from: http://www.medievalgenealogy.org.uk/sources/mowbray/christiana1.shtml
Far more is known of the life of Richard de Emeldon, whose marriage to Christiana is amply proved by contemporary records. There are two excellent accounts of his life published 100 years apart: Frederick Walter Dendy, "An Account of Jesmond," ARCHAEOLOGIA AELIANA, 3rd series, 1 (1904): 59-65; and Constance M. Fraser, PhD., "Embleton, Richard," OXFORD DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY (2004) 18:387-388. Also helpful is Richard Welford, MEN OF MARK 'TWIXT TYNE AND TWEED (1895) 2: 180-184. Emeldon was even more active in the public life of Newcastle than John Scot, and his services were regularly called upon by his peers and the king, often taking him away from his adopted city.
A burgess of Newcastle in 1296 and a bailiff in 1301-1303, Emeldon was selected as a burgess to attend a meeting of merchants called by King Edward I, held before the king's council at York on 25 June 1303 for the purpose of considering the king's request for new payments and customs. The merchants voted unanimously to reject the king's proposal in favor of "the customs anciently due and used." [C. H. Hunter Blair, "The Mayors and Lord Mayors of Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1216-1940," ARCHAEOLOGIA AELIANA, 4th series, 18 (1940): 3; Welford, pp. 180-181; SOURCES OF ENGLISH CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY, ed. Carl Stephenson and Frederick George Marcham (1937), p. 166.]
As a prosperous merchant and shipowner, he occasionally went "beyond the seas" in order to transact business. At times, he called upon the king for assistance. In 1309, King Edward II, in Emeldon's behalf, wrote the burgomasters of Bruges requesting them to restore to Emeldon 27 sacks of wool and many gold coins saved from a warehouse fire. In 1314, Emeldon complained to the king of the seizure of skins from his ships sailing from Alnmouth where he had several burgages. [Blair, "Members of Parliament, etc.," p. 70; and Dendy, p. 61.]
Emeldon served as chief bailiff or mayor of Newcastle for nineteen years between 1305 and 1333, holding that post consecutively from 1314 through 1320. [Oliver, "Early Deeds etc.," pp. 209-212.] The great army of England came through Newcastle to a disastrous defeat by the Scots at Bannockburn in 1314. Emboldened by their success, the Scots made destructive raids throughout Northumberland and Newcastle, adding to the misery caused by the famine in most of Europe north of the Alps that resulted from prolonged torrential rains. [William Chester Jordan, THE GREAT FAMINE (1996), pp. 17-20.] On 6 May 1315, Emeldon obtained special protection from the king so that his servant could go beyond the seas to buy corn and other victuals for the townspeople. [Welford, pp.181-182.]
Emeldon also served as a Member of Parliament over several years, including 1311 (London), 1314 (York), 1324 (London), 1325 (London), 1328 (one at York, one at Northampton), and 1331 (London). Newcastle was not represented at parliamentary sessions in 1315, 1318, 1327, and September 1332, as no one was available because of the incursions of the Scots. ["Members of Parliament, etc.," pp. 69-79.]
King Edward II, on 15 November 1318, mandated "the mayor and bailiffs of the town of Newcastle-upon-Tyne to arrest and imprison all persons creating disturbances in their town." [CPR Edward II 1317-1321, p. 227.] On 24 November 1318, the king appointed Emeldon and two others "to distribute the 40 tuns of wine, which the king had granted for the relief of knights and others of the county of Northumberland, who have been impoverished by the incursions of the Scots." [CPR Edward II 1317-1321, p. 247.] A month later, on 10 December 1318, Emeldon was appointed one of three conservators of the peace in Northumberland. [CPR Edward II 1317-1321, p. 301.]
