Immediate Family
About Thomas Hollandsworth, of Patrick County
- Not the same as Thomas B. Hollingsworth; Ann Adams, daughter of George Adams, married Thomas B. Hollingsworth (son of Zebulon Hollingsworth & Mary Jacobs).
- Not the same as Thomas Hollingsworth. That Thomas was the son & heir of Joseph H Hollingsworth, and he died unmarried in North Carolina. Ref: http://www.hollygardens.com/hollingsw/pafg05.htm#6450
- Susannah Mayes, daughter of Henry Mayes & Phebe Harrell, married Thomas Hollingworth (this profile).
Thomas (Hollandsworth) Hollingsworth is a DAR Patriot Ancestor, A056468.
Children of Susannah Mayze and Thomas Hollingsworth listed at DAR:
- Phoebe Hollingworth, born on - - 1777 at prob Patrick Co VA, died at Wise Co VA on - - married on 29 - Mar - 1794 to Simon Dotson.
- James Hollingsworth, Sr., born on - - 1771 at Patrick Co VA died at Henry Co VA on p - - 1866 and his ( 1st ) wife Nancy born on - - 1774 at _______________ died at Henry Co VA on p - - 1860 married on c - - 1790
Careful: wrong parents listed.
174. Thomas Hollingsworth [or Hollandsworth] was born on 2 Aug 1747 in Patrick County, Virginia. He died in 1830/1840 in Patrick County, Virginia.
Thomas married Susannah Mayze daughter of Henry Mayze and Phoebe Herrell about 1760. Susannah was born about 1750 in Virginia. She died about 1830 in Virginia.
They had the following children:
- + 404 F i Phoebe Hollingsworth was born about 1770.
- 405 M ii James Hollingsworth Sr. was born about 1771.
- + 406 F iii Ann H. Hollingsworth was born about 1773.
- 407 M iv Thomas Hollingsworth Jr. was born about 1775.
- 408 F v Betsy Elizabeth Hollingsworth was born about 1776.
- 409 F vi Sally Hollingsworth was born about 1778.
- 410 F vii Mary Hollingsworth was born about 1779.
- 411 F viii Sarah Hollingsworth was born about 1786.
- 412 F ix Susanna Hollingsworth was born about 1788.
- 413 M x Daniel Hollingsworth was born about 1790.
- 414 F xi Polly Hollingsworth was born about 1794.
At this time we do not know the parents of Thomas, Sr. We also do not know if there were more than the four children listed. It is possible that there were more children. The four names were obtained from the DAR.
In the book "History of Patrick and Henry Counties Virginia " by Virginia G. and Lewis G. Pedigo, the Hollandsworth fam ily owned the following land:
- On March 1, 1781 Thomas Hollandsworth was granted 52 acre s of land on both sides of Blackberry Creek.
- On March 29, 1800, he was granted 56 acres on Blackberry Cr eek and its waters adjoining Reed.
- On October 31, 1805, he was granted 51 acres on the north w aters of Blackberry Creek, adjoining his own and Witt's lan d.
- On Sept. 1, 1809, he was granted 15 acres on the north sid e of Blackberry Creek, adjoining Hairston and Cameron.
- On Sept. 29, 1823, he was granted 50 acres on the north wat ers of Blackberry Creek.
- He received a total of 158 acres in land grants around Blac kberry Creek in Henry (Now Patrick Co.) VA in 1781.
Thomas served as a Patriot-Private and took oath of allegia nce in Henry Co. VA on 30 Aug 1777. (listed in NSDAR Patrio t Index Books - 1994)
He was in the American Revolution in a militia company enga ged at Guilford Court House, served in John Cunningham's Co mpany in Col. Abrham Penn's Regiment, marching from Henry C o., VA to the assistance of General Greene at Guilford Cour t House; also served with militia in March 1781.
Information on this family from Patrick Co. Deeds; Patric k Co. VA 1820-1850 Census records; "History of Patrick an d Henry Counties, VA" by Virginia G. and Lewis G. Pedigo . (Stone, Roanoke 1933); "Marriages of Patrick County, Vir ginia 1791-1850" by Lela C. Adams; Henry County, Virginia W ill Abstracts Vol. I and II 177-1820 by Lela C. Adams; Henr y County, VA Death Records; Henry County, VA Census Record s 1860-1870; Sources: William Pierson, Reno, NV; Patsy Weik art, Fountain Vale, CA; and Anna M. Moore, Topeka, KS.
