Historical records matching Thierry I de Mousson, comte de Bar
Immediate Family
About Thierry I de Mousson, comte de Bar
Medilands (Mar 2022) Bar: Chapter 2. Comtes de Mousson
THIERRY de Mousson, son of LOUIS Comte de Mousson & his wife Sophie of Upper Lotharingia ([1045]-1/2 Jan 1103, bur Autun Cathedral).
The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Theodericum" as son of "comiti Montionis Ludovico" and his wife Sophie[69].
"Filia Wilelmi comitis de Burgundia Hermentrudis…" founded the Cluniac abbey of Froidefontaine by charter dated 8 Mar 1105 in which she names "suis antecessoribus…Lodewico, Sophia eius uxore, et filiis eorum Brunone, Theoderico, Lodewico, Friderico, filiabus vero Mathilde, Sophia, Beatrice…"[70].
On his marriage, he entered into possession of the château and seigneurie de Montbéliard[71].
He succeeded his father in [1071/76] in his territories of Altkirch, Ferrette, and around Hagenau. He was present at the 1076 enfranchisement of the chapel in the castle of Amance[72].
He inherited the region of the future county of Bar from his mother in 1093.
He had taken a vow to join the First Crusade but was released from it due to illness.
He was invested as Comte de Verdun after 1096 by Richer Bishop of Verdun[73].
He dictated his testament in 1102 at the castle of Altkirch[74].
The Obituaire de Saint-Mansuy-lès-Toul records the death "1 Jan" of "Henricus et Theodoricus comites"[75].
m ([1065]%29 ERMENTRUDE de Bourgogne heiress of Montbéliard, daughter of GUILLAUME I "le Grand" Comte Palatin de Bourgogne & his wife Etiennette --- ([1050/55]-1106 or after, bur Autun Cathedral).
The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Ermentrudem" as wife of "Theodericum [filius comiti Montionis Ludovico]" specifying that she was heiress to Montbéliard[76].
"Filia Wilelmi comitis de Burgundia Hermentrudis et filii sui Fridericus, Raginaudus, Theodericus" founded the Cluniac abbey of Froidefontaine by charter dated 8 Mar 1105 in which she names "suis antecessoribus… Lodewico, Sophia eius uxore, et filiis eorum Brunone, Theoderico, Lodewico, Friderico, filiabus vero Mathilde, Sophia, Beatrice, filiis autem Theoderici atque sue uxoris Hermentrudis, Lodewico, Wilelmo, Hugone", witnessed by "Henricus de Suarca cum genero suo Gerunch, Gotefridus filius avunculi eiusdem comitis [Friderici]"[77]. It is assumed from the expression "suis antecessoribus" that all those so described were deceased at the date of the foundation.
She subscribed her son Renaud's act of sale of the fortress of Commercy to the abbé de Saint-Mihiel in 1106[78].
Comte Thierry & his wife had ten children:
- FRÉDÉRIC de Mousson ([1074/78]-19 Jul [1160], bur Oelenberg). "Filia Wilelmi comitis de Burgundia Hermentrudis et filii sui Fridericus, Raginaudus, Theodericus" founded the Cluniac abbey of Froidefontaine by charter dated 8 Mar 1105 in which she names "suis antecessoribus…filiis autem Theoderici atque sue uxoris Hermentrudis, Lodewico, Wilelmo, Hugone"[79]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names (in order) "Theodoricum de Monte Beliardi, Fredericum de Ferretes…et Renaldum Strabum comitem de Barro Ducis" as the three brothers of Etienne Archbishop of Metz[80]. He succeeded his father in 1103 in his territories of Altkirch and Ferrette. "Fridericus filius comitis Theoderici de Montebiligardis" donated "Altichilchensis ecclesie…consecrato in honore sancti Cristofori martyris" to Cluny by charter dated 3 Jul 1105 "laudante matre mea Hermentrude"[81]. - Comtes de Ferrette.
- RENAUD de Mousson ([1075/77]-1149). "Filia Wilelmi comitis de Burgundia Hermentrudis et filii sui Fridericus, Raginaudus, Theodericus" founded the Cluniac abbey of Froidefontaine by charter dated 8 Mar 1105 in which she names "suis antecessoribus…filiis autem Theoderici atque sue uxoris Hermentrudis, Lodewico, Wilelmo, Hugone"[82]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Raynaldum comitem filium Theoderici Barrensis"[83]. Comte de Bar et de Mousson. - see below, Chapter 2. Comtes de Bar.
