Immediate Family
About Sir Thomas Andrew
Andrew, Sir Thomas (d. 1564), kt. of Charwelton. Eldest son of Thomas Andrew (d. 1541) of Charwelton and his wife Agnes, daughter of Robert Newport of Sandon (Herts). Sheriff of Northamptonshire, 1556. Knighted 2 October 1553.
- He married 1st, Katharine Cave (d. 1555), daughter of Edward Cave and Dorothy Mallory, and
- 2nd, Mary (fl. 1563), daughter of John Heneage of Towse (Northants) and widow of Erasmus Cope, and had issue:
- (1.1) Thomas Andrew (c.1541-94) (q.v.);
- (1.2) Roger Andrew (fl. 1563) of Pebworth (Glos); married Magdalen, daughter of William Box of London, and had issue a son;
- (1.3) Edward Andrew (fl. 1563) of West Haddon (Northants);
- (1.4) John Andrew; died without issue before 1563;
- (1.5) Anne Andrew (fl. 1563); Valentine Pigott of Loughton;
- (1.6) Audrey Andrew; died without issue before 1563;
- (1.7) Dorothy Andrew; died without issue before 1563;
- (1.8) Ursula Andrew (fl. 1563); married 1st, June 1583, Thomas Hesilrigge (d. 1600) of Noseley and 2nd, Robert Forest of Huntingdonshire;
- (2.1) Thomas Andrew (d. 1609) of Longdon (Worcs) (q.v.);
- (2.2) Mary Andrew (fl. 1563); married Sir William Lane (d. 1615);
- (2.3) Valentine Andrew; probably died young before 1563;
- (2.4) Simon Andrew (fl. 1563);
- (2.5) Richard Andrew (fl. 1563);
- (2.6) Katherine Andrew (fl. 1563). He inherited the Charwelton estate from his father in 1541, and bought the manor of Ilmington (Warks) in 1550. He died 1 February 1563/4 and was buried at Charwelton, 8 February 1563/4; his will was proved 19 May 1564. His first wife died 18 August 1555. His widow married 3rd, Sir Robert Lane.
The only pedigree relating to the Andrew family within this collection (Andrew of Harleston) is for the Andrew's of Charwelton, from 1286 until the early seventeenth century (A 349): for pedigrees including the Harlestone branch see Longden's pedigree and NPL 2116.
http://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/27a5bdde-144c-4f... _________________________________________________________
SIR THOMAS ANDREW, Kt. of Charwelton, son and heir of Thomas, mar., to his first wife, Katherine , da. and heir of Edward Cave, eldest brother of Sir Thomas Cave, Kt., and by her had issue, THOMAS ANDREW, his eldest son and heir; Roger, second son; Edward, third son; John, fourth son; Ann and Audrey, unmar.; Ursula, mar. to Thomas Haselrigge of Nosley, co. Leic., Esq. and hath issue -- Thomas Haselrigge, -- after, the said Sir Thomas mar., to his second wife, Mary, second da. of John Hennage of Towne, co. Linc., Gent., and by her hath issue, -- Thomas; Symond; Richard; Mary; and Katherine."
His first wife Katherine died during the reign of Mary I Tudor (1553-1558). His second wife was named Mary, and his tomb at Holy Trinity Church, Charwelton, Northamptonshire depicts him between the two of them. http://professor-moriarty.com/info/section/church-monument-art/16th...
A bas-relief on the foot end shows a man (presumably him) with seven sons and a woman with three daughters.