Thomas operated a grist mill on his property in Henry Co. J ames Hollandsworth, great-grandson of Thomas was instrument al in obtaining a marker erected at the gravesite of Thoma s commemorating his service in the Revolutionary War.
Children of Thomas and Susanna (We've been working from this list of children, which Carol provided at the beginning of this discussion. It seems to be holding up pretty well except that I think we now believe Sarah was a daughter-in-law, widow of a son (or nephew) we haven't found yet.) 1. James B: @ 1770 D: 9 Nov 1866 Patrick Co M; Nancy Smallman 5 Feb 1796 Patrick Co 2. Thomas B: 1775 D: ? M: Patsy Craddock 27 Feb 1802 PatrickCo 3. Betsy B: 1776 M: Samuel Harris 10 Oct 1793 Patrick Co 4. Phoebe B: 1777 M: Simon Dodson 29 Mar 1794 Patrick Co 5. Sally B: 1778 M: David Stow 29 Sept 1796 Patrick Co 6. Mary B: 1779 M: John Purdy 4 Jan 1800 Patrick Co 7. Sarah B: 1786 M: Isham Craddock 4 May 1804 Patrick co 8. Susannah B: 1788 M: William Keaton 14 May 1807 Patrick co 9. Daniel B: 1790 M: Elizabeth (Betty) Goard 26 Jan 1809 Patrick Co CHRONOLOGY OF THOMAS HOLLANDSWORTH Born 1731, Chester Co. Pa. In Virginia with family by 1742. Taxed in Lunenburg Co. Va. with Joseph 1749, 1750. Moved to then Anson Co. No. Car. with family about 1752. Inherited father's property as oldest son 1757. Land surveyed for him in Patrick (then Pittsylvania Co. Va.) April, 1768. Married Susannah Mayze, daughter of Henry, ca. 1775. 30 Aug 1777 THOMAS HOLLINGSWORTH signed the State Oath of Allegiance. Fought in county militia during Rev. War,1781. Lived on Blackberry Creek, Patrick Co. Va. for the rest of his life; may have been a miller (source of that is suspect). 1826: Thomas Senior and wife Susannah sold land to William H'worth. Still living in 1830 census. Apparently still living in 1833, but this could be a reference to his son Thomas. Notes for THOMAS B HOLLANDSWORTH: received 52 acre land grant in March 1781. Left Henry Co and marched to Guilford Courthouse, NC to join General Green's Army of the American Revolution. After returning home from war, continued to acquire land, some by state patent or land grant and some by purchase. Acquired at least 500 acres during his lifetime, developing it into a plantation. 1781--land grant 52 acres on both sides Blackberry Creek 1805--51 acres on north waters of Blackberry Creek 1823-50 acres 1823-54 acres on Blackberry Creek 1809-15 acres on Blackberry Creek More About THOMAS B HOLLANDSWORTH: Burial: northside of his property across hill from creek Military service: General Green's Army, Soldier in American Revolution Source: "Lunenburg Co. Va. Order Book 2, 1748-1752" by June Banks Evans, Bryn Ffyliaid Publ., New Orleans [no date]. This bookindicates that Thomas Hollingworth [sic] assigned his right to a reward (for capturing a wolf and turning in its head) to Matthew Talbot, and that Talbot collected the reward of 140 pounds of tobacco. This particular entry is undated, but all other entries in this list are dated 1748 and 1749. In general, capturing wolves for the reward was the activity of young men.) ANSON COUNTY, NC DEED ABSTRACTS, 1749-1766 and ABSTRACTS OF WILLS & ESTATES, 1749-1795 BY Brent Holcomb. , p. 150 "Anson County Administration Bonds from Secretary of State's Papers. Archives S. S. 1-20. S. S. 9 Anson County estate of Joseph Hollingsworth 24 Jan 1758: Martha Hollingsworth, Isaac Cox, Isaac Cook. Before John Frohock,Robt McClenachan." . p. 85, Volume 5, pp156-158"9 & 10 Sept 1757,Thomas Hollingsworth of Granville Co., SC (sic), son & heir at law of Joseph Hollingsworth decd, to Wm. Hollingsworth, his brother, (lease s5, release L50)..land on S side Broad R., on lower Fish Dam Cr., called Clarks Mill Cr., granted 4 Sept 1753, 300A...Thos. Hollingsworth (Seal) by Isaac Cox, atty. Wits: Adam McCool, Isaac Cook, Edwd. Musgrove. (This land now in Union Co., S. C.) ...Anson County Wills & Estates, N.C. Archives C. R. 005.801.1, "p.118 : 6 Jan 1758,Inventory of Estate of Joseph Hollingsworth, inhabitant of Broad River, by Martha Hollingsworth, widow of Joseph"..and p. 184 "14 Apr 1758, Inventory of Joseph Hollingswroth, by Martha Hollingsworth. Wit: Adam McCool. (Joseph Hollingsworth was a resident of what is now Union County, S. C." ....."Volume 6, p.418-421 (deed fragmentary), 1757, Thomas Hollingworth, son & heir at law to Joseph Hollingsworth of Anson & sd Thomas of Granville Co.,S. C. to Abraham Hollingsworth