Historical records matching Tatecistina 'Alfred' Little Wind
Immediate Family
About Tatecistina 'Alfred' Little Wind
Alfred was a Sioux man of The Devil's Lake Sioux Tribe of North Dakota (aka Spirit Lake Tribe), Fort Totten Agency
The Spirit Lake Tribe (in Santee Dakota: Mniwakaƞ Oyate, also spelt as Mni Wakan Oyate, formerly known as Devils Lake Sioux Tribe). Their name was originally the Devils Lake Sioux Tribe and its reservation was originally called the Fort Totten Indian Reservation.
In the 1970s, the tribe was briefly renamed the Sisseton-Wahpeton of North Dakota, which caused confusion with the Sisseton-Wahpeton of South Dakota, whose reservation also extends into North Dakota. In 1993, the current name of the tribe and reservation was officially adopted.
The name “Devils Lake” is a name that Euro-Americans thought the Indians had given to the lake, but according to the elders of the Tribe, who maintain the oral history of the lake for which the Tribe was named, it was always known to the Sioux as "Spirit Lake." Therefore, for members of the Tribe it has always been considered wrong to refer to the lake as "Devil's Lake."
"In the wake of climate change, a North Dakota lake swells without regard for people or property and with no easy fix in sight. Following severe drought in the American Midwest during the 1930s, North Dakota’s largest natural lake, Devils Lake, had nearly evaporated from the face of the Earth. Today, in response to climate change, the lake covers about 815 square kilometers and continues to expand, with devastating environmental effects. Rising lake waters have flooded much of the region, engulfing hundreds of homes and farmsteads, more than 650 square kilometers of productive farmland, major highways and bridges, state parks, Native American tribal lands, historical landmarks and more than half a million trees.
Native Americans called this lake Minnewaukan, meaning, among other possible interpretations, Bad Spirit Water. Whether Lake Minnewaukan was completely dry at times or not, periodic drawdowns during dry conditions reduced its immense volume to numerous remnant lakes scattered across the south-central region of the basin. Nonindigenous people who settled the region beginning in the mid-1800s named the largest and most prominent of these remnants “Devils Lake,” perhaps because of the lake’s highly saline, undrinkable water, or perhaps in tribute to Sioux warriors whose canoes were often capsized in the lake’s treacherous, storm-tossed waters.
Additional Reading:
1) North Dakota Department of Public Instruction. “History and Culture Spirit Lake.” Nd.gov, 1997, www.indianaffairs.nd.gov/sites/www/files/documents/pdfs/History_and_Culture_Spirit_Lake.pdf. Accessed 11 Feb. 2025.
2) “Mni Wakan Oyate.” North Dakota Studies, www.ndstudies.gov/curriculum/high-school/mni-wakan-oyate.
3) Larson, Douglas. “Runaway Devils Lake.” American Scientist, 6 Feb. 2017, www.americanscientist.org/article/runaway-devils-lake.
Tatecistina 'Alfred' Little Wind was born between 1873 and 1876 (most often cited is 1875), to Sioux parents Sunkawitko and Wahahpimazawin, probably somewhere on the Devil's Lake Sioux Reservation at Fort Totten, North Dakota. As far as census reports suggest, he was an only child. He maried Wikona 'Jean' Woods and had as many as eight (8) children. Jean is sometimex referred to as Jane Shaw, her name after her second (2nd) marriage. Alfred was living by himself at the time of his commmitment, he was apparantly inflicted c. 1917 when census reports show him living apart from his family.
According to the book Vanished in Hiawatha, author Carla Joinson states that Alfred was committed on August 31, 1917, from the Fort Totten Agency with an unspecified diagonsis. He died there on January 7, 1923 and was returned to Fort Totten where he was buried at Saint Jeromes Catholic Cemetery,
Fort Totten, Benson County, North Dakota and is listed as buried there in "Cemeteries of North Dakota" Vol. 8, Catalogued by Allen Petersen and Red River Valley Genealogical Society, 1974.
His profile is part of the https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Canton_Asylum.
