Historical records matching Thomas Hull, the Younger
Immediate Family
About Thomas Hull, the Younger
- https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/K295-7G8
- http://www.hullfamilyassociation.org/genealogist_errors_joseph.shtml
The George Hull Line and the Reverend Joseph Hull Line of Crewkerne, co. Somerset, England==
These men were brothers and sons of Thomas Hull, the Younger. Thomas Hull, the Younger, was a son of Richard Hull and this is where the lineage ends, as the parish records terminate with this generation.
There is absolutely no evidence to assign this family to a lineage which includes Hugh Hull and Matthew Hull. These Hulls are an entirely separate family from the Crewkerne, England, Hulls, and are not known to be related.
2. THOMAS HULL (Richard1). Born ca 1552 in Of Crewkerne, Somersetshire, England. Thomas died in Somersetshire, England, bef 29 Dec 1636; he was 84. Buried in Crewkerne Cemetery, Crewkerne, Somersetshire, England. On 11 Jan 1572/1573 when Thomas was 20, he married Joane PYSSING, daughter of John PESON/PYSING & Margery ?, in Crewkerne, Somersetshire, England. Born ca 1554 in England. Joane died in England bef 30 Oct 1629; she was 75.
They had the following children:
- William. Occupation: Vicar Of Colyton.
- George (1589->1658)
- JOSEPH (1595-1665)
- John. Born in England.
Thomas and his brothers belonged to a militia organized for the purpose of defending the Realm from the feared invasion of Spain, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth. (According to the Certificate of Musters/569 Somerset Record Society, Vol. 20, 1904 page 23)
Thomas was listed as "pekeman" (probably one who fought with a pike) and Raynold was a "billman" (one who fought with a bille). Raynold along with others was responsible to supply the following weapons: 16 billies, 12 swords, 10 daggers, and 12 skulls (caps).
Summary to Thomas Hull's Will:
Archdeaconry of Tauton, 1636-75
Thomas Hull of Crewkerne, dated 17 December 1636
All my goods and chattels to my daughter in law Edith Hull's four children, to be divided between them as shall be most need, by the discretion of John Ball, schoolmaster and John Bere, the Elder. Edith Hull, my daughter in law to be executor in trust for her four children.
Notes for Thomas Hull:
Thomas appears to have been prosperous, since he was able to send two of his sons to Oxford. The full description of their parentage in the marriage record indicates their wealth allowed them to marry in their minority.
- "The Pyssing Ancestry of the Hulls of New England," by John Insley Coddington, Studies in Genealogy and Family History in Tribute to Charles Evans on the Occasion of His Eightieth Birthday (Lindsay L. Brook, editor) (Salt Lake City : Association for the Promotion of Scholarship in Genealogy, Ltd, 1990) Page: pp. 44, 49, p. 50, Note 1
Residence: Crewkerne, Somersetshire, England.
Thomas Hull1
b. 1552, d. before 29 December 1636
Parent Richard Hull2 b. circa 1515, d. before 6 June 1559
Parent Alice ?2 b. circa 1533, d. before 25 November 1587
Thomas Hull was born in 1552 in Crewkerne, Somerset, England.3 He married Joan Pyssing, daughter of Richard Pyssing and Margery Everedd?, on 11 January 1572/73 in Crewkerne, Somerset, England.3,4 Thomas died before 29 December 1636.3 He was buried on 29 December 1636 in Crewkerne, Somerset, England.3
Thomas lived in Winsham and Crewkerne, Somerset, England. He was taxed, in 1627, at Crewkerne, in the Subsidy of King Charles I.3
Some time before 1599 the four families who had inherited equal shares in Crewkerne Manor from the last Earl of Devon decided to have a survey made to ascertain the value of their inheritance. These four families were Mawde Hull (widow of John Hull brother of Thomas Hull the younger), Margery Pesinge (widow of RIchard Pesinge, mother of Joane Peson wife of Thomas Hull the younger), Elizabeth Pesinge (sister of Joane Peson), and Thomas Hull (the younger).
