Immediate Family
About Sir Stephen Lockhart of Cleghorn
Bodyguard in the Household of James III, King of Scots, 1476-77 [familiari armigero suo garde]; Esquire or Gentleman of the Household of James III, King of Scots, 1476-83 [familiari armigero suo]; One of the Bailies of the Royal Burgh of Lanark, 1500-02 [unum ballivorum dicti burgi]
It is thought likely that Sir Stephen Lockhart of Cleghorn is the son of Alan Lockhart. Peter Barns-Graham says this of Sir Stephen: "Douglas starts with Alan Lockhart of Cleghorn and shows Stephen as his son. It has been suggested that Alan was the same person as Sir Alan Lockhart of Lee (a. 1467) but we are not sure of that" Stirnet: Lockhart 02
The date and place of birth of Sir Stephan Lockhart of Cleghorn is unknown. Moreover, the paucity of record evidence for him makes it difficult or impossible to make a meaningful suggestion for his year of birth. However, we do know that James III, King of Scots, gave certain lands in the barony of Stewarton to a man named Stephen Lockhart on 19 October 1475 Register of the Great Seal of Scotland, A.D. 1424-1513, charter number 1200 on page 244 and it seems reasonable to suppose that this individual must have been twenty-one years of age or more on this date. If as seems likely this was the case, and if the Stephen Lockhart noticed in 1475 is the man of the same name who subsequently became the laird of Cleghorn, then he must have been born before 19 October 1454.
Concerning the lands of Cleghorn
Stephen Lockhart here treated is probably the first member of his family to hold land at Cleghorn in the Scottish parish of Lanark. He acquired one third of the lands of Cleghorn before 4 March 1476, the date upon which his possession of this land was confirmed by a charter issued under the Great Seal of Scotland. John Cochran had previously resigned this land into the king's hands, and, although this charter does not say so, it seems that Cochran may have sold part if not all of his land holding to Lockhart. Register of the Great Seal of Scotland, A.D. 1424-1513, charter number 1283 on page 261
John Cochran's predecessor at Cleghorn may have been William de Cochrane of Cleggorne, whose name is noticed twenty-nine years earlier, in the witness list of letters of intimation dated 9 June 1447 which were executed on 10 June, 11 June and 15 June 1447. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Leslie family, Earls of Leven and Melville, reference GD26/3/989
David Ogilvy of Inchmartin also held land at Cleghorn. He sold another one third part of the lands of Cleghorn to Sir Stephen Lockhart on 30 April 1489. For greater security Sir Stephan obtained a charter of confirmation under the Great Seal of Scotland on 23 September 1489. Register of the Great Seal of Scotland, A.D. 1424-1513, charter number 1896 on page 398
Following his purchase on 30 April 1489, Sir Stephen Lockhart of Cleghorn became the largest landowner at Cleghorn, although a one sixth part of the lands of Cleghorn, including a one sixth part of the mill of Cleghorn, remained in the hands of Alexander Cunningham of Polmais, and became part of his newly errected barony of Polmais-Cunningham on 19 February 1483-84. Register of the Great Seal of Scotland, A.D. 1424-1513, charter number 1576 on page 331
For greater security, and in order to consolidate his holding, Sir Stephan Lockhart of Cleghorn resigned his lands at Cleghorn into the king's hands in order to obtain a a new grant. The king's charter of confirmation was issued on 17 June 1496. Register of the Great Seal of Scotland, A.D. 1424-1513, charter number 2316 on page 491
