Historical records matching Theophile Bonet
About Theophile Bonet
Theophile Bonet, about whom relatively little is known because of limited biographical data, was born in Geneva on March 5, 1620, and, following the steps of his father and grandfather, decided quite early in life to become a physician. He obtained his medical degree in 1663 in Bologna, but before that moment he had already extensively travelled and visited many universities throughout Europe. During these trips he made copious notes of whatever he saw, heard, or read. He did the same while practicing medicine, first in Geneva and later in 1656 as city physician in Neufchatel, where he became the personal physician of Henry II, Duke of Longeville.
Theophile Bonet's Timeline
1620 |
March 6, 1620
Geneva, Geneva, GE, Switzerland
1689 |
March 3, 1689
Age 68
Geneva, Geneva, GE, Switzerland