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Teodor Lippmaa (Lipmann) (1892 - 1943)

Also Known As: "Theodor Lipmann"
Birthplace: Riga, Latvia
Death: January 27, 1943 (50)
ma, Tartu, Estonia (Tartu pommitamisel )
Place of Burial: Rahumäe kalmistu, Tallinn, Estonia
Immediate Family:

Son of Mihkel Gottleb Lippmaa < Lipmann and Anna Lippmaa < Lipmann
Husband of Hilja Helene Lippmaa
Father of Endel Lippmaa and Siiri Lippmaa
Brother of Marta Stahl

Occupation: eesti teadlane, akadeemik
Managed by: Marika Johanson
Last Updated:

About Teodor Lippmaa

Teodor Lippmaa (17 November 1892, Riga – 27 January 1943, Tartu) was a noted Estonian botanist. He was the president of the Estonian Naturalists' Society in 1939–1942.

Teodor Lippmaa (aastani 1935 Lipman ; 17. november 1892 Riia – 27. jaanuar 1943 Tartu) oli eesti botaanik ja taimegeograaf.

Lisaks on infot tema kohta ka jätkväljaandes Õpilaste kodu-uurimistöid / Eesti Noorsootöö Keskus ; koostaja ja toimetaja Ene Luka 1983 nr 6 lk 38-45 peatükis "Professor Teodor Lippmaa Rangu Nõmme uurijana" autor Haivo Lippus.

Foto - Diplomaat-, ameti- ja ministeriaalpassi saanute ...; ERA.957.16.2a; 1920-1940

Foto -

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Teodor Lippmaa's Timeline

November 17, 1892
Riga, Latvia
September 15, 1930
Tartu, Tartu linn, Tartu County, Estonia
May 16, 1934
January 27, 1943
Age 50
ma, Tartu, Estonia
February 2, 1943
Age 50
Uus osa, Kaarli uus I, 2-25, Rahumäe kalmistu, Tallinn, Estonia