Sir Stephan Lockhart of Cleghorn’s date and place of death is unknown. He was alive on 26 November 1502, when he had a gift of the lands belonging to the deceased Andrew Lockhart of Barr, which were in the king’s hands because of the nonentry of the lawful heir. Privy Seal Register,. A.D. 1488-1529, entry number 891 on page 132 However, he died before 14 May 1505, when James Lockhart of Lee had a gift of the lands of Cleghorn and Bothwell, which were in the king’s hands because of Sir Stephan’s death. Privy Seal Register, I, A.D. 1488-1529, entry number 1073 on pages 156-57
Evidence from the National Records of Scotland
19 April 1475: A charter by which James III, King of Scots, confirms that he has given a twenty merk land in the barony of Stewarton to Stephan Lockhart for his lifetime. The land in question is comprised of a ten merk land called Ormshuch, the five merk land of Drerig and Bollandschaw, the five merk land of Chapeltoun, the five merk land of Myltoun Creauch, and the five merk land of Daliwra. Register of the Great Seal of Scotland, A.D. 1424-1513, charter number 1200 on page 244
4 March 1476-77: Charter by which James III, King of Scots, confirms that he has given one third of the lands of Cleghorn to Stephan Lockhart. [Note] This land was previously held by John Cochran. The charter entered in the Register of the Great Seal of Scotland reads as follows: "Rex concessit familiari armigero suo garde Stephano Lokart et heredibus ejus; - tertiam partem terrarum de Cleggerne , vic.Lanark; quas Joh. Cocherane resignavit." Register of the Great Seal of Scotland, A.D. 1424-1513, charter number 1283 on page 261
[Note] In this charter King James III identifies Stephan Lockhart as his familiar esquire and guard, alternatively, gentleman of his household and guard [familiari armigero suo garde].
6 July 1476: Stephen Lokhert paid for expenses of horses sent to France: "Et per liberacionem factam Stephano Lokhert ad expensas sex equorum et servitorum custodiencium eosdem, missorum per dominum regum in Francia de mandato ejusdem sub signeto et subscripcione ostenso super compotum, viij li. ij s. x d." Rotuli Scaccarii Regum Scotorum. The Exchequer Rolls of Scotland. Edited by George Burnett, LL.D., Lyon King of Arms, VOL. VIII., A.D. 1470-1479, page 343
10 July 1477: Stephani Lokkert's fee: Et eidem, in feodo Stephani Lokkert de ultimo anno hujus compti, dicto receptore fatente mandatum super compotum, xx li., pro quibus respondebit. Exchequer Rolls of Scotland. Edited by George Burnett, LL.D., Lyon King of Arms, VOL. VIII., A.D. 1470-1479, page 413
24 June 1479: Stephano Lokhert's fee for Chapeltoun and other lands in the lordship of Stewarton, when in ward: Et eidem, de firmis terrarum de Chapeltoun et aliarum terrarum infra dominium de Steuartoun extendencium annuatim ad viginti libras concessis Stephano Lokhert in feodo suo tempore quo erat in warda domini regis, de mandato ejusdem sub signeto et subscripcione ostenso super compotum, xl li." Exchequer Rolls of Scotland. Edited by George Burnett, LL.D., Lyon King of Arms, VOL. VIII., A.D. 1470-1479, page 561
12 June 1481: The land of Gilmynscleugh is set in rental to Stephan Lockhart for five years. " Rentale S. D. N. Regis. Assedacio terrarum dominii foreste de Ettrik .......... Gilmynscleugh. Gilmynscleugh, j steid, cujus una medietas assedatur Stephano Lokhert per literas regis pro terminus quinque annorum a festo invencionis Sante Crucis ultimo elapso, solvendo firmas et deverias ut in rentali." Rotuli Scaccarii Regum Scotorum.The Exchequer Rolls of Scotland. Edited by George Burnett, LL.D., Lyon King of Arms, VOL. IX. A.D. 1480-1487, Addenda, 1437-1487, page 614-16