his brother of Anson Co. (Lease s5, release L_), 300A granted 4 Sept 1753 on S side Broad, including some Beaver dams on Cain Creek...Thomas Hollingsworth (Seal), Isaac Cox Attorney, Wit:___ McCool, Edward Musgrove, Isaac Cook Patent Book D, pp. 620-621: (Note the reference to a 1768 survey.) Thomas Jefferson, Esquire, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia to all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting. Know ye that in Consideration of the Ancient Composition of Five Shillings sterling paid by Thomas Hollingsworth into the Treasury of this Commonwealth there is Granted by the said Commonwealth unto the said Thomas Hollingsworth a Certain tract or parcel of land, containing 52 acres by Survey bearing date the twenty-eighth day of April One thousand seven hundred and sixty eight lying and being in the County of Henry formerly Pittsylvania on both sides Blackberry creek and Bounded as followeth, to wit, Beginning at a dogwood on the North side of the said creek and thence new Lines South fifty six degrees west thirty two Poles to a hickory South thirty two degrees west thirty seven poles Crossing the said Creek to an Ash North sixty eight degrees west thirty poles to a white oak North fifty five degrees west one hundred and fourteen poles to a red Oak North Twelve degrees East Sixty three poles crossing the Creek to a red Oak North eight five degrees East twenty four poles to a red Oak south thirty one degrees East seventy eight poles to a Chestnut tree on the Creek and thence down the same as it meanders to the Beginning with its Appurtenances: to have an to hold the said Tract or parcel of Land, with its Appurtenances to the said thomas Hollingsworth and his heirs forever. In Witness whereof the said Thomas Jefferson Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia hath hereunto set his hand and Caused the Lesser Seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed at Richmond on the first day of March in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and eighty one and of the Commonwealth the fifth. Thomas Jefferson Patrick Co. Deed Bk. 1, p. 526: 14 October 1797, Deed of Abram Mays of Patrick to Thomas Hollandsworth of the said county, Ð20, 50 acres on Blackberry Creek, beginning at Thomas Hollandsworth's own line in a white oak...east to a corner redoak in William's line, thence south to a black gum on Blackberry creek. Something different in this deed: "against me, my heirs, my wife and her heirs or either of us or our heirs" suggests he has a new wife, to whom this land may have belonged, who has her own children. Howevr, no wife signed tis deed! It is witnessed by Samuel Harris and John Jossett (both by mark) and Joseph Cummings. Patrick Co. Deed Bk. 1, p. 527: 2 November 1797, John Gusset and Thomas Holansworth to William Witt, Ð5, 20 acres "Witts' old line on the south side of said creek...to the Division line between sd. Gusset and Holansworth thence down to sd Creek and cross... Witt's line. Signed John Gusset, his mark, and Thomas Holansworth, his mark.; no witnesses. [my note: if Thomas ever was a miller, I'd say this was the mill tract, but no mention of a mill is in this document.] One of the most useful things I have for Henry & Patrick Co. is a little booklet Lela Adams did made up of special tax lists taken during the Revolution. It lists everybody who was in the county then, and it indicates who hadn't signed the loyalty oath to the cause because they were double or triple taxed. The years covers are 1778, 1779 and 1780. Henry Co.then included Patrick Co. and the southern half of Franklin Co. Here, by year, are the names I recognize as being part of this group: 1778: James Spencer was leader of some militia group; Adams: Jacob & William listed together; Richard listed separately Francis (who's somehow related to one of my families) Dodson: Charles, Lambath, East: William & John (listed together); James Gravely: Bittersworth (oh I do hope I descend from Bittersworth Gravely -- what a name!) Hill: Isham, Thomas, Violet, Thomas again Hollinsgworth, Darrick -- double taxed; -- who's this? Hollandsworth: Thomas and William taxed together Sherwood & Henry & Abraham listed together May: James, Ambrose Nunn: Thomas Spencer: James This list ends at S 1779: Adams: Thomas, Abraham, Jacob and William listed together; Cox: Francis & John listed together Dodson, William; Charles; Lambath; East: William; John; James