Immediate Family
About Skjalf Frostidotter, Queen of Uppsala
NOTE: Her father, Froste, mentioned in the Ynglingesaga as Skjalf's father is likely not the same as Froste Karasson of the Orkney saga; they should NOT be merged.
Skjalf Frostadotter is mentioned in the "Ynglingesoga" as the wife of Swedish king Agne, daughter of king Froste of Finland, taken in war. She eventually killed her husband.
Kong Agne fór med hærskjold over Finland og la det under seg og fikk dyktig med hærfang, han tok Skjålv, Frostes datter, og hadde henne med seg hjem, og likeså Loge hennes bror.
King Agne proceeded with armed hand through Finland, subdued it, and made enormous booty. He took Froste's daughter Skjalv, and her brother Loge, and carried them along with him.
Skjalf asked Agne to honour her dead father Frosti with a great feast, which he granted. He invited a great many guests, who gladly arrived to the now even more famous Swedish king. They had a drinking competition in which Agne became very drunk. Skjalf saw her opportunity and asked Agne to take care of Visbur's torc which was around his neck. Agne bound it fast around his neck before he went to sleep.
The king's tent was next to the woods and was under the branches of a tall tree for shade. When Agne was fast asleep, Skjalf took a rope which she attached to the torc. Then she had her men remove the tent, and she threw the rope over a bough. Then she told her men to pull the rope and they hanged Agne avenging Skjalf's father. Skjalf and her men ran to the ships and escaped to Finland, leaving her sons behind.
Quotes taken from:
Skjalf Frostasson 30 SmartMatches
Birth: About 428 in , , , Finland 1 2
Sex: F
Father: Frosti Of Finland b. About 402 in , , , Finland
Mother: Frosti Of Finland b. About 406 in , , , Finland
Spouses & Children
Agni Dagsson (Husband) b. About 424 in , , , Sweden
1 2
Marriage: Abt 444 6 Nov 2004 14:29
Alrek Agnasson King In Sweden b. About 445 in , , , Sweden
Eric Agnasson b. About 447 in , , , Sweden
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Ancestral File Number: G6SZ-B3CHAN20 Mar 2001
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Title: "FamilySearch® Ancestral Fileâ„¢ v4.19"
Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Publication: 3 Feb 2001
Title: "Genealogical Research of Kirk Larson"
Author: Larson, Kirk
Publication: Personal Research Works including Bethune & Hohenlohe Desce
ndants, 1981-2001, Kirk Larson, Private Library
Agne, Agni, Hogne or Agni Skjálfarbondi was a mythological king of Sweden, of the House of Yngling.
Snorri Sturluson relates that he was the son of Dag the Wise, and he was mighty and famous. He was also skilled in many ways.
One summer, he went to Finland with his army where he pillaged. The Finns gathered a vast host under a chief named Frosti.
A great battle ensued which Agne won and many Finns were killed together with Frosti. Agne then subdued all of Finland with his army, and captured not only great booty but also Frosti's daughter Skjalf and her kinsman Logi.
Agne returned to Sweden and they arrived at Stocksund (Stockholm) where they put up their tent on the side of the river where it is flat. Agne had a torc which had belonged to Agne's great-great-great-grandfather Visbur (who, interestingly, was the son of Skjalf's niece Drífa). Although, they were related, Agne married Skjalf who became pregnant with two sons, Erik and Alrik.
Skjalf asked Agne to honour her dead father Frosti with a great feast, which he granted. He invited a great many guests, who gladly arrived to the now even more famous Swedish king. They had a drinking competition in which Agne became very drunk. Skjalf saw her opportunity and asked Agne to take care of Visbur's torc which was around his neck. Agne bound it fast around his neck before he went to sleep.
The king's tent was next to the woods and was under the branches of a tall tree for shade. When Agne was fast asleep, Skjalf took a rope which she attached to the torc. Then she had her men remove the tent, and she threw the rope over a bough. Then she told her men to pull the rope and they hanged Agne avenging Skjalf's father. Skjalf and her men ran to the ships and escaped to Finland, leaving her sons behind.
Agne was buried at the place and it is presently called Agnafit, which is east of the Tauren (the Old Norse name for Södertörn) and west of Stocksund.
Roi de Uppland
Blev bortförd efter att hennes far, Froste hade förlorat ett slag mot Agne Dagsons arme i Finland. Agne gifte sig med henne.På begravningsfesten till hennes fars ära lyckades fästa hon ett rep runt det guldsmycke Agnes bar om sin hals. Hon lyckade med hjälp få upp repet runt en trädgren och hängde Agne. Hennes bror Loge blev också tillfångatagen och bortförd av Agne.
The name of Dag the Powerful's wife is not known.
Om Skjålv Frostedatter, Dronning av Uppsala (Norsk)
NOTE: Hennes far , Froste som er nevnt i Ynglingesaga som Skjalf's far er ikke den samme Froste Kåreson som er nevnt i Orkenøysagaaen, de må IKKE bli slått sammen
Skjalf Frostadotter er nevnt i "Ynglingesoga" som en kvinne som ble hærtatt av kong Agne, og som myrdet ham da han ville ta henne til hustru.
Dags søn hed Agne, som blev konge efter ham, en stor hærmand, mægtig og navnkundig og en ihærdig mand i alle deler. Det var en sommer, at kong Agne fór med sin hær til Finland, gik .der op og herjede. Finnerne drog sammen en stor flok og drog til kamp; Froste hed deres høvding. Der blev det et stort slag, men kong Agne fik seier; der faldt Froste og en stor skare med ham. Kong Agne fór med hærskjold om i Finland, lagde det under sig og fik stort hærfang; han fangede og tog med sig Frostes datter Skjaalv og hendes broder Loge. Men da han kom hjem vester, lagde han til ved Stoksund og satte sine telt syd paa Feten [engen]; der var da skog.
Kong Agne havde da guldsmykket, som Visbur havde eiet. Kong Agne gik at tage Skjaalv til hustru; hun bad kongen gjøre arveøl efter hendes fader. Han bød da til sig mange stormænd og gjorde et stort gilde. Han var bleven meget navnkundig af denne færd. Da blev det der holdt stort drikkelag. Men da kong Agne blev drukken, bad Skjaalv ham at vogte smykket, som han havde paa halsen. Han tog da smykket og bandt det fast paa sin hals, førend han gik at sove.
Landteltet stod ved skogen og over teltet et høit træ, som skulde skygge mod solheden. Da kong Agne var sovnet, tog Skjaalv et tykt snøre og fæstede det under smykket. Hendes mænd slog da teltstængerne ned, men kastede løkken af snøret op i træets grener, trak saa siden til, saa at kongen blev hængende næsten oppe ved grenene, og det blev hans bane. Skjaalv og hendes mænd løb ud paa et skib og roede bort. Kong Agne blev brændt der, og stedet vestenfor Stoksund paa østsiden af Tauren kaldes siden Agne-fet
Saa siger Tjodolv:
Kong Agne fór med hærskjold over Finland og la det under seg og fikk dyktig med hærfang, han tok Skjålv, Frostes datter, og hadde henne med seg hjem, og likeså Loge hennes bror.
Skjalf Frostidotter, Queen of Uppsala's Timeline
410 |
428 |
Age 18
522 |
Age 112
Svitjod, Sweden
???? |