On 24 March 1322, following the Battle of Boroughbridge - a fight between the king and Thomas, Earl of Lancaster, in which the Scots did not participate - the king ordered the Sheriff of Northumberland to deliver over to Emeldon "the keeping of all the castles and lands late of Thomas, earl of Lancaster, and other the king's enemies and rebels and others in the county of Northumberland." Emeldon was further directed "to be intendant on the said keeping, neglecting all other things." Five weeks later, on 1 May 1322, Emeldon was ordered by the king to seize into the king's hand all wardships which he could find to have been in the hands of the "said enemies and rebels" in Northumberland and Durham. [CFR Edward II 1321-1324, pp. 117, 125.] In 1323, Emeldon was one of the wardens of the truce of the Scots in Northumberland [Dendy, p. 60], and, in 1324, the king "in part allowance for his long services, and great losses in the wars with Scotland," granted Emeldon the manor of Silksworth in Durham, forfeited by the attainder of Robert de Holand following Boroughbridge. [Welford, p. 182.]
Christiana de Mowbray's birth year is unknown. We know that she was married to Richard de Emeldon by 1324, because their only known child, Jacoba, was born and baptized in Newcastle on 23 March 1324/25. The godparents, who lifted the infant from the baptismal font, were "Lawrence de Dunelm', Margaret de Castro Bernardi, and Joan Moubray." Emeldon was in London at the time and was told of Jacoba's birth by a letter from Christiana which he received on 30 March 1325. [CIPM 8: 207.] Since John Scot, Christiana's first husband, was still alive in 1320 and she had no children by him, it is reasonable to place her year of birth at about 1305.
In 1332, Emeldon, as mayor, and the burgesses of Newcastle petitioned the king praying that "whereas they are impoverished by the wars of Scotland before these times and have incurred great costs in saving the town against the attacks of the Scots and are now burdened by escheators and subescheators in those parts, the king would grant that the mayor be escheator." On 14 September 1332, the king and council responded to the petition by giving Emeldon an interim appointment as escheator and ordering the former escheator "to meddle not with that office" in Newcastle "but to permit Richard to exercise the same." [CFR Edward III 1327-1337, p. 330.]
In June 1333, in an effort to recapture the city of Berwick from the Scots, the young King Edward III gathered his forces at Newcastle and "tarried three days for the residue of his host that was coming after," before departing toward Scotland. [CHRONICLES OF FROISSART, ed. John Burchier (1904) (Macmillan London), pp. 35-37.] The king ordered Emeldon to bring with him from Newcastle "as many men-of-arms as he could gather together for the siege" of Berwick. Emeldon complied with the order and "led from Newcastle to Berwick 17 men-of-arms and 30 light horsemen, and other armed men, and kept them there at his own cost until the battle of Halidon Hill, which was fought outside Berwick on the 19th of July, 1333." The Scots were completely routed with little loss of English lives generally, but Emeldon and all of his men were killed. [Dendy, pp. 61-62.]
On 12 October 1333, the king ordered the escheators "to take into the king's hand the land late of Richard de Emeldon, deceased tenant in chief" and eight days later granted William de Denum the wardship of Jacoba Emeldon and of her one-third interest in her late father's lands. [CFR Edward III 1327-1337, pp. 375, 377; CPR Edward III 1330-1334, p. 520.]
The king, on 2 November 1333, granted a license "for Christiana, late the wife of Richard de Emeldon, tenant in chief, on account of good service done by the said Richard in his lifetime to the late king and the king, to marry whomsoever she will of the king's allegiance." [CPR Edward III 1330-1334, p. 477.] On 12 December 1333, "Cristiana, late the wife of Richard de Emeldon, tenant-in-chief, puts in her place John de Moubray, her brother, and Henry de Haydok, clerk, to seek and receive in chancery, her reasonable dower from the lands which her husband held." [CCR Edward III 1333-1337, p. 185.] On 1 March 1334, the king ordered that the escheator was "to take the fealty of Cristiana, late the wife of Richard de Emeldon, which is due to the king, and to deliver to her the lands which the king assigned to her" as her dower. [CCR Edward III 1333-1337, p. 238.] By 30 June 1334, Christiana de Emeldon had married William de Plumpton, on which day her dower was "made to the said William and Cristiana." [CCR Edward III 1333-1337, p. 319.]
Emeldon's executors were successful in gaining payment for food furnished by Emeldon to King Edward II. On 5 June 1335, King Edward III ordered payment of sums owed for "divers victuals, bought of him for the late king's use ... considering the good place which Richard, while he lived, held not without heavy labours." [CCR Edward III 1333-1337, pp. 400-401.]