Gravely: Joseph & John -- triple taxed Hollingsworth: Thomas; separately listed, William Mays: Henry, Abraham Nunn: Ingram & Thomas, together James; James Sr. Walker: Joel; Samuel 1780: Adams: Thomas, Abraham, Jacob and William, listed together Cox: Francis Foster: Charles Gravely: Joseph Hollinsworth, William Senior; Thomas Mays: Sherwood, Abraham (listed separately; don't see Henry.) Nunn: Ingram Spencer: James Sr., James Jr. Stults: George Interesting list -- obviously everybody isn't listed every year. Soldiers were exempt. But my Stultz's only show up once and Adam and his sons were never listed, tho I know they were there the whole time. They were Germans -- maybe they left them alone -- who knows? Henry County Virginia Deeds: 1 Mar 1781 book D pg 620 52 acres on both side of Blackberry Creek. (Patrick Co wasnt formed yet) Patrick County Virginia Deeds: 29 Mar. 1800 book 45 pg 246 56 acres on Blackberry Creek and its waters, adjourning Reed 31 Oct 1805 book 54 pg 399 51 acres on the north waters of Blackberry Creek adjourning his own &Witts land 1 Sept 1809 book 59 pg 228 15 acres on the north side of Blackberry Creek, adjourning Anglins land 29 Sept 1823 book 72 pg 483 50 acres on the north waters of Blackberry Creek. Here is a new Hollandsworth factoid: Thomas & Wm. Hollinsworth were listed together on Thomas Dillard's list of Pittsylvania co. tithables for the year 1773. Vincent Hollinsworth was listed immediately after them. In 1775, Vincent Hollinsworth and William Hollinsworth were listed together and Thomas Hollinsworth was two names after. Richard Adams, Wm. Adams, Thomas Adams were on the same list. These are from old notes of mine I found yesterday. The 1773 list was taken by Archibald Hughes. The 1775 list is in with names that caused me to mark the list "probably Henry Co." They appear inHenry in 1778. Henry was formed from Pitts. in 1776 and I didn't find them on the Pitts. lists thereafter, though I didn't look for them either. From Carol: In your email today you said in regard to Thomas recording the land grant 1 Mar 1781, 13 years after acquiring it, that something else was happening to cause him to want to record ownership. Well I think I know. In Mar 1871 he headedout for the Revolutionary War from Henry County to the assistance of General Greene at Guilford Court House. This is stated in "History of Patrick and Henry Counties, Va" by Pedigo. So I would thinkthat he had gotten his affairs in order before he left, in case he didn't make it back. What do you think? (Note: the only proof that Thomas was in the Rev. War seems to come from a militia list compiled by Abraham Penn, the local militia captain, and printed in both the county histories in print. I have no idea where the original document is.) Patrick Co. Deed Bk. 6, p. 568, Thomas Hollanworth seaner [sic] and Susanner his wife of the county of Patrick to William Hollanworth of same [no mention of relationship], for $200, 100 acres bounded by ... Blackberry Creek ... Thomas Stoe's [sic] line. This defends against claims by wife Susannah and her heirs (as the Abram Mays deeds did) so that may just be this lawyer's style. Signed Thomas Hollanworth (his mark) and Susanner Hollanworth (her mark). Then a statement follows which says, "We Thomas Penn and Edward Philpott, magistrates of said county do hereby certify that Thomas Hollanworth seaner party to the within conveyance hath duly acknowledged the same before us ont he 21st day of Noember in the year 1826 and descired us to certify the asaid acknowledgement to the Clerk of the County Court of Patrick in order that the said conveyance may be recorded as witness our hand and seal... Then a statement from the May 1827 court, Patrick Co., recording the deed and certificate. "History and Genealogy of the Thomas Hollandsworth Family" James A. Hollandsworth, Patrick Co., Va., self-published ca. 1966; copy in my file. Source says Thomas was in John Cunningham's company of the Henry Co. militia, commanded by Col. Abraham Penn; has a 1967 letter that states that a descendant of A. Penn had the original muster roll in his possession and it was quoted in Pedigo's "History of Patrick & Henry Cos." as well as an earlier book. Copy of Pedigo's page is included in this book. Same source refers to a will of this Thomas, in a letter from Mrs. McComas on page 45. Did this will exist? If so, the compiler never mentioned it. [A search of the probate records of Patrick