- THIERRY de Mousson ([1076/78]-[mid-Jan] 1163). "Filia Wilelmi comitis de Burgundia Hermentrudis et filii sui Fridericus, Raginaudus, Theodericus" founded the Cluniac abbey of Froidefontaine by charter dated 8 Mar 1105 in which she names "suis antecessoribus…filiis autem Theoderici atque sue uxoris Hermentrudis, Lodewico, Wilelmo, Hugone"[84]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "Theodericus" as brother of "Raynaldum…comes Barri et Montionis" specifying that Thierry was expelled in 1113 and retained only the county of Montbéliard[85]. - Comtes de Montbéliard.
- LOUIS de Mousson ([1077/79]-murdered 1102). "Filia Wilelmi comitis de Burgundia Hermentrudis et filii sui Fridericus, Raginaudus, Theodericus" founded the Cluniac abbey of Froidefontaine by charter dated 8 Mar 1105 in which she names "suis antecessoribus…filiis autem Theoderici atque sue uxoris Hermentrudis, Lodewico, Wilelmo, Hugone"[86]. It seems unlikely that Louis de Mousson could have been born much later than [1077/79] bearing in mind his active participation in the First Crusade. Albert of Aix names "…Luodewicus de Monzunz…filius comitis Tirrici de Muntbiliarht…" among those who took part in the siege of Nikaia, dated to mid-1097 from the context[87]. William of Tyre names "Ludovicus de Moncons" among those present at the capture of Antioch in 1098[88]. Albert of Aix records that "comes de Oringis Reinboldus, Ludowicus de Monzuns, Lambertus filius Cononis de Monte Acuto" commanded one of the corps of men at the capture of Antioch in Jun 1098[89]. He returned to Altkirch before 1102, when he was killed by some of his own servants[90]. The Annales Einsidlenses record the death in 1102 of "Ludovicus comes de Montplicart" killed by his servants[91]. He was referred to as one of her deceased children in the 8 Mar 1105 document of his mother.
- ÉTIENNE de Mousson (-Metz 29 Dec 1162, bur Metz Cathedral). The Gesta Alberonis Archiepiscopi names "episcopum Stephanum, fratrem Rainaldi comes de Monzon"[92]. Destined for the church from an early age, he was brought up by his maternal uncle Guy Archbishop of Vienne, later Pope Calixtus II[93]. The Consecratio Ecclesiæ Senonensis names "Stephani pater comes Theodericus et avunculus domnus Guido Viennensis archiepiscopus, post urbis Romæ papa" in relation to the consecration of Sens in 1124[94]. Archdeacon of Toul. Bishop of Metz 1120. The Gesta Episcoporum Mettensium (Continuatio) records the succession in 1120 of “tam Burgundionem quam Lothoringorum...genere... domnus Stephanus...Calixti (papæ) ex sorore nepos”, and adds that he granted territory to “fratris sui comitis Barrensis aliorumque cognatorum et amicorum suorum” specifying “castrum Terli...castrumque ducis apud Vicum et munitionem inter Vicum et Marsallum in loco palustri sitam simulque castrum comitis de Hoemberc... castrum... Ramberti-villare...castrumque nobile Lucelnburch...castrum Viviers et partem ducis de Lemburc in castro Rucei... castrum...Mirabel et Falconis-montem...Danubrii et Asperi-montis...apud Spinal turrim...Moronis... castrum... Petro-pertusata...castrum Deulewart...turrim apud Tihecurt...et castrum...Walteri-montis”[95]. Etienne Bishop of Metz declared that “frater meus Teodericus comes de Montbiliart” recognised the incorrectness of his claims relating to Gorze Abbey by charter dated to [1138/63], which names “cognati nostri Theoderic, Mettensis primicerii”[96]. Etienne Bishop of Metz donated “prædium in feodo Commarciensi...Bernaicuria ...sylvam etiam Commarciensem...Foreid” to Riéval “per manum comitis Rainaldi præfati Commarciensis feodi possessoris... collaudante filiisque eius Hugone et Rainaldo” by undated charter, witnessed by “Gerardo castellano...”[97]. Etienne Bishop of Metz donated “molendinum in Commarciensi” to Riéval abbey “comite... Renaldo et ab utroque eius filio Ugone et Renaldo, a dominoque Stephano Metensi episcopo” by charter dated 9 Mar 1141 (O.S.?)[98]. He accompanied his brother Renaud on the Second Crusade in 1147[99]. The Gesta Episcoporum Mettensium (Continuatio) records the death “III Kal Jan” of "Stephanus" and his burial “iuxta chori”[100].