Battle of Halidon Hill http://midgleywebpages.com/halidon.html
from: http://www.medievalgenealogy.org.uk/sources/mowbray/christiana1.shtml
Sir William de Plumpton was descended through his mother from William the Lion, King of Scotland. [COMPLETE PEERAGE (hereafter CP) 11: 92-93, 117-118.] Plumpton's first marriage was to Alice, daughter and heir of Sir Henry Beaufiz [also seen as Beaufitz and Byaufiz]. They were married no later than 14 April 1322, the date of a settlement by his father upon Sir William and Alice, his wife, and heirs of their bodies of the manor of Nesfield. [PLUMPTON CORRESPONDENCE, ed. Thomas Stapleton, CAMDEN SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS no. 4 (1839), p. xx.] At the death of Sir Henry in 1325, Alice was said to be aged 28 and more. [CIPM 6: 399.] If she were born about 1297, and considering that this was likely the first marriage for each of them, Sir William's birth year can be estimated at 1295. No surviving children resulted from this marriage and Alice was dead by 30 June 1334 when Christiana de Emeldon's dower was "made to the said William and Cristiana." [CCR Edward III 1333-1337, p. 319.]
The Plumptons had since ancient times held most of their Yorkshire properties as tenants of the Percys, and in 1295, Sir Robert de Plumpton, Sir William's grandfather, adopted "the armorial insignia of his lord paramount, 'the Sire de Percy,'" slightly modified. [Stapleton, pp. xvii-xix.] William de Plumpton had been knighted by 19 September 1328 when he and his brother-in-law Sir Peter de Middelton witnessed a charter by Sir Henry Percy. [CPR Edward III 1327-1330, p. 398.]
On 24 August 1330, before Sir William married Christiana, a commission of oyer and terminer convened to hear the complaint of John, Lord Mowbray, that a large number of men, including Plumpton and Sir Peter de Middelton, had "entered his free chaces and warrens" at Kirkby Malzeard and other Mowbray holdings in Yorkshire and had "hunted there without license, and carried away deer, hares, rabbits, partridges, and pheasants." [CPR Edward III 1327-1330, p. 569.] Henry and Geoffrey le Scrope, members of the commission, were related to Plumpton. Geoffrey's wife was Juetta de Ros, a sister of Plumpton's mother Lucy de Ros. The complaint made by Mowbray may reflect enmity arising from the fact that Plumpton had acquired an interest in the manor of Kirkby Malzeard through his father-in-law, Sir Henry Beaufiz, who held "the manor of Kirkeby Malasart, now in the king's hand through the forfeiture of John de Moubray," a reference to Lord Mowbray's father who was executed after being captured at Boroughbridge in 1322. [CIPM 6: 399.]
Neighborly relations may have improved for many years, because it was not until 20 August 1351 that a commission of oyer and terminer was convened on the complaint of John, Lord Mowbray, that Plumpton, who was then the Sheriff of York, and others had entered Mowbray's free chace at Kirkby Malzeard, hunted therein, carried away deer, and assaulted his men. On the same day, another such commission looked into a complaint made by Blanche de Mowbray that Plumpton and others had "broke her closes and houses" and drove away oxen and cows at several other Mowbray holdings in Yorkshire. [CPR Edward III 1350-1354, pp. 159-160.] Blanche is identified as the daughter of John de Mowbray on 10 August 1349 in CCR 23 Edward III 1349-1354, p. 51. The last of Lord Mowbray's complaints of poaching against Plumpton and several other prominent Yorkshire men was heard by a commission of oyer and terminer on 20 October 1354. This action again complained of an entry into his free chace at Kirkby Malzeard as well as at Burton in Lonesdale, County of York, the hunting and carrying away of deer, and assaults upon his men. [CPR Edward III 1354-1358, p. 130.]