Co. Va. shows no will for Thomas Hollandsworth.] This source says Thomas Hollandsworth was a miller who lived in Patrick Co. (originally Henry Co.) on Blackberry Creek. He was a soldier in the Rev. War, as shown by Pedigo in her "History of Patrick Co." This book claims Thomas was the immigrant, but that's almost certainly not true. He compiler describes finding the grave of Thomas Hollandsworth Sr. and having a government gravestone installed there. This source consistently quotes 1810 Patrick Co. census as saying "not naturalized" and implies from that that Thomas was the immigrant. There is no 1810 Patrick Co. census, and if there were it probably didn't mark immigration status. The 1810 Patrick Co. tax list, as published in "1810 Census Substitutes for Va. Counties" lists: (from this source, which clearly is wrong!) Thomas Hollandsworth, 2 males, 5 horses James Hollandsworth, 1 male, 1 horse Thomas Hollandsworth, 1 male, 1 horse Daniel Hollandsworth, 1 male, 2 horses. By 1810 these sons were all married. Was Mays Hollandsworth the son counted with Thomas? Page 63, lists census records for this family. The 1810 census he shows is identical to the 1820 -- clearly it must be the 1820. Thomas Hollandsworth recorded as "Senior" in 1820 had 2 men 16-26; 1 male45+; 1 female under 45, 1 female over45 ( this is not written clearly and needs to be confirmed.) Thomas Jr. is also shown as 26-45, as is James. Who is the William Hollandsworth, age 18-26 shown here? According to the census figures listed in this book, Thomas Sr. and his wife were both still living in 1830, where they are shown as being 80 to 90 years old. Same source (p. 38) shows that Thomas Hollandsworth was listed onthe Patrick Co. Personal Prop. Tax list in 1791 and on the land tax list for that year he was taxed for two tracts, 52 acres and 223 acres. Same source lists grants: 1 Mar. 1781, 52 acres on Blackberry Creek, pat. no. 247, p. 620 31 Oct. 1805, 51 acres on north waters of Blackberry Creek, adj. his own and Witt's land, pat. no. 271, p. 399. 1 Sept. 1809, 51 acres on Blackberry Creek, pat. no.315, p. 228. 1823, 50 acres 1823, 54 acres on Blackberry Creek Separately lists on page 42, grant of 56 ac. on Blackberry Cr, Pat. no. 184, p. 246, dated 1 Mar. 1781. 2. Holingsworth, Thomas Farr, William, Plat for 650 acres in Craven County 3/15/1773 3. Holingsworth, Thomas Rinchard, Elizabeth, plat for 100 acres in Craven County 4/13/1773 9. Farr, William, memorial for 650 acres on FishCreek, Craven County 1/6/1775 10. Rinchard, Elizabeth, memorial for 100 acres on Broad River, Craven County 10/10/1774 11. McFerson, John, Land Grant for 150 acres on lower Fish Dam Creek, Broad River, Originally granted by the Governor of North Carolina to John Hannah on September 4, 1753 ( 1 page) 1/6/1775 12. Hollingsworth, William, land grant for 300 acres on Clarks Mill Creek and Broad River, originally granted by the Governor of North Carolina to Thomas Hollingsworth.( 1page) 3/1/1775 13. McFerson, John, memorial for 150 acres on Broad River and Fish Dam Creek, summarizing a chain of title to a Grant to John Hannah of Sept. 4, 1753, 6/28/1775. 14. Hollings, William memorial for 300 acres on Fish Dam Creek, summarizing a chain of title to a grant to Thomas Hollingsworth. This letter by Lela C. Adams, dated 2 March 1976, found in her Hollandsworth file at the Bassett Va. library: Mrs. E. H. Atkins 13 Royal Oaks Greenwood, SC 29646 ... I became interested in John Gossett because of his relationship to Thomas Hollandsworth. It seems that wherever you would find John Gossett there would be a Hollandsworth. They were brothers-in-law,having married daughters of Henry & Phoebe Mayse... Apparently, both Thomas Hollandsworth and John Gossett had married before they came to Henry County, where I do not know. If we could find outwhere Henry Mayse lived prior to coming to this area, we would probably find the Hollandsworth and Gossett families. I am enclosing some information on Gossett from the court records. The land you mention on Blackberry Creek adjoined Thomas Hollandsworth and was granted to John Gussett 29 June 1784, being 446 acres on Blackberry Creek, Grant Bk. K., p. 192... Blackberry Creek is locted int eh northwest section of Henry Co. and at times has been part of Patrick Co., and you will find records in Henry and Patrick for the Hollandsworths and Gossetts... I would think that the sale of the land of John Gossett