- GUILLAUME de Mousson (-before 8 Mar 1105). The mid-12th century Genealogica ex Stirpe Sancti Arnulfi names (in order) "Rainaldum, Theodericum, Fridericum, Willelmum et Stephanum episcopum Metensem fratres" as sons of "Theodericus"[101]. "Filia Wilelmi comitis de Burgundia Hermentrudis et filii sui Fridericus, Raginaudus, Theodericus" founded the Cluniac abbey of Froidefontaine by charter dated 8 Mar 1105 in which she names "suis antecessoribus…filiis autem Theoderici atque sue uxoris Hermentrudis, Lodewico, Wilelmo, Hugone"[102].
- HUGUES de Mousson (-before 8 Mar 1105). "Filia Wilelmi comitis de Burgundia Hermentrudis et filii sui Fridericus, Raginaudus, Theodericus" founded the Cluniac abbey of Froidefontaine by charter dated 8 Mar 1105 in which she names "suis antecessoribus…filiis autem Theoderici atque sue uxoris Hermentrudis, Lodewico, Wilelmo, Hugone"[103].
- GUNTHILDE de Mousson (-21 Feb 1131). Her father founded the abbey of Bibliesheim in 1100 and installed his daughter Gunthilde as first abbess[104]. She was canonised[105].
- AGNES de Mousson (-after 1140). The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines refers to the sister of "Theodoricum de Monte Beliardi, Fredericum de Ferretes…et Renaldum Strabum comitem de Barro Ducis" as the wife of "Hermanno de Salmis", and their sons "Henricum de Salmis et fratrem eius Theodericum abbatem sancti Pauli Virdunensis"[106]. A charter dated 1147 confirms the agreement between "comitissa Agnes et heredes de Languesten" and "Bencelinus de Turquesten cum filio suo Conone" and others relating to the abbey of Haute-Seille, with the consent of "comitissam Agnetem de Languesten cum filiis suis Henrico et Hermanno consulibus, Conrardum…comitem cum uxore sua Havyde et filio Hugone"[107]. She is named in the charter dated 1174 under which "Henricus comes de Salmis" confirmed donations to the abbey of Haute-Seille by "patrui mei comitis Hermani aviæque meæ Agnetis"[108]. A further detail is added by the charter dated 1186 under which "Henricus comes de Salmis" confirmed donations to the abbey of Haute-Seille by "Agnetem comitissam de Langesten aviam meam, Henricum patrem meum et Hermanum fratrem eius, consules"[109]. "Agnes comitissa" confirmed donations to the abbey of Saint-Sauveur for the soul of "comitis Godefridi mariti mei"[110], "Godefridi" presumably being a copyist's error for "Hermanni". m ([1104]%29 HERMANN Graf von Salm, son of HERMANN Graf von Salm King of Germany & his wife --- ([1075]-[1135]).
- MATHILDE de Mousson. Suger records the marriage of "Albertus nobilis comes Morspecensis" and "filiam Theoderici viri clarissimi de Monte Beliardo" who brought her husband various possessions of Saint-Denis "Blitestorp, Tatingum, Sulces, Fardulviler, Fehingas, Viler, Hoenchirche, Torneswile, Pretene" as dowry[111]. The primary source which confirms her name has not yet been identified. m ADALBERT Graf von Mörsberg, son of --- (-before 30 Aug 1125).