Note: Thomas Hull, the younger, is apparently Richard's 2nd son named Thomas. His mother is the 2nd wife, Alice. The names listed above as Pesinge, Peson, and Pyssing are probably all referring to the same family name as they did often did not coordinate the spelling of names in that time.
Crokherne Manor
A Survey and Rentall of the sayde Mannor rendered and made att a Courte of Survey there holden by xxvjth day of April in the One and forteth yere of the Raygne of our moste gracious Sovraigne Lady Queene Elizabeth Anno dm 1599.
The Lordshyppe of Crokerne is a stately Lordshyppe and a greate markett Towne and standeth in the highe way betweene London and Exetter ffyve myles from Taunton and sixe myles from Evell... is Devyded into seven sevrell Tythings or villages that is to saye Crokerne Magna, Crokerne Parva, Mysterton, Wollmyston, Combe, Clapton, and Hewishe...
Within the Towne of Crokerne is a Markett every Saturday well served and furnished with all kyndes of wares and victuals oute of all parts of the Countrye and myche accesse thether by reason of the sayde markett. And on Bartholomewe day yerely a greate fayre the Toll stalling and profitts as well of the fayre, and of the markett appertayneth to the Lords and is worth fforty pounds yerely...
Free Tennants
Mawde Hull wyddowe holdeth by coppy for lyves a Close of pasture sometyme parcell of the demeane lands of the Lord called Wetherly conteyninge fforygndon call Braodmoor Conteyninge Tenne Acres And a tenement in Crokerne Conteyninge xxx Acres Suites & servics as before And yeldeth by the yere.
Margery Pesinge wydowe holdeth for lyves for Coppy One tenemt annexed with seventeene Acres of lande lying in the Common fields one close of pasture in ffordingdon downe called Knapper Conteyninge xvj Acres One Moore with a lyttle meadowe within the same conteyninge fyve Acres of lande and yeldeth yerely.
Elizabeth Pesinge holdeth for lyves by Coppye One Cottage in Crokerne And yeldeth by the yere.
Thomas Hull holdeth by Coppy for lyves One close called Cleeves conteyninge fyve Acres situate att Shuttersbridge And yeldeth yerely.
Tythinge of Ashecombe
Margery Pesinge holdeth for lyves by Coppy one close of pasture att Rowmanshed called Rannyscombe otherwise rownam conteyninge 10 Acres sometimes parcell of the Lords demeanes lyinge in the tythinge of Combe and heldeth yerely.3
Thomas made a will on 17 December 1636. Transcription of Thomas' will, Archdeaconry of Tahuton, 1636-75:
Thomas Hull of Crewkerne, dated 17 Dec 1636
All my goods and chanttells to my daughter in law Edith Hull's four children, to be divided among them as shall be most need by the descretion of John Ball, schoolmaster [headmaster of Crewkerne Free Grammer School, 1612 to 1636], and John Bere, the elder.
Edith Hull my daughter in law to be executor in trust for her four children.