==Will of Sir Thomas Andrew or Androwe of Charwelton, Northamptonshire==
Reference: PROB 11/47/196
Description: Will of Sir Thomas Andrew or Androwe of Charwelton, Northamptonshire
Date: 19 May 1564
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Legal status: Public Record(s)
"Sir Thomas Andrew(es) of Charwelton acquired the Winwick estates upon marriage to Sir Thomas Malory's great-great-great-granddaughter Katharine Cave around 1540, and further augmented his holding by acquisition of the Pipewell Abbey lands, which had become available following Henry VIII's dissolution of the monasteries. The Andrewes family illustrate perfectly the 'rise of the gentry' -- rising through four generations from merchants to Midlands squires. The series of brasses and memorials in Charwelton church marks the profound change from mercator (merchant), through generosus (gentleman), armiger (bearing arms), to miles (knight). Sir Thomas, clearly a man of no little ego, served as Sheriff of Northamptonshire, built himself a fine monumental tomb in Charwelton after the death of his first wife (and before his own) and crowned his achievements with an impressive new house, now known as Winwick Manor, on the high ground overlooking his Winwick estates.......The oldest inhabited brick house in Northamptonshire (the honour of the oldest brick house, unlived in for over 300 years, goes to Dower House at Fawsley, built by Sir Thomas' cousin; a touch of family rivalry here?), Winwick Manor House...was certainly lived in at the time of Sir Thomas' death in 1564, and passed to his 22 year old son, Thomas Andrew.......The triumphal arch opening onto the original entrance court, a common feature in Northamptonshire, is described by Pevsner as 'a very fine piece of Elizabethan display' and by Timothy Mowry as 'the earliest and most overtly classical archway in the county'. The spandrels of the arch bear the moor's head -- complete with hoop earrings -- the Andrewes family crest."
Source -- "Project Winwick -- Reject Winwick Warren Wind Farm" / www.protect-winwick.co.uk _______________________________________________________
FILM 91942 PCC 16 STEVENSON 1564
SIR THOMAS ANDREWS of CHERWELL 1564 EXTRACT Sir Thomas Andrews of Cherwell, Knight. Will made 26th June 1563.
to be buried in the vault under the tomb between the chapel and chancel to the poor of Badbie 10s to the poor and poor husbandmen of Duston 13s 8d to the poor of Ashbie "legiors" 10s to the poor of Weldon 10s to the poor of "Copley" 13s 4d to the poor of Cherwell 13s 4d to the poor of Winwick 13s 4d household items to my well beloved wife Mary and sons Simon Andrew, Richard Andrew and daughter Katherine Andrew and to remain in my house at Charwelton goods and chattles in my Manor of Little Charwelton called Byduston? Manor to be divided in four parts between aforesaid Mary my wife and Simon, Richard and Katherine when they reach eighteen years to wife Mary and children Simon, Richard and Katherine, the parsonage house of Charlwelton and the taxes? of the pastures of Little Charlwelton, Mary paying the parson of Charwelton four pounds Immediately after my death, Mary to be bound to the executors in the sum of one thousand pounds, on condition that she shall deliver to Thomas Andrew, Roger Andrew, Edward Andrew and Thomas Bowtner? or so many of them as shall be living, three parts of the goods to Simon, Richard and Katherine.
Mary to "suffer the profits of the Manor lands" in Langan (?) to be used for the "maintenance and schooling of my said children in consideration that I puchased the wardship of her son Edward Cope as I took order with her brother William" to Edward Cope the best colt, and twenty ewes Refers to marriage Indentures between wife Mary, himself and John Hennege and John Hugford? (Hungerford?) to Thomas ....awe the lease of a house or tenement "which I and my children dwelleth in Salbridge" to " Anne Emily a good milch cow and five ewes" to Katherine Hugford (Hungerford?) twenty lambs to Amie Bullingham three pounds.
refers to "my mother Hennege" and " my brother Hugford" to Anne Auston my daughter household items, horses, swine "that I have within the Lordship of Winwick" five hundred pounds to daughter Marie if she is "ruled in the choice of her husband and in marriage by Mary my wife, Roger Andrew, E. Andrew and William Hennege to Roger Andrew, John Andrew, Simon Andrew, Richard Andrew and Katherine Andrew one hundred pounds when 21 or day of marriage.
one hundred lambs "coming out of Bounden de Wynde mill fields to my son Haselrige and Ursula his wife" to " John Parsons the younger five marks of yearly rent during his life to be taken out of my lands in Charwelton mills, Thorney Manor with clause of distress" to Thomas Na..... "the boy of the kitchen" three pounds to every manservant that have been with me two years, a years wages to every woman servant "that hath been with me one whole year" ten shillings to William Cobins the tenement with all lands etc "which he now dwelleth in........ "and if he list to tarry and do service to my wife or to Thomas Andrew" forty shillings besides the house.
to John Parsons the elder my servant the lease of his house to the same John 26s 8d yearly during his life, out of the Manor of Charwelton caller Thorney Manor to John Hardwyn 26s 8d yearly out of the lands in Winwick to Edward Andrew my son all goods etc within the town and fields of West Haddon Refers to Manor of Great Charwelton called Thorney Manor and the Manor of Sauting, lands in Winwick, Byfield, Woodford and Hynton, and leases of Manor of Sabridge, the parsonage of W...saw.... Crick, the grange of Winwick called Pynwell Grange "and all those my lands and tenements in Gilsborow, Byfield, Woodford and Hynton" to eldest son Thomas Andrew.
