Thietburga von Haldensleben

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Thietburga von Haldensleben (956 - 1009)

Also Known As: "Thietburga Billung von Haldensleben"
Birthplace: Haldensleben,Anhalt,Sachsen, Germany
Death: March 23, 1009 (52-53)
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Dietrich von Haldensleben and Dorothea von Haldensleben
Wife of Dedo I von Wettin, Markgraf von Merseburg
Mother of Dietric II von Wettin, margrave of the Saxon Ostmark
Sister of Oda von Haldensleben; Mathilde von Havellan and Bernhard I von Haldensleben

Managed by: Private User
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About Thietburga von Haldensleben

DIETRICH [Theoderic], son of --- (-before 976). [Graf im Hassegau]. The Annalista Saxo calls him "Theodericus egregie libertatis vir" and names his two sons[248]. "Otto…rex" confirmed previous grants to Kloster Gandersheim including property "in pago Suththuringa in comitatu Uuillihelmi…[et] in pago Nordthuringa…in comitatu Theoderici in loco…Uuanzleua…[et] in Hliuthirithi in comitatu Irmenfridi" by charter dated 21 Apr 956[249]. "Otto…imperator augustus" donated property "in pagis Derlingon et Nortduringen in comitatu ipsius Mamaconi" to "nostro fideli Mamaconi" at the request of "Theoderici comitis" by charter dated 23 Apr 966[250].

m IMMA, daughter of ---. 976. "Otto…imperator augustus" confirmed donations of property "in Livbedinga in pago Gurketal et in comitatu Ratoldi comitis" by "Theoderici comitis cuidam viduæ Imma" for the foundation of a monastery by charter dated 11 Jun 975[251], although it is not known whether this refers to the same Graf Dietrich. Thietmar records that Dedo "went so far as to capture his own mother" when leading "the rebellious Bohemians against us at the church of Zeitz"[252].

Graf Dietrich & his wife had two children:

1. DEDO [I] (-killed in battle near Mose bei Wolmirstedt 13 Nov 1009). He is named as son of Dietrich in the Annalista Saxo, which records that he served Markgraf Ricdag and his son Karl[253]. Thietmar records that he was appointed Graf von Merseburg in succession to Count Bio[254]. m (before 985) THIETBURGA [von Haldensleben], daughter of DIETRICH Markgraf über den Gau der Heveller [Nordmark] & his wife ---. The parentage of the wife of Graf Dedo is deduced from her brother Bernhard being described as avunculus of her son, although she is not named in this passage[255]. Thietmar is more explicit, stating that Dedo married "Markgraf Dietrich's daughter, Thiedburga"[256]. Graf Dedo [I] & his wife had one child:

a) DIETRICH (-murdered 19 Nov 1034). "Theoderico, Dedonis occisi filio" is named in the Annalista Saxo, when recording that the king installed him in his father's Grafschaft[257]. Graf in Eilenburg 1017. Graf im Hassegau und Siusli 1021.

2. FRIEDRICH von Eilenburg (-Eilenburg 6 Jan 1017). "Dedonem et Fridericum" are named as sons of Dietrich in the Annalista Saxo[258]. Burggraf von Meissen. Herr von Eilenburg. Thietmar records the death of "Count Friedrich…in his burg Eilenburg", stating that he transferred Eilenburg to "his brother's son Dietrich" before he died while it was agreed that his remaining lands "would pass to his three daughters"[259]. The Genealogica Wettinensis records his death "in eadem civitate [=Hileburc civitatem suam] in sacra nocte epiphanie Domini"[260]. m ---. The name of Friedrich's wife is not known. Graf Friedrich & his wife had three children:

a) daughter (-after Jan 1017). Thietmar records the death of "Count Friedrich…in his burg Eilenburg", stating that he transferred Eilenburg to "his brother's son Dietrich" before he died while it was agreed that his remaining lands "would pass to his three daughters"[261].
b) daughter (-after Jan 1017). Thietmar records the death of "Count Friedrich…in his burg Eilenburg", stating that he transferred Eilenburg to "his brother's son Dietrich" before he died while it was agreed that his remaining lands "would pass to his three daughters"[262].
c) daughter (-after Jan 1017). Thietmar records the death of "Count Friedrich…in his burg Eilenburg", stating that he transferred Eilenburg to "his brother's son Dietrich" before he died while it was agreed that his remaining lands "would pass to his three daughters"[263].

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Thietburga von Haldensleben's Timeline

Haldensleben,Anhalt,Sachsen, Germany
Ostmark, H.R.E.
March 23, 1009
Age 53