10 July 1481:A twenty merk land in Bothwell is given to Stephan Lockhart, the king's esquire, otherwise gentleman of the king's household: "Et eidem, de firmis terrarum de ville de Bothvile, extendencium annuatim ad viginti marcas, concessarum Stephano Lokhert per cartam domini regis sub magno sigillo, de mandato domini regis sub signeto et subscrpcione ostenso super compotum, de anno compoti, ciij li. vj s. viij d. [Note] Rotuli Scaccarii Regum Scotorum.The Exchequer Rolls of Scotland. Edited by George Burnett, LL.D., Lyon King of Arms, VOL. IX. A.D. 1480-1487, Addenda, 1437-1487, pages 128-29
[Note] The king's charter under the Great Seal is printed in full here [cartam domini regis sub magno sigillo] and in the Register of the Great Seal Register of the Great Seal of Scotland, A.D. 1424-1513, charter number 1567 on page 329
27 September 1483:Charter by which James III, King of Scots confirms that he has given a twenty merk land in the lordship of Bothwell to Stephan Lockhart, his esquire, otherwise gentleman of the king's household. [Note] Register of the Great Seal of Scotland, A.D. 1424-1513, charter number 1567 on page 329
[Note] In this charter King James III identifies Stephan Lockhart as his esquire, or gentleman of his household [familiari armigero suo].The charter is also printed in full in the Exchequer Records. Rotuli Scaccarii Regum Scotorum.The Exchequer Rolls of Scotland. Edited by George Burnett, LL.D., Lyon King of Arms, VOL. IX. A.D. 1480-1487, Addenda, 1437-1487, pages 128-29
28 June 1485: Stephan Lockhart submits the accounts of the burgh of Lanark to the Scottish Exchequer: "Compotum ballivorum burgi de Lanark, redditum apud Edinburgh per Stephanum Lokhert nomine ballivorum ejusdem, [28 June 1485, from 30 June 1484 .......... Rotuli Scaccarii Regum Scotorum. The Exchequer Rolls of Scotland. Edited by George Burnett, LL.D., Lyon King of Arms, VOL. IX. A.D. 1480-1487, Addenda, 1437-1487, page 346
30 August 1486: Charter by which David, Earl of Crawford, Lord Lindsay, confirms that he has given the lands of Todrik in Berwickshire to Stephen Lockhart. For greater security Stephan obtained a charter of confirmation under the Great Seal of Scotland in February 1487-88. Register of the Great Seal of Scotland, A.D. 1424-1513, charter number 1711 on page 360
11 November 1486: Charter by which James III, King of Scots, confirms possession of the lands Grugfute in the sheriffdom of Linlithgow to Alano Lokkart, son and apparent heir of Stephani Lokkart de Cleghirne, and Alan's spouse Katerine Quhiteford. Stephano Lokkart had previously resigned this land in order to obtain a new grant for Alano and Katerine. Register of the Great Seal of Scotland, A.D. 1424-1513, charter number 1667 on page 351
21 November 1488: Charter by which James IV, King of Scots, confirms possession of the lands of Todrik in Berwickshire to John Home of Whiterig. Todrik was resigned by Stephan Lockhart. Register of the Great Seal of Scotland, A.D. 1424-1513, charter number 1801 on page 382
30 April 1489: Charter by which David Ogilvy of Inchmartin confirms that he has sold a one third part of the lands of Cleghorn in the Lordship of Kilbride and sheriffdom of Lanark, to Stephan Lockhart of Cleghorn and his heirs. For greater security Stephan obtained a charter of confirmation under the Great Seal of Scotland on 23 September 1489. Register of the Great Seal of Scotland, A.D. 1424-1513, charter number 1896 on page 398
