Historical records matching Thomas Basset, II, Lord Headington
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Immediate Family
About Thomas Basset, II, Lord Headington
Family with Primary Sources
- 1. THOMAS Basset [I] of Headington, Oxfordshire (-after [1180/82]). The Red Book of the Exchequer refers to "Thomas Basset" in Oxfordshire in [1171/72][264]. m ALICE de Dunstanville, daughter of [ALAN de Dunstanville & his wife ---] (-after 1186). Oswald Barron names Alice as daughter of Alan de Dunstanville and records her marriage to Thomas Basset, but does not cite the corresponding primary source[265]. Her parentage is confirmed by a charter dated 20 Mar 1200 under which King John confirmed the grant of "manerium de Scaudeford", which "fuit Walteri de Dunestanvill avunculi sui, sic jus et liberum maritagium Aelic matris ipsius Gilberti", to her son "Gilberto Basset"[266]. Thomas [I] & his wife had [four] children: ...
- b) THOMAS Basset [II] of Headington, Oxfordshire (-1220). "Thomas Bass" granted "manerium meum de Comptun cum terra de Berewic" to "Alano filio meo" by charter dated to [1180/82?], witnessed by "…Waltero de Dunstanvile, Alano de Dunstanvile, Fulcone Basset…Thoma Basset juvene…"[285]. Thomas was most likely his parents’ second son, as shown by the order of witness names in the charter dated to [1180/1205] under which [his brother] "Gillebertus Basset" confirmed land at Cowley to "Waltero filio Tostani de Coveleia", witnessed by "Toma Basset, Alano Basset…"[286]. "Thom Basset" paid a fine for the marriage of "fil sua fil com de Warwic" in Oxfordshire and Warwickshire, dated 1205[287]. Matthew Paris names “...Thomas Basset” among the "consiliarios iniquissimos” of King John[288]. m PHILIPPA, daughter of WILLIAM FitzHugh Malbank & his wife ---. The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. Thomas [II] & his wife had three children:
- i) PHILIPPA Basset (-before 29 Nov 1265, bur Bicester Priory). "Thom Basset" paid a fine for the marriage of "fil sua fil com de Warwic" in Oxfordshire and Warwickshire, dated 1205[289]. "Henry earl of Warwick…and Philippa his wife, and Reginald de Vautorte…and Joan his wife, and Alice sister of Philippa and Joan" performed homage for the lands formerly of "Thomas Basset, whose heirs are Philippa, Joan and Alice", dated 19 May 1220[290]. Bracton records a claim, dated 1223, by "Walterus de Dunstanvilla" against "Johannem Byset et Aliciam Malet uxorem eius" concerning "terre…in Culintona", the defendants claiming that "ipse Alicia" held the land "in proparte sororum unde Johanna uxor Reginaldi de Vautort et Philippa uxor Henrici comitis Warrewici"[291]. An order dated 11 Oct 1227 records a lawsuit against "Henricum comitem Warewici et Philippam uxorem eius et Thomam filium ipsius comitis…"[292]. Bracton records an inquiry, dated 1231, by "Thome Basset" which names "Ricardus Suward…et Philippam comitissam Warwici uxorem eius"[293]. m firstly (after 1205) as his second wife, HENRY Earl of Warwick, son of WALERAN Earl of Warwick & his first wife Margaret --- ([1190]-1229 before 17 Oct). m secondly (before 4 Nov 1229, divorced 1242) RICHARD Siward, son of ---.
- ii) JOANNA Basset (-after 1230). "Henry earl of Warwick…and Philippa his wife, and Reginald de Vautorte…and Joan his wife, and Alice sister of Philippa and Joan" performed homage for the lands formerly of "Thomas Basset, whose heirs are Philippa, Joan and Alice", dated 19 May 1220[294]. Bracton records a claim, dated 1223, by "Walterus de Dunstanvilla" against "Johannem Byset et Aliciam Malet uxorem eius" concerning "terre…in Culintona", the defendants claiming that "ipse Alicia" held the land "in proparte sororum unde Johanna uxor Reginaldi de Vautort et Philippa uxor Henrici comitis Warrewici"[295]. m REGINALD de Vautort, son of --- (-1246).
- iii) ALICE Basset (-[1263]). "Henry earl of Warwick…and Philippa his wife, and Reginald de Vautorte…and Joan his wife, and Alice sister of Philippa and Joan" performed homage for the lands formerly of "Thomas Basset, whose heirs are Philippa, Joan and Alice", dated 19 May 1220[296]. Bracton records a claim, dated 1223, by "Walterus de Dunstanvilla" against "Johannem Byset et Aliciam Malet uxorem eius" concerning "terre…in Culintona", the defendants claiming that "ipse Alicia" held the land "in proparte sororum unde Johanna uxor Reginaldi de Vautort et Philippa uxor Henrici comitis Warrewici"[297]. The Pipe Roll 1223 records “Johannes Biset et Alicia uxor eius” owing “de Oblatis” in Devon[298]. m firstly [as his second wife,] WILLIAM Malet, son of GILBERT Malet & his wife Alice (-1215). m secondly (before 1221, annulled) H--- de Chaceporc, son of ---. m thirdly (1223 or before) JOHN Bisset, son of MANASSER Biset & his wife Alice --- (-1241).
- b) THOMAS Basset [II] of Headington, Oxfordshire (-1220). "Thomas Bass" granted "manerium meum de Comptun cum terra de Berewic" to "Alano filio meo" by charter dated to [1180/82?], witnessed by "…Waltero de Dunstanvile, Alano de Dunstanvile, Fulcone Basset…Thoma Basset juvene…"[285]. Thomas was most likely his parents’ second son, as shown by the order of witness names in the charter dated to [1180/1205] under which [his brother] "Gillebertus Basset" confirmed land at Cowley to "Waltero filio Tostani de Coveleia", witnessed by "Toma Basset, Alano Basset…"[286]. "Thom Basset" paid a fine for the marriage of "fil sua fil com de Warwic" in Oxfordshire and Warwickshire, dated 1205[287]. Matthew Paris names “...Thomas Basset” among the "consiliarios iniquissimos” of King John[288]. m PHILIPPA, daughter of WILLIAM FitzHugh Malbank & his wife ---. The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. Thomas [II] & his wife had three children:
- “Bromley: Midlands family history, and the search for the Leicestershire Origins.” By Ian Bromley. Page 31. GoogleBooks
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Thomas Basset, II, Lord Headington's Timeline
1156 |
Headington, Oxfordshire, England (United Kingdom)
1178 |
Heddingdon, Oxfordshire, England
1180 |
Headington, Oxfordshire, England (United Kingdom)
1184 |
Bolington, Oxfordshire, England
1190 |
Headington, Oxfordshire, England
1220 |
Age 64
Whitford, Devon, England (United Kingdom)
1969 |
January 13, 1969
Age 64
January 18, 1969
Age 64
January 23, 1969
Age 64