Executors to account to Sir Edward Saunders, Marie my wife, T. Hasellrigge my son in law or two of them Executors Roger Andrew and Edward Sollugrow(?)(Killigrew?) who shall be bound in two thousand pounds to overseers Marie my wife, Sir Edward Saunders, T. Andrew my eldest son and Simon Andrew.
Sir Edward Saunders to have two of the best horses or geldings he can choose.
Additional executors Simon Arden? and John Andrew my son refers to said cousin ......?? and John my son signed Thomas Andrew Probate granted 19 May 1568.
(NB copy of will quite difficult to read) _____________
- http://our-royal-titled-noble-and-commoner-ancestors.com/p1703.htm#...
- 'Thomas Andrews1
- M, b. circa 1515, d. 6 February 1563
- Father Thomas Andrews b. c 1490, d. 2 Jul 1541
- Mother Agnes (Anne) Newport b. c 1495
- 'Thomas Andrews was born circa 1515 at of Charwelton, Northamptonshire, England.1 He married Katherine Cave, daughter of Edward Cave and Dorothy Mallory, circa 1538 at of Charwelton, Northamptonshire, England.1 Thomas Andrews died on 6 February 1563 at of Charwelton, Northamptonshire, England.1 He left a will on 8 February 1563 at Charwelton, Northamptonshire, England.1
- Family Katherine Cave b. c 1515, d. 18 Aug 1555
- Child
- ◦Thomas Andrews1 b. c 1540, d. 27 Mar 1594
- Citations
- 1.[S61] Unknown author, Family Group Sheets, SLC Archives.
THE VISITATION OF NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, 1564 -- "Andrew of Charwelton" _____________ The above is incorrect or incomplete.
Regarding Pipewell, Abbey:
In connexion with evidences of royal favour it is recorded that the king exercised the right of imposing pensioners on the abbey as in the case of houses of royal foundation and patronage. (fn. 14) In May, 1310, Edward II. sent John de Somery, his scullion, to the abbey to receive the necessaries of life in food and clothing for himself and a groom and horse. (fn. 15) Thomas Barber was sent in 1317 to receive maintenance for his lifetime in the convent, (fn. 16) and in 1330 William atte Hall was sent to receive such maintenance as William le Hunt enjoyed at the late king's request.
This want of management seems to have continued under Andrew de Royewell, who succeeded in 1298, (fn. 25) and was in other respects an able and vigorous administrator. He is said to have made new quire stalls for the monks. He had held the office of cellarer under abbot Thomas of Grafton and two successive Abbots, and it was through his energy when cellarer that so much was done to the granges in different places. He built a chamber and kitchen for the use of the monks at the grange of Bigging (Thurleston), removed the grange of Rokeby, which had been in the village, to another place, and built some cottages, planted part of Causton Grange by the sheepfold, and rebuilt the Northamptonshire grange of Braybrooke, erecting there a hall, chapel, chambers, and rear-dorter. When he entered on his office as cellarer, the brethren were in the habit of using wooden spoons, but Andrew provided fifty silver spoons, probably from some special bequest, and on each of them was stamped his name. A very human touch of weakness is recorded in connexion with this stamping. When John de Hillum succeeded as abbot he took offence at the name of Andrew on the spoons, and caused the name to be deleted and his own substituted. Richard of Hayham, on his promotion as abbot, took the wiser course of erasing this name and substituting the word 'Pipewell' 'which remains on the spoons unto this day,' adds the monastic chronicler. (fn. 26)
On 26 February, 1311, during the rule of Thomas of Thockerington, the church of the Blessed Mary of Pipewell was dedicated. The following year the cemetery, cloisters, and chapter-house were dedicated by a certain bishop from Ireland on 5 April, by licence of the bishop of Lincoln. At the consecration of the church there was a vast concourse of men and women, and among the magnates attending the ceremony were Thomas, earl of Lancaster, Baron William de Ros, and Baron Richard Basset. (fn. 27) I
Andrew, Sir Thomas (d. 1564), kt. of Charwelton was the eldest son of Thomas Andrew (d. 1541) of Charwelton and his wife Agnes, daughter of Robert Newport of Sandon (Herts). He was Sheriff of Northamptonshire, 1556. Knighted 2 October 1553. He inherited the Charwelton estate from his father in 1541, and bought the manor of Ilmington (Warks) in 1550.
