Thomas Keene was born in about 1593, according to the deposition he made in 1648 stating that he was “thr abts” 55 years old. There is no documentation whatsoever connecting this Thomas Keene to any parents in England, nor documentation for his specific date or place of birth in England. The speculation that he was one son of Thomas Keene and Elizabeth Gosnold of Otley, Suffolk was wholly rejected in 2014 by two preeminent genealogists with the New England Historical and Genealogical Society, Gary Boyd Roberts and Douglas Charles Richardson, both authors and authorities on Americans with royal descent (NEHGS: Genealogical Thoughts - Gary Boyd Roberts #49, Further Changes in Royal Descents, 2000). Despite this professional assessment, as has been repeatedly posted on this page and elsewhere on the internet, the Keene/Gosnold speculation persists, however unfounded.
His actual arrival in the British colonies is unconfirmed, but he was first definitively recorded in 1638 on Kent Island in the Chesapeake Bay (both Maryland and Virginia claiming the island at that time) when he was recruited to go to St. Mary’s County, Maryland, to make pipe staves. He returned to Kent by no later than 1639 and received his own land grant of 100 acres on the island in Nov of 1640. In this same time period, between 1638 and 1640, he married Mary Thorley (maiden name generally accepted but still unproven), possibly on Kent Island, perhaps in St. Mary's prior to returning to Kent, and she easily young enough to have been his daughter. A series of records are found for Thomas on Kent Island afterwards, several recorded in the Maryland capital of St. Mary’s City, but specific to Kent Island. He was a cooper, possibly a merchant at some point, as well as a planter/landowner after 1640.
Thomas was one the 100 men recruited and transported by Col. William Claiborne, Esq. of Virginia in 1644 to fight in southern Virginia under his command in the Third Powhatan War. Claiborne thereafter received a land patent of 5000 acres, lying on the north side of the Pamunkey River, claiming all those transported as headrights, although not recorded until 1 Sept. 1653. The war ended in 1646 and Thomas returned afterwards to Kent Island where he was once again found in records up until late 1648. Thomas and his family remained on Kent Island until about 1649/50, when they moved to Northumberland Co., VA, about fifty miles south.
By 9 Dec 1650, Thomas and his family had moved to Cherry Point Neck, Northumberland County, Virginia per the first record found for him there. His land grant in Northumerland County, Virginia, was not patented until after his death, recorded on 13 Oct 1653, in which he claimed headrights for the transport of 11 persons including himself, his wife Mary Keene, and son Wm. Keene. He had most certainly settled this land by at least Dec of 1650, but the land patent process typically took up to two years or more.
The patent consisted of 527 acres in Northumberland County, S.W. upon Cloughton’s Creek And N.E. upon Cherry Poynt which can be determined today to within an approximate location. On 18 March 1662, the original patent was renewed by his widow, then twice remarried Mary Broughton, still noted as the same acreage.
Thomas Keene's will was dated November 27, 1652, and probated January 20, 1652/3, new style/old style double dating noted. The actual date of death is unknown, but with the typical probate process taking at least a month, a reasonable assumption is that he died in about Dec of 1652. Thomas signed his will with his mark, "T", included between his first and surname as written by others and indicating that he was illiterate. He had previously “signed” an oath of allegiance in the same manner, the original document with his mark still extant in a digitized format.
Thomas and Mary Thorley Keene (b. abt 1620 d. 1662/63) were the parents of Susanna, William, Thomas II, and Matthew, the three oldest born on Kent Island and Matthew, born in Northumberland after their arrival.
For a complete research summary see the attached document in memories, “Thomas Keene & Mary Thorley”.
Evidence needed to support Thomas Keene, of Cherry Point Neck as son of Thomas Keene, I & Elizabeth Keene
Note: Bushrod Washingtons fourth grandfather the heir and favorite nephew of President George Washington.
John Nance Garner (AKA Cactus Jack), 32nd Vice President of United States 6th grandfather.
Thomas Keene, the immigrant ancestor of this family, came first to Virginia and then for some reason went to Kent Island, Maryland, where his eldest child, William Keene was born in 1642. This fact is recorded on the elaborate epitaph on the tombstone of his son William Keene. This tombstone recites a full family history; 'William Keene, son of Thomas and Mary Keene, his wife, was born on Kent Island, Maryland and brought to Virginia where he married etc...' Thomas Keene took the oath of allegiance to the Commonwealth of England on April 13, 1652 in Northumberland County, Virginia. The name is spelled Kane, Cane, on the early records and from this spelling as well as a later spelling it is sure that the name was pronounced as though it were spelled Cayne. The spelling even occurs in a few instances as Keyne. Thomas Keene died about 1659 leaving four very young children to the care of his widow Mary. Mary lost no time in making a second marriage to an Englishman names Thomas Broughton by whom she had no issue nor did Thomas Broughton leave issue by any other wife. He pre-deceased the said Mary and left his estate to her children by her first husband. Thomas Keene, orphan, of the above Thomas Keene was allowed 'one steer for two years schooling, October 10, 1659.'
