Thomas Leslie Vipont aka Thomas Leslie Birkett-Vipont aka Leslie Grierson {Australian WW1 ANZAC - KIA}

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Thomas Leslie Vipont aka Thomas Leslie Birkett-Vipont aka Leslie Grierson {Australian WW1 ANZAC - KIA}'s Geni Profile

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Thomas Leslie Birkett-Vipont (Vipont)

Death: July 10, 1916 (22)
Immediate Family:

Son of William Henry Ewing Birkett-Vipont and Annie Vipont - Birkett-Vipont
Brother of William John Vipont aka William John Birkett-Vipont {Australian WW1 ANZAC} and Charles Herbert Vipont aka Charles Herbert Birkett-Vipont {Australian WW1 ANZAC}

ANZAC Australia World War I Service Number: 3124 as Thomas Leslie BICKETT-VIPONT
Glasgow Seaforth Highlanders Service Number: S/9868 as Leslie GRIESON
Managed by: Leanne M (Volunteer Curator - Au...
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Thomas Leslie Vipont aka Thomas Leslie Birkett-Vipont aka Leslie Grierson {Australian WW1 ANZAC - KIA}'s Timeline