Immediate Family
About Svanehilde (Swanhilde) I NN, comtesse de Metz
GOTTFRIED [III], son of FOLMAR [VI] Graf & his wife Suanehilde --- (-1098 or after). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified. Graf im Bliesgau. 1075/98. Emperor Heinrich IV donated the abbey of Hornbach "in pago Blisengowe in comitatu Godefridi" to the church of Speyer by charter dated 1087[253]. m MATHILDE de Luxembourg, daughter of CONRAD I Comte de Luxembourg & his [first wife Ermensende ---]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "comitem Guilelmum de Luscelenburg…et Ermensendem…et Mathildem" as children of "Conrado comiti de Luscelenburch" & his wife Ermensende, specifying that Mathilde was "comitissam de Longui et de Homborc et de Castris" and that she was mother of "comitem Folmerum et sorores eius Helvidem, quam habuit comes Gerardus de Reneke dyocesis Herbipolensis et illam qua dux de Bronsviic genuit filiam, que in Sclavia hereditavit"[254], although the Chronicle appears to skip a generation in this account. It is improbable, from a chronological point of view, that Mathilde was the daughter of Konrad´s wife Clementia, assuming that the latter is the same person as Clementia Gräfin von Gleichberg who is named in charters dated 1141 (see the document LUXEMBOURG). Considering that Mathilde´s son is named in 1087, it is unlikely that Mathilde herself could have been born much later than [1065]. If that is correct, Clementia would have been a centenarian when she died after 1141, which is unlikely. It is therefore probable that Mathilde was born from an earlier marriage of her father´s.
Folmar III von Metz [Parents] was born about 1020. He died about 1087. He married Swanhilde von Lutzelstein about 1039.
Swanhilde von Lutzelstein was born about 1020. She died about 1090. She married Folmar III von Metz about 1039.
Svanehilde (Swanhilde) I NN, comtesse de Metz's Timeline
1010 |
Metz, Moselle, Lorraine, France
1050 |
1055 |
Blieskastel, Bayern (present Germany)
1060 |
Metz, Moselle, Lorraine, France
???? |