In the division of the cattle belonging to the orphans of Thomas Keene, deceased, the names of the orphans were given as:
A record dated 30 Apr 1638 shows that Thomas was one of 23 men who were transported to St. Mary's County, MD, by Capt. George Evelin to seat the manor of Evelinton. By 9 Dec 1650 Thomas and his family had relocated to Northumberland Co., VA. Thomas left descendants in Northumberland, Stafford, and Westmoreland County in Virginia.
Sarah Courtnell (born 1632) is seen as daughter of this Thomas Keene. But she couldn't have been the child of Mary Thorley, born 1620, who was 12 years old then.
There are no sources showing that the Thomas Keene of Kent Island Maryland was born at Otley, Suffolk, England where Elizabeth (Gosnold) Keene lived, He was unlikely to have been the son of Elizabeth Gosnold since he was an illiterate cooper. His year of birth of 1593 and birth in England is based on a 1648 deposition in which he identified himself as being age 55 and born in England, but did not identify where or who his parents were.
There is a detailed analysis of origin possibilities at "Thomas Keene & Mary Thorley - A Research Summary & Personal Narrative" < PDF > attached at FamilySearch. "Thomas Keene was born in about 1593 in England, that year per his later recorded deposition stating his age, though “there abouts”. His parents were very unlikely to have been Thomas Keene I and Elizabeth Gosnold ofOtely, Suffok, England, there being very little to support that speculation and more to refute it, and is addressed in detail in a following section. ..."
please use discussions attached to profile to present evidence for origins.
William Crump writes (April 2020), and the curator PW annotates:
At this time, there is no proven documentation connecting this Thomas Keene to any parents in England, nor proven documentation for his place of birth in England.
Date of death: between end of 1652 and early 1653. Thomas Keene's will was dated November 27, 1652, and probated January 20, 1653. (Actual date of death unknown, but sometime between date will was written, and date of probate). Note: Thomas signed his will with his mark (Generally an X, with his name written in cursive by the person writing the will).
This indicates that Thomas was illiterate. This makes it unlikely that he was the son of Thomas Keene and Elizabeth (Gosnold) Keene. [Curator PW: please explain why]
Thomas was born in England, according to the deposition he made in 1648 [Curator PW: where? please provide a reference] stating that he was 55 years old....therefore his place of birth could not be North America. At this time, there is no proven documentation connecting this Thomas Keene to parents in England, nor proven documentation for his place of birth in England.
(As a note of interest, on 9 Aug. 1637, an "Abraham Keene" is recorded as having been transported to America under the headrights system by William Prior, Gent., patent of 600 acres in Charles River County, Virginia. This land patent was later surrendered and renewed. At this time, no documentation has been located connecting our Thomas Keene with this Abraham Keene.....only to show another early Keene immigrant to America, and their place of arrival. The day/year the patent was recorded, is not necessarily the time that the transports (there were 12) arrived in America.)
Thomas was first recorded [Curator PW: in what document, and when?] living on Kent Island off the coast of Maryland in the Chesapeake Bay (both Maryland and Virginia claimed ownership of the island at that time). In 1648, Thomas was in St. Mary's County, Maryland. By December 9, 1650, Thomas had moved to Cherry Point, Northumberland County, Virginia [Curator PW: according to what document?]. He was a cooper (this is a barrel maker - tobacco was shipped to England in barrels), possibly a merchant, as well as a planter (landowner).
A Thomas Keene is recorded [in what document?] as one the 100 persons transported by Col. William Clayborne, Esqr., Secretary of State of this Colony (land patent of 5000 acres, lying on the north side of the Pamunkey River, and claimed as a headright, recorded 1st Sept. 1653 [where? what county and document?]. Col. Clayborne landed the Army under his command on this land in 1644.
On the day that this patent of Col. Clayborne's was recorded, our Thomas Keene was in Northumerland County, Virginia, and his own land patent was recorded on 13 Oct. 1653, in which he claims headrights for the transports for 11 persons including himself, his wife Mary Keene, and son Wm. Keene. (Note: this patent was recorded about 6 weeks after Col. Clayborne recorded his patent, claiming Thomas Keene as a person that he had transported.)[Curator PW: Please provide source for this patent]
Thomas' patent was for 527 acres in Northumberland County, S.E. upon Cloughtons Creek and N.E. upon Cherry Poynt. [Curator: What date and year? please provide reference] Note: the date/year the patent was recorded is not necessarily the time that the owner took possession.....he may have lived on the land years earlier, as appears to be the case of Thomas.
On 18 March 1662, the patent for Thomas Keene dated 13 Oct. 1653 for 527 acres in Northumberland County, Virginia, was renewed. As Thomas died circa 1652, this renewal would have been done by his wife/heirs.
It appears to have been the only land that he owned at the time of his death.
Thomas married Mary Margie Thorley (b. 1620 d. 20 Feb. 1661/62). They were the parents of Thomas II, William, Matthew, and daughter Susanna.
By: Rebecca Prillaman [Source? How much of the above did she write--what is "by" her?]
Date of death: year is 1652 or 1653
Thomas was born in England. He is sometimes believed to have been the son of Thomas Keene, Sr.(or Ist) (c. 1560-c. 1615) and Elizabeth Gosnold (1570-May 1665) of Netherhall Manor.
Thomas, Jr. (or the 2nd) came to Northumberland County, Virginia from England. He married Mary Margie Thorley (b. 1620 d. 20 Feb. 1661/62).