Research Notes:
-It was common practice for the reservation agent to carry an insane person in the agency census since Indians were considered wards of the Government, later census forms added a column to donfirm wardship. the Canton Asylum had their own census and Hary Hummer provided a federal census in 1920 and 1930 and a state census in 1925.
-Alfred Little Wind is NOT in the 1924 Devils Lake Agency census confirming that he had died before June 30, 1924
1892 Jul - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll095unit/page/n12/mode/1.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 13/647, line xx (age 17), census of the Sioux Indians, Devils Lake Agency, Fort Totten, N.D.
1893 Sep 1 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll095unit/page/n12/mode/1.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 213/647, line 28 (age 17), census of the Sioux Indians, Devils Lake Agency, Fort Totten, N.D.
1896 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll095unit/page/n427/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 428/647, line 361 (age 21), census of the Sioux Indians, Devils Lake Agency, North Dakota
(Curator Note: Alfred is not married, living as nephew of On the Ground with two of her grandsons Joseph and Sebastian Littlecloud)
1897 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll095unit/page/n625/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 626/647, line 345 (age 22), census of the Sioux Indians, Devils Lake Agency, North Dakota
1898 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll096unit/page/n106/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 107/624, line 351 (age 23), census of the Sioux Indians, Devils Lake Agency, North Dakota
1899 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll096unit/page/n138/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 139/624, line 343 (age 24), census of the Sioux Indians, Devils Lake Agency, North Dakota
1900 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll096unit/page/n259/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 260/624, line 342 (age 25), census of the Sioux Indians, Devil's Lake Agency, N.D.
1901 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll096unit/page/n383/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 384/624, line 336 (age 26), census of the Sioux Indians, Devil's Lake Agency, N.D.
1902 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll096unit/page/n604/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 605/624, line 336 (age 27), census of the Devils Lake Sioux Indians, Devil's Lake Agency, North Dakota
1903 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll097unit/page/n118/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg 119/672, line 341 (age 28), census of the Devils Lake Sioux Indians, Devils Lake Agency, North Dakota
1904 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll097unit/page/n156/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg 157/672, line 318 (age 29), census of the Devils Lake Sioux Indians, Devils Lake Agency, North Dakota
1905 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll097unit/page/n532/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg 533/672, line 305 (age 30), census of the Devils Lake Sioux Indians, Devils Lake Agency, North Dakota
1906 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll161unit/page/n37/mode/1.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg 38/867, line 304 (age 30), census of the Devils Lake Sioux Indians, Devils Lake Agency (Fort Totten Indain School), North Dakota
1907 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll161unit/page/n218/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg 219/867, line 303 (age 32), census of the Devils Lake Sioux Indians, Devils Lake Agency (Fort Totten Indain School), North Dakota
1908 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll161unit/page/n406/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg 407/867, line 303 (age 33), census of the Devils Lake Sioux Indians, Devils Lake Agency (Fort Totten Indain School), N.D.
1909 Oct 1 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll161unit/page/n653/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg 654/867, line 489 (age 34), census of the Devils Lake Sioux Indians, Devils Lake Agency (Fort Totten Indain School), N.D.
1910 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll162unit/page/n41/mode/1.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 42/777, line 508 (age 35), census of the Sioux Indians, Devils Lake Agency, N.D.
1911 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll162unit/page/n114/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 115/777, line 508 (age 36), census of the Sioux Indians, Devils Lake Agency
1912 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll162unit/page/n187/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 188/777, line 509 (age 37), census of the Devils Lake Sioux Indians, Devils Lake Agency, N.D.
1913 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll162unit/page/n260/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 261/777, line 542 (b=1875), census of the Devils Lake Sioux Indians, Fort Totten Agency, N.D.
1914 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll162unit/page/n334/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 335/777, line 541 (b=1875), census of the Devils Lake Sioux Indians, Fort Totten Agency, N.D.