Kirkby Malzeard, a locale of all three of Lord Mowbray's complaints of poaching against Plumpton and his associates, was a major holding of the Mowbrays. [CIPM 3: 357.] As noted above, Plumpton also had an interest in Kirkby Malzeard through his father-in-law who had acquired it from the Crown after its forfeiture by John I, Lord Mowbray, executed following the Battle of Boroughbridge. On 24 April 1345, Plumpton received a license for the alienation in mortmain affecting some of his holdings in Kirkby Malzeard and elsewhere in Yorkshire for the celebration of divine services in the church of St. Wilfrid, Ripon, for his good estate, his soul when he is dead, and the souls of his parents, ancestors, and heirs. [CPR Edward III 1343-1345, p. 455.] In any event, Kirkby Malzeard continued to be listed as one of the four Mowbray manors in Yorkshire. [CIPM 11: 138-139 (1361).]
Although the Plumpton holdings were mostly in Yorkshire, he eventually acquired an estate in Nothumberland which was not part of Christiana's dower. As early as 1346 and as late as 1358, "William de Plumpton and Christiana his wife" held the manor of Brenkley, located 7 miles NNW of Newcastle, of Sir John de Eure for one-eighth of a knight's fee. [FEUDAL AIDS 4: 57-59; and NCH 12: 522-523.]
Sir William de Plumpton served as a Member of Parliament representing Yorkshire in 1331. [Godfrey Richard Park, PARLIAMENTARY REPRESENTATION OF YORKSHIRE (1886), p. 288.] He was on many occasions called upon for his services in the North of England. On 10 February 1354 and again on 2 July 1354, Plumpton and others were appointed justices to enforce the Statute of Labourers in parts of Yorkshire. [CPR Edward III 1354-1358, pp. 58-61.]
On 20 January 1347, an order of appointment by the king's council noted that "William de Plumpton who is of the retinue of Henry de Percy" was "about to go in his company to the march of Scotland for the defence thereof." [CFR Edward III 1337-1347, p. 493.] The Percys, long an important family in Yorkshire and Lincolnshire, had become dominant landowners in Northumberland as the result of their 1309 purchase of Alnwick from the Bishop of Durham. [CP 10: 458.] King Edward III having made over to Henry Percy the reversionary interests in Warkworth and other Clavering estates on 2 March 1328, they passed to the Percy family in 1332 upon the death of John de Clavering. [W. Percy Hedley, NORTHUMBERLAND FAMILIES (1968) 1: 161.] Sir William de Plumpton was no doubt a member of Henry Percy's retinue because Plumpton owed knight's service to Percy (1301-1352), his feudal lord. Percy must have called upon Plumpton for services in his retinue with some frequency. Percy took "part in the siege of Berwick, of which he was made the keeper, and fought at Halidon Hill." [CP 10: 461.] This is the battle in which Richard de Emeldon was killed.
Plumpton and Lord Mowbray served together at least four times on commissions of oyer and terminer. First, Mowbray and Plumpton served on a commission convened on 8 February 1350 to hear a complaint by Christopher Maillore that several miscreants had "broke his close and houses" at Hoton Conyers, Yorkshire, and done other damage. [CPR Edward III 1348-1350, p. 520.] On 6 July 1352, Lord Mowbray and two others were added to a commission of which Plumpton was a member and which looked into a claim that a ship had been broken up and its timbers carried away. [CPR Edward III 1350-1354, p. 289.] On 10 July 1356, Plumpton, Lord Mowbray, and three others were members of a commission that heard a complaint that an abbot, his fellow monks, and others had besieged a house near Knaresborough in Yorkshire and carried away goods. [CPR Edward III 1354-1358, p. 498.] Last, on 26 June 1361, Lord Mowbray and Plumpton served together on a commission that heard a complaint by the Abbot of Fountains that disturbers of the peace had entered his free chaces and free warrens, felled trees, and carried away game from several places in Yorkshire. [CPR Edward III 1358-1361.] This may have been the last time that Lord Mowbray and Sir William de Plumpton were together as Mowbray died on 4 October 1361. [CP 9: 383.]
Plumpton's life, too, was coming to an end. "He died 36 Edw. III. 1362, towards the close of the year." [Stapleton, p. xxi.] Christiana survived her husband for about a year, the date of her death in 1363 being given both as "20 December" and the "Saturday after Christmas." [CIPM 11: 459-460.]
