Immediate Family
About Sir William de Crichton of Sanquhar, 1st Laird of Sanquhar
Evidence from the Register of the Great Seal of Scotland
1306 X 1329 [Robert I, King of Scots]: Memorandum quod dominus rex confirmavit donationem illamquam Ricardus fecit Dovenaldo filio suo, de capitali manerio in baronia de Sanquhar, cum medietate ejusdem baronie ad ipsum capitale manerium pertinente sicut dicta baronia inter WILLELMUM DE KREICHTONE [et] ISSOBELLAM sponsam suam portionarios illius baronie ratione dicte sponse ex parte una et ipsum Ricardum Edger ex altera fuerat divisa [Exceptis tribus denariatis terre specifactis in carta] John Maitland Thomson, LL.D. (editor), Registrum Magni Sigilli Regum Scotorum. Register of the Great Seal of Scotland, A.S. 1396-1424, Appendix I, charter number 56 on page 456
1306 X 1329: Robertus Dei gracia, etc., omnibus probis hominibus tocius terre sue salute. Sciatis nos dedisse concessisse et hac presenti carta nostra confirmasse Ricardo dicto Edger dilecto et fideli nostro, pro homagio et servicio suo, capitale manerium cum nedietate tocius baronie de Seneschar ad isum capitale manerium pertinente, sicut dicta baronia inter WILLELMUM DE CRECHTON st ISABELLAM sponsam suam porcionarios ipsius baronie racione dicte sponse ex parte una et ipsum Ricardum ex altera per literam de capella nostra nuper fuerat divisa. Tenendum et habendum dicto Ricardo et heredibus suis vel suis assignatis de nobis et heredibus nostris in feodo et hereditate, per omnes rectas metas et divisas suas, libere quiete plenarie et honorifice cum omnibus libertatibus commodiatibus aysiamentis et justis pertinenciis suis, in liberam baroniam. Faciendo nobis et heredibus nostris dictus Ricardus et heredes suis vel sui assignati sectam et servicium quantum pertinent ad predictam medietatem baronie cum capitali manerio sicut fuit tempore bone memorie domini Alexandri regis Scocie predecessoris nostril ultimo defuncti. In cujus rei, etc. R. i. 27. John Maitland Thomson, LL.D. (editor), Registrum Magni Sigilli Regum Scotorum. Register of the Great Seal of the Great Seal of Scotland, A.S. 1396-1424, charter number 27 on page 8
- The Scots Peerage, iii, pp. 52-58 for Chrichton, Lord Crichton, page 53 for reference to William de Crichton and Isabel de Ros
- The Scots Peerage, iii, pp. 219-238 for Crichton, Earl of Dumfries
- Magna Carta Ancestry: A Study in Colonial and Medieval Families, Second Edition Edition (2011), page 296
- Rootsweb: William de Crichton
From https://our-royal-titled-noble-and-commoner-ancestors.com/p120.htm#... citing Burke's Peerage, 1938, p. 952.
William de Crichton (son of Sir John de Crichton, Lord Crichton d. c 1358) married Margaret. William de Crichton died between 20 March 1373 and 1393.
From The Scots Peerage: Founded on Wood's Edition of Sir Robert Douglas ..., Volume 3 edited by James Balfour Paul Page 56. GoogleBooks
A possible scheme of the later descent of the family might perhaps be as follows:—
Sir John De Crichton, dominus ejusdem, fiourished circo 1339, and died prior to 1357, having had a brother William, who acquired Sanquhar, and issue—
- 1. William, his heir.
- 2. John, Sheriff of Kinross, and Keeper of Lochleven
William De Crichton, dominus ejusdem, succeeded prior to 1357, acquired Dryfesdale prior to 1361, Brunstane and Welchton in 1373, and Bradewood in 1375. He was dead prior to 1393, having had issue—
- 1. Sir John, his successor
- 2. Stephen, of the Carnis or Cairns. (See Crichton, Earlof Caithness.) 1 Registrum Honoris de Morton, ii, 189. 2 Ibid., 192. 3 Sub. tit. Frendraught. , Heraldic Ms., M. 5 Laing Carters, 1212.
- 3. Humphrey, who, circa 1416, received from his brother Sir John a charter of the lands of Bagthrop, the Byres, and others, in the holding of Carruthers in Annandale.1
- 4. Thomas.
- 5. Edward.
It seems probable that Thomas and Edward were the children of a second marriage, and that their mother was the Margaret, spouse of umquhile William Crichton who on 20 July 1410 obtained a charter of Gilberton.2 From one of these two brothers was descended the family of Brunstane now represented by the Earl of Erne.
- https://www.stirnet.com/genie/data/british/cc4rz/crichton01.php lists
- William de Crichton (a 1240)
- 1. Thomas (or Alexander) de Crichton (d c1300) m. Eda
- * A. Nicholas de Crichton (d before 1340)
- * i. Sir John de Crichton (d before 1358)
- * a. Sir William de Crichton (a 1382) m1. ?? (possibly Isabella, dau of William de Ross of Inganthorpe)
- *(1) Sir John Crichton of Crichton (d before 12.12.1423) m. Christian
- * (A) Sir William Crichton of Crichton, Chancellor of Scotland, 1st Lord (d before 07.1454) m. Agnes
- *(1) Sir John Crichton of Crichton (d before 12.12.1423) m. Christian
- * a. Sir William de Crichton (a 1382) m1. ?? (possibly Isabella, dau of William de Ross of Inganthorpe)
- * i. Sir John de Crichton (d before 1358)
- * A. Nicholas de Crichton (d before 1340)
- 1. Thomas (or Alexander) de Crichton (d c1300) m. Eda
- https://digital.nls.uk/histories-of-scottish-families/archive/95510...
- http://www.thepeerage.com/p27807.htm#i278067 citing BP2003 volume 1, page 1331.
Sir William de Crichton of Sanquhar, 1st Laird of Sanquhar's Timeline
1288 |
1327 |
Caims, Mid Calder, Midlothian, Scotland
1330 |
Crichton, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland
Cairns, Mid Calder, Midlothian, Scotland
1382 |
Age 94
???? | |||
???? |
Edinburgh, Scotland, Scotland (United Kingdom)