Immediate Family
half sister
half brother
half brother
About Sviatoslav, prince of Chernigov
Sviatoslav Nikolai Olegovich, Prince of Novgorod
- Son of Oleg Sviatoslavich, Mikhail and NN daughter of OSSOLUR Asaduk Khan of Kumans
- Birth: circa 1090
- Death: February 15, 1164 (69-78)
Project MedLands Russia,%20Rurik.htm#OlegSviatoslavi...
SVIATOSLAV NIKOLAI Olegovich, son of OLEG MIKHAIL Sviatoslavich Prince of Chernigov & his second wife --- (-15 Feb 1164). Baumgarten names him, citing a secondary source in support[724]. Prince of Novgorod 1136, he was driven out of Novgorod 17 Apr 1138[725]. Prince of Novgorod-Severskiy 1139/41. Prince of Chernigov 1157-1164.
married (1) (1107) --- Kuman princess, daughter of AEPA Girgenevich Khan of the Kumans. The Primary Chronicle records that Oleg "took for his son the daughter of Aepa son of Girgen" 12 Jan 1108[726]. married (2) Novgorod 1136, MARIA Ekaterina of Novgorod, daughter of PETRILLA possadnik of Novgorod (-Apr 1164).
Sviatoslav & his first wife Kuman princess had one child
- 1. OLEG Sviatoslavich (-[16/18] Jan 1180). Prince of Novgorod-Severskiy. m firstly (1150) MARIA Iurievna, daughter of IURII Vladimirovich "Dolgorukiy/Longarm" Grand Prince of Kiev & his first wife --- of the Kumans (-before 1165). m secondly (19 or 29 Jun 1165) AGAFIA Rostislavna, daughter of son of ROSTISLAV Mstislavich Grand Prince of Kiev & his wife --- (-after [16/18] Jan 1180).
Oleg & his second wife AGAFIA Rostislavna had one child:
- a) SVIATOSLAV Olegovich (1167-after 1186). Prince of Rilsk. m ---. The name of Sviatoslav´s wife is not known.
Sviatoslav & his Unknown wife had one child:
- i) MSTISLAV Sviatoslavich (-killed in battle 1241). Prince of Rilsk.
Sviatoslav & his second wife MARIA Ekaterina of Novgorod had three children
- 2. MARIA Sviatoslavna . m firstly ([1148/49]) ROMAN Rostislavich, son of ROSTISLAV Mstislavich Grand Prince of Kiev & his wife --- (-14 Jun 1180). Prince of Smolensk 1159-1172, 1177-1180. He succeeded as ROMAN Grand Prince of Kiev from 1172-1174, and 1175-1177. m secondly ROMAN Glebovich Prince of Riazan, son of GLEB Rostislavich Prince of Riazan & his wife Iefrosina Rostislavna of Pereyaslavl (-killed in battle 1217).
- 3. VSEVOLOD Sviatoslavich ([1153]-May 1196). Prince of Kursk and Trubtschevsk. m OLGA Glebovna of Pereyaslavl, daughter of GLEB Iurievich Prince of Pereyaslavl Grand Prince of Kiev & his second wife --- Iziaslavna of Chernigov.
- 4. IGOR Sviatoslavich (10 Apr 1151-29 Dec 1202). Prince of Novgorod-Severskiy 1179-98. He was defeated by the Kuman in 1185, commemorated in The Lay of Igor's Campaign[728]. Prince of Chernigov 1199. m ([1184]) IEFROSINIA Iaroslavna, daughter of IAROSLAV Vladimirkovich "Osmomysl" Prince of Galich & his first wife Olga Iurievna of Kiev.
Igor & his wife IEFROSINIA Iaroslavna had [five] children
- a) VLADIMIR PIOTR Igorevich (-[1210/11]). Prince of Putivl 1185-1198. Prince of Novgorod-Severskiy 1198-1208. After the period of confusion in Galich which followed the death of Prince Roman Mstislavich, Vladimir and his brothers succeeded in installing themselves in Galich and Volynia, Vladimir becoming Prince of Galich in 1206. The 17th century Gustinskiy Chronicle states that Vladimir was driven out of Galich in [1209] by his brother Roman with Hungarian help and returned to Putivl[729]. m ([1188]) SVOBODA Kuman princess, daughter of KONCHAK Khan of Kumans.
Vladimir & his wife SVOBODA Kuman princess had one child
i) IZIASLAV Vladimirovich (-after 1256). Prince of Terebovl 1210.