would be found in Patrick Co. [My note: interesting speculation about finding them with Henry Mayse, but 'tain't necessarily so. We now know that T.H. had land surveyed in (now) Patrick Co. in 1768; we have the earliest child b. ca. 1770; we have Henry Mayse in Henry Co. by 1770 when he was already "of Pittsylvania Co." So it would appear that the place where they met was Henry Co.! From Jimmie Sue, 7/28/97 Hi everybody, I have received some of the South Carolina Documents. I got them last Friday, it sure does take a long time. Not as long as ordering a book from Blair's, I still haven't received my book " Descendants of Valentine Hollingsworth" and it has been ordered for a long time. Libby, referring to your e-mail of Sunday July 27th. Ireceived: 11. McFerson, John Land Grant for 150 acres on Lower Fish Dam Creek, Broad River, dated and granted Jan. 6, 1775. It states that this 150 acres of land joins Thomas Hollingsworth's corner, so this doesn't say he is selling. His name is on this document only as a reference point for land boundaries. The original land grant to John Hannah was September of 1753. [ This is the way the description reads] " One Hundred and fifty acres/ originally granted by the Governor of North Carolina on the 4th day of September 1753 to John Hannah and since purchased by and now in the actual popipion? of the said John McFerson, which said land by the Continuation of the Boundary line lately run in penance of His Majesty's Instructions between this Province and North Carolina now falls within the limits of this government/ Situate on the South side of Broad River, on the lower fish dam Creek, beginning at a Hickory X on Thomas Hollingsworth's Corner and runs along said line, T 44, W, 40 Chains, to a black Jack hence S. 46 and 371/2 chains to the beginning. It is witnessed by the Honorable William Bull Esq. Lieut. Now this doesn't say that Thomas was still living on that land in 1774/75, But if the" Boundary line lately run "at the order of the King, could mean he or his heirs still owned it. 10. Rinchard, Elizabeth: This is more of the same, 100 acres of land in Craven Co. on the North Side of Broad River bounded by Thomas Hollingsworth and it is dated 15, December, 1774. 9. William Farr: This one is dated 7th of September 1773, and again it is on fish dam creek on the South side of Broad River in Craven County, and Thomas Hollingsworth's land is used as a boundary. So far this is all I have received on Thomas Hollingsworth, but he could have removed to Va. and not as yet have sold his land or if he has then maybe it was not yet recorded. What I have on Joseph Hollingsworth is copies of a receipt for supplies for the Militia, a bill he presented, anda receipt for payment. I think the date is Aug. 1822, or 1882. The 3rd no. is very funny looking. I had planned to send everybody copies of these documents, but I have a problem. The pages are very large, and the printers in town will only copy up to 11x 14, and these are larger than that. The closest print shop is in B'ham about 70 miles from where I live. If anyone or everyone can get copies made I will be happy to mail you the originals, let you copy them, and then you can send them back. I expect to receive the rest of the copies I ordered within the next week or so. Some of you may be better at reading these documents that I am. Let me know. Jimmie Sue (Research):FA6: 30 AUG 1877 Took oath of allegiance before Edmund Lyne, Esq. in Henry County, VA _FA7: Served as militiaman in John Cunningham's Company, Henry County, VA _FA8: May have been foreign born _FA9: 1810 Appeared on tax rolls for Patrick Co., VA; owned 2 horses; no slaves. Residence: 1820 Henry County, VA
1770 • Virginia, United States - Marriage Susannah Mayes (1747–1835)
1781 Military Service (Posted 25 May 2020 by EdHollandsworth3)
Thomas Hollandsworth, listed on the Muster Roll of Col Abraham Penn, Commanding a Militia of 16 Companies, Henry County Mlitia, Thomas Hollandsworth was in the company of Capt John Cunningham. He, along with other Militiamen under Col Penn, marched on 11th of March 1781, from Henry County, Virginia to join General Adam Stephens at Hillsborough, North Carolina for services in the impending battle of Guilford Court House, and with General Greens Military forces fought four days thereafter against the forces of Lord Cornwallis and the British forces trying to subdue the Colonialists in their fight for freedom.