7 March 1491-92: Charter by which James IV, King of Scots, confirms that Sir Stephan Lockhart of Cleghorn has granted the place of Clydesholm, and the passage-boat upon the clyde, to the Chapel of St. Nicholas in the burgh of Lanark.-, for the maintenance of a chaplain at the Altar of Saint Katherine. [Note]Register of the Great Seal of Scotland, A.D. 1424-1513, charter number 2093 on page 442
[Note] For notice of this grant see Origines Parochiales Scotiae. The Antiquities Ecclesiastical and Territorial of the Parishes of Scotland, Volume First (W. H. Lizars, Edinburgh, MDCCCLI), page 119
24 January 1492: Comptoller's recepts for Sr Stephani Lokhert from the fermes of Kintore and northern parts: "Comps of the Comtroller, 1491-92 .......... Et .......... [Jacobo Dou]glas, camerarion Moravie, per .......... Step]hani Lokhert, militis. ..........The Exchequer Rolls of Scotland. Edited by George Burnett, LL.D., Lyon King of Arms, VOL X., A.D. 1488-1496, page 371-73
12 November 1492: Payments to Stephani Lokhart from the fermes of Inverness: "Compotum ballivorum burgi de Invernis, redditum ibidem [12 November 1492, from 19 February 1489, 3 years ..........Et per solucionem factam magistro Hugoni Martyne, tunc compotorum rotuatori, per liberacionem Stephani Lokart, ipso fatente receptum super compotum, xvj li. vj s. viij d., pro quibus respondebit. ....... Rotuli Scaccarii Regum Scotorum.The Exchequer Rolls of Scotland. Edited by George Burnett, LL.D., Lyon King of Arms, VOL X., A.D. 1488-1496, page 370
1492: The fee of Sir Stephan Lokhert: "Et domino Stephani [Lokhert], militi, in feodo suo, de mandato domini reg[is literator[io compotanti et auditoribus scaccarii ad allocandum directo de hoc anno tantum, xx li." The Exchequer Rolls of Scotland. Edited by George Burnett, LL.D., Lyon King of Arms, VOL X., A.D. 1488-1496, page 378
22 June 1493: Dispute between the monks of Paisley and the burgh of Renfrew. Steyn Lokart of Cleghern, knicht Registrum Monasterii de Passelet, pp. 403-04
28 August 1495: The fee of Sir Stephani Lokhert: "Et per solucionem facta magistro Hugoni Martyne, tunc compotorum rotulatori, de firmis de Kintor, per recepcionem Stephani Lokhert, militis, ut patet per quittanciam suam de viginti duabus libras tantem, et compotandum est cum dicto Stephano pro viginti solidis, xxiij li." Rotuli Scaccarii Regum Scotorum.The Exchequer Rolls of Scotland. Edited by George Burnett, LL.D., Lyon King of Arms, VOL X., A.D. 1488-1496, pages 490-92
17 June 1496: Charter by which James IV, King of Scots, confirms possession of the lands of Cleghorn (presumably the two thirds of Cleghorn previously aquired by him), in the barony of Kilbride and sheriffdom of Lanark, to Sir Stephan Lockhart of Cleghorn and his heirs. This land had previously been resigned into the King's hands in order to obtain a new grant. Register of the Great Seal of Scotland, A.D. 1424-1513, charter number 2316 on page 491
21 November 1500: Sir Patrick Hamilton and Sir Stephen Lockhart, bailies of the burgh of Lanark, submit the accounts of the burgh of Lanark to the Scottish Exchequer: Compotum ballivorum burgi de Lanark, redittum apud Edinburgh per Patricium Homiltone et Stephanum Lokart, milities, balivos dicti burgi, [21 November 1500, from 5 July 1496 to 1 November 1500 ; 4 years] Rotuli Scaccarii Regum Scotorum.The Exchequer Rolls of Scotland. Edited by George Burnett, LL.D., Lyon King of Arms, VOL. XI, A.D. 1497-1501, page 279*
28 July 1501: Sir Stehen Lockhart of Cleghorn's fine for not entering suit for Cleghorn is paid to the Scottish Exchequer: "Et ediam de amerciamento decem liberum in quo adjudicatus erat Stephanus Lokart de Clekhorne miles pro secta dictarum terarrum, ex eo quod nuc intravit secta pro eisdam, x li." Rotuli Scaccarii Regum Scotorum. The Exchequer Rolls of Scotland. Edited by George Burnett, LL.D., Lyon King of Arms, VOL. XI, A.D. 1497-1501, page 358*
