Thomas de Musgrave was the son of Sir Thomas de Musgrave, Knight, and wife Alice de Sanford. He was born c.1222 in Great Musgrave, Westmorland County, England and died before 1287. He married Sybil (unk) and had two known daughters. Sibyl's family name is sometimes listed as de Memnon or de Mennon, but this has not been proven.
In 1256, he was listed as a yeoman, but by 1265, he was a knight. Before 1272, he held the manors of Musgrave, Sandford and Morton.
In 1272, in the Final Concord between Richard de Musgrave, plaintiff, and Thomas de Musgrave, deforciant, of the manors of Musgrave, Sanford and Morton. Richard grants the manors to Thomas and his heirs male; the remainder to Richard and his heirs male. So that Richard shall have and hold the manors of Musgrave and Sandford of the chief lords for ever, and the manor of Morton of the heirs male of Thomas for ever. As a result of this Concord, Thomas dying without male heirs, the properties reverted to Richard as the next male heir.
On 14 January 14, 1278, King Edward I granted permission to Ranulph de Dacre and his heirs and to Thomas de Musgrave and his heirs to hold an annual fair at the manor in Orton, a market town in eastern Westmorland county.
In 1292, by a fine levied 20 Edw. I, it was found that Thomas de Musgrave, who died before 1287, left two daughters and heirs, Avicia (widow to Thomas de Helbeck), and Isabel (widow to Patrick de Castle Carrock or Cagrock).
Children of Thomas de Musgrave and wife Sibyl:
Links to additional material:
1222 |
Great Musgrave, Cumberland, England (United Kingdom)
1246 |
Great Musgrave, , Westmoreland, England
1250 |
Great Musgrave, , Westmoreland, England
1285 |
Age 63
Great Musgrave, Cumberland, England (United Kingdom)