He married 1st, Katharine (d. 18 August 1555), daughter of Edward Cave, and 2nd, Mary (fl. 1563), daughter of John Heneage of Towse (Northants) and widow of Erasmus Cope
Children of Sir Thomas Andrew and Katherine Cave:
Thomas Andrew (c.1541-94) Roger Andrew (fl. 1563) of Pebworth (Glos); married Magdalen, daughter of William Box of London and had issue a son; Edward Andrew (fl. 1563) of West Haddon (Northants); John Andrew; died without issue before 1563; Anne Andrew (fl. 1563); Valentine Pigott of Loughton; Audrey Andrew; died without issue before 1563; Dorothy Andrew; died without issue before 1563; Ursula Andrew (fl. 1563); married 1st, June 1583, Thomas Hesilrigge (d. 1600) of Noseley and 2nd, Robert Forest of Huntingdonshire; Children of Sir Thomas Andrew and Mary Heneage:
Thomas Andrew (d. 1609) of Longdon Travers (Warks) Mary Andrew (fl. 1596); married her step-brother, Sir William Lane (d. 1615); Valentine Andrew; probably died young before 1563; Simon Andrew (fl. 1596); died unmarried, c.1596; Richard Andrew (fl. 1630); married Alice (b. 1571; fl. 1612), daughter of Francis Hill of White Ladies Aston (Worcs), and had issue one son and six daughters; inherited the manor of White Ladies Aston in 1611 and sold it the following year; Katherine Andrew (d. 1616); married, c.1584 (settlement 1 December) John Pleydell (d. 1608) of Alderton (Glos) and had issue; her will was proved in the PCC, 11 June 1616. He died 1 February 1563/4 and was buried at Holy Trinity Church, Charwelton, 8 February 1563/4; his will was proved 19 May 1564. His widow married 3rd, Sir Robert Lane of Hogshaw (Bucks) and Horton (Northants) and died 5 February 1608/9; she was buried at Charwelton, 16 February 1608/9; her will was proved 15 May 1609.
Research Notes Note: According to: VISITATION OF NORTHAMPTONSHIRE; Issue firet marriage Katherine Cave are 1.Thomas son and heir,2.Roger{married Magdalen Box), 3. Thomas(sic), married Miss Brewe of London, 4 Edward, 5.John (died without issue. Note: Issue by second Marriage to Mary Henage: 1. Thomas(sic) of Longdon Worestershire, married Jane Casey 2. Valentine, 3. Simon. 4. Richard. Sources http://landedfamilies.blogspot.com/2014/08/138-andrews-alias-andrew...
Sir Thomas Andrew's Timeline
1508 |
Probably Charwelton, Northamptonshire, England (United Kingdom)
1536 |
Charwelton Hall, Charwelton, Northhampstonshire, England (United Kingdom)
1541 |
Charwelton, Northamptonshire, England (United Kingdom)
1542 |
Charwelton Hall, Charwelton, Northhamptonshire, England (United Kingdom)
Charwelton Hall, Charwelton, Northhamptonshire, England (United Kingdom)
1543 |
Charwelton Hall, Charwelton, Northamptonshire, England
1546 |
Charwelton Hall, Charwelton, Northhamptonshire, England (United Kingdom)
1558 |
Charwelton Hall, Charwelton, Northhamptonshire, England (United Kingdom)
1560 |
Northamptonshire, England, United Kingdom
1562 |
Lincolnshire, England