28 July 1501: Sir Stephen Lockhart of Cleghorn's fine as pledge for John Furnes is paid to Lord St. John: "Et ediam die amerciamento decem liberam in qho adjudicatus crat Stephanus Lokkart, plegius Johannis Furnes commorantis in terris templariis domus Sancti Johannis, prout fides facta fuit super compotum, concesso domino domus adjusdem, sicut in rotulis precedentibus, x li." Rotuli Scaccarii Regum Scotorum. The Exchequer Rolls of Scotland. Edited by George Burnett, LL.D., Lyon King of Arms, VOL. XI, A.D. 1497-1501, page 359*
6 July 1502: Sir Stephen Lockhart of Lee, one of the bailies of the burgh of Lanark, submits the account of the bailies of the burgh of Lanark to the Scottish Exchequer:" Compotum ballivorum burgi de Lanark, redittum apud Edinburgh sexto die mensis Julii anno Domini millesimo quingentesimosecundo per Stephanum Lokart de Gleghorne militem, unum ballivorum dicti burgi, [from 7 August 1501]" Rotuli Scaccarii Regum Scotorum. The Exchequer Rolls of Scotland. Edited by George Burnett, LL.D., Lyon King of Arms, VOL. XII. A.D. 1502-1507, page 94
26 November 1502: A Letter of Gift maid to Schir Stevin Lockhert, knicht, and his assignais, - of al and sindry the landid and annuell rentis quatsumever that perenit to umquhile Androu Lokhert of Barr, and now to our soverain lord be the nonentres of the lauchfull aire or aieris of the said umquhile Androu thairto, and ay and quhile the said are or aieris optene lauchfull entres to the sammyn ; with full power to the said schir Stevin and his assignais, ane or may, to have full intrometting with the said landis, etc. Per Signaturam manu Regis subscriptam. Gratis. ii. 125. Registrum Secreti Sigilli Regum Scotorum. The Register of the Privy seal of Scotland, VOL. I. A.D. 1488-1529, entry number 891 on page 132
14 May 1505: A Letter maid to James Lokkert of Lee, knycht; - of the ward of the landis of Cleghern and Bothuile, liand within the schireffdome of Lanark, pertenand to our soverane lord be resoun of ward be the deceis of umquhile schir Stevin Lokkert of Cleggern, knycht; - to endure for the tyme of the ward at the kingis will. Per Signaturam manu regis subscriptam. xs. iii. 24 Registrum Secreti Sigilli Regum Scotorum. The Register of the Privy Seal of Scotland, Volume I, A.D. 1488-1529, entry number 1073 on pages 156-57
8 February 1505-06: A letter maid to Johne Lord Ross of Halkhed, his airis and assignais; - of the ward of all the landis and annuellis that pertenit to umquhil Stevin Lokkert of Cleghorn, knycht, and throw his deceis now being in the kingis handis or that sal happin to be, be reson of ward, etc.; with the relief of the sammyn and of the marriage of Alexander Lokkert nevo and are to the said umquhil Stevin, qhhilkis faizeand, the mariage of the aire or airis of the said umquhile Stevin, etc. Per signaturam manu regis subscriptam. xs. iii. 41. Registrum Secreti Sigilli Regum Scotorum. The Register of the Privy Seal of Scotland, Volume I, A.D. 1488-1529, entry number 1220 on page 176
6 August 1506: Composition of £240 for the ward and marriage of the heirs of the deceased Sir Stephan Lockhart of Cleghorn is paid by John, Lord Ross of Hawkhead: "Compositiones Wardarum Relevorium et Maritagiorum .......... Et de ijcxl li. pro compositione warde et maritagii heredis quondam Stephani Lokhart de Cleghorne, militis, venditarum Johanni, domino Ross de Halkhed." Compota Thesaurariorum Regum Scotorum. Accounts of the Lord High Treasurer of Scotland. Edited by Sir James Balfour Paul, FSA (Scot)., Lord Lyon King of Arms, VOL. III., A.D. 1506-1507, (H.M. General Register House, Edinburgh, 1901), page 24