- b) ROMAN Igorevich (-hanged Sep 1211). Prince of Novgorod-Severskiy. After the period of confusion in Galich which followed the death of Prince Roman Mstislavich, Roman and his brothers succeeded in installing themselves in Galich and Volynia, Roman becoming Prince of Zvenigorod in 1207. He drove his brother Vladimir from Galich in [1209] and resumed control there himself. He was deposed and hanged by boyars in Galich in 1211[730]. His descendants are not shown in Baumgarten. i) IVAN Romanovich m ---. The name of Ivan´s wife is not known. Ivan & his wife had one child: (a) IVAN Ivanovich (-murdered by Mongols). m ---. The name of Ivan´s wife is not known.
Ivan & his wife had three children
- (1) VLADIMIR Ivanovich (-1303). Grand Prince of Kiev.
- (2) FEDOR Ivanovich (-1362). Grand Prince of Kiev.
- (3) ANDREI Ivanovich of Ovruch. m ---. The name of Andrei´s wife is not known.
Andrei & his wife had one child
- a. VASILY Andreievich of Ovruch.
- c) OLEG Igorevich (1175-after 1183). Prince of Novgorod-Severskiy.
- d) SVIATOSLAV Igorevich (1177-hanged Sep 1211). After the period of confusion in Galich which followed the death of Prince Roman Mstislavich, Sviatoslav and his brothers succeeded in installing themselves in Galich and Volynia, Sviatoslav becoming Prince of Volynia in 1206. He and his brothers were deposed and hanged by boyars in Galich in 1211[732]. m [source? - not in ES II 132] ([1188]) IAROSLAVA Rurikovna, daughter of RURIK II Rostislavich Prince of Ovruch Grand Prince of Kiev & his second wife Anna Iurievna of Turov.
Sviatoslav & his wife had two children
- i) AGAFIA Sviatoslavna (-after 31 Aug 1247). Baumgarten names her, and shows her parentage, citing Polish sources in support[733]. "Conradus Dux Mazowie et Cuyawííe" donated property to the monastery of Czyrwen, in the presence of "uxore mea Shaphia et liberis meis Bolezlao et Semovitho", by charter dated 1221[734]. m (1207) KONRAD I Prince of Masovia, son of KAZIMIERZ II "Sprawiedliwy/the Just" Prince of Sandomir and Krakow & his wife Helena [of Moravia/of Smolensk] ([1187/88]-31 Aug 1247).
- ii) OLEG Sviatoslavich (-after 1228). Prince of Kursk 1224. m ---. The name of Oleg´s wife is not known.
Oleg & his wife had one child
- (a) MARINA Olegovna (-1 Mar 1279). m VSEVOLOD Konstantinovich Prince of Iaroslavl, son of KONSTANTIN Vsevolodich Prince of Rostov, Grand Prince of Vladimir & his wife --- Mstislavna of Kiev (-after 4 Mar 1238). Prince of Pereyaslavl 1227-1228.
- e) [ROSTISLAV Igorevich (-[hanged Sep 1211]). He is referred to in Ipatevskaya letopis as one of the Igorevich brothers who took control in Galicia and Volynia in 1206/1207, although other sources only name the other three brothers as set out above[735]. If this is correct, he was presumably hanged at the same time as his brothers.]
Sviatoslav Olgovich (died Feb. 14, 1164) was the Prince of Novgorod (1136 - 1138), Novgorod - Seversky (1139), Belgorod Kievsky (1141 - 1154), and Chernigov (1154 - 1164). He was the son of Oleg Sviatoslavich, Prince of Chernigov (c. 1052 - 1115) daughter of Asaduk, Khan of the Cumans.
After the death of his older brother, Vsevolod II (Grand Prince of Kiev 1139 - 1146), Sviatoslav and his brother Igor II (Grand Prince of Kiev for two weeks in 1146) were driven out of Kiev by Iziaslav Mstislavich. Sviatoslav escaped but Igor was captured and eventually killed in 1147. Sviatoslav fled to Chernigov but was ordered to relinquish Novgorod - Severski to his cousins, the brothers Iziaslav and Vladimir Davidovich. With the assistance of his ally, Yuri Dolgoruki, and his father in law, Aepa Khan, Sviatoslav began a war against the brothers Davidovichi but was forced to flee to Karachev. Taking a stand at Karachev, Sviatoslav defeated the brothers Davidovichi on January 16, 1147.
In 1108, Sviatoslav married a Cuman princess, daughter of Aepa Khan, who gave him a daughter and a son, Oleg. In 1136 Svyatoslav married a second time, to a woman of Novgorod, who bore his famous son Igor Svyatoslavich (a.k.a. "Igor the Brave").
Source -- "Sviatoslav Olgovich" / (citing Martin Dimnik -- "The Dynasty of Chernigov, 1146 - 1246")
Commentary -- Khan Aepa was father in law of both Sviatoslav II and Yuri Dolgoruki. However, at the time of the alliance between Sviatoslav, Yuri Dolgoruki, and Khan Aepa in 1146 / 1147 Anna Aepovna (first wife of Yuri Dolgoruki) had been dead some twenty - two years, having died in 1124. In the instance of ________ Aepovna (first wife of Sviatoslav), she had been dead some twelve years, extrapolating from the marriage year (1136) of Sviatoslav and his second wife, "a woman of Novgorod".
