Tamati Piripi Haereone (Sidney)

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Tamati Piripi Haereone (Sidney)

Also Known As: "Thomas Philip Sidney"
Birthplace: Gisborne
Death: October 01, 1947 (64)
Te Karaka, Gisborne
Place of Burial: Block S, Plot #:207, Gisborne, New Zealand
Immediate Family:

Son of Hirini Taketake Haereone and Elizabeth Riripeti Haereone
Husband of Tuihana Haereone
Father of Rangi Eileen Haereone; Bruin Hilde Haereone; Adrian Te Aringa Haereone; Ivy Tauhei Haereone and Daphne Raukura Haereone
Brother of Reremoana Trotter; Pte. William Sidney; Harata Riripeti McLean; Mere Roihi Kirkpatrick; Mini Keita Puihi Haereone (Sidney) and 1 other

Military Service: NZ Maori Pioneer Battalion WWI
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Tamati Piripi Haereone (Sidney)

Service number: WWI 16/590
NZ Maori Pioneer Battalion
Campaign: Egyptian - Gallipoli & Mudros, Egyptian E F & Western European
1914-1915 Star; British War & Victory Medals;
The Military Medal for Bravery in the Field awarded 18 Oct 1916

- enlisted as Thomas Philip Sidney.

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Tamati Piripi Haereone (Sidney)'s Timeline

July 17, 1883
April 17, 1906
September 27, 1910
February 28, 1912
April 8, 1914
October 1, 1947
Age 64
Te Karaka, Gisborne
October 3, 1947
Age 64
Taruheru Cemetery, Block S, Plot #:207, Gisborne, New Zealand