Deutsch Wikipedia Dietrich von Mousson
Eorlingas.org Theodoric II of Bar
1045 - 1105
Birth: 1045, Montbeliard, Doubs, Franche-Comte, France
Gender: Male
Died: 02 Jan 1105, Bar-le-Duc, Meuse, Lorraine, France
Person ID: I2093, Our Family Tree
Last Modified: d 13 Aug 2008 12:08:10
Father: Louis II of Montbeliard, b. 1019, Montbeliard, Doubs, Franche-Comte, France
Mother: Sophia of Bar-le-Duc, b. 1025, Lorraine, France
Family ID: F2859, Group Sheet
Family: Ermentrude of Burgundy, b. 1055
1. Theodoric III of Montbeliard, b. 1076, Montbeliard, Doubs, Franche-Comte, France
2. Reginald I of Bar, b. 1090, Bar-le-Duc, Meuse, Lorraine, France
Thierry II (Dietrich I) Count De Bar & Montbeliard
Born: 1045? Bar-Le-Duc, Meuse, France; died 2 January 1105
Father: Louis II Compte de Mousson Seigneur of Montbeliard & St. Mihel; born about 1004 Mousson, Lower Alsace, France; died 1065
Mother:Sophie Comtesse de Bar; born about 1018/25 Upper Louvain, France; died 21 January 1092
- Brunon Montbelliard born 1030? Bar-Le-Duc, Meuse, France
- Louis Montbelliard born about 1056 Bar-Le-Duc, Meuse, France died after 1105
- Frederic Luxembourg born about 1058 Bar-Le-Duc, Meuse, France died 29 June 1092
- Mathilde Montbelliard born about 1056 Bar-Le-Duc, Meuse, France died after 1105
- Sophie Montbelliard born about 1062 Bar-Le-Duc, Meuse, France died after 1105
- Beatrix Montbelliard born about 1064 Bar-Le-Duc, Meuse, France died 25 October 1092
- spouse: Ermentrude De Bourgogne; born 1060? Bourgogne, France; died after 08 March 1105
- married about 1076 Normandy, France
- Renaud I Count De Bar born about 1077 Bar-Le-Duc, Meuse, France; died 10 Mar 1149
- Louis Mortbell born about 1079 Bar-Le-Duc, Meuse, France died after 21 May 1096
- Thierry III Count De Bar born about 1079 Bar-Le-Duc, Meuse, France died 1112
- Frederic De Bar born about 1081 Bar-Le-Duc, Meuse, France
- Guillaume De Bar born about 1083 Bar-Le-Duc, Meuse, France
- Etienne Mortbell born about 1085 Bar-Le-Duc, Meuse, France died 31 December 1163
- Agnes De Bar born about 1087 Bar-Le-Duc, Meuse, France
- Gunthilde Mortbell born about 1089 Bar-Le-Duc, Meuse, France
notes or source: LDS
Our Royal, Titled, Noble ad Commoner Ancestors Thibaud III, Count of Bar
M, b. circa 1045, d. between 2 February 1102 and 1105
Father: Ludwig II, Count of Bar b. 1019, d. 1067
Mother: Sophia of Bar b. 1018, d. 21 Jan 1093
Charts: Descendants of Charlemagne
Thibaud III, Count of Bar Also Count of Mousson, Ferrette, Verdun, Seigneur of Montbeliard, and Landgraf in Alsace. He was born circa 1045 at of Bar-le-Duc, Meuse, France.
He married Ermentrude of Burgundy, daughter of Guillaume II 'the Great', Comte de Franche Comte, Burgundy, Macon, & Vienne, Lord of Salms and Stephanie de Longwy, in 1076 at of Normandy, France.2
Thibaud III, Count of Bar died between 2 February 1102 and 1105.
Family: Ermentrude of Burgundy b. c 1060, d. a 8 Mar 1105
- Mathilda of Bar+
- Dietrich II, Graf von Mömpelgard+ d. Jan 1163
- Friedrich I, Graf von Mömpelgard, Pfirt, & Amance+ d. 19 Jul 1160
- Ludwig von Bar1 d. 1105 or 1106
- Stephan von Bar1 d. 30 Dec 1162
- Hugo von Bar1 d. a 8 Feb 1105
- Gunthilde von Bar1 d. 21 Feb 1131
- Wilhelm von Bar1 d. a 8 Feb 1105
- Agnes de Bar+ b. c 1082, d. a 1147
- Renaud I, Count of Bar-le-Duc, Mousson, Brie, & Verdun+ b. c 1090, d. 10 Apr 1149
Detlev Schwennicke, Europaische Stammtafeln, New Series, Vol. I/2, Tafel 226.
Middle & Far East Families, Burgundy.
Thierry I de Mousson, comte de Bar's Timeline
1045 |
Bar-Le-Duc, Meuse, Lorraine, France
1070 |
Of Bar-Le-Duc, Meuse, France
1077 |
Bar-le-duc, Meuse, France
Bar-le-Duc, Lorraine, France
1079 |
Bar-Le-Duc, Meuse, France
1080 |
Bar-Le-Duc Argone Loraine, Bar Le Duc, Meuse, Grand Est, France
1082 |
Montbéliard, Franche-Comté, France
1083 |
Bar-Le-Duc, Meuse, France
1085 |
Of Bar-Le-Duc, Meuse, France