1915 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll162unit/page/n404/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 405/777, line 536 (b=1875), census of the Devils Lake Sioux Indians, Fort Totten Agency, N.D.
1916 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll162unit/page/n474/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 475/777, line 539 (b=1875), census of the Devils Lake Sioux Indians, Fort Totten Agency, N.D.
1917 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll162unit/page/n543/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 544/777, line 541 (b=1875), census of the Devils Lake Sioux Indians, Fort Totten Agency, N.D.
(Curator Note: Alfred is listed seperately from his wife and children. He could have been sent to Canton although he is not listed there until October.)
1917 Oct 1 - Camp Verde School: 1910-27; Canton Insane Asylum: 1910-22, Series: Superintendents' Annual Narrative and Statistical Reports, Record Group 75: Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, 7th and Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC, 20408 @ https://catalog.archives.gov/id/155854182?objectPage=774, line 21, census of the Asylum for Insane Indians School
1918 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll162unit/page/n612/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 613/777, line 531 (b=1875, identified as "Insane"), census of the Devils Lake Sioux Indians, Fort Totten Agency, N.D.
1918 Jun 30 - Camp Verde School: 1910-27; Canton Insane Asylum: 1910-22, Series: Superintendents' Annual Narrative and Statistical Reports, Record Group 75: Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, 7th and Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC, 20408 @ https://catalog.archives.gov/id/155854182?objectPage=886, line 22, male census of the Canton Asylum
1919 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll162unit/page/n680/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 681/777, line 534 (b=1875, identified as "Insane"), census of the Devils Lake Sioux Indians, Fort Totten Agency, N.D.
(Curator Note: the fact that Alfred is now listed BHS on the Devils Lake census, supported by Canton paperwork, suggests to me that he was a patient/inmate at the Canton Asylum.)
1920 Jun 30 - Camp Verde School: 1910-27; Canton Insane Asylum: 1910-22, Series: Superintendents' Annual Narrative and Statistical Reports, Record Group 75: Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, 7th and Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC, 20408 @ https://catalog.archives.gov/id/155854182?objectPage=898, line 18, male census of the Canton Asylum
1920 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll162unit/page/n745/mode/.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 746/777, line 517 (b=1875, identified as "Insane"), census of the Devils Lake Sioux Indians, Fort Totten Agency, N.D.
1921 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, archive.org/details/indiancensusroll138unit/page/n137/mode/1up?view=theater. Accessed 29 Feb. 2024., pg. 506/519, line 18, male census of the Canton Asylum
1922 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll163unit/page/n35/mode/1.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 36/504, line 528 (b=1873, Insane), census of the Devils Lake Sioux Indians, Devils Lake Agency (Fort Totten Agency), N.D.
1922 Jun 30 - Camp Verde School: 1910-27; Canton Insane Asylum: 1910-22, Series: Superintendents' Annual Narrative and Statistical Reports, Record Group 75: Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, 7th and Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC, 20408 @ https://catalog.archives.gov/id/155854182?objectPage=1041, line 19, male census of the Canton Asylum
1923 Jan 7 - Find a Grave, database and images (https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/248749089/alfred-littlewind: accessed February 11, 2025), memorial page for Alfred Littlewind (1875–7 Jan 1923), Find a Grave Memorial ID 248749089, citing Saint Jeromes Catholic Cemetery, Fort Totten, Benson County, North Dakota, USA; Maintained by amy4nier (contributor 48236319).
1923 Jun 30 - “Indian Census Rolls, 1885-1940 [Microform].” Internet Archive, Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1965, https://archive.org/details/indiancensusroll163unit/page/n95/mode/1.... Accessed 29 Feb. 2024, pg. 96/504, line 528 (d.1.27.1923, Insane), census of the Devils Lake Sioux Indians, Devils Lake Agency (Fort Totten Agency), N.D.
Tatecistina 'Alfred' Little Wind's Timeline
1873 |
1913 |
January 13, 1913
North Dakota, United States
1923 |
January 7, 1923
Age 50
The Canton Asylum for Insane Indians, Canton Township, Lincoln County, SD, United States