Sir William de Plumpton was the High Sheriff of Yorkshire 1350-1351.
CHRISTIANNA DE MOWBRAY, m. (1) RICHARD DE EMILDON; d. 1333; m. (2) SIR WILLIAM DE PLUMPTON, Bef. 1338; b. of Plumpton, Yorkshire; d. 1362.
Sir William de Plumpton, Knight, b abt 1300, Plumpton, Yorkshire, England, d 1362. He md [1] Alice de Byaufiz abt 1322, [2] Christiana Mowbray bef 1338, prob daughter of Sir John de Mowbray, Lord Mowbray, and Aline de Braose. She was b abt 1305, d 25 Dec 1362.
Name Sir William De Plumpton, Knt. Gender Male Birth? 1294 Plumpton,,Yorkshire,England Marriage BEF 14 Apr 1322 to Alice Byanfiz Alt Marriage 1322 to Christina Mowbray Alt Marriage 1322 Plumpton,,Yorkshire,England to Christina Mowbray Alt Marriage 1332 Place:|1 to Christina Mowbray Marriage 1338 to Christina Mowbray Death? 1362 Plumpton,,Yorkshire,England
Sir William de Plumpton
BIRTH 1296
DEATH 1362 (aged 65–66)
Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland Unitary Authority, Northumberland, England
Burial Details Unknown
MEMORIAL ID 175210886
Magna Carta Ancestries (page 665) gives parents wife and children of this William de Plumpton.
William married first, 14 April 1322, Alice Beaufitz daughter and heiress of Henry Beaufitz and second, before 24 Feb 1334, Christian de Mowbray.
Family Members
Sir Robert de Plumpton
Lucy de Ros Plumpton
Christiana Mowbray Plumpton
Sir William av Plumpton, Sheriff av Yorkshire Ridder
Sir William dav Plumpton overtok familiens eiendom 14 april 1322 Undertegnet av Kong Edward II
William giftet seg med Alice, datter og arving av Sir Henry Byaufiz, en gang før 14 april 1322 da herregården Nesfield ble gitt til ham og hans kone av faren Sir Robert. Sir Henry Byaufiz døde i 1325, hvorpå herregården Brakenthwaite, sammen med eiendommene rundt Plumpton, Follyfoot, Braham, Kirby og lille Ribston, som han holdt av høflighet til England, en arv etter kona Cecilia, datter av en annen William de Plumpton (nedstammet fra Robert, sønn av Huckman, seneschal av herregården Plumpton,) ble avgjort 1325/1326 underskrevet av kong Edward II.
Arven etter Sir William de Plumpton og kona Alice som var barnløse, gikk til Thomas sønn av Peter de Midleton og hans arvinger, Marmaduke de Plumpton og hans arvinger og til Adam sønn av Peter de Midleton, og hans arvinger for alltid.
Sir William de Plumpton hadde var gift 2. gang med Christina, enke av Richard de Emildon, ordfører i Newcastle i regjeringstiden til Edward I og fram til Edward III. det året han døde.
Christina giftet seg med Sir William 18 mai 1338, og det ble deretter bestemt at herregården Grassington i Craven skulle holdes av Sir William de Plumpton og hans kone Christina og deres arvinger. Ansvarlig for dette var Henry de Spofford, Champlain. De hadde datteren Alice og sønnen Robert
Sir William var grunnleggeren av en chantry, ved alteret av den hellige treenigheten, bak høyalteret i kirken av Ripton. Datert 1345 og ble beseglet med seglene til Henry de Plumpton, kapellan, den første utnevnte og Sir William de Plumpton.
Sir William de Plumpton døde på slutten av året 1362 nær slutten av året.
1296 |
Plumpton, Spofforth, West Riding of Yorkshire, England
- 1296
Newcastle, England (United Kingdom)
1301 |
- 1303
Age 5
Newcastle, England (United Kingdom)
1305 |
- 1333
Age 9
Newcastle, England (United Kingdom)
1338 |
Plumpton, Yorkshire, England (United Kingdom)
1340 |
Plumpton, Yorkshire, England
1362 |
Age 66
Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland, England
1938 |
January 29, 1938
Age 66
January 29, 1938
Age 66