Thomas Hollandsworth also signed the "Oath of Allegiance to the commonwealth of Virginia, renouncing allegiance to England and King George III.
For his service he was given a grant of land - Henry County, Commonwealth Grants and Patents - Pat 247, Page 620 - Thomas Hollandsworth March 1, 1781. Other Patent #'s 184, 271, 315, 219, 308, 309, 622. Approximately 607 Acres on Blackberry Creek.
P. 61, Fathergills Va Tax List 1782-87. Thomas Hollandsworth, 1 male, Henry County.
1781 Mar 1 • Patrick County, VA, Land Grant for 52 acres on both sides of Blackberry Creek in Patrick County issued to Thomas Hollingsworth by Virginia Governor Thomas Jefferson based on a land survey from 1768.
1791 Patrick County, VA, Published excerpts from Virginia Deed Book 1, 1791-1801, show Elisabeth, Isaac, James and Thomas living on the land at Blackberry Creek. Evidence strongly supports theory that Thomas Hollingsworth was the son of William Hollingsworth and Sarah Robinson.
1794 Mar 27 Patrick County, VA, Handwritten note to Patrick County clerk of court to allow his daughter to marry a Simon Dodson. Genealogy of Phoebe Hollandsworth shows she married Simon Dotson and died in Wise, VA. She was born in 1777, so she was 17 years old when she got married.
1791 -1801 Virginia Deed Book 1 Information
Lists names of individuals associated with the property on Blackberry Creek as Elisabeth, Isaac, James and Thomas. Isaac, James, and Thomas were almost certainly the brothers and Elisabeth (Newman) was probably the wife of Isaac. Date is between 1791 and 1801. Data seems to confirm theory that Thomas Hollingsworth was son of William Hollingsworth who had already died by then. (ED EdHollandsworth3 originally shared this on 22 Jan 2022)
1807 Patrick Co VA DB 4 p 186 20 NOV 1807, Patrick, Virginia, USA, Thomas Hollandsworth Sr. purchased 30 acres of land from Samuel Harris for $25
- Reference: FamilySearch Genealogy - SmartCopy: Dec 9 2022, 6:20:05 UTC
- Hollandsworths of Clay County, Kentucky; Patrick, Grayson and Wythe Counties, Virginia; and Hollingsworths of Campbell County, Tennessee < link > DNA testing has confirmed that the Hollandsworths of Clay County, Kentucky, Patrick County, Virginia, Grayson County, and Wythe County, Virginia, and the Hollingsworths of Campbell County, Tennessee, share a common ancestor. That ancestor probably lived on the Eastern Shore of Maryland during the seventeenth century. Documentary evidence strongly indicates that James Hollingsworth of Campbell County, Tennessee, was a descendant of John Hollingsworth, who came to Maryland as a teen-aged indentured servant in the 1650s. It is highly likely that John's brother Charles lived in the same area in the late 1600s. Thomas Hollandsworth was still alive and living in Patrick County at the time of the 1830 Census when he gave his age as being between 80 and 90. From this information, I extrapolate that William was a relatively old man in 1787, probably born before 1730, and that Thomas, who would have been between 37 and 47 years old at that time, was William's son.
- http://www.hollygardens.com/hollingsw/pafg09.htm#2057 calls him 174. Thomas B. Hollingsworth Sr. (Zebulon , Henry - Henery , Vallentine , Henry ) was born on 2 Aug 1747 in Patrick County, Virginia. He died in 1830/1840 in Patrick County, Virginia. (Parents incorrect).
Thomas Hollandsworth, of Patrick County's Timeline
1740 |
1770 |
Patrick, Virginia
Virginia, USA
Pittsylvania, Virginia, United States
1771 |
P-Henry Co., VA. /Henry Co., VA
1775 |
Pittsylvania or Patrick County, VA, United States
Stokes, North Carolina, United States
1780 |
Henry, Virginia, USA
1786 |