous river of that name. At this period the whole parish formed one manor and vill under Sir Richard de Phitum, grantee of Fallybrome from Hugh de Kevelioc, and not improbably (from the correspondence of the armorial bearings of the Fittons to the Earl of Chester) a kinsman of his local sovereign.
Source: "Kin of Mellcene Thurman Smith " Call Number: CS71.S643, Ormerod's Hist. Cheshire, Vol. 3, p. 379.
Sir Richard de Phytun1
Event-Misc* He was given Fallybrome by Hugh, 2nd Earl of Chester, Witness=Hugh of Kevelioc1
Family Child
Sir Richard de Phytun+1 notes Copied from John Buschman, World Connect DB=jackwb3, rootsweb.com:
The parish of Wilmslow--anciently Le Bolyn, was originally held by the Fittons under the Earl of Chester, but the grant by which it passed to them has escaped the Cheshire collectors, unless we suppose it to have passed under the general designation of "Falingbrome," which was afterwards a part of the lordship of Bolyn, in the grant of that place from Hugh de Kevelioc to Sir Richard Fytum. This lordship subsequently occurs in the charter subjoined under the general name of Fulshaw, taken from the principal members of the fee, but soon after wards, as appears by an abstract of a charter in Fulshaw, was called the lordship of Bolyn, from the contiguous river of that name. At this period the whole parish formed one manor and vill under Sir Richard de Phitum, grantee of Fallybrome from Hugh de Kevelioc, and not improbably (from the correspondence of the armorial bearings of the Fittons to the Earl of Chester) a kinsman of his local sovereign.
Source: "Kin of Mellcene Thurman Smith " Call Number: CS71.S643, Ormerod's Hist. Cheshire, Vol. 3, p. 379.
http://www.gordonbanks.com/gordon/family/2nd_Site/geb-p/p493.htm#i1... 1. Carl Boyer 3rd, Medieval English Ancestors of Robert Abell, p. 107. http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=jweber&id... http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hwbradley/aqwg1381.htm#22786 1 Earwaker, John Parsons, East Cheshire: Past and Present (London: Earwaker, 1877-80.), 1:50, Los Angeles Public Library, Gen 942.71 E12 folio. 2 Boyer, Carl, Medieval English Ancestors of Robert Abell (Santa Clarita, California: C. Boyer, 2001.), p. 107, Los Angeles Public Library, 929.2 A141-2. 3 Ormerod, George, The History of the County Palatine and City of Chester (London: Lackington, Hughes, Mavor & Jones, 1819.), 3:552, Family History Library, 942.71 H2or. 4 Hulton, William Adam, The Coucher Book, or Chartulary, of Whalley Abbey (Manchester: Chetham Society, 1847-1849.), 3:845, UCLA Library, DA670.L19 C4.
1150 |
Chorley, Macclesfield, Cheshire, England
1175 |
Fallibroome, Macclesfield, Cheshire, England
1193 |
Bolyn, Cheshire, England
1210 |
Age 60
Bollin Fee ,Wilmslow, Cheshire, England
1235 |
Great Harwood, Lancastershire, England (United Kingdom)