Witnesses, John Ball, John Bere.3
His will was proved on 10 February 1636/37.3
Family 1 Joan Pyssing b. 1551
Children William Hull b. 6 Nov 15742
Mary Hull b. 12 Oct 15772
Agnes Hull b. c 15782
Richard Hull b. 21 Nov 15792
Thomas Hull b. 21 Jul 1582, d. a 16272
Robert Hull b. 8 Nov 15842
John Hull b. 14 Feb 1586/872
George Hull b. c 1590, d. b 25 Aug 16592
Francis Hull b. 13 Feb 15912
Joseph Hull b. 30 Mar 15943
Joseph Hull b. 25 Apr 1596, d. 19 Nov 16652
Joshua Hull b. 1597/98, d. 19 Nov 16652
Richard Hull b. 3 Dec 1599, d. 3 Dec 16622
Family 2
Child John Hull b. 7 Aug 1632, d. 1 Feb 16702
Thomas and his brothers belonged to a militia organized for the purpose of defending the Realm from the feared invasion of Spain, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Thomas was listed as a "pekeman" (probably one who fought with a pike) and Raynold was a "Billman" (one who fought with a bille)
(more) He had an estate probated on 10 Feb 1637 in Crewkerne, Somerset Co., ENG;
- http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~steeles/Steele/d87.htm#P6511
- http://otal.umd.edu/~walt/gen/htmfile/5232.htm
1/11/1572 marriage of Thomas Hull to Johane Peson - Crewkerne [p 6 Somerset Parish Registers: marriages]
Birth: 1547 Crewkerne South Somerset District Somerset, England Death: Dec. 29, 1636 Crewkerne South Somerset District Somerset, England
Born, married and died in Crewkerne. Son of Richard and Alyce (Alice). According to “Genealogies of the Early Families of Weymouth, Massachusetts,” Thomas Hull and Johane Peson (Joan Person) were married in Crewkerne, Somerset, England on January 11, 1572/3. "Crewkerne" may have originated with the Celtic word "crewel' meaning "stepping stones."
When Thomas died in Crewkerne in 1636 his estate was worth only 17 pounds 7 shillings 6 pence, and he owed 9 pounds 2 shillings 6 pence in debts. After funeral expenses, he left only 2 pounds cash. Ann Hansen, in The English Origin of the "Mary & John" Passengers speculated that his home "must have been hardly more than a hovel since, according to the inventory, it contained only a bed, two table boards, one chest, two coffers, one chair, one other item of furniture, one skillet, and one pewter dish." 287 Colonial Families of the United States of America: Volume 3. Thomas' son George immigrated from Crewkerne to Windsor, Ct USA in 1626. He was very well connected at that time to wealthy merchants, and was a personal friend of the Governor of Connecticut.
Thomas and Joane had the following children: Elinor Hull (b. 1573) William Hull (VICAR) (1574-1627) Mary Hull (1577-1584) Agnes Hull (1578-1579) Thomas Hull Jr. (1582-1627) Robert Hull (1584-1654) John Hull (1586-1627) George Hull (1590-1659) Francis Hull (1591-1595) Frances Hull (1592-1594) Joseph Hull (1594-1665) Joshua Hull (1597-1665) Richard Hull (1599-1662) submitted by member# 47381115
Family links:
Richard Hull (____ - 1559)
Alice Hull (1525 - 1587)
Joan Pysing Hull (1551 - 1629)*
Robert Hull (1584 - 1654)*
George Hull (1590 - 1659)*
Joseph Hull (1595 - 1665)*
*Calculated relationship
Note: b
Burial: St Bartholomew Churchyard Crewkerne South Somerset District Somerset, England
Edit Virtual Cemetery info [?]
Maintained by: Deborah Gandy Originally Created by: Carolyn Gray Record added: May 10, 2013 Find A Grave Memorial# 110322893
Thomas Hull (d. date unknown) Thomas Hull1619 was born in of Crewkerne, Somersetshire, England1620, and died date unknown.He married Joane Peson. Children of Thomas Hull and Joane Peson are: +George Hull, b. Abt. 1589, Crewkerne, Somerset, d. Aft. May 26, 1658, Fairfield1621.
Thomas Hull, the Younger's Timeline
1552 |
July 21, 1552
Crewkerne, Somerset, England (United Kingdom)
1573 |
Crewkerne, Somerset, England
1574 |
November 6, 1574
Crewkerne, Somerset, England, United Kingdom
1577 |
October 12, 1577
Crewkerne, Somerset, England
1578 |
Crewkerne, Somerset, England
1582 |
July 21, 1582
Crewkerne, Somerset, England, United Kingdom
1584 |
November 8, 1584
Crewkerne, Somerset, England
1586 |
February 14, 1586
Crewkerne, Somerset, England
1590 |
August 27, 1590
Crewkerne, Somerset, England (United Kingdom)