Some Additional Evidence for the Lands of Cleghorn
15 June 1447: Instrument of Transumpt at instance of Sir Andrew de Ogilvill [Ogilvie] of Inchmartyne [Inchmartine], kt., of letters of intimation, dated 9 June 1447, at instance of said Sir Andrew regarding the submission and decreet arbitral as in GD26/3/984, with executions dated 10, 11, and 15 June. Witnesses: John Ketht [Keith] of Troupe [Troup], sir Andrew Chepman [Chapman] and sir John Merciale [Marshall], chaplains, William de Cochrane [Cochran] of Cleggorne [Cleghorn], Andrew ? , William Scot [Scott] and Robert de Norowa [Norway], esquires. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Leslie family, Earls of Leven and Melville, reference GD26/3/989
19 February 1483-84: Instrument narrating that Alexander Cunynghame of Polmais resigned into the king's hands the lands of Polmais Marschale and others, sheriffdoms of Stirling, Peebles, Lanark, Perth and Fife, [Note] which the king gave back to him, united into a free barony of Polmais-Cunynghame. In the king's chamber in Edinburgh Castle. Witnesses: Master John Irland, sir David Lichtoun, archdeacon of Ross, John Dundas of that ilk, John Murray of Tuchadam, Adam Forman, John Swyntoun of that ilk, Patrick Erskyn and Robert Hendersoun. Notary: William Allirdes, clerk of Aberdeen diocese. National Records of Scotland, Transcripts and photocopies of Miscellaneous Charters and Papers, reference RH1/2/923
[Note] This charter is printed in full in the Register of the Great Seal of Scotland. Among the lands united into a free barony for Alexander Cunynghame of Polmais was one sixth of the lands of Cleghorn in the sheriffdom of Lanark, together with one sixth of the mill of Cleghorn: "sextam partem terrarum de Cleghorn, cum sexta parte molendini ejusdem, vic. Lanark." Register of the Great Seal of Scotland, A.D. 1424-1513, charter number 1576 on page 331
Genealogical Accounts
- Stirnet: Lockhart 01
- Stirnet: Lockhart 02
- Stirnet: Lockhart 03
- Stirnet: Lockhart 04
- My Genealogy Home Page:Information about Stephen Lockhart
- Charlotte Ludlum: Descendants of Sir Allan Lockhart
Biographical Account Published by My Genealogy
Sir Stephen Lockhart, who was, upon the 12th March 1476, infeft in the ten pound lands of old extent of Cleghorn, and others, upon a charter granted to him by King James III. In a charter of confirmation, also granted to him by King James III, of the lands of Grugfut, in 1483, he is designed his Majesty's armor bearer. He appears also to have been proprietor of a twenty merk land of the Lordship of Bothwell, and the two merk land of Kilcairdzie. He married ------ Crichton, a near relation of Lord Chancellor Crichton, anno 1493. Sir Stephen Lockhart was appointed one of the commissioners for receiving and employing a subsidy appointed to be collected for defraying the expense of ambassadors in negotiating the king's (James IV) marriage in France. He left two sons,1. Allan, his successor. 2. Stephen of Ladylands. 1
Sir Stephen Lockhart of Cleghorn's Timeline
1461 |
Cleghorn, Lanarkshire, Scotland
1502 |
November 26, 1502
???? | |||
???? | |||
???? |
Sir Stephen Lockhart
The 2d Baron of Cleghorn, (1st by Lockhart of Cleghorn reckoning) b. c 1433, d. after 1503. He m. (1) Marion c 1458; & (2) Unknown Crichton, 1493. Family Members Parents
Unknown Lockhart
Unknown Crichton Lockhart*
Created by: Darrel Salisbury |