Rusian genealogy-
Sviatoslav Olgovich (Святослав Ольгович in Russian) (d.February 14,1164), Prince of Novgorod (1136–1138) Novhorod-Siversky (1139), Bilhorod Kyivsky (1141–1154) and Chernihiv (1154–1164). Son of Oleg Sviatoslavich (Gorislavich), Prince of Chernihiv with an unnamed daughter of Asaduk, Khan of Khumans.
After the death of their older brother, Vsevolod II, Sviatoslav and his brother Igor were driven out of Kiev by Iziaslav Mstislavich. Sviatoslav escaped, but Igor was captured and eventually killed in 1147. Sviatoslav fled to Chernihiv but was ordered to relinquish his city, Novhorod-Siverskyi, to his cousins, Iziaslav Davidovich and Vladimir Davidovich. With the assistance of his ally, Yuri Dolgoruki, and his father-in-law, Aepa Khan, Sviatoslav began a war against his cousins, but was forced to flee to Karachev. There on January 16, 1147, Sviatoslav defeated the Davidovichi brothers. [edit]Family
In 1108, Sviatoslav married a Cuman princess, daughter of Aepa Khan, who gave him a daughter and a son, Oleg. In 1136 Svyatoslav married a second time, to a woman of Novgorod, who bore his famous son, Igor Sviatoslavich.
О Святославе Ольговиче, князе Черниговском (русский)
В крещении Георгий, в иночестве Гавриил. Середина XII века была для Руси скорбным временем непрерывных междоусобных браней за Киевское княжение двух княжеских группировок: Ольговичей и Мстиславичей. Святой Игорь, волей Божией вступивший в борьбу за Киевское княжение, мученическим подвигом должен был искупить наследственный грех княжеских усобиц.
1 августа 1146 г. умер князь Всеволод, горделивое княжение которого не любили киевляне, но оно послужило для возбуждения ненависти к его брату Игорю и всем Ольговичам. Св. Игорь, против воли вовлеченный в самый центр событий, стал невинной жертвой нараставшей ненависти. Под Киевом произошла битва между войсками князя Игоря и Изяслава Мстиславича, и киевские войска в разгар сражения перешли на сторону Изяслава. Четыре дня Игорь Ольгович скрывался в болотах около Киева. Там его взяли в плен, привезли в Киев и посадили в «поруб». Это случилось 13 августа. Все его княжение продолжалось всего две недели.
В порубе (это был холодный бревенчатый сруб, без окон и дверей; чтобы освободить из него человека, надо было «вырубить» его оттуда) многострадальный князь тяжело заболел и был близок к смерти. В этих условиях противники князя разрешили «вырубить» его из заточения и постричь в схиму в Киевском Феодоровском монастыре. Божией помощью князь выздоровел и, оставшись иноком монастыря, проводил время в слезах и молитве. Но год спустя, в 1147 г., киевское вече, желая отомстить роду Ольговичей, постановило расправиться с князем-иноком. Митрополит и духовенство, правивший в Киеве князь Изяслав Мстиславич и особенно его брат князь Владимир старались вразумить и предотвратить это бессмысленное кровопролитие, спасти святого мученика.
Восставшие ворвались в храм во время литургии, схватили молившегося пред иконой Божией Матери св. Игоря и потащили его на расправу. Ожесточение толпы было столь велико, что даже мертвое тело страдальца подвергли избиению и поруганию. Когда вечером того же дня тело блаженного Игоря было перенесено в церковь святого Михаила, «Бог явил над ним знамение велико, зажглись свечи все над ним в церкви той». На другое утро святой страдалец был погребен в монастыре св. Симеона, на окраине Киева. В 1150 г. князь Черниговский Святослав Ольгович перенес мощи своего брата в Чернигов и положил в Спасском соборе. Чудотворная икона Божией Матери, перед которой молился мученик перед биением, стала называться Игоревской, празднование ей 5/18 июня.
Жену-половчанку князю Святославу выбрал не он сам, а Великий князь Киевский Владимир Мономах. Таким образом он несколькими династическими браками скрепил мир с половцами, который, впрочем, вскоре был нарушен.[6] Жена князя Святослава — родная (по хану-отцу) сестра жены основателя Москвы князя Юрия Долгорукого.[
Святослав-Михайло Ольгович
Sviatoslav, prince of Chernigov's Timeline
1098 |
1137 |
1151 |
April 10, 1151
1153 |
1164 |